Just when Shidou was still in shock...

"Yo, isn't this the Wuhe Harem?"

The seniors of the third grade are here.

"It's a pity that I'm still alive today."

"Three fanzines. Oh, yes, let's have a car accident, Wuhe."

Everyone also had murderous smiles on their faces, and "kindly" took the manga from Shidou.


In this weird atmosphere, Shidou's expression was about to cry, and his heart was broken.He turned his head and stared at Ming with an expression on the verge of crying.

"Well, this is punishment, punishment."

The girl turned her head guiltily.To be honest, she just wanted to increase the sales of doujinshi. As for why it happened...

[Probably the fate of the harem king. 】

With his back turned to Shidou, Ming stuck out his tongue mischievously.

Chapter 19 Remember

"Ratatoskr, SOLD OUT!"

"This hall is sold out!"

In the end, except for a small number of buyers who were very unfriendly, Shidou successfully completed the sales of doujinshi, and both parties sold out all the books at almost the same time.

The smoothness of the process even gave people an illusion of [Is there a shortage of stock preparations for the book?] In fact, when it was sold out, there were still a large number of people queuing up, and when they saw the sold out sign hanging After getting up, he left angrily.

Shidou and Nia stared at their backs and let out a breath at the same time. The two sat down on the iron pipe chair, looking a little embarrassed.

In fact, Gaocheng came to Erya's booth during the sale.Facing this friend who was too close, but didn't dare to check it out, and finally chose to be estranged, Er Ya suddenly lost his position.

Shidou didn't miss this opportunity, and started a series of flirting with Nia. The two quarreled while selling, and finally reached this point.

"The result is a draw."

Ming said.


Nia leaned on the back of the chair and looked up at the ceiling. A few seconds later, she took off her glasses and wiped off her sweat with the sleeves of her clothes. A Ratatoskr doujinshi obtained from each other's works.

"...Okay, for the sake of you guys being sold out──I'll just take a look."

【! ! ! 】

Hearing Erya speak, everyone looked at each other, and then hugged together with cheers.Of course, there was also the exclamation of Nanami accidentally being hugged by Miku.

--split line--

In the car running on the streets of Tengu City, Isaac Westcott was holding a terminal and smiling happily.

"It's really good. If we play it, it's too fake anyway."

"Are you talking about material A?"

Allen sat next to Isaac, glanced at the terminal and said.Material A, that is, the release of Nia in this article was originally planned by DEM, but under the surprise attack by Nightmare and the halfway bombardment by Wuhe Shidao, all this was extremely natural, completely like Nia really because A series of coincidences escaped the same.

"Now she should be called by her identification name Sister."

"Let go of the elves that have been captured, I still can't agree with this approach."

Allen shook his head.Erya is an elf that she personally captured, and she should have made her despair the core, exploring ways to reverse her, and even other elves.

However, I don't know if Erya's patience is too strong, or because he has no longer nostalgia for this world, even if he exhausts all means, he still can't make him despair.

That's right, for a full five years, DEM was unable to reverse Erya.It wasn't until the Tianyang Festival period that a turning point appeared.

"The inversion of Miko that came to us three months ago was an inspiration. Although I heard that she was inversion again, but unfortunately I was not there."

Isaac said.Although so far, there have been Miko's first reversal, Devil, and Miko's second reversal, but what I saw with my own eyes was still three months old for Isaac Westcott. The previous one was more profound.

"I don't think it's wise to approach Miko's reverse, Ike."

Allen said displeased.Although it is Isaac's long-cherished wish to get the reverse body, Miko's reverse body is too threatening.

"Will the strongest magician in the world also find it difficult to reverse the body? I am more and more interested."

However, Isaac doesn't seem to care about the strength of the enemy.

"Leave aside the matter of Miko, it seems that Sister has already had contact with Wuhe Shidou."

Allen looked at the terminal and said.

"Sister's mental state is in confusion, Wuhe Shidao has succeeded in getting acquainted with Sister just as I expected."

Isaac smiled and put his hand on the terminal.This terminal is connected to a small display device in the second sub-brain.Through the display device, Erya completely forgot about the fact that she was cut alive, her head was drilled, and her hands and feet were sawed off bit by bit in the past five years.

There are two reasons for doing this. At that time, Erya had been tortured to the point where she could not maintain herself, like a broken prop.

"The current Sister has once again felt the warmth of human beings, and has hope for the relationship between human beings. If at this time, she is reminded of everything in the past, she will probably be even more desperate."

What Isaac Westcott meant was very simple, if just torture doesn't work, then let her feel warmth and happiness first, and then at that moment of happiness, everything will be wiped out.

"Then let's begin."

