At this moment, the sound of footsteps has already reached the door!


At this very moment, however, I saw absolutely nothing corporeal in the doorway.

The light bulb on the top of the head is constantly flickering. I am very curious why the light bulb is still powered on in this state, but it is indeed on, but... the brightness of the light is not even as bright as the scarlet moonlight outside. It faintly made the surroundings more or less clear, but now, when that thing opened the door, I found... the light bulb was constantly flickering!

Is this... a reminder in the game?

In addition to footsteps, there are lights to remind players, weird distance? ?

Just when I was thinking this way, the pattering footsteps suddenly slowed down, and step by step... walked into this bedroom!

I can't see any form!

No physical form in any real sense!However... there seemed to be a strange footprint on the ground.

Every time this footprint took a step, it felt like it was stepping on something slippery, making a 'pop' sound, and where it walked, a bright red footprint faintly appeared. The strange thing is... This footprint didn't stay for a long time, and disappeared from the field of vision along with the blood in just a few seconds, as if... nothing had appeared.

Slap... Slap... Slap...

The sound of footsteps, approaching step by step, I watched this footprint... came to my bed.

At this moment, my heart seemed to stop!His palms were covered in cold sweat, and he clenched his fists tightly. What was that on it? ?

A strange coldness continuously erodes around me. The strange thing is that although I can feel this coldness on my skin, it doesn't penetrate into my body...

But, I am not in the mood to think about those things anymore, I just watched the footprints, just stopped there, but I can't see anything tangible at all, just like... a completely transparent living thing , standing in front of this bed, I can even feel the malicious eyes from between the bed boards, staring at me through the bed boards!

But, I know... this is just an illusion brought about by fear. It may be staring at the bed board, but it shouldn't see me... The rules of the game say that it will not take the initiative to look under the bed or table.

In other words... the me now should be safe! should be!

Wait... take the initiative?

What does it mean? ?This weirdness, could it be that there is some kind of special reaction to under the bed or under the table?

It was stated in the game that players need to observe everything to survive or crack the game. Could it be that... this weirdness has a strange feeling on the bed board or under the table?

Can't guess... Can't guess at all what the underlying meaning is.

In order to prevent myself from screaming out of fear, I constantly let my brain think about all possible things, and distracted my attention, lest the extreme fear would make me do something deadly.

This thing...has it discovered me? ?Why is it standing by my window and not going away?

how long it has been?

1 minute? 5 minutes?Or... 10 minutes? ?

hateful!The game time is only one hour!If it keeps standing here like this, wouldn't I die under this bed? ?

Do you want……

Just when I was hesitating, suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor. This sound of footsteps... seemed to come from upstairs, very hurried, it sounded like the sound of a woman's high-heeled shoes, right!There are passerby players!

Seven passers-by players!

The moment I suddenly recalled it, a heavy panting sound came from my ear, and then, the sound of pattering footsteps rushed out!

That speed is completely different from the speed that humans should have. It took almost less than a second to rush out of the door!

"Live... come down?"

Staring blankly at the direction where the footsteps went away, the lights above his head stopped flickering, and the chill around him immediately began to dissipate away...


I let out a long breath, and observed vigilantly for a few seconds. After making sure that that thing would not appear around here again, I realized that my hospital gown was drenched with sweat again.

"Tsk... I planned to change clothes after dinner, but now I have no choice but to dress like this first..."

Before he could finish his habitual soliloquy, suddenly, there was a hysterical scream from outside the corridor!


There was a pause when I was about to get out of the bed, I admit... I was startled by the sound!

Is this... a woman's voice?


"Where is this? Why am I here?? Ah! Cockroaches?! This, this, did the room become like this!?"

Zhang Yu is a nurse on the [-]th floor. Today was a normal day for changing the guard, but... why did the nurse's duty room suddenly become like this while she was secretly squinting for a while! ? ?

Everything around her seemed to have been corroded by something, showing a scarlet and decayed color, the wall skin was peeling off, the tiles were cracked... Even the hellokitty's water glass that she likes to use has scarlet streaks. Rusty spots, and beside her, where the bandages were originally placed, cockroaches the size of thumbs were crawling around! this the hospital she knew! ?

