A little spirit flew out of the vulture controlled by Nanhua, and was caught by the kite. "How did you recover?!" Nan Hua gritted his teeth and said to the kite.

Zhiyuan laughed: "I am the destiny, you just hide in the deep mountains of Taihang Mountain, and soon I will personally lead someone to find you, and remove your threat."

Nan Hua sneered: "If I can live to that time, I welcome you at any time."

Afterwards, this spiritual body of Nan Hua was killed by Zhi Yuan.Now that he has spoken harshly, Zhiyuan will not make it easy for him.

But now Zhiyuan is still very dangerous, because she knows that Nanhua will definitely use other methods to deal with herself.

Speaking of which, my teacher Zuo Ci likes to make alchemy, and Yu Ji makes spells...how did Nanhua take the route of manipulation, and he was able to make so many animals attack him, could it be that this guy is a druid?

Zhiyuan was also rescued soon, and Wei Yan finally found them in the evening.At present, there are only more than 2 of them left, and most of the original [-] soldiers have died.

But since Cao Cao failed, the Qingzhou Army will regain control of Hangu Pass sooner or later.This kite is not worried, because Cao Cao controls too little area now.

One Yongzhou, one Hanzhong... This is the result of the compromise between Cao Cao and Ma Chao. These two places have no ability to compete with Qingzhou. After Yuan Shao's complete demise, the world will be unified sooner or later.

Zhiyuan ordered all his subordinates to start resting, and just in the evening... Zhiyuan discovered that countless wolves appeared nearby.The most common species in the desert or the Gobi Desert, soldiers reported that there can be as many as five or six thousand.

"Has Nanhua gone crazy...so many wolves?!" Zhi Yuan was convinced, the other party really wanted to kill her.

Originally, Zhiyuan planned to see if she could get Lu Bu's body up after a day's rest. At least Zhiyuan wanted to pay homage to Pei Yuanshao's, so it would be best to use Lu Bu's head.

But now their 2 people have to face five or six thousand wolves. There are so many trees, and the camp has no protection.

If all of them rushed in, Zhiyuan and his men would not know how many casualties they would suffer.So Zhiyuan had no choice but to enter the spirit state again, to see if she could kill the wolf...

A pack of wolves... Just look at the leader wolf, and even Zhiyuan felt that Nanhua probably didn't have the ability to control the entire wolf pack, he might just control the leader wolf.

If the kite could kill the wolf leader, then the pack of wolves would naturally collapse immediately.But... To be honest, it is still very difficult to find a wolf leader among thousands of wolves, and Nan Hua is not a fool to hide the leader wolf among the wolves...

The kites searched one by one and when they found it, the wolves were about to attack the camp on Zhi Yuan's side.

But at this moment, Zhiyuan suddenly felt a familiar spirit approaching here quickly, she used her own spirit to feel the past, and then Zhiyuan became ecstatic.

A group of people were on guard outside, and the wolves were less than 20 meters away from the camp.Zhiyuan's bow and crossbow were almost exhausted, so they didn't attack immediately.

But the wolves suddenly became confused, and it seemed that many wolves were running not far away, as if they were blocking something.

Zhao Yun and the others were wondering, and Zhi Yuan also came out of her tent. "Zilong...Where is the position? The head wolf is a black wolf with a little white hair on its head."

"My partner is here...Zilong, go and help him kill the wolf. Starting today...those controlled gadgets won't be our trouble."

Zhiyuan was full of confidence, while Zhao Yun nodded and rode out quickly.After Zhao Yun killed a few wolves, he saw a scene that shocked him.A huge white tiger with a height of four meters including its tail and five meters was biting a black jackal with its bloody mouth.

The jackal had no power to resist, and when Zhao Yun arrived here, the jackal's head was bitten off by the white tiger.The thousands of wolves on the side ran away, and there were hundreds of wolves that were relatively close, all crawling on the ground and shivering.

In addition, Zhao Yun's war horses were all shaken off by a jerk, and their legs directly knelt on the ground...

Even though Zhao Yun had experienced many battles, he was stunned by the situation in front of him.

Chapter 540: It's over

The white figure rushed into the camp, and because Zhao Yun was behind, there was no one to stop it.

And soon the figure threw the paper kite down, and then started to lick it. "I'm going...it's all blood, stop and go...you have a barbed tongue, it hurts so much..." Zhiyuan hastily told Baihu to stop talking.

Otherwise, you will be punished...

But one person and one tiger still rolled on the snow for a long time, and finally the kite lay on the back of the tiger, and let the tiger take her away...

