Shaking his head, he threw those thoughts out of his head, chatted with the guard for a while, and Brother Zhao's car drove up from a distance.

After getting in the car, I reported the address directly. Brother Zhao was also very enthusiastic. He chatted with me while driving the car, but he never mentioned what I was going to do there.

It can't be seen that Brother Zhao has quite a professional ethics.

Soon, the car came to the gate of a residential area, and the residential area did not allow outside cars to enter.

Give me an order to ask Brother Zhao to wait for me for a while, and then I walked into the community alone.

Probably because of my face and clean clothes, the guards here did not stop me.

"Building No. 13, No. 2 on the [-]th floor at the entrance of Building B."

Because I don't have that part of the memory, I can only search one by one, and finally, I found Building No. [-].

When I got to the door, I couldn't open the door because I didn't have an access card, but that didn't stop me.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the evil spirit directly skipped the shell of the electronic lock, and the circuit inside appeared in his mind instantly. Then, he replaced the switch with the finger of the evil spirit, and after a light touch, the door lock clicked It opened.

When I came, I had prepared gloves and put them on before entering the door. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I could not leave any clues.

When I entered the door, I didn't take the elevator, but walked directly up the stairs. My physical strength is slightly better than normal, and it should be comparable to some special female soldiers who exercise regularly.

I went up to the thirteenth floor in one breath. Although I was sweating, I didn't get tired.

Standing behind the iron gate, I closed my eyes and did not go inside. Instead, I stood outside the gate, poked the evil spirit body out of my body, and took a look through the iron gate to make sure there was no monitor. Then I walked in. corridor.

The corridor here is very narrow, there are only four doors in total, one is the elevator door, the other is the stair door, and the other two are No. 13 and No. 1 on the 2th floor of Building B, which are opposite.

There is no way to go to Zhang Yang's side. The most important reason is that Lu Haochen and I have already checked Zhang Yang's situation in the company. Necessary attention.

But Bai Yao's family is different, nothing has happened to her family so far.

Taking a deep breath, I came to the door of Lili's house, then slowly leaned against the wall and closed my eyes.

The body of the evil spirit body can now be extended freely, provided that the volume remains the same.

After separating the upper body from the physical body and letting the body completely lean against the wall, he turned his head and passed through the wall directly.

Ignoring the strange sense of sight that appeared after entering the room, the evil spirit turned directly to the door of Lili's room.

Inside... what kind of situation will it be?

I didn't see Zhang Yang's death, so my mind was full of doubts. After that phone call, what terrible thing happened to Zhang Yang, and how did he die? should be able to solve this doubt.

The evil spirit body doesn't need to breathe, and its emotional fluctuations are very low, so I don't need any psychological preparation, I just probed through the wooden door and came into the room.

Outside the window, the bright moonlight illuminates the room in front of me.

Also illuminated a wobbly... shadow.

The moment I entered this door, the first thing I noticed was the shadow on the ground.

It was... the shadow of a person.

The loose long hair and the limbs that could not stand up were all reflected on the white tiled floor.

I looked up slowly along the light, but... before I saw the owner of the shadow, I saw... the head on the ground.

That, the girl's head with a serene face, seemed to be torn apart by something vigorously at the fracture, and the plasma inside had already begun to coagulate.

Ignoring the head, continue to look up.

The bright moonlight illuminated... the figure hanging on the chandelier.

She... Tilted her head, her eyes were wide open, her mouth was stretched almost to the limit, her limbs were shrugged feebly, a rope was wrapped around her neck, and her body was hung on the chandelier above, even though there was no Any wind, her body... was shaking slightly.

Her body was already in dilapidated condition, as if she had been bitten by something, her abdomen had been bitten to pieces, and her internal organs were nowhere to be found.

When I looked at the rope tied around her neck, I realized that I was wrong just now.

It was her own intestines that hung herself on the chandelier! !

Looking at the pair of eyes that have already lost their vitality, despair and fear, empty and lifeless. Bai Yao.

Chapter 25 Clues

When I saw this scene, my heart didn't fluctuate too much. The emotional changes of the evil spirit body itself had almost nothing but hunger, but... now I'm a little curious.

The situation on the ground is undoubtedly the one I recorded in the DV machine, which is almost exactly the same as the description in the DV machine.

Lili's body was still lying on the bed, the quilt was partly opened, and on the edge of the mattress beside the bed, drop by drop of blood of the original color covered by the night slowly condensed and dripped onto the ground.

Bai Yao's corpse, which was shaking without wind, swayed slightly, the blood flowed down her abdomen, her legs... and finally condensed on her toes, dripping to the ground.

Judging from this speed and the blood left on the ground, it seemed that the corpse had just been hung up for only two or three minutes.

Looking back at the bed, I in the DV player described it in great detail in the last scene. At that moment, she clearly saw the dead Lili's head, opened her eyes, opened her mouth, and said Those five words.

The head continued to elongate and extended to Lili's face. Looking carefully at her peaceful expression, there was no pain on her face. It felt like she was in a dream.

But this is not normal.

Lili's body was dilapidated, the joint between her neck and her head was torn and bitten, and the flesh on her neck turned into something jagged.

