"Huh? Wait...I'm not ready yet."

Seven Sins said timidly.

"Seven crimes, there must be no problem."

Ming said with a smile.

Although Seven Sins is always very unconfident, the girl didn't realize that the appearance of this frightened little animal hiding under the sofa or bed, sticking out its small head to peek is very cute and very attractive.

"In short, follow the style of the Seven Sins, and take him down with a cute and negative look!"

"Wait! I don't understand at all what a cute look full of negativity is! How could someone like me make him fall in love with him——!"

In the end, Nanatsui started to be alone with Shidou while screaming a little.

Chapter 5 DEM strikes

Nanatsui, who wanted to try to make Shidou shy, finally chose to use spiritual power.

That is to say, it became the big sister mode, but because of a strange relationship in the spiritual power channel, the seven crimes who could not obtain spiritual power from Shidou changed back to their original form halfway through the strategy.

To make matters worse, Nanami, who hadn't transformed her swimsuit to save spiritual power, is now wearing an adult-sized bikini, no doubt—it slipped off after Nanami changed back to normal.


The girl let out a small exclamation, and knelt down to cover her fair and delicate body.But it is also because of the unrestrained and sexy of the big sister model, combined with the shyness and inferiority of the little loli model, the girl's contrasting cuteness finally won Shidou's heart.

"It seems to be all right."

Mingchang said with a sigh of relief.Seeing that Qi Zui used her spiritual power in a desperate manner, her heart was hanging in the air, for fear that something might happen to the girl.

Judging from the performance of the Seven Sins, the depletion of spiritual power will obviously hurt the elves, so you still have to be careful.

After the seven crimes, Yoshino, with the help of Yoshino, who took off the child's one-piece swimsuit and the bikini hidden underneath, completed the attack on Shidou with a bold offensive.

But on the way, an accident happened...

--split line--

few minutes ago...


A big hole was blown out of the ceiling, and DEM took advantage of this time to attack the elves.Not only countless Bandersnatch, even Alan Mathers may join the battlefield at any time.

[...There is no time, Kotori, you attack Shen first, and we will find a way with Alan Mathers. 】

It seems that Ling Yin has some plan for this, telling everyone not to stop the strategy.

"Hey, you guys have gone too far. Since you did it first, have you made up your mind?"

However, it was Shidou who acted faster than Reine.

He looked at Bandersnatch in the sky and said angrily.Then put his hands on his waist, and assumed a slaying posture.

Fate recognized that posture, it was seen when transferring the Fraxinus database video - the must-kill mystery of Shidou's second period.


Shidou shouted and pushed the condensed wave of spiritual power towards Bandersnatch in the sky.

Although the scene and name are a bit funny, but it is a powerful blow that is not inferior to the angels of the elves!The spiritual shock wave illuminates the night sky and wipes out all enemies.


But whether it's Shidou's antics or the power of the flash explosion, Ming is not concerned about it. Right now, the girl is more concerned about Shidou's state.Obviously, to be able to emit such a wave of spiritual power, Shidou's current situation must be quite wrong.It's almost like—a spirit.

After dealing with the Bandersnatch in the sky, Ling Yin and the crew of Fraxinus seem to have successfully stopped the new round of DEM offensive, and there is no Bandersnatch or anything else to disturb everyone.

But the built swimming pool was broken because of the previous battle.

But Kotori seemed to be prepared, she whistled, the walls began to move, and the whole building instantly transformed from a swimming pool into an elegant banquet hall.

This is plan No. [-], through the banquet-like atmosphere and the dresses of the girls, attacking Shidou with the elegant and mature appearance of a lady.

Although he also prepared a fatal maid outfit and a coffee shop as the third plan, but now that DEM is calling, Kotori sincerely hopes to win Shidou before using the third plan.

After that, Kotori, Miku, and Origami followed each other, and Shidou's heart moved.

Only Ming and Tohka were left.


Looking at Shidou walking towards him, Mei tried not to show nervousness, took a deep breath quietly, and then said with a smile: "Ah, is it my turn next?"

"Ah, yes. It's finally the cutie's turn."

Shidou also smiled and nodded.

--split line--

Back to about an hour ago...

"Bandersnatch team wiped out?"

Alan stood on the high platform, looking at the exaggerated spiritual power waves emitted from the building that seemed to hide the elves and the evil Wuhe Shidao, and said in surprise.


Thinking of being molested by that abnormal-looking Wuhe Shidao during the day, and even being humiliated by the princess hug, Allen folded his arms around his chest anxiously, and kept tapping his elbows with his fingertips.

"Not only Yakumo Ming, but even that Wuhe Shidou..."

She gritted her teeth, always feeling that if this continues, she will leave a shadow in her heart that will never go away for the rest of her life.

"The second team is ready! I will also join the battle! Pay attention to the opponent's anti-aircraft firepower!"

she said loudly.Prepare to wash away the shame with this battle.

When she and Bandersnatch formed a queue and headed towards the direction where Shidou and the others were, suddenly, several Bandersnatches going towards them exploded in a flash of light.

【! ! ! 】

Allen drew out the high-output laser knife (Caledfwlch) and slashed backhand, blocking the deadly blade attacking her from the other direction.

"Are you that artificial elf?"

