The more terrifying force of backlash spread to Mingjun's body, and fine cracks appeared from all parts of his body. Finally, Mingjun couldn't maintain his million-foot-high body, and let out a painful roar.

The light wheels in the Dao Realm at the back of the head were disillusioned one after another, and countless chains spread out from the underworld, dragging the figure of Ming Jun back. Ming Jun struggled, but he had no choice but to say: "Your Majesty, the old minister was seriously injured. , the power of the law of the underworld is bound back, and I cannot help His Majesty anymore."

"Master Ming has done enough, and I can leave the rest to me."

Ye Qingge's flat voice sounded, the moment of effort that Mingjun blocked was enough for her to catch up with Taihuang.

The power of demon god transformation was activated, an extra tail appeared behind Ye Qingge, another round of dao realm light wheels appeared at the back of his head, five rounds of dao realm light wheels flashed in unison, and the Hongmeng Sword Dao of the extreme dao realm pierced the sky. At the same time, an imprint of ecstasy was planted on Taihuang's body, not giving him the slightest chance to escape.

Three arrows whizzed towards Tai Huang. As soon as Tai Huang turned his head, his head was exploded by the arrows of the Great Rixing Lord, turning into a large cloud of demon-seeded mist. When his head recondensed, Ye Qingge's long sword had already Howling to the front, the terrifying power cut Taihuang in half with a single sword.

Tai Huang's face showed no worry at all, instead he laughed and said: "That's right, very good, in just three years, Royal Sister, you have a bit of the heroic appearance of Father Emperor when he was at his peak, if you are given a certain amount of time, Maybe it can really kill me."

"It's a pity that your way is wrong. You don't even know what kind of powerful existence you are facing, what kind of behemoth you are facing. Even if you only gain a little power, it is enough to make me immortal. And you are different."

"How about the five rounds of Dao realm light wheel, the seven rounds of Dao realm light wheel bloomed at the peak period like the father, and the existence close to the peak of the extreme path will also be annihilated under that kind of mighty power, and it won't be long, it will be you It's time to die. To die sooner or later, just wait..."

At the end, Tai Huang's smile became a bit more crazy, but before he could finish the rest of the words, Ye Qingge's sword qi cut him into [-] lines, and his aura became weaker than ever before.

"It's really noisy."

The power of Ye Qingge's demon god transformation has been activated to the second level, and the phantom of the sixth round of Dao realm light wheel has also begun to emerge, but there is still a big gap from the real emergence.

The more layers of the two powers are activated, the greater the pressure on the body and soul, and the consumption is even more terrifying. She relied on the spirit devouring technique of the Dzogchen realm and the Hongmeng Taoism to draw from the void crazily. Strength can be supported calmly and continue to annihilate Taihuang's strength.

She slashed out with a sword, and the light of the sword turned into a sword field, covering the void for thousands of miles, containing all of Taihuang's devilish energy, and said with a sneer: "No matter how powerful you say, you are still not my opponent now , damn it will only be you!"

Taihuang lived up to his previous arrogance, but turned his body into more and smaller demonic energy, and drilled out from the gaps in the sword field. Even with the special power of the demonic seed, it took a long time. Only then did he manage to get out of it, but his breath had already dropped by half, and there were only three incomparably broken dao realm light wheels flashing behind his head, and he quickly escaped into the heavens below.

Ye Qingge dissipated from the sword field and chased after him, the light in his eyes flickered, and he became more vigilant about the existence of the power of the demon seed: "The power of this demon seed is really difficult to deal with, even if my Primordial Sword Dao has been promoted to the extreme by the goddess statue level, but they couldn't completely strangle and wipe out the power of this demon seed, so Tai Huang escaped."

"More importantly, this Taihuang borrowed strength from somewhere, and his aura has been rising rapidly. Even if I strangle him this time, if I can't continue to kill him and prevent him from recovering, it won't be long before he dies. It will recover again... This will not work!"

"Su Qing'er's body also has limits. Under the ebb and flow, sooner or later she will be unable to hold on, and must be resolved quickly!"

