"...Mr. Nakatsugawa is using the backup line to watch the new show!"

"...Miss Shiizaki is using a backup line to browse the supernatural forum!"

However, there is no Uzuki, and the backup lines are also blocked in various ways.

"Damn, Lingyin. Can I delete Zhili after I catch her?"

Maria's sickly voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Shen will be very troubled. How about this, leave the video and the crew to me, how about Maria concentrate on stopping Zhili? After all, the child's firewall needs an AI of the same level to quickly remove it."

It takes about a day for ordinary crew members to remove the firewall set up by Zhili, but it is much more efficient for Maria.

"Then please, Lingyin."


Lingyin nodded, and began to manipulate the data in the database.

Two Asia Escape


When he came to the familiar high-end apartment, Ming found Erya who was still staying in his room.


Erya made a silent gesture, the curtains were drawn everywhere in the room at this time, and the dark room made people feel oppressed and tense.

[Come and save me. 】

This reminded Ming of the news from Erya before.


Erya pointed to the gap in the curtains, and through that gap, Ming saw four men in black suits and sunglasses stepping out of a high-end car in the open-air parking lot under the high-rise apartment.

"Those people are..."

The way those people dressed reminded me of the staff of Fraxinus.

"The man who once imprisoned me."

Diya said in a low voice.

[Could it be... a DEM? 】

In the earphones, Qin Li, sitting on the bridge, spoke seriously.As we all know, Erya was once captured by DEM and treated inhumanely.

Not to mention that because of Erya's relationship with Westcott today, the rank of the Demon King's Eclipse has been affected. Not to mention, Erya, who has been deprived of the spirit crystal, is the weakest of all the elves and lacks the ability to protect himself bit.

If DEM wants to use Erya as a breakthrough point, it can be said that it is perfect.

"The code name over there is Devil's Gaze, which will stalk its prey 24 hours a day, and it is said that it keeps its eyes open even when sleeping.

The man next to him is code-named the Insomniac, who will use dark drugs to put people into a terrible state of insomnia!

The two walking in the back are road blockade and absolute pursuit, who are good at blocking escape routes and tracking escape targets. "

Erya pointed at the four people and said to Ming.

"How should I put it... what a strange combination..."

For Diana's overly subtle introduction, Ming thought of those love masters who worked on Fraxinus.

[So that's it, it's the torture personnel of the DEM agency. 】

Kotori said thoughtfully through the earphones.It seems that Erya's explanation has been accepted.

"Wait a minute, Kotori, stalking and deprivation of sleep are too strange for torture."

Mingjiong complained.

[What are you talking about, Ming.Uninterrupted monitoring will make the target feel intense pressure, the longer the time, the more obvious the effect.

As for preventing sleep, disrupting the biological clock is a commonly used method in executions.Even with a willpower of steel, if you want to fall asleep for a long time but can't, or if you don't want to sleep but are forced to inject sleeping pills, you will become haggard. 】

After all, it is a militarized organization, Kotori explained very professionally.

[Although a frontal breakthrough is also possible, but there is no spacequake warning right now, let's try to escape from them first. 】

With her life's defense, the girl can easily take Erya away as long as Alan and Artie don't stop her.But in this way, the possibility of the food of the night being witnessed by ordinary people becomes greater.

So the two left the room, went downstairs through the safe passage for fire escape, and prepared to leave here.

"It's the first floor."

After a while, they came near the exit on the first floor.

"Ah! Found it, this article..."

Unfortunately, the man code-named Road Blockade was already there.As expected of an expert in hindering the escape of the target.

"In that case..."


Ming pulled out the talisman from his arms, ready to attack.However, it was Erya who was one step faster than that. Taking advantage of the momentum of going down the stairs, the girl flew up and kicked towards the enemy.

By the way, even if the weather is very cold, girls who love beauty will not give up their miniskirts. In other words, as the recipient of this flying kick, the secrets between the short skirts will undoubtedly fall into the eyes of Mr. Road Blockade.

【camera!Camera ready! 】

At the same time, men's urgent cries came from the earphones.

"Wait a moment……"

Ming wanted to stop these great gentlemen, but there was no time at all.

[It's actually safety pants! 】

"What...safety pants!"

With the sound of disappointment coming from the earphones, while the road blockade opened its eyes wide in surprise, Er Ya's feet were firmly imprinted on the enemy's face.

"Gu da!"

