"Something is wrong. Erya locked herself in her room after she came back last night. I noticed that there were tears on her face, and there was no response to knocking on the door."

Shiori's words made the expressions of the two people who were in a good mood turn serious.

"Did something happen?"

Shidou was a little worried, could it be that the willpower of the world had begun to activate because he had not been able to conquer Nia for a long time?

"Sorry. I don't know either."

"No, it helps a lot to notice Erya's status, 'me'. Thank you."

"If you want to thank me, it's better to tell my fate. She made me pay more attention to Erya's state."


Hearing Shiori's words, Shidou looked at Ming in surprise.

"This is not a place to talk, let's go back first."

Ming looked around, thought for a while and then said.The three returned to the apartment, but Mana was not at home because of school, so Shidou and Shiori sat at the table and watched fate.

"I did ask Shiori or other avatars to pay attention to Nia's situation, but I thought Shiori told you."

Ming glanced at Shiori with some surprise, she didn't plan to pay attention to Nia without telling Shidou.

"Ah, so this is not a little secret between me and my sister?"

Shiori smiled, looked at Mei and Shidou's surprised look, and said with satisfaction:

"Just kidding. I just thought it would be okay if I didn't tell 'me'."

Shiori shrugged.The girl didn't have any other thoughts, but just as she said, she felt that it was not that important to tell Shidou or not, anyway, as a result, she just had to observe Nia.

"Well, it's true. The important thing is not here, why did Ming let 'me' pay attention to Erya, do you really know something?"

Shidou thought for a while, and decided not to care about this issue anymore, he was more concerned about the current situation in Erya.

"I don't know anything. But Shidou, if you think about it carefully, what is Mio's basis for choosing to become a spirit?"

asked fate.


Shidou fell into deep thought, recalling the past of the elves.

"For Origami, it's because I feel powerless because I can't do anything for myself in Kagamiyama City. I don't know about Kurumi and Yoshito. Kotori..."

After all, Shidou is also Shidou, although he is not clear about Kurumi because he is Shidou during Christmas, but he basically understands most of the elves.

"Please exclude Kotori's words. To some extent, she was deliberately selected by Mio. By the way, I can't use it as a reference."

Ming shook his head.After all, she is the girl closest to Shidou, and her favorability is quite high. In a sense, Mio deliberately guided the whole process of Kotori's elf transformation and Shidou's sealing of Kotori.

"Liu Kui is anxious because of his sister's affairs, Nanan and Yamai are not very clear, Miku is because of the idol's malicious slander... ah..."

Shidou then recalled.Then he raised his head as if he understood something.

"Many elves encountered what can be called 'despair' before becoming elves. I don't know Mio's motives for choosing them, but in this way, Nia will probably encounter something, right?"

Ming said.That's why Shiori was asked to prepare in advance.Although I also thought about telling the story, but the omniscient angel can't use it to search the future, but if I want to speculate on the future direction by searching the present, Na Erya's privacy probably can't be kept at all.

Ming is not sure whether Nia will be angry because of this 30 years later, but he will definitely ask Shidou to take responsibility. Specifically, he will sign a document that symbolizes "Please advise me for the rest of my life".


Hearing the words of fate, Shidou clenched his fists.

"I'm going to find Erya!"

He stood up, walked out of the apartment and knocked on the door of Erya's room.About 5 minutes later, he walked back frustrated.

"no respond."

"I'm sure Erya never left after returning."

Shidou's words made Shidou understand one thing, it's not that Nia is not at home, but he just doesn't want to open the door for him.

"But isn't there no way to do it this way?"

Shidou said helplessly.I don't understand what happened at all, and the person who really understands this matter is in a state of refusing to communicate.

"I have a proposal for this, Shidou, use the swear words."

Ming said seriously.


"I also respect Erya's privacy, but only on this matter, it would be better to investigate it as soon as possible. Otherwise, the situation may be irreversible. After all, there is no Mio to crystallize Erya's spirit."