"Xiao Wang? Xiao Wang?"

Zhang Yu looked around in horror. the duty room where she was on duty, even her backpack was still there...but why did everything turn out like this?

What about people?Where has everyone gone? !

Calling Xiao Wang, who is on duty with her, this Xiao Wang is always clumsy. He is an intern nurse who just came out of medical school, but he is quite beautiful. This makes Zhang Yu very disgusted, and she doesn't like it. That kind of people.

Normally, she would bully her if she had nothing to do, and really wanted to run this little king away... Although she herself did not admit that she wanted to do this, everyone around her knew what she was thinking.

But now...she really hopes that Xiao Wang will be by her side, after all...this is the situation in front of her!

However, no matter how she shouted, there was no response in the entire corridor!

Only her own voice echoed in the empty corridor...and the occasional cockroaches crawling around the corner.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Zhang Yu became more and more terrified. Fear began to spread in her heart. Although she was not a good person and worshiped money, she... was always alone, as a person, in this lonely environment Next, fear will naturally appear.

"No... No! What's going on here? No... I can't stay here any longer! Yes! Go downstairs, hurry downstairs!!"

Her sober thinking has been occupied by fear. At this moment, she can't make any calm judgments. She picked up her mobile phone and put it on the table. Under such extreme fear, she didn't notice it at all. Why is everything else rotten, but my phone is intact!

Pushing open the door of the duty room, Zhang Yu kept looking around...but...everything is not an illusion, everything in front of him is decayed and dilapidated, this level of decay cannot be achieved in a year or two , at least a hundred years!

"What's the matter... What's the matter? Where are the people? Where are the people!?"

Zhang Yu walked downstairs in horror. The stainless steel handrails were rotten and missing one piece. She didn't dare to support it at all, so she could only walk downstairs along the edge of the wall.

In the dim corridor, the light above her head couldn't shine very far, so she could barely see the path under her feet.

Suddenly, she remembered the mobile phone in her pocket.

"That's right! Mobile phone... mobile phone!!"

Turning on the phone in a hurry, there was no time to see the message on the top of the screen, but directly opened the phone book and made a call... The first reaction was that the call was Yaoyaoling, but... when she picked up the phone and put it on When I was close to my ear, the voice on the phone was a busy sound of 'di~di~'.

Tried twice again, but still didn't have any intention of getting through. In desperation, she called almost all the people in the phone book, but...all the responses were the same.


The cold wind blew over from nowhere, suddenly, there seemed to be the sound of something falling, and there was a 'bang' sound, echoing in the silent corridor.

Zhang Yu, who was terrified, could no longer think calmly, and subconsciously turned on the flashlight on his phone!The light suddenly illuminated the environment in front of her, which gave her a sense of security in her heart and made her walk faster.

I don't know why... She didn't choose the elevator in the first place. Perhaps in her subconscious mind, it is impossible to use the elevator in this world of corruption, right?

While going downstairs in a hurry, she suddenly saw an unread text message in her mobile phone. Although she was in fear, but for some reason, she stretched out her hand to open the text message, even though her reason told her that this It's time to go downstairs, but... She always felt that this text message seemed to have some kind of weird relationship with what she was experiencing now?

And just as she opened the text message, the information in the text message also greeted her eyes.

'Welcome to the collapse, you are lucky and unfortunate to be selected as one of the players of this game, please read the rules of the game carefully, and try your best to survive. '

At this moment, she has come to the No.17 floor.

"What is this? Honkai?"

Subconsciously, she stretched out her hand, wanting to flip the text message upwards to see what was underneath... However... at this moment, a strange sound of footsteps rushing towards her Beside her, at the same time, a human-like hand covered with black fluff and full of scars appeared strangely...from the void, and was clasped on the screen of her mobile phone.


Chapter 13 Smashing Varudo


Accompanied by a scream, an incomparably weird atmosphere was revealed in the entire decaying building. The surroundings were dimly lit, and it was difficult to see the situation a few meters away. At this moment... my heart was filled with fear .

The hand that had already climbed out of the bed was completely frozen in place, and the whole person was half hanging under the bed, wanting to go out... but not daring, not going out... Isn't staying here just waiting to die?