With a flash of thought, Ye Qingge's figure escaped into the world of the heavens below. This is a small world of the heavens dominated by barren desert terrain. When Su Qing'er was possessed before to investigate the death of Concubine Su Gui, Ye Qingge had seen In this situation of the heavens, there is a race called the wasteland giant god among the heavens and thousands of races.

The sky as a whole is light yellow in color, and most of the creatures in it are mainly in the desert. From time to time, giant scorpions the size of mountains can be seen rushing out of the sand dunes to prey, and there are also various exotic flowers and plants living in it. However, limited by the circumstances of the heavens, these exotic flowers and plants are not good stubble. The food list is extremely extensive, and they are not as harmless as the spiritual plants in other worlds.

The wasteland giant is the only intelligent race among them. It looks like a human race, with dry and cracked skin, like quicksand. They live in groups in the desert, and build tall palaces in the desert. The palace style Rough and majestic, they are all built of simple stone pillars, scales and other buildings.

There is almost no rainy day in the sky, and the whole building does not cover the top like other buildings. Many places are open-air, forming a series of special buildings.

The moment Taihuang's figure entered, a massive amount of demonic energy spread wildly, and the whole world turned into a black color wherever it passed, and the strange flowers and plants instantly changed from the light yellow color of the sand dunes. The color turned into pure jet black, and the originally round lines also became twisted and stiff.

Thousands of palaces and palaces collapsed and destroyed at the same time, and countless races on the wasteland desert were affected. The chapped skin of the wasteland giants was turned into pure black, and each one was full of demonic energy, just like unrivaled demon gods.

It's just that this special anomaly didn't last for a breath, and another wave of holy purification power roared in. Taihuang was eroding the world with the power of demon seeds in front, and Ye Qingge was purifying behind him.She took out a guqin that was left behind by the empress, and the sound of the piano vibrated, and the whole world was covered by the power of purification, making it difficult for Taihuang to do anything.

Taihuang snorted coldly, and took out a blue bead. During the vibration of the magic power, endless sea water gushed out from it, plunged into it, opened the Guixu with a special method, plunged into it, and then put the bead Put it away, the countless seawater is absorbed madly, and will disappear in Ye Qingge's field of vision.

At the critical moment, Ye Qingge tugged on the chain of the Elusive Soul Technique, and his figure disappeared faster than the sea water, and arrived in the ruins at the last moment.

The main world, return to the ruins

After going through the previous incidents, heavy troops have been deployed in the ruins, and a member of the heavenly court of the fifth heaven is guarding here, in case those who go north to the emperor's heavenly court take advantage of the convenience here to conquer the world.

Sensing the movement of Taihuang and Ye Qingge's arrival, countless heavenly soldiers and generals were immediately alarmed and gathered into a large formation. Just as they were about to make a move, Ye Qingge's voice sounded: "Everyone stop, quickly evacuate and return to the ruins, and return to the heavenly court!"

"It's His Majesty the Emperor!"

The Heavenly God of the fifth heaven realm was startled, before he had time to command, he saw Taihuang's distorted face less than one meter away, and he could even see Taihuang's distorted and ferocious smile.

The next moment, he felt a terrifying demonic energy sweeping his body, and his will and body strength were distorted by this strange force, as if he was no longer his own. Suddenly broke free from the original state, only to feel that the body is unprecedentedly weak, and the basic source of the Tao has been affected. Fortunately, it is not deep, and it can be recovered after a period of cultivation.

He was astonished in his heart, and before he could ask in detail, the figures of the two flashed past, and only one voice remained: "Take all the soldiers back to the Heavenly Court quickly, seal the return to the ruins, and remember not to step in again, and... ..."

Before the following words appeared, Ye Qingge's figure had already disappeared into another place of heaven.The fairy god of the fifth heaven was shocked, and had vaguely sensed the truth. He was involved in the battle between the top forces of the two heavens.

In the face of the battle at the level of the sixth heaven and the extreme way, even the strength of the fifth heaven is far from enough. He immediately stopped hesitating and led the soldiers of the heavenly court back to the heavenly court through the road of returning to the ruins connected by the heavenly fairy lake, and disappeared. here.


