"Since they rebelled against the Heavenly Court and were captured instead of taking refuge, it is naturally impossible to let them return so peacefully."

With a smile on his face, Ye Qingge looked at Sun Xingjun and said, "But it's impossible to kill them all. All the key points are handled by Xingjun Aiqing. I believe Aiqing can handle it."

"Follow Your Majesty's orders."

Da Ri Xingjun immediately understood what Ye Qingge meant. Most of these captives were passive captives, not because they took the initiative to seek refuge. Naturally, it was impossible to treat these heavenly soldiers and generals who were captured by the heavens, myriad races and even the captives. People in the Emperor's Heavenly Court are given such preferential treatment, but Ye Qingge's identity is not suitable to issue such an order now, so as not to cause panic in other heavens and myriad races at this critical moment, and it is the most suitable person to let him be the one who issued the order.

"Besides that, there is also the matter of the demon seed."

Ye Qingge pondered and said: "My order is to thoroughly investigate all the movements of the demons in the ten thousand worlds. Once you find any signs of eroding the demons, you will be killed, and you must not let any demons erode existence... No, this way Neither."

"The emperor's court in Beishang has just settled down, and the heavens and myriad clans have lost their goals. They still need to find a way to appease them. Rushing turmoil will cause adverse consequences and unnecessary suspicion. This matter must be carried out secretly."

"In addition, we need to pay attention to the spread of demon seeds, and we need to..."

Just said two precautions, Ye Qingge's eyes were darkened, and his consciousness returned to his body.

[The host completes the emergency mission and gets the following rewards: 60000 points, four levels of demon transformation]

[The host successfully survived the siege with a high probability of death, without any injuries, and successfully obtained three times the points reward, skills: eighth level of Tianshen Transformation, first seven levels of Demon God Transformation]

[The host's overall evaluation during this mission was excellent, and he was rewarded with double points. The total points obtained are as follows: 360000]

A few pieces of information flashed before his eyes, accompanied by countless information pouring into his mind, which has been experienced countless times, and Ye Qingge can easily absorb these information.

Her thinking speed is also much faster than when she got the system at the beginning. Looking at the points displayed on the system panel, a hint of amazement flashed in her eyes: "36 points, plus the 25 obtained last time, the total is 61 points, although the exchange of the Free Traveling Empress and some small props consumed some during the period, but the total is only 57, and now there are [-] points!"

"With more than 50 points, I can already start exchanging items from the Immortal Realm. Unfortunately, these things are temporarily useless to me. The cultivation base of the main body has not reached the level and I can't use them. After using the power of the Yin God priesthood, my own means It is enough, and it is useless to add these things to icing on the cake."

"It's better to stay here. I always have a hunch that if I keep more points, they will be of great use in the future!"

After experiencing countless times of possessing four objects and traveling through time, Ye Qingge's intuition has been unknowingly tempered and stimulated, and he is very keen on the sense of crisis and even some hidden things.

When the last touch of system empowered information about the God Transformation and Demon God Transformation came into her mind, Ye Qingge's senses finally recovered, and she glanced at her personal panel.

【Name: Ye Qingge】

[Cultivation level: mid-term sea transformation]

【Bloodline: Navigator】

[Special Dao Artifact: Time Dao Code]

[Cultivation method: Hongmeng Taoist Code (Dzogchen)]

【Shen Tao method: Hongmeng swordsmanship (extreme way), awe-inspiring righteousness (extreme way), Xuantian sealing magic (extreme way), ancient jade zither technique (extreme way), spirit devouring technique (Great Perfection), the first eight levels of Tianshen Transformation (Great Perfection), Enchanting Souls (Great Perfection), Heavenly Demon Escape Technique (Great Perfection), Supreme Saint Demonic Alchemy (Great Success), Psychic Illusion (Great Success)... the first seven levels of demon transformation (small success)]

[Clerical skills: Extradition of Ten Thousand Souls, Nether Heavens, Lord of the Underworld, Incarnation of the Great Dao]

There is not much change from when the task was completed half a month ago.It's just that he raised his cultivation level to the middle stage of the Sea Transformation Realm within half a month, and the skills of Tianshenbian and Yaoshenbian changed to the first seven and eighth tiers respectively.The proficiency of Tianshenbian has not changed, but the proficiency of Yaoshenbian has changed from the original Dacheng to the Xiaocheng proficiency.

After glancing at the panel, Ye Qingge withdrew his gaze, opened his eyes slowly, and exited the cultivation state.

After pondering for a moment, she opened the door of the bedside table, took out a pen and paper, and sorted out the current matter in her mind.

"In the world of the empress, the biggest threat is the Eastern Emperor's Heaven and the Hongmeng Heaven. The two heavenly emperors are suspected of interfering with the power of the demon seed, and they are the great enemies of the human race's Kaihuang Heavenly Court; in Su Qing'er's world, the biggest crisis at present is Taihuang The demon seeds that spread throughout the world after death; in Feng Lingxiu's world, the greatest crisis lies in the demon gods of the extreme realm in the Emperor's Heavenly Court."