With a piercing smile, without hesitation, he put aside the so-called human nature, compassion, and even good and evil, and pressed the control button with a relaxed attitude like ordering food in a restaurant. Displays the button of the device.

"I'm counting on you too, give Allen a hand."

When the actors were all on the stage and the performance started, Isaac said to someone in the passenger seat of the car.


The man nodded silently.

--split line--

Near the bench on the west side of the park, the elves and Shidou were waiting for Nia.Although the other party said that he would read Shidou's book, he demanded that she be given a quiet environment.

So until Erya came over, there was nothing to do and waiting time.Mei looked around anxiously, while Shidou was shaking his feet anxiously.

"Shidou, you are very unruly like this. You still have life, so just trust everyone's efforts at this time."

Kotori noticed the appearance of the two and said.

"Oh, sorry."

Shidou stopped shaking his feet, but if he looked closely, he could see that the pearl pearl in Kotori's mouth was also shaking non-stop.There is no way, after all, whether Erya will recognize their comics is directly related to the success of the strategy.

"No, I'm not worried about the doujinshi side."

Ming shook his head.As long as Erya is willing to look up Zha Shidao with the text of the report, she will know that there are people who are so consistent in this world.only……

"I'm thinking, if Erya is really captured... then no matter what DEM wants to do, now is the last chance, right?"

What the girl is worried about is whether there will be any action on the DEM side.

At this moment, Erya came over.So everyone forgot about DEM for the time being, and came to Erya one after another.

"Well, the drawing is great, but you are too naive to want to touch my heart with just such a book?"

Erya's eyes were red, as if she had just cried.

Hearing her words, it was difficult for everyone to hide the disappointed expression on their faces.

"However, it's not without merit. How should I put it... I can give you another chance to date, boy."

Erya turned her head away and said in a low voice.

Only one doujinshi really can't impress Erya, no matter what, it is a book that was rushed out under the condition of limited time and space, and it is already very good if it can reach a professional level.But it's not enough to be exciting.


After reviewing the encounter and acquaintance between Shidou and the spirits through the narration, Nia was completely moved.The all-knowing angel told the girls everything without reservation. Those girls originally stubbornly closed their hearts, but gradually changed after being exposed to the warm sunshine like Shidou.

The boy's words were all true, and he unreservedly wanted to help her.

"So——I can date you again. If you are a man, boy, try to win my heart."

Noticing Shidou's dumbfounded look, Nia said shyly.

【! ! ! 】


The next moment, the crowd who finally came to their senses erupted in cheers.

"How should I put it... well, you two have such a good relationship. Don't worry, boy, if it's you, maybe..."

Seeing the crowd rushing forward to surround Shidou, Nia couldn't help laughing.

And at this moment...

"Huh? Ah...ah...ah...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

She suddenly knelt down on the ground with her head pressed, and a dark spiritual power overflowed from her body.

Chapter 20 Salvation

"Erya, she... is turning around!"

Kotori's voice, which seemed to be squeezed out of her teeth, told everyone an indisputable fact - Erya fell into a reverse state.


In response to Erya's call, a huge book appeared in front of her.

Turned by invisible hands, the pages of the book began to fly rapidly, and a large amount of paper fell off from it, flying around like snowflakes.

【————! 】

The pages of the book fell to the ground, and countless aliens crawled out of it, attacking Shidou and the others with a roar like a scream.


Seeing that Erya was polluted by the dark spiritual power, his life was a little shaken.

She was vigilant against DEM from the beginning to the end, and she was always in a state where she could activate the food of the night to prevent the enemy from coming to attack.

However, because of this, she can say with certainty that when Erya fell into a reversal, there were no enemies around.

"I don't have time to think about that, let's deal with Erya first! Please, please!"

Qin Li said loudly.Although the reverse body is one of the situations Ratatoskr least wants to see, since Ming showed the arrow of purification some time ago, they have a trump card for the reverse body!

"I see!"

Ming nodded.Right now, instead of thinking about what DEM has done, saving Erya is the top priority.

"Broken (Yatano)... Huh?"

She raised her hand, ready to summon the Divine Body, but before that, the spear of light roared and bombarded the night food, so she had to strengthen her defense.

"It's a rare reverse body, it's okay to be purified by you like this, Miko."

The platinum magician descended from the sky and landed behind Erya.

"I see, isn't this how powerful it has become, Sister? It's really Ike."

Allen looked at Erya and nodded with satisfaction.

"Sure enough, you are playing tricks again, Allen?"

Looking at Alan Mathers who suddenly appeared here, Ming frowned displeased.

"Exactly, this elf was originally owned by DEM. Next, I still have things to do. If you leave obediently, I will let you go today."

Allen said proudly.

"Stop joking! Who would let Erya go!"

Shidou shouted angrily.

"I'm not going to argue with you."

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