The sea of ​​blood is monstrous, and the waves of magic are sweeping

The two appeared in an aquarium of the heavens, more than 90.00% of the entire heaven was covered by sea water, and there lived three intelligent races of the heavens and ten thousand races, who were in the sea for a resource point. Hit hands, hit hard.

The battle was in a fierce stage. The three patriarchs of the Immortal Realm who had just reached the first level of Dao Realm personally commanded the battle. The huge sea area was soaked in the blood of the three clans. At this moment, the world in front of them suddenly fluctuated.A monstrous demonic energy swept in all directions, enveloping everyone, and before the erosion was completed, the sound of the piano vibrated, and everything returned to its original state.

Among the feelings of everyone, they only felt that their consciousness was swaying for a while, and their physical strength suddenly weakened a lot. They didn't know anything about the rest, and they all looked around in a daze. The frightening fluctuations that flashed by just now showed expressions of astonishment.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting!"

A patriarch with the head of a fish shouted: "We withdraw from the competition for resource points here, retreat!"

"Me too."

"I quit too."

The patriarchs of the three clans issued an order at the same time, and the army evacuated frantically. Even though the resources here were enough to change the fate of the clan, they did not dare to stay at all.

Although the resources are good, it is not good to have no blessings. Although I don't understand the reason for the previous movement, but in a short period of time, the patriarchs of the three clans will definitely not dare to set foot here to prevent such things from happening again.

Similar things didn't just happen in one place, but everywhere in the heavens, the battle between Ye Qingge and Taihuang created a mess, even the Sunstar Lord couldn't catch up with the speed of the two of them, and the two of them fought Fighting in the heavens everywhere, the sky was so dark, and even some worlds almost couldn't bear the fluctuations of the two of them, and were almost collapsed by the aftermath.

Fortunately, the two of them just passed by and disappeared here, leaving only the tens of thousands of people in the heavens who were still in shock to speculate, leaving behind countless legends and myths.

Three heavens... Seven heavens... Twelve heavens... Twenty-five heavens...

Traveling through the heavens, Taihuang's speed recovered at an astonishing speed. No matter how Ye Qingge strangled him, he still couldn't find the opportunity he had before. He could only watch as Taihuang recovered, became stronger, and gritted his teeth. Continue to activate the Demon Transformation.

The third-level demon god transformation was activated, the sixth light wheel at the back of Ye Qingge's head was finally formed, the sixth-level demon god transformation was activated, the seventh-level dao realm light wheel was formed, the seventh-level demon god transformation was performed together with the eighth-level heavenly god transformation, and the eighth-level demon god transformation was activated together. Dao Dao Realm Light Wheel is generated!

Unprecedented terrifying power filled Ye Qingge's body. This is a terrifying power that Ye Qingge has never controlled before. It is only one step away from the birth of the Nine Wheels Dao Realm halo and the real peak of the Ultimate Dao.

At such a level, destroying some small worlds is only a matter of thought, Ye Qingge must be careful during the battle, lest the aftermath of carelessness will wipe out all the creatures of some small heavens, stay a little longer, and the whole world will be destroyed Was blown up in the battle between the two.

Even so, Taihuang's strength is still getting stronger!

Ye Qingge chased after him, but he was secretly complaining, he had already seen the meaning of Taihuang's actions: "Taihuang is trying to consume me to death!"

"The only thing that can make Taihuang become stronger endlessly is the power of the origin of the demon seed... Taihuang must have the support of the origin of the demon seed. He wants to eliminate Su Qing'er, just as Su Qing'er said before. In the same way, the emperor and empress were manipulated by the origin of the demon seed to fight against the first emperor, and this Taihuang was launched by the origin of the demon seed to fight against Su Qing'er."

"Victory means the Emperor's Era can continue, and if you fail, you will enter the same ending as the end of the Founding Emperor's Era!"

"Even if I understand Taihuang's intentions, I can't retreat from this battle. Once I retreat, I don't even need the month I estimated before, it may be ten days, it may be half a month, and the heavens will be defeated by Taihuang." Imbued with the power of the demon seed, it reproduces the scene of the raging demon seed at the end of the founding emperor, and the collapse of the situation will only happen overnight."

"The only option is to fight to the death!"