This kind of pain, no matter whether Lili is sleeping or not, she will be instantly awakened by the pain, and then die.

However, the description of "I" in the DV player is very clear. Before Bai Yao got up, Lili didn't make any movements, even her head was still resting on the bed.

This, I've been through similar situations before.

is in the hospital.

In other words, Lili... was probably eaten in the second world, and then the body returned to the outer world, resulting in this kind of death that seemed to be without any movement, but her expression was not quite right, it didn't seem like she had experienced it before. What a horrible thing.

This point becomes contradictory.

As for the specific situation, it is hard to say anything now. I feel helpless, and there are no meaningful clues left at the scene. Thinking about it, I subconsciously touched Lili's head with the finger of the evil spirit body.

suddenly! !

Lili's head twitched for a moment, and then, the blood-dried head suddenly opened its eyes! !

At this moment, I, who was less than [-] centimeters away from Lili's head, clearly saw... the reflection in her eyes.

It was... the reflection of the twisted and stretched evil spirit body.

People who are about to die can see strange figures.

She opened her mouth, her eyes were full of horror, and her eyes were wide open, but...she didn't breathe at all, so she opened her eyes and mouth wide, veins even burst out on her hideous face, and then...she His expression froze in this state, and he stopped moving.

The weirdest thing was that she seemed to say something, her lips moved in a state of panic, but... because the movements were too small, it was impossible to tell what she said.

I couldn't help being a little puzzled by this weird state, and subconsciously stretched out my hand again to touch Lili's head, but... there was no doubt that there was nothing inside.

It's not that the brain doesn't exist anymore, but... the spirit body no longer exists.

However, in the absence of the spirit body, how did her head show such an expression?

Looking back, I re-examined Bai Yao's body. After careful identification, I found a strange point again.

The state of Bai Yao's dead body was a bit strange, it seemed that she didn't walk from the bed to the ground, and then hung on the chandelier, but was picked up directly from the bed by something, and then hung on the chandelier.

When she died, she was probably in her bed.

What exactly did she see before she died?

Even after she died, the frightened and ferocious expression on her face still did not dissipate.

Turning her head, she lifted the quilt and took a look at the corpse on the bed. Lili's corpse was just lying on the bed. There was nothing weird about it, but... the whole body was mutilated and all internal organs were lost, as if bitten by a wild beast. The blood had already soaked the sheets and sheets.

It seems that Lili died before Bai Yao, which makes me frown.

After checking again to make sure nothing weird was found, he took the evil spirit body back.

When I leaned against the wall and slowly opened my eyes, what appeared before my eyes was darkness.

I snapped my fingers with a 'snap', and the sensor light came on, and then I turned and walked downstairs.

In the state of the evil spirit body, I didn't feel any fear, but after returning to the body, I realized that I stood up with goosebumps all over my body.

There is no way, fear is an instinct, even if the soul does not have the emotion of fear, the body will still react to fear.

After taking a deep breath and feeling a little more stable, he turned around and went downstairs.

In the process of going downstairs, I began to sort out what happened in the past two days.

First of all, what is certain is that I did not read other people's memories, but actually experienced it, and it is even possible that I experienced it after time warping.

No matter what the reason is, the result is that I have personally experienced the horror experience of the two.

From here, a strange point emerges.

Why... let me experience the death experience of these two people.

This unknown situation, the only possible extension to that is... 'find ta'.

APP will not give people a completely hopeless game, otherwise, it would not be called a game.

So, how to find it?What are you looking for?

At this point, there is no prompt in the APP.

Is it because the APP didn't give a prompt on purpose?

From the current situation, there is only one thing I can deduce.

Yes, the APP deliberately did not give any hints, because all hints... will be experienced in the process of the game.

However, the APP only gave the player less than a few minutes to record all the clues, and asked the player to sum up all the clues and find ta within seven days.

Zhang Yang and Bai Yao are not game players, they are probably passers-by who were randomly selected.

The only thing that can be judged now is the three words 'found ta', which should refer to the owner of the voice on the phone.

So... where's the clue?

From the video of the DV machine, it can be seen that before the memory was completely deleted, "I" was very sure of one thing, that is, Bai Yao, like me, should have experienced the memory of "Zhang Yang".

In other words, at this stage, there are still five days before the date of my death, and in the next five days, there will be five people including me.

No... No one died on the first day, because the first day was a notification.

In other words, there were six victims including me.

Chapter 26 Common Ground

Thursday, the first night of the game: Notifications.

Friday, the second night of the game: Zhang Yang died.

Saturday, the third night of the game: Bai Yao died.

Then came the evening of the fourth day, Sunday.

Then comes Monday, the fifth day.

Tuesday of the sixth day.

Wednesday at the seventh.

In other words, the date of my death should be the junction of the next Wednesday night and Thursday, twelve midnight.

Then, there are four people left, for a total of six people.

Lili's situation should be regarded as being affected, and should not be included in the initial figures.

APP selected six people as players and started the game.

Zhang Yang is dead, Bai Yao is dead.

Next, there are A, B and C, four people including me.

And those three people must have also experienced the same experience as me.

If you continue to wait like this, I'm afraid things will become a big mess.

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