Although the shaking was severe, the war horses on the way Zhiyuan passed were basically trembling with fright. "Good job...With you, Nanhua's ability to control objects is basically useless."

Zhi Yuan knew in her heart that this tiger was not an ordinary tiger, and that the tiger who destroyed Goguryeo shared a lot of luck back then.So Nan Hua might be able to control ordinary beasts, but it was impossible to control himself, a tiger.

And Zhiyuan also gradually realized the weakness of Nanhua's ability, that is, in fact, he could not completely control people or animals.Controlling Lu Bu in the front actually only magnified his hatred in Lu Bu's heart.

The same is true for controlling animals. It is not real control, but just amplifies the instinct of animals to prey.If animals don't want to attack humans, then Nanhua can't do anything about them.

But now that the white tiger is here, this tiger should have come from Youzhou.After Zhiyuan took it with him when he went to Youzhou, the white tiger played in Youzhou most of the time, and only rarely returned to the Qingzhou Plain.

This tiger is spiritual, but not many people have seen it.Although the tiger's back was a little bumpy, the tiger was willing to let the kite ride, so for a long time after that, the kite marched on the white tiger.

In this way, Zhiyuan was once again a myth, and all the soldiers under him feared her.Only Yuan Shu was a little annoyed, because he wouldn't let him ride the white tiger... Zhiyuan wouldn't even give him a ride.

Nanhua's threat was temporarily lifted, and then it was time for Zhiyuan to get Lu Bu's body out to worship Pei Yuanshao... Lu Bu's body was smashed to pieces, even if he was number one in the world, so what? He was not a god after all.

So after Zhiyuan's simple worship, he ordered people to bury Lu Bu's body.Then they went around to inquire about Ma Chao and Cao Cao's situation, and began to head south.

Ma Chao and Cao Cao seem to have retreated, and Zhi Yuan joined Tai Shici who drove to Bingzhou a month later.At this time, Zhiyuan finally understood something, that is, Tai Shici and Guo Jia from Youzhou had defeated and killed Yuan Shao's two sons.

After Jizhou and Youzhou were fully controlled, Tai Shici began to occupy Bingzhou, and it is said that Guan Yu had entered Sili, and Cao Cao had no viable force in Sili, and was about to retreat to Wuwei.

Basically, the east of Chang'an has been completely occupied by Qingzhou.After Zhi Yuan got the news, she immediately felt a lot more comfortable in her body. The Dao of Heaven could no longer suppress the changes in history, and the Sanxing Han Dynasty succeeded in the end...

It's useless even if the Dao of Heaven doesn't approve it. Unifying the Central Plains has its own destiny, but I don't know how long this regime can last.

The coup in Qingzhou also naturally told Zhi Yuan through Jin Yiwei, Zhi Yuan nodded noncommittally, then Zhi Yuan thought for a while and said to Yuan Shu: "The last year... Then we will live in seclusion after we get married."

After experiencing these things, Yuan Shu also felt the fragility of life and the impermanence of the world. "Okay..." Yuan Shu leaned on his crutches and smiled at Zhi Yuan.

Yuan Shu's leg was saved, but he could hardly walk.Yuan Shudu is almost 40 years old, and his physical condition is really not as good as before.Zhiyuan is about thirty, Yuan Shu is about forty...

It has been more than 15 years since the kite came to this world.Zhi Yuan gradually became irritable about the affairs of the court, including fighting... Now she wants to spend the rest of her life in peace.

Now Zhiyuan has gray hair all over her head, she looks a bit like the Chinese hero in Chinese Heroes.But Zhiyuan also knows in her heart that although her body hasn't changed much in appearance, its functions are completely aging.

It is because I am too overdrawn, a woman who is good at martial arts and Taoism, her physical function will decline rapidly at the age of 30, which is almost the same as that of modern people around [-].

On the way back to Qingzhou, what Zhiyuan thought about the most was what happened next.Although the coup d'état that occurred this time was successfully contained, there will definitely be a next time.It is really too difficult for Zhiyuan to make a change that praises the times.

And after the world is settled, how should the heroes deal with it?Especially those who have followed him for more than ten years, they can't all be killed.

But don't kill, once he retires, can the emperor control the country?Among other things, Tai Shici now has [-] troops under his command, and has been cooperating with Guo Jia for ten years...

If something goes wrong between the two of them, Youzhou, Bingzhou, and Jizhou will directly lead to turmoil in the three states.Zhiyuan can't put all the dangers on these people's self-consciousness. It would be great if he could release his military power with a drink.

Also, Liu Bei is not easy to deal with, so how could Guan Yu and Zhang Fei be separated from Liu Bei.These three people now almost control the territory of two or three states, Yanzhou, Xuzhou, Yizhou...