The power of Hongmeng Taoism and Spirit Devouring Art was fully activated, and the majestic power kept churning in Ye Qingge's body, but the next moment, it was filled up by the terrifying consumption of Tianshen Transformation and Yaoshen Transformation at the same time, and he could barely support it. .If both of the two skills are activated to the ninth level, the ninth light wheel will also be generated, and Ye Qingge will truly explode into the battle power of the extreme realm.

But the price of doing so is also extremely high, and the strength of the extreme realm also means even more terrifying consumption. Even the Grandmist Taoism and Spirit Devouring Art cannot make up for it, and will fall into a state of making ends meet. After all, Su Qing'er's own realm is not enough. The peak of the fifth heaven of Dao Realm.

This idea only popped up in her mind for a moment, and then was suppressed by Ye Qingge, her eyes were firmer than ever before, she must fight!

Not fighting is a dead end, and only by fighting can she win a chance of life, even if the price is extremely high, she must fight for this chance of survival.


Once again, the spirit sword came out of its sheath and fought with Taihuang. The two figures passed through a heaven again and came to a brand new heaven.

But this time, Taihuang did not run away again, instead he paused, looked at Ye Qingge playfully, and said with a smile: "I don't know if this place is chosen as your burial place, sister, but are you satisfied?"

Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows slightly, and regretfully glanced at the surroundings. When he saw the familiar building turned into ruins, he immediately lifted his spirits, and a gleam flashed in his eyes: "Is this the ruins of the Kaihuang Heavenly Court?"

"That's right!"

Taihuang showed a maniacal smile, wisps of the power of the demon seed seeped into his body from the void, and layers of black avenue light wheels rose from behind his head. He couldn't observe carefully during the battle before, but at this moment Ye Qingge He suddenly discovered that with the help of the power of the demon seed in the void, the light wheel behind Taihuang's head had condensed the ninth stage.

Ye Qingge's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was serious, he said: "The peak of the extreme the source of the devil seed lending its strength to you, right? The source of the devil seed is lurking in the void where the ruins of the founding emperor are?"

Taihuang nodded, then shook his head again, and said: "My power indeed comes from the origin of the demon seed, but the origin of the demon seed is not in the void here... You still underestimate the origin of the demon seed!"

A frenzied expression appeared on his face: "The greatness of the origin of the demons is beyond the comprehension of the frog in the well like you, imperial sister. Only when you have truly glimpsed the origin of the demons can you appreciate that kind of power, which is impossible for anyone to stop." With the power you have acquired, it doesn't matter if you are peerless and invincible, and it doesn't matter if you can suppress an era of invincibility, you will eventually fall under the origin of the demon seed!"

"Everything in this world will be annihilated, only the origin of the demon seed is immortal, and the strength of the origin of the demon seed that can survive from the ancient realm is beyond your comprehension, sister."

Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked tentatively, "Beyond the extreme realm?"

"Sister, your vision is still too narrow, just right, let me take you to see what is the true origin of the demon seed. Besides... your way of delaying time is too low-level!"

Taihuang laughed, and the last ray of power also came from the void, and the ninth round of Dao realm light wheel was completely formed behind his head.

He didn't delay any longer, gathered a long spear in his hand, and stabbed at Ye Qingge.

Ye Qingge snorted coldly. In this short period of time, she finally activated both the Heavenly God Transformation and the Demon God Transformation to the ninth floor. Under the interweaving of terrifying forces, the ninth round of dao environment halo was finally completely formed in the back of her head.

The pinnacle of the extreme realm!

Among the existences that really stand at the pinnacle of the world, among the existences that Ye Qingge knows, apart from the Taihuang in front of him, only the Chiming Emperor and the demon species in the Temple of Medicine have reached this level, and there is no other existence besides this. people can get here.

"Hongmeng swordsmanship, Xuantian sealing magic... battle!"

Ye Qingge fought Taihuang instantly with the skills of the two extreme realms. Her realm is limited, and the time she can maintain such combat power is not long. If she can't fight quickly, she will only die.

The power of the battle, which was far beyond the norm, burst out from the hands of the two, and the wanton power flowed in the main world. Even the main world couldn't bear the power of the two fighting. It was messy, and huge gaps were torn out of the sky.

