【If it's Shidou...】

Shidou: [Ah, sorry! 】

Ming: [Well, Shidou's words...it doesn't matter...]

【wrong!wrong!wrong! 】

That's after the strategy, the girl blushed and shook her head.

Zhu Luye: [...Sorry. 】

Long Wu: [No, I went wrong.Sorry, Toki Ye, can you leave first? 】

Zhu Luye: 【Ah, yes. 】

[Well, that's all right. 】

There is neither a strong reaction from a woman, nor a careless expression like a boy.Instead, calmly ask the other person to leave.Ming felt that this kind of reaction should fit the role of Long Wu.

[So, what about after falling in love? 】

The girl stared at the words on the screen in a daze.This time the scene is set to Long Wu bathing by the spring, and Toki Ye just happened to come to the spring.

Zhu Luye: [...Sorry. 】

Long Wu: [Zhu, Zhu Lu Ye! ?That, for, why is it here? 】

Zhu Luye: [I didn't know you were taking a bath, I just wanted to fetch water...]

Long Wu: [No, don't explain, anyway, leave quickly! ! ! 】

Zhu Luye: [I see.Sorry, so don't throw the knife over here! 】

[Because I realized that Toki Ye was of the opposite sex, I was naturally shy.But...wouldn't it be a little too flustered?If I had responded rationally and calmly before...]

"I feel that the reaction now is a bit abrupt? If it's someone else and Shidou..."

"What happened to fate and my words?"


Ming quickly got rid of the small theater in his head, screaming and jumping up like an electric shock.Even the hair was fried to look like a little fox's ears.

"Shi, Shidou!?"

"Ah, sorry... I forgot again..."

Shidou scratched his cheek, originally he wanted to discuss lunch with Ming, but because he had a rare chance to cook, he was all thinking about what to cook, but he forgot to knock on the door again.


The girl looked at Shidou angrily, but she thought about it...

【So, I can't keep calm when facing Shidou. 】

If it was another boy, he should simply ask him out.Just like Ryugo, but for some reason, facing Shidou's uninvited entry, he was only afraid that his little delusion would be discovered by the other party, and his face would blush and his heart beat.

"Hee hee, what?"

Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help laughing.Exaggeration is exaggeration, anyway, IQ decline is the privilege of girls in love, isn't it?


Facing the girl who smiled sweetly as if thinking of something happy, Shidou tilted his head.

"It's nothing, what's the matter, Shidou?"

"Just wanted to ask, how about pasta for lunch? But... why the table again?"

Shidou looked at it, and Ming's computer still had the beautiful cherry blossom tree-themed desktop.

"That... is the little secret of girls in love."

The girl sat on the chair, raised a finger and pointed at her cherry-colored lips, looked at Shidou and blinked, showing a shy and mischievous smile.


Seeing such fate, Shidou also blushed.

Chapter 22 Calvin Girl

after lunch.

The pasta that Shidou made was delicious, after that, Ming continued to sit in front of the computer and started typing.

[The part where Long Wu falls in love with Toki Ye is completed.Next is the part where Toki Ye falls in love with Longwu. 】

Due to limited space, tight plot rhythm is a major feature of doujinshi.Of course, it is another calculation to make a running account.

So half an hour passed, and the document in front of the girl's screen was still blank.

【Ka, Kawen...】

The girl looked at the screen in shame.For fan works, there is a very serious poisonous point called OOC (Out of Character), which is the so-called character collapse.

Because it is a fan, the characters have a so-called official setting, from personality to height, even preferences, blood type, birthday may give a specific description.

Just as there are 1 Hamlets in the minds of 1 readers, most of the fans cannot be completely restored, and even the best writers will have deviations in their writing.

Even so, there needs to be a scope, and some principled things must not be ignored, for example, Tsundere cannot become a natural dumb, black-bellied cannot become silly and sweet.

Shixiang must be a foodie, and Kuangsan must love cats.

【Longwu's words aside...】

Doujin authors also have their own methods for this, such as using major events to make characters grow or change, such as the transformation and rescue of Ryugo in this doujinshi.

But the problem is...

[What about Zhu Luye? 】

Shidou had COSed this character when he was attacking Erya before, and then suffered a tragic defeat in Waterloo.So Ming is deeply impressed by this character—the avenger who only loves his younger sister Skylark, and has been chasing her enemies after her death.

In other words, the fact that Zhu Luye fell in love with someone is a major OOC in itself.This is also the reason why Shidao COS Toki Ye showed love to Nia and was kicked away.