Zhi Yuan suddenly felt a headache, and even thought of the enfeoffment system. "If it doesn't work, just learn from Sun Quan and forget about making them kings abroad..." Zhi Yuan sighed, not knowing what to do.

But when Zhiyuan just returned to the plain, what she was most afraid of...was the emperor Liu Bian.Because Zhiyuan rode a white tiger and returned to court in a victorious posture, which was really impressive.

Although Liu Bian knew the origin of the white tiger, the common people did not.When Zhiyuan first entered the border of Qingzhou, the commoners saw Zhiyuan riding a white tiger, and they all knelt and kowtowed...

Behind Zhi Yuan, Yuan Shu felt a little excited.Because this kind of feeling is indeed too cool, although these people are cheering for Zhiyuan, isn't this still her own woman.

In the end, Zhiyuan didn't dare to ride the tiger back to court, but Zhicai found Zhiyuan after entering the plain.Now he hopes that Zhiyuan can make the momentum bigger, and then completely reform and enter the system of three provinces and six ministries.

Although Liu Bian agreed to this, but Liu Bian also knew clearly in his heart that if Zhi Yuan were to replace Han at this time, no one would come out to object.

But Liu Bian finally compromised, because what Xi Zhicai said was not bad.Now is the best time for reform, so Liu Bian led a group of ministers out of the city twenty miles to meet Zhiyuan.

But the only embarrassing thing is that countless people actually knelt down at this moment, shouting long live to Zhi Yuan... Long live Princess Wu'an!

Liu Bian's face became more and more ugly. After all, the emperor now represents the imperial power. Since he took this position, he can only consider the imperial power.

Zhiyuan also noticed this, but she smiled and shouted to all the people who came to greet her: "I don't deserve the slogan of long live, you are worthy... because it is you who created the world, and this country is also you, Long live the people!"

Chapter 540 Two: Book of the Later Han Dynasty

Then Zhiyuan took Liu Bian's arm and helped him to Baihu's body.

Baihu recognized Liu Bian, and Liu Bian's body had the same power of luck as Zhiyuan or Baihu, so Baihu didn't reject him.

However, Zhi Yuan's actions reassured Liu Bian a lot, at least it seemed that this elder sister really had no intention of forcing the palace.

"Sister, you've worked hard, but what about your hair?" Liu Bian looked at Zhi Yuan suspiciously.

Now Liu Bian was sitting in front of the white tiger, and Zhi Yuan was sitting behind, no matter whether it was a commoner or a minister, they basically bowed down and bowed down.

Zhi Yuan smiled at Liu Bian: "There are too many against the sky, I'm afraid my time is running out..."

Liu Bian was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately asked: "Sister, don't say that. My sister is also a very lucky person, so how could time be short? Look at how much these commoners welcome you."

"It was my sister who saved them... Those soldiers are also from these civilians, they are all people who go through fire and water for the big man, and will not hesitate."

Zhi Yuan chuckled lightly after hearing this: "The Son of Heaven must have his own majesty in the future. I'm not welcome, I'm just pretending to be a tiger..."

"After today, I will resign as a general and do some planning work. The emperor must remember one thing, it is difficult to conquer the world and it is even more difficult to do the world... There are many things or plans that take hundreds of years to complete."

"If you want a country to prosper for a long time, you must constantly change internally. Otherwise, you will fall into the cycle of reincarnation just like the former Han..."

Liu Bian nodded: "I wrote down what my sister said..."

Then Zhiyuan said again: "In the future, whether it is reform, or any problems in the country, or the execution of some criminals, you can put the responsibility on me."

"Remember... the Son of Heaven does not make mistakes, only those under his command. My reputation is great enough, so I can only bear the blame for this... The coup d'état two months ago was said to the outside world. I encouraged my subordinates to design it."

Zhiyuan and Liu Bian rode the tiger until they arrived at Pingyuan City.The two talked a lot, and then Zhiyuan handed the General's Tiger Talisman to Liu Bian in Pingyuan City.

"The country is the country of the emperor, and it is also the country of the people. Regardless of whether the emperor can understand my intentions, I hope that the emperor can really do it and put the people first..."

Zhi Yuan would not celebrate like other generals or courtiers when they returned to the plains. Instead, after sending Liu Bian to the palace, Zhi Yuan refused the banquet and returned to Wu'an Mansion with Yuan Shu.

There are only a few people here in Wu'an Mansion, and when Zhiyuan came back, she was surprised to find that there was a man beside Jinxuan, and this man was none other than the little soldier she had fought with back then.

Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Alright, this is a good home for you..."

Jinxuan blushed immediately. Originally, she planned to introduce this soldier to Zhiyuan slowly, but Zhiyuan actually pointed out what she wanted to say directly.

Zhi Yuan looked at the soldier, one of his eyes was blind, and one of his arms was broken... But the soldier was still very energetic, especially after getting the love of a man and a woman, he even had a second spring.

The soldier came to the kite and gave a military salute to the kite. "General!"

Zhiyuan took his hand off, then smiled lightly: "I am no longer a general, the world has been calmed down eighty-nine times out of ten, and now our task is to restore the economy and people's livelihood."

"There are many things that still need your help. In the future, we will contribute our strength to the big man together..."

The soldier nodded, with a determined look in his eyes.

Zhiyuan laughed loudly, and then said to Tang Hulu, "Go and get something to eat...tomorrow go to my brother-in-law's house and pick up their family and Xue Jian, and we will have a reunion dinner together."

Then Zhiyuan and Yuan Shu went directly to find a place to rest. Just after they came back, they had a rest for a day, and we will talk about it tomorrow if there is anything to do.

As for Zhiyuan's brother-in-law?Naturally it was Xun Yu... Xun Yu came to Pingyuan not long ago, and he temporarily rejected the emperor's appointment and stayed at home.Cao Cao was also magnanimous, and sent his family to Pingyuan after knowing that Xun Yu had been taken away.

So even if Xun Yu was dissatisfied with Zhi Yuan's affairs, there was no way for him to get angry at this time.

Zhiyuan thought for a while, since she wanted to invite people, she should invite a few more, Xun Yu's family, Xi Zhicai's family, and Jia Xu's family.In the end, Zhi Yuan asked Liu Bian to come and get together.

To be honest, Zhiyuan felt that time might not be long in the future, so it would be good to see more inside.And Zhiyuan also planned to discuss some issues at the dinner table, trying to finish some future plans.

At night, these people came over one after another.Not only these people came, but even a few uninvited people came.Among them, the one who embarrassed Zhiyuan was Cai Yan...

Accompanying Cai Yan is Shaking M Dong Bai.When returning to Pingyuan, Zhi Yuan got the news that everyone Cai died in a coup, but it was impossible for Zhi Yuan to go directly to Cai Yan's house to comfort her on the first day back.

So Zhiyuan let Dong Bai go, and the two girls could talk anyway.Zhiyuan originally planned to wait for a few days and go to see Cai Yan in person after finishing her work here, but she didn't expect the two of them to come together at night.

Cai Yan's expression was very calm, neither sad nor happy, which made Zhi Yuan sigh: "Let's have a good chat at night, I am also very sad about everyone's Cai."

Cai Yan nodded, and then bowed to the emperor Liu Bian who was already seated: "Emperor... In recent days, I have finished compiling the Book of Later Han. Please review it today to determine whether it will be printed."

"The Book of the Later Han Dynasty is the work of my father after eight years of painstaking efforts, and even many veteran officials of the early Han Dynasty participated in the editing work, and it was finally set as 150 volumes."

"Among them, there are 28 volumes in Zhi, 110 volumes in Ji, and [-] volumes in Biography."

After Cai Yan finished speaking, he ordered someone to present the scroll. Although there was already paper at this time, everyone in Cai still used the most commonly used bamboo slips in the court.The reason is simple, because this is for the emperor's collection, not for others to see.

After the emperor agrees, it will be re-arranged and published with the current printing technology.And this most original manuscript will probably always exist in Dahan's library.

Liu Bian nodded, and he was not in a hurry before dinner was served.So Cai Yan ordered people to bring up those bamboo slips, and it took a car to carry all the bamboo slips.

One volume is large because there is so much to write.Liu Biande put the bamboo slips on the table, and then opened them to read... Some literati, including Xun Yu, also started to read them.

Of course... what Xun Yu wanted to watch was the part where Liu Xie was killed, and he wanted to know how it would be recorded.But when Xun Yu spent a long time finding the record, he was stunned...

Because it was actually planned by Zhiyuan in the records!

ps: I will ask for leave tomorrow, the last time I ask for leave for this book.

I will go back to my hometown tomorrow to prepare the things I need before getting married, so I don’t have time to update.I don't have much to save, I'm too busy.

By the way, here is a picture I stole from the Internet... I really can't find out who the original author is, so if anyone knows, please let me know.And this picture will be deleted at any time.....

In fact, it is not the main character, you can understand it as the main character's mother.


There is also a female supporting role, this one is relatively simple... directly use the setting of a certain little fox, this little fox is considered a fan.

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