Compared to Ye Qingge, Taihuang was much calmer and calmer. He saw Ye Qingge's flaws at a glance, and said with a smile: "The imperial sister's ability is indeed far beyond my expectation, and she is worthy of gathering the hands of my father and empress and Concubine Su." The strongest anti-demon artifact in your hand, combining the power of the Heavenly God Transformation and the Demon God Transformation, the peak of the fifth level of the Dao Realm can burst out the combat power of the peak of the Extreme Dao."

"It can be said that it completely combines the crystallization of the wisdom of the founding emperor's era and the present era. It can be called an existence that is hard to find in ancient times. If it weren't for the help of the origin of the demon seed, I really wouldn't be your opponent."

"Unfortunately, there is no such thing in this world. Even if you have the strength of the extreme peak, how long can you maintain it? Before long, you will die and fall, and all honors will be attributed to me. The new History will be rewritten by me."

He smiled happily, and even had a look of intoxication on his face: "You will be the eternal sinner who harmed the common people, and I will be the great hero who saves the common people. The world will be full of demon seeds, let the glory of the demon seeds shine on the earth again, and let this world return to the world of the demon seeds! What kind of a world this will be... It is really exciting to think about it."

"You are courting death!"

In her mind, Su Qing'er's consciousness exploded suddenly, and she cursed angrily, which directly affected Ye Qingge's control over her body, and she couldn't help blurting out during the battle.

Taihuang tilted his head to avoid Ye Qingge's sword, pierced through the void with his spear, broke a part of the main world, completely reduced to a void world, and attacked Ye Qingge.

He showed a playful and crazy smile: "I am looking for death? Even so, so what, how can you stop it... I suddenly changed my mind, and after your power is exhausted, I will let you, the emperor, watch the world with your eyes helplessly." It will be interesting to be eroded by the power of the demon seed."

"I look forward to your expression at that time!"

Ye Qingge swung his sword and fought with Taihuang's sharp spear recklessly, countless divine lights burst out in his eyes, Su Qing'er's consciousness was irritated unprecedentedly, and angrily scolded: "You are worthy of your father's respect for what you have done. Teaching, is it worthy of the teaching of the emperor's teacher, and is it worthy of the creatures from all heavens and worlds who have given resources to cultivate you?"

Taihuang's complexion suddenly calmed down, but the extreme madness was in his eyes. The two emotions were obviously opposite, but they blended together strangely. His extremely feminine face came to Ye Qingge's body, and he said word by word: "This A question, since my father decided to give up on me, has already had a result, so it has no meaning."

"Since my father wants to betray me, since the people of the world want to betray me, how can I not resist!"

"It's better for me to blame others, than for anyone to blame me!"

Su Qing'er's consciousness fluctuated like never before, but her voice suddenly calmed down, and she said: "When you rebelled against the Heavenly Court, I thought you had a sliver of conscience, and royal affairs are just royal affairs. In front of you, you should be a qualified Emperor of Heaven, at least you should have a bottom line in front of the world."

"It's only now that I realize that I was wrong. It was so wrong. From the moment you waved the butcher knife at the emperor, you are no longer a human being. Since you practiced the magic seed method, you have been completely irreversible. You are destined to become a The generation who will be spit on forever."

"Since that's the case, then on behalf of the people of the world, I will kill you, an unfaithful and unjust traitor, and kill you, a treacherous white-eyed wolf... Collecting the wishes of all heavens and all races, I will kill the treacherous and innocent people!"

The moment the last sound sounded, the whole world began to vibrate, and a brilliant road appeared from behind Su Qing'er, and thousands of ghosts appeared on the road, kneeling and kowtowing in Su Qing'er's direction, extolling their virtues Su Qing'er's achievements are inspiring because Su Qing'er has given the chance to rise to life in the heavens and all realms.

"This is... the road to a famous emperor through the ages!"

Ye Qingge's eyelids twitched, and Feng Lingxiu's evaluation of Su Qing'er sounded in his mind, and he was inexplicably shocked: "Finding your own path is the prelude to stepping into the sixth level of Taoism. Knowing that Yang Zhao entered the sixth heaven of the Dao Realm after he had truly found the way to be one emperor through the ages, is Su Qing'er going to cross the sixth heaven of the Dao Realm in one fell swoop?"

