Shidou waved his hand.

[If there really is such an elf, maybe it will be a girl with long brown hair in a black windbreaker? 】

In the end, Shidou also had a brain hole at the words of fate.

"Anyway, let's get out of here quickly."

He grabbed Miku who was about to rush over to pick up those Shiori pillows, and said anxiously.

At this time, a small red dot suddenly appeared on the wall of the corridor, and then the red dot continued to expand, turning into irregular molten traces—this is a unique phenomenon when the beam cannon hits an obstacle!

Realizing this, Ming opened the barrier towards that side, and then the wall was pierced, and the fiery light bombarded the night.

"what happened?"

Shidou and everyone looked at the other end of the wall, where a figure wearing a wiring suit similar to Allen's, carrying an X-shaped thruster on his back, and holding a huge magic cannon gradually appeared.


The girl in front of her had a cute little cutie, and her petite body looked exquisite under the wiring suit. She looked like a top student in the class, but it was such a girl that gave Ming a headache.

"Yang... dishes..."

Tang Ma had never seen his daughter appear in front of him in such a state. Yang Nai's eyes were dull, and black spiritual power was wrapped around her body. She held a huge magic cannon and pointed the muzzle at herself.

"It's Mordred!"

Origami knew the CR-Unit. It was a powerful weapon that he had equipped in the world before the history was changed, and he used it to fight Tohka and others.

"'s me! Your father!"

Tangma wanted to go forward to hug his daughter, but was stopped by Shidou.There is something wrong with Yangcai now, obviously the man named Kojima has used some method to control her.

Not only did Yang Nai not respond to Tang Ma's call, but instead pressed the trigger of the magic cannon.


The shelling burst into brilliant light on the enchantment.


She desperately resisted the enemy's attack, but from her expression, it was not easy.

"That power is..."

Because she wore Mordred before, Origami knew that Hina's strength was abnormal.Even if he puts on that equipment by himself, it is difficult to defeat the guardian of life. Obviously, Hina's power does not come only from herself as a magician, but...

"The power of elves!"

Origami said anxiously.

Seeing that the shelling was blocked, Hina raised a hand.In the next instant, countless electric wires covered in the ground, ceiling, and even the walls broke through the steel bars and concrete, and attacked everyone nimbly like a snake.

"Amplification of the magician's body, and manipulation of electronic equipment."

Origami quickly analyzed Hina's ability while cutting the cable with the flying wings.

Although there are no spirit clothes and angels unique to elves, the power of a magician and the ability to manipulate electronic equipment obtained from electronic elves are indeed powerful enough to be called elves.

"Gabriel - Rondo!"

However, the elves were not helpless, and Miku suppressed Hina's body with her voice.


The Seven Sins turned the electronic devices around them into all kinds of candy.

"Take advantage of it now!"

Ming put away the barrier, and at the moment Yangcai was suppressed by the sound wall, he quickly fled there with everyone.

Although without Miku's support, Hina quickly broke free from the shackles, but everyone had already left the laboratory and went outside.

It was almost a success, and everyone kept running forward.

"That's it!"

At this moment, a huge gun of light fell from the sky, tearing their way forward.

Chapter No.17 Unexpected Reinforcements


Shidou raised his head and saw that Allen had broken through the blockade and intercepted them from above.


On the other side, Ming turned around and saw Hina who was equipped with Mordred chasing after him.Add in plenty of Bandersnatch and the scene is grim.

【It’s okay to say that it’s just Alan...】

Thinking of life distressed.Adding Yangcai, who is also quite threatening, and an ordinary person like Tang Ma on his side, it's not so good.

For a while, everyone fell into a stalemate.

--split line--


A liquid more viscous than water droplets is slowly dripping.


A researcher was sitting on the floor of the corridor trembling, his legs were shaking constantly, his teeth were chattering, and his eyes were almost out of focus, which was an expression of excessive panic.

But he can't be blamed, after all, right now, this corridor is already covered in blood, on the ceiling, on the walls, on the floor, giving people the illusion that it's just free red paint in a bucket.

Only bits and pieces of limbs and entrails strewn about the ground proclaimed how terrible things had been here.

"Ah, ah, don't you know where 'Material A' is?"

The girl was wearing a red and black spiritual outfit, with a wild smile on her lips, she looked at the man in front of her and asked.