Ming knew what Shidou was hesitating about.Gossiping is poison in a sense, but it can also be a life-saving antidote when used correctly.

No one can predict what will happen to the desperate girl without Mio giving the spirit crystal.What's worse, they don't even know what happened to Erya now.

"I see."

Shidou nodded, he didn't hesitate anymore, and unfolded the angel.

--split line--

After a long time, Shidou dropped his hand from the searched page.

"It's plagiarism."


Shiori motioned for Shidou to continue talking.

"Didn't Erya say before that she would contribute to "Kiao"? Just yesterday, she went to "Kiao" with a finished manuscript, but was told by the interviewing editor that there was already a copy similar to her storytelling technique, and the plot was also different. A very similar manuscript was accepted by the editor of Kiao."

"how come?"

Ming frowned slightly.Not to mention that Erya will not plagiarize, the three people present dare to vouch for this.What's more, that kind of storyboarding technique comes from Honjo Soji 30 years later. Who can use that level of technology now?

"It's a friend, Nia's friend at school. And she's a very good friend, a friend who has drawn comics together since junior high school. That's why she showed her drafts of comics to him in advance."

"No wonder she doesn't trust anyone..."

Shiori muttered to himself.

All three of them still remember that Erya only believed in Two-dimensional at the beginning, and kept a distance from everyone in the third dimension.I thought it was due to the side effects of talking too much, but now it seems that there may be an unknown wound under that.

"Betrayed by best friend, tarnished well-prepared work, and left Kiao with a bad reputation for plagiarism..."

Ming said with an ugly face.This is a society that is very strict on plagiarism. To put it bluntly, Erya will never even think about contributing to Kiao in her life.Fortunately, she was just a newcomer, and the fact that she was too unknown saved her. A well-known author would even be banned from the industry if such a thing happened.

"Shidou, is there any evidence to prove that Nia is the original author?"


Facing Ming's question, Shidou shook his head wordlessly.After all, it was a betrayal from her best friend, so Erya naturally didn't think about keeping a hand for herself.In addition, she is still a high school girl who knows nothing about the dangers of society, and has no experience in preventing plagiarism at all.What's more, 30 years ago when the technology was underdeveloped, there were not many means that could be used as evidence.

"Really, too much."

In the end, Shiori expressed his thoughts on behalf of the three of them.

Chapter 35 Salvation

into the night.

Shidou lay on the bed quietly thinking about what happened today.From the conclusion, this plagiarism incident has been irreversible through normal means.It would be fine if a powerful agency like Ratatoskr intervened, but it was impossible for Shidou himself to subvert the established fact that Nia plagiarized.

But what about unusual means?Use [Seal Master] to lock the memories of those who know about this matter, and then use [Solution] to retrieve and destroy the remaining evidence bit by bit, so that the final result without leaving a trace can be achieved.What's more, it is also a way to hypnotize the plagiarist with [Pojun Song Ji] to surrender himself.

[But is this all right? 】

Shidou looked at the ceiling and asked himself in his heart.Is this really the best option?It is true that plagiarism no longer exists as a result, and Erya can easily contribute and become a cartoonist in Kiao.

But even so, the fact of being betrayed by a friend has not changed.It is precisely because Shidou understands Nia that he understands how the betrayal by his friends can hurt Nia.

The betrayal of a friend, the denial of hard work, and the slander of personality.Each one is enough to make people collapse, and then bombed Erya's head on the same day.

Thinking of this, Shidou couldn't help clenching his fists.

[If this continues, Erya will probably fall into the state of not trusting anyone, right? 】

Shidou recalled that when he first met Nia, the two had a doujinshi competition. At that time, except for Nia, there were only hired staff in the main hall.

【...The employment relationship is really good. They will do as much for me as I pay them. Simple and clear, how good. 】

Although Shidou did not deny the employment relationship, Nia at the time obviously trusted the employment relationship more than friendship, love, and family affection.The girl no longer trusts anyone, and believes that only employment and contracts are the safest way to communicate.