'Gollum! '

The sound of swallowing saliva was so clear and audible in this eerie and silent room at this moment!

"MD... If you die, you will die! If you die, beep-turn to the sky, and you will not die for thousands of years!"

From the scream just now, let me know that someone must have become a victim. Although the sound of such panic footsteps is almost like saving me, but I can't feel much gratitude, so I can only secretly After chanting "Emi tofu, early death and early birth", Bian gritted his teeth and crawled out from under the bed.


Although the bones of the left leg have healed on the outside, the bone marrow on the inside is still not fully healed. I have checked this in a weird state, so the pain is inevitable, not to mention the four steel bars pulled out. After I went, there were still four small circular holes left on my calf. Even now, I can faintly feel the warm blood flowing under the bandage. I know... It is almost impossible to run away in this state. It's as difficult as climbing to the sky, but if you don't run, you can only wait for death...

I don't know what it will be like to be taken away, but... If I die, I will fight you so fucking hard, no matter who you are!Lao Tzu is also an evil spirit after death! !Even if I can't kill you, I still have to bite off a piece of flesh from your body, and let you spend the rest of your life... If you don't spend half of your life as a ghost, it's inhumane! !

ah!Pooh!If I die, don't bite that place! !

Cautiously walked to the door of the bedroom, the surrounding light was still so dim, and it was almost impossible to see clearly beyond five meters. It gave people the feeling that this was not a problem with the lighting, but more like some kind of problem. Strange things block things more than five meters away.

"Don't come back..."

I glanced at my watch, it was already 12:07, if I delay it any longer, I probably won't be able to get out!

After observing the surrounding area and confirming that there was nothing within at least five meters, he gritted his teeth and walked out of the bedroom door on tiptoe. There will be the sound of rustling, I don't know what insects are crawling, and I almost stand up when I hear goosebumps all over my body!

MD!The most disgusting thing for me is the cockroach!

But this place is full of cockroaches. You can see fat cockroaches crawling around almost at any corner, and the sound they make is even more disgusting!

"Hiss... ss... ss..."

The sound of my own breathing echoed clearly in my ears, and the surrounding... was completely quiet, as if... there was nothing? ?


scare! ! !

The hair all over my body stood up, my hand had already landed on the watch, and now the only thing I can count on is this watch!

But when I turned around, what I saw...was my mobile phone that fell on the ground...

"The phone...hasn't been corroded?"

Frowning, took a deep breath, quietly walked to the side of the phone, first touched it lightly with his foot, and only picked it up when he was sure that there was nothing wrong with the phone.

"A text message?"

Frowning, I looked up and around... After confirming my safety again, I lowered my head to confirm the text message on my phone.

'A passer-by player is eliminated, and the number of existing players is eight. '

"Eight people? One player eliminated? In other words, a total of nine players? Except for seven passers-by... Could it be that there is another junior player like me?"

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but frown.

If there were nine people at the beginning, the voice just now has at least a 90.00% chance of being the one who was eliminated, but it's hard to imagine that a player who has experienced the game would still make such loud footsteps so carelessly , that is to say... that person just now is probably a pure passerby player who didn't read the rules of the game and didn't know what happened.

Judging from the reaction of the voice, the other party should have been killed instantly, or at least subdued in an instant. Apart from a scream, I didn't hear any other voices of resistance. found me?If you found me, then solved that person, the next target could be...

No!Can't stay here any longer!

Walking to the door in two steps, the door just now was closed by the wind when it ran out. Although the door was dilapidated, at least it was able to fulfill the responsibility of a door and lock it.

When I put my hand on the doorknob, suddenly... a strong sense of crisis came from outside the door, and at the same time, a heavy breathing sound came from outside the door so clearly to my ears !

Am I procrastinating?

No, it didn't take me ten seconds from picking up the phone to seeing the content on the phone, and it didn't take me ten seconds to hesitate under the bed until I walked to the door. It took me only 20 seconds... this guy He actually killed a player and rushed back here! ?

too fast! ! !

According to this guy's speed, I'm afraid physical escape is almost impossible!

what to do what to do what to do what to do what to do...

It's right outside! !It should have spotted me just now!But the rules of the game say that it can't actively squat down and observe under the bed, so it didn't observe?

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