"Now that the power at the peak of the Fifth Heaven is combined with the Heavenly God Transformation and the Demon God Transformation at the ninth floor, the power at the peak of the Extreme Dao can be unleashed, so stepping into the Sixth Heaven also means...surpassing the power of the Extreme Dao!"

As soon as this thought flashed through, an unprecedented power burst out from his body. Ye Qingge could clearly feel that the power in his body had officially started to transform, marching towards the realm of the sixth heaven, and at the same time, the power that had already reached the peak of the extreme path Moving forward again, the tenth round of dao environment halo faintly blooms from the back of the head.

Chapter 140 Who Sings His True Name in the Mist, the Demon God on the Timeline

The tenth round of the Dao Light Wheel, this is the power beyond the extreme!

Ye Qingge's heart was extremely shocked, the power of the sixth heaven of dao realm roared and swept across, and behind him stretched countless hundreds of millions of miles, the way of a famous emperor through the ages was revealed, carrying the power of breaking through the sixth heaven of dao realm, and about to surpass the realm of extreme dao With one sword, unprecedented power is gathered in one sword, which raises the power of this sword to an unprecedented level.

Before the sword arrived, the situation had already changed. The entire main world showed signs of being cut open by Ye Qingge's sword. The power of law would be subverted by this sword. Taihuang's figure was directly distorted by the terrifying coercion. The state couldn't be maintained, and the figure was blasted into a large cloud of demon seeds.

"This is... a power beyond the extreme, how is it possible!"

The mist of the demon seeds swarmed and turned into a huge face of a demon god. The face was somewhat similar to Taihuang's, but it could only be shaped barely, and could not be condensed into the original solid appearance at all. Ye Qingge's consciousness locked Under such circumstances, even dodging cannot be done, only

Watching the sword strike, the big phantom face turned into mist was full of unconcealable astonishment.

When it comes to the battle in the extreme realm, the battle is no longer a collision of ordinary divine channel methods, or a collision of Dao laws.One's own understanding of one's own way, mentality, timing, and even one's own state, etc., if not overwhelming advantages, each factor will affect the direction of the battle.The reason why Taihuang talked so much with Ye Qingge, and even made provocative words on purpose, was that on the one hand, he wanted to receive more power from the origin of the demon seed, and on the other hand, he wanted to attack Su Qing'er's Dao heart. Things I don't want to remember.

Emotions affect judgment. On the battlefield of the extreme realm, only by maintaining absolute calm and rationality can there be a chance of victory.Once Su Qing'er's rationality is blinded by emotions, it will affect his own judgment. Tai Huang can find opportunities to slowly show Su Qing'er's flaws. Once Su Qing'er becomes angry and reveals his flaws, it will be Taihuang's opportunity!

But what Taihuang didn't expect was that the script didn't go as he imagined at all.Su Qing'er was neither as angry as he imagined, nor as calm and undisturbed as in other plans, and even launched a counterattack to interfere with his state, but because of his own words, Su Qing'er's determination was aroused , really found his own path, and broke through from the fifth heaven of Taoism to the sixth heaven of Taoism in one fell swoop!

This is a crucial leap. Originally, under the Heavenly God Transformation and the Demon God Transformation, Ye Qingge could burst out with strength comparable to the pinnacle of the extreme. With this transformation, her strength surpassed the limit in one fell swoop, and she began to move towards The strength above the pole is rising.

Even the power of time will be affected and distorted by this sword, and as the physical realm quickly moves towards the sixth heaven of the Tao realm, everything around is slowly slowing down.

With the help of the original power of the demon seed, Tai Huang also keenly noticed the fluctuation of this power, which made him even more frightened, and told him accurately in his intuition that he would definitely die under this sword!

"Damn it, damn it, how could I lose at the hands of the emperor's little girl, I am the emperor's orthodox, and I am the true successor cultivated by my father. Obviously, my life should be to sit on the emperor's throne." The throne has ruled the universe for tens of thousands of years, stretching for hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years, to achieve unprecedented achievements, how could it become like this!"

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