【If this continues, Erya will definitely return to that state. 】

Shidou had a feeling that even if he didn't say anything, this incident was enough to push her into the hell called mistrust.

【I can't just leave it alone! 】

After making up his mind, Shidou jumped up and rushed out of the room...

--split line--

In the room, Erya sat on the bed with her arms around her knees in her pajamas.The girl's eyes were dull, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, and her lips were a little dry, because she hadn't drank a sip of water since yesterday, but she cried away her tears.

For Nia Honjo, who is still a high school student and lives in a boarding house, school, friendship, and manga are everything in life.

The school's academic performance is a bit miserable, which is still within the acceptable range. After all, it is the result of devoting too much time to comics.

But it’s different when my best friend betrays me. Erya, who is an otaku girl, doesn’t have many friends. She obviously has the same hobbies and goals. She hopes to become a manga artist, a good friend who can talk about everything and know everything. .But it collapsed overnight.

Then the manga was finished, and it was said to be plagiarized. At that time, the editor's eyes were like a knife engraved in Erya's heart. Kiao will not allow plagiarists to join, he has been blacklisted and cannot produce decent works.

[Who else can I trust? 】

It seems that I heard a knock on the door this afternoon, it should be that Shidou Kazuki has returned.She didn't dare to open the door. Two days before she came here, she had vowed to contribute to Kiao, but it turned out to be dirty, which made her feel ashamed.Secondly, she felt that she could no longer trust anyone.

【What should I do? 】

To be honest, she was really confused.I was so confused that I didn't even know what to do.What can I do if I have been stained before my debut as a manga artist?What can I do if the work that I have worked so hard to draw becomes someone else's property overnight?

Thinking of this, Erya buried her head deeper between her knees.The girl choked up, and the sound of bewildered sobs quietly echoed in the room.


dong dong!

Suddenly, there was a knocking sound on the windowsill.Erya's body shook slightly, this is a high-rise building, how could there be a sound from the window in the middle of the night?Is it a bird?

Boom boom boom!

No, it was a rhythmic tapping sound.Erya felt the hairs on her body stand up slightly.

[What the hell, what is there to be afraid of? 】

Then she laughed at herself, she didn't have anything to care about, it didn't matter if she was a ghost or a murderer, maybe she saved herself a razor blade or sleeping pills.

At this time, she is so self-destructive.

Erya got out of the bed and came to the side of the bed, and then saw a blue-haired boy leaning hard on the window sill, knocking on the window desperately.

"Master, Master!?"

Niya opened the window and stared dumbfounded at Shidou who was crawling outside the building. He was carrying a small schoolbag and climbed up from a dizzying height. His hands were covered with wounds and looked quite painful. .

"Sorry, because you haven't opened the door, I have to..."

Shidou said weakly.Although you can directly enter the room with the shadow of Lord Fengjie or Emperor Keke, this will definitely make Erya notice the supernatural power.Of course, it is also possible to fly with the Hurricane Knight, and then say that he climbed up, but Shidou didn't want to deceive Nia, so he simply adopted the most stupid method.

Fortunately, I have good strength and spiritual power. In the worst case, it can be recovered by Hurricane Knight or Healing Flame. As far as the result is concerned, I only suffered a small injury, and the kind that even the Healing Flame will not activate. .

"Stop talking, come in."

But for Nia, Shidou's appearance seemed to be a ray of light in despair.She never thought that someone would risk their life for her, at least in her opinion, as long as the floor height falls, it can be lifted away directly.

"Are you crazy? Do you know which floor this is?"

Thinking of this, she was a little scared, and her tone became tough.

"I know, but I don't think I can leave you alone. Regarding the manga being stolen, I——want to help you."

"Master...you know?"

"Shiori said that your situation is not right, and then I have a bit of my own information network, so I know."

Shidou scratched his cheek and said vaguely.

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