Looking at the CR-Unit (Mordred) from our company, Allen said in surprise.

"It's not an artificial elf, my name is Ono Haruna, and I'm here to attack you, a villain!"

Yang Cai said viciously.Everything Dem did before is still vivid in her memory, and she has no affection for the woman in front of her at all.

"Really? Then please die here."

Allen hit hard, and the powerful force made Yangna lose his balance.


The powerful power of the other party made Yangna dangerous. After losing the artificial spirit crystal, she was just an ordinary magician. Even with the help of Mordred, it is a pity that the other party's CR-Unit is not worse than her, no, Even excellent on top of that.

"What's wrong? Aren't you going to attack me?"

Allen said vigorously.

"Hmph! Although I am indeed not your opponent, but..."

Although the battle situation was precarious, Yang Nai smiled unwillingly.

"Are you paying too much attention to me?"

She looked at Allen and said proudly.

【! ! ! 】

Noticing Hina's expression, Alan realized that he had made a mistake.

A huge impact came from behind, knocking her into the air.

"As expected of Allen, is there no way to hit him so easily?"

Allen turned his head and saw a familiar figure—Takamiya Mana, who was originally the No. 2 of DEM, but now joined the enemy's forces.

"You brothers and sisters have always made me unhappy. Although it's useless to say it now, you should have been killed at that time. Really, Ike's hobby is a headache."

Allen looked at Mana in the air, thinking that she was the younger sister of Shidou Wuhe, and immediately became even more unhappy.

"At that time? What are you talking about?"

Mana asked.

"Yeah, what the hell is it?"

"Hmph, it doesn't matter, I won't let you pass here!"

Mana and Hina looked at Allen and raised their weapons.

Chapter Butoh Under the Moonlight in June

"Ah, Shidou is willing to call me his life."

The girl is wearing a snow-white strapless evening dress today.Clothes without shoulder straps are a big challenge for a girl's figure, but obviously, Ming's figure is very good, and it looks more and more exquisite under the evening dress.

The snow-like dress and the furry decoration on the chest remind people of the cute snow rabbit in winter.A head of black hair brings a different visual impact to this snow-white beauty.

Coupled with the half-exposed breasts and suet-like delicate calves, it is a combination of cuteness, beauty and temptation, which is almost a must-kill picture for high school boys.

"Because it's too unfair to Ming-senpai if you only use your surname to call you. Or, Ming doesn't like me calling you like that?"

If it was a normal Shidou, he would have blushed and stammered long ago.But Shidou in front of him didn't lose his leeway because of that beauty, instead he took Ming's hand with a smile and said.

"No. If Shidou is willing to call me his life, I will be very happy."

Ming smiled and grabbed Shidou's hand, and the two walked towards the balcony of the banquet hall.

"Then, why does fate make me shy?"

In front of the huge French windows on the balcony, Ming bathed in Yueka and stood opposite Shidou.

"What Miku presented to Shido was a song of love. Although I'm not an idol, I still have some confidence in dancing."

Ming smiled and gestured, so the melodious sound of music came from nowhere.

Although the Japanese-style songs and Japanese-style dances seem to be incompatible with this Western-style banquet and etiquette.But that's just for ordinary dancers and ordinary dancers.

【! ! ! 】

Shidou opened his eyes wide and held his breath, looking at the girl standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, dancing against the moonlight, he had already forgotten the difference between the Western style and the Japanese style, that dancing posture was just so beautiful.

Although I have seen the Kagura dance performed several times-clean, holy, and full of peaceful atmosphere.But today's dance is clearly not that kind of dance.

What the girl showed was pure beauty, the charm that only belongs to girls. Although she was not lustful, it made people blush and heartbeat.

Gradually, the music became more and more exciting, and the girl's movements became more and more brisk.

The skirt of the dress rose lightly with the rotation of the body, and the snow-white thighs were looming.The crisp breasts rippling gently in the beat of the music, as if a pair of naughty little white rabbits wanted to jump out of the dress package.

The beautiful scenery in front of him has already made Shidou forget time and everything, he just indulged in the girl's dancing posture.


With a snap, the buttons of the dress were undone, and with the last note of the music, the girl's white dress was quietly scattered.

【! ! ! 】

Shidou held his breath, his mind went blank because of this sudden development.

Life did not stop dancing because of the scattered clothes. The girl stepped on the last rhythm, spun slowly and gracefully, and knelt on the scattered dress, standing like a peony, like a peony, walking like a lily, the girl Just sitting there silently, eyes closed, quietly waiting for Shidou's response.

"Ah... admit defeat, admit defeat."

It took a long time for Shidou to recover from the suffocatingly beautiful dance before.After taking a closer look, after taking off the dress, Ming was wearing the swimsuit from the previous pool party. It seems that the dance steps and scattered clothes at the finale were not an accident, but carefully arranged by the girl, a surprise that belonged only to Shidou.

"Shidou...is your heart moved?"

Hearing Shidou's words, Ming raised his head and whispered anxiously.Under the moonlight, the girl's pitiful appearance made Shidou's heart skip a beat.

"Seeing that kind of dance, but still asking such a question, Ming-senpai is really cunning."

Shidou said with a wry smile.If I have to say it, there is no boy who can't be moved by a girl who has reached this level.

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