The enemy let out a strange cry, spun several times in the air with a cartoon-like movement, and then fell to the ground motionless.

"That...is he all right?"

Although he was the one who wanted to catch Erya, he was given a flying kick when he first met, and what he saw was safety pants.People can't help but feel sympathy.

"It's okay, those guys are very resistant to beating. Let's go!"

Erya took her desperate hand and ran out of the apartment quickly.

--split line--

I don't know how long I ran, but the picture has changed from a high-rise apartment to a small alley in a residential street.

"It's ok to... come here?"

Ming asked a little tiredly.There is no one here, so Kotori can teleport, and it will be safe when he is on the airship.

"Huh? Is Miko-chan tired? Ah...I see, it's that one, right—air resistance or something."

Erya turned her head and asked in surprise.It stands to reason that they are all elves, and their physical fitness is still guaranteed.However, her gaze soon fell on the girl Puyo Puyo's shaking chest, then looked at herself again, and said as if she had realized something.

"That's... that's not it!"

"Got you!"

Just when Ming wanted to justify something, a man suddenly appeared from the roof on the side of the residential street, and then quickly jumped onto the nearby low wall.

"Hey, as expected of Absolute Tracking, we found it so quickly."

Erya suddenly felt like an enemy.

"It's a good thing I let you escape. It's said above, if you resist it, it doesn't matter if you use a little rough method, just watch my bomb blockade!"

The opponent took out something similar to a bomb from his arms and threw it at Erya.

[Explode... a bomb?wait for me! 】

Kotori's surprised voice came from the earphones.It seems that the little commander didn't expect that the other party would pull out such a vicious thing in a residential street.

"Come on..."

Just as Ming was about to unfold the Kingdom of God, a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders from behind.

"Mike-chan Oppai shield—!"

"Hey hey?"

Erya grabbed Ming's shoulder and pushed the girl towards the flying bomb.

Therefore, Ming's chest had an intimate contact with the bomb flying parabolically.

"How...how is it possible—!"

Seeing his own bomb hitting his lifeless chest and then bouncing back along the same trajectory, Absolute Tracking made a final cry to this foul chest and the dead world of physics.


Unexpectedly, the roar of gunpowder ignited and exploded.Instead, a puff of gray gas emerged from the bomb, enveloping Absolute Tracking.

"Eye! The pepper powder got in the eye ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

The other party screamed, then lost his balance and fell from the low wall into the yard of someone's house. Afterwards, he seemed to hear the dog's cry and shouts like "don't bite my pants".

"This...is this..."

"Don't worry about those disappearing, let's go quickly, they will come after us."

Ignoring Ming's expression of wanting to complain, Erya took the girl's hand and continued to flee.

Two Asia Escape

"Hey! Stop!"

After running for a long time, four people in black suits rushed out from the corner and chased after the girls.

"Wow, it's really endless."

"The worst time I was chased from Tiangong to Hokkaido by them."

"It's admirable to persevere to such an extent."

The two exchanged words while running.

"However, it's not the way to go on like this."

"Ah, I have an idea, come with me, Miko-chan!"

Erya held his hand tightly, and the two of them made a sharp turn and ran towards the station.

[The tram is about to enter the station, passengers please stand outside the safety line and wait...The tram is about to...]

Accompanied by bursts of broadcasting, the two quickly passed through the electronic ticket gate, ignoring the guards' obstruction, and ran on the platform.

Like most areas, the arrival time of trams in Tiangong City can be accurate to within 1 minute, so it is easy to calculate the time of entry or departure.

【The tram is about to depart... Passengers please...】

Today's tram was very crowded, and the two rushed into the carriage at the last moment of departure.Because of the large number of people, Ming and Erya could only stand at the outermost edge of the carriage, near the door, watching the group of four rushing into the platform in a panic and rushing towards this side.


Erya excitedly waved to the four people not far away.The girl's plan was very simple, to get on the tram at the last moment before departure, and then the four of them could only look at the closed doors and windows and sigh.

It's just like a scene in a happy comedy.

"Yeah, I've been wanting to do this for a long time."

Erya looked at the slowly closing car door with a grin, and then said with satisfaction.

"Oh, really, it will be troublesome if you don't catch up."

Ming sighed softly.

[But as long as you catch up, it's fine]

The moment the girl thought about it, the slowly closed car door slowly opened again because it touched a soft part.

"..." x2

The two looked at each other, one side was ashamed and didn't know what to say, and the other side was blushing to the point of crying.

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