"I don't know! How could I know that kind of thing!"

It seemed that he was so frightened that he didn't even have the idea of ​​lying, the man shook his head again and again.

"Really, in that case, you are useless."

she said with a smile.

[Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee. 】

A strange laughter came from nowhere, crazy and frightening.


The man lowered his head and found that his body was sinking. Countless pairs of white arms reached out to grab him, and then...

"help me--!"

This was the last cry he could utter.

"Ah, ah, what a headache, it's such a good opportunity..."

She turned her head and looked out the window, not far away, a fierce battle was going on.

The research institute that has been observing for a long time suddenly fell into chaos today. I thought it would be a good opportunity, but the current development of things does not seem to be going as I thought.

"Well, it can be considered that we have scouted out a lot of useful information. Although we couldn't see her directly, let's just wait patiently for a while."

She moved her steps slowly, beating the time like a dancer.


A gigantic bell-shaped angel emerged from behind her.The girl raised her long and short guns and pointed at the battlefield outside the window, then said with a smile:

"Come on, come on, Kekedi. Let those mages understand who owns Shidou-san... The second bullet (Bet)!"

The shadow flowed from the symbol engraved on the clock representing the number two, and poured into the double guns.

"Are you ready, Shidou-san, time - waits for no one."

She smiled and pulled the trigger in her hand.

--split line--

On the other side, Shidou and others are fighting hard.Although relying on the kingdom of God built by Tsukuyomi, there is currently no danger.

But being surrounded doesn't change anything.

【How to do? 】

Ming thought of a way to break through the current situation.

【Want to gamble? 】

If you use Yatanokagami, you may be able to reverse it in one shot, but the problem is that if you dodge it, it will waste your spiritual power in vain.

After all, it is still in a partial spiritual state, and the reserve of spiritual power is not so plentiful.

【no solution anymore. 】

But if I don't do this now, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape from here.Just as she was thinking this way, in the research institute not far away, two bullets with strong spiritual power shot from a blind spot.

"That is?"

Ming widened his eyes in surprise.Alan and Yangcai, who were hit by surprise, became dull like a slow-moving movie.

"Take advantage of it now!"

Ming stretched out his hand, included Alan and Yangcai into the enchantment and sealed it, and the Seven Sins made matters worse and formed a huge iron cage around the two of them.

Miku used her singing voice to create a sound wall, and Origami called out the flying wings to release countless lasers forward, and they tore a passage in Bandersnatch in less than a breath.

"let's go!"

Mei and Miku took Shidou's hand, Nanakin and Origami took Doma's hand, and they quickly left this land of right and wrong with the two men who couldn't fly.


By the time Allen got out of that sluggish state, broke free from the seal, and broke the iron cage, the enemy had disappeared.

--split line--

Everyone got rid of DEM's pursuit and returned to the hotel.After a tough fight, everyone is exhausted.

"Sorry for causing you trouble."

After a long silence, Tang Ma said apologetically.If it wasn't for their own impulsiveness, everyone could have escaped without any danger.

"Please don't worry about it, I wouldn't be able to bear it at that time."

Shidou shook his head.Although I don't really appreciate Tang Ma's feelings as a father, but think about it differently. If the other party wants any of the elves to come and kill him under manipulation, I guess I will also want to kill him in the other's face. Come up and punch it.

"Yes, please don't mind."

Ming also nodded.After all, it is Yangcai's father, and the person who is in the worst mood right now is probably Tang Ma.

"The crux of the problem is—how to rescue Yangcai."

Origami said.

"That's right. If they are discovered, the defense over there will probably be even tighter."

Seven Sins said.

"Hard attack... how about it?"

Miku asked.

"Just relying on our words is too reluctant."

Ming shook his head, not to mention Alan, since the purpose is to save Yangcai, then naturally he can't be cruel to the girl, maybe the other party will use this to attack unscrupulously, which will be even worse.

"Is there nothing you can do?"

Tang Ma lowered his head in frustration.If he couldn't even help these elves with power far beyond human beings, then he couldn't rescue Yangcai at all.

"No, there is still a way."

At this time, Ming said so.

"Didn't that man named Kojima say that in order to make Hina feel hopeless, he wanted to order her to kill Mr. Tangma?"

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