[Arrange another major event? 】

Ming hesitated.It's not impossible, or in other words, if it is such a role, it will be difficult to make a turnaround without a key event as a breakthrough.

Mostly, she was seriously injured and unable to move in the battle, and then there was only Long Wu by her side, and the girl desperately dragged the injured Toki Ye to a safe place, and took care of the injured Toki Ye day and night without sleep. After one set, I believe that even stones have the possibility of being moved.

But the problem is...

[The space is not enough. 】

According to the previously negotiated deadline, how could there be so much space to design these plots.Especially Toki Ye, who doesn't love any women and regards revenge as his life character. Basically, as long as you dare to compress the text, he will dare to collapse for you to see.

[Extend the timeline? 】

Just adding a line like "30 years from now..." can legitimately tell the story of time washing away by showing the reader a character that has changed over the years.Even if Toki Ye is an avenger now, will he still be avenging 30 years later?Maybe he gave up, maybe the revenge is over, then at that time, will he fall in love with Longwu?

[But the theory of longevity is here again? 】

The life stopped the fingertips that were about to press the keyboard. After 30 years, both of them are middle-aged and elderly people. It is not so much a love work, it is better to say that they suddenly became the daily necessities of an old couple.

【And the impact is not enough after all...】

Even if the explanation is reasonable, it really won't work if there is no impact.Thirty years later, the weight of a light sentence is still too light.Even if the timeline is extended, it is still far less important than the fulfilling life described by exhaustive pen and ink.

[But it's exhausting to write and ink... the space is...]

Endless loop.


In the end, the little head melon blown the fuse and rushed out of the room, pounced on Shidou who was watching the cooking show on the sofa, buried his head in the boy's lap, and kicked back and forth restlessly with his two little feet.

"Shidou, I've lost Kavin~"

The girl is acting like a baby.

"Oh, that... be good~ be good~"

Facing the sweet, clingy life, Shidou was a little at a loss, so he put his hand on the girl's head and gently stroked it to comfort him.

【Ah, it works. 】

Gradually, the frequency of the girl's two little feet kicking began to decrease, and then became quiet.

"I've been messed up by Toki Ye."

"...That means the script, right?"

Shidou scratched his cheek and asked with a subtle expression.

"Hey hey... Shidou made me feel bad~"

Realizing that Shidou seemed to have thought of something strange, the girl stuck out her tongue mischievously, turned sideways and curled up on Shidou's lap like a cat, and showed him a seductive smile with a blushing face.

"It is forbidden to play tricks."

Protest hand knife.

"Ahh~ Actually..."

The girl covered her head, talking cutely about the problems she encountered before.

"I see, it's really a headache."

Shidou nodded after hearing this, thinking about it carefully, choosing Toki Ye at the beginning was really a big pitfall.The character's personality is so limited that it's hard to change him without spending a lot of space.

"But it's because of this that I'm popular, and it's Erya's favorite character, so I don't want to give up."

Ming changed his posture again, lay flat on Shidou's lap, looked into the boy's eyes and said.

"But, there is no way to go on like this?"

"No, there is another way. That is not to make any changes to the character of Toki Ya, and to continue the story in the original way!"

Ming said.

"Is this possible?"

"Yes, but we need to obtain materials for this."

"What is the material?"

"Hey, Shidou. Please tell me 'I, there is only one person I like in this life, and that is Tohka' try."


--split line--

"I, there is only one person I like in my life, and that is Skylark."

Under the night, Zhu Luye looked at the bright moon in the distance, his eyes seemed to return to the time when he was with Skylark in the past.For the boy, a girl who will never leave has already lived in his heart, and there is no room for others.


Hearing his words, the girl sitting next to him gently hugged her knees.Yes, this is something I have known for a long time, but even so, I still couldn't restrain the feelings in my heart, and asked him in the dark:

"Will you fall in love with another girl when revenge is over?"

How silly of myself, really.If you don't ask, you don't have to hear such a heartbreaking answer, right?

"Long Wu, are you... crying?"

Toki turned his head to the side and saw tears flowing down the girl's cheeks.

"Hey? What, the wind is a bit strong at night, and it hurts my eyes. I'm sorry, I'm going back to rest first, Ye."

"Good night."

The girl quickly wiped away her tears, stood up and said to Toki Ye.Then, the crystal tears still flowed down unstoppably, reflecting the moonlight and exuding a crystal luster.

"Hey, night..."

"what happened?"

"From now on, can I also stay by your side?"

"It goes without saying, what happened to you today? It feels weird."

"I'm sorry, I probably broke my stomach. Tomorrow will be fine, tomorrow..."

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