"In An Lanmeng's world, the biggest crisis lies in the production plan of the core of destruction in the hands of the three Tiancangzong, Tonghuizong, Ni Cangzong and Canghuizong after the split; in the real world, the biggest trouble for me at present, Because of the crisis of Tonghuizong and Ni Cangzong's alliance with Zhongzhou, the two sects have spies on the Hundred Gods Monument, and they want to obliterate me, and even wipe out all the navigator's forces!"

"However, compared to these threats, the biggest threat is that... my timeline is being targeted by the origin of the demon seed!"

"Possessed Su Qing'er transcends the timeline. While seeing the origin of the demon seed, he is also being targeted by the origin of the demon seed. Even if he is obsessed with this period of time in the last time, the method of the origin of the demon seed must be used soon. It will break through the fog and affect the entire timeline, this is an unprecedented crisis!"

Spreading out the paper, Ye Qingge wrote down several possessed objects and the crisis in his reality one by one on the paper, and classified the several possessed objects and his own situation according to the degree of importance, crisis, and urgency. Separating the objects that need to be dealt with successively, on the biggest crisis, but wrote the four characters of the origin of the demon seed, which belongs to the crisis that needs to be dealt with in the first sequence among the crises, and is also the biggest crisis at the moment!

"We must do our best to find a way to fight against the origin of the demon seed. Apart from the origin of the demon seed, the most urgent crisis is the threat of the two sects encountered in reality. However, there is still a period of buffer period before the two sects take action. During this period, I can also possess a few objects to become stronger... Wait, Baishenbei!"

Ye Qingge suddenly thought of something, and glanced at the Hundred Gods Monument, the target of the two sects' snooping, among the information he had sorted out, and suddenly thought of something.

She turned on her private crystal brain and sent a message to Liu Ziyi, the elder of the Jingshengzong who was with her. At any time, she would cast a ray of flames and burn the paper in her hand to ashes. She got up and pushed open the door, leaving The room flew in the direction of the Hundred Gods Monument.

half an hour later

Under the Hundred Gods Monument, Ye Qingge stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the towering Hundred Gods Monument in front of him, his eyes flashed brightly, and countless thoughts and thoughts came and went in his mind, but most of them were based on guesswork. To really verify whether my thoughts are true or not, I still need confirmation from Liu Ziyi's news.

Behind her, a stream of light rushed towards her and stopped three meters behind Ye Qingge.Guanghua slowly retreated, and Liu Ziyi, who was wearing an elder's uniform, appeared behind Ye Qingge, and said respectfully, "The elder of the Jingsheng Sect, Liu Ziyi, has seen His Royal Highness the Navigator. I don't know why His Royal Highness called me here so urgently."

Ye Qingge withdrew his thoughts, put his hands behind his back and said, "Elder Liu has been growing up in the Zhongzhou Jingsheng Sect, so he should know the origin of this Hundred Gods Monument...Can you tell me about the history of this Hundred Gods Monument? Since when did it appear here?"

Liu Ziyi pondered for a moment, and said: "According to the historical records of the Jingsheng Sect, the Hundred Gods Monument suddenly appeared here after the disappearance of the first-generation navigator, standing in the center of heaven and earth, where the second-generation navigator discovered Therefore, this Hundred Gods Monument has been regarded as a sacred object of the leaders of the past generations, and it is used for inheritance among the leaders of the past generations, and it has not shown any signs of collapse or damage since it stood upright."

Ye Qingge's pupils shrank, which matched her guess, and she subconsciously asked, "How long has it been since the first leader disappeared?"

Liu Ziyi thought for a while and replied, "About 1 years."

"1 years? Didn't it mean that the world fell into this state, and it started 800 years ago?"

Liu Ziyi shook his head and said, "I don't know where His Royal Highness the Navigator learned about the history, but the history recorded in the Jingsheng Sect did disappear 1 years ago."

There was a gloomy look in her eyes: "The greed in people's hearts cannot be suppressed. At the beginning, the leader disappeared too abruptly, and he couldn't completely destroy the production method of the core of destruction. Later, people pieced together the destruction core. The core production method finally exploded 800 years ago, leading to the present situation."

"and also……"


During the conversation with Liu Ziyi, Ye Qingge slowly pieced together this period of history in his mind. It was different from everything he knew in the time of Dongzhou Canghuizong. Its history is completely different from the history distorted by the magic reform shown by Cang Huizong, and its credibility is much higher than the news Dongzhou got.

However, Ye Qingge didn't listen carefully to the following words, and her consciousness quickly returned to her guess.

The Hundred Gods Monument, the strange power permeating my own era, the abnormal titles of the empress and Su Qing'er in the era, the different expressions of the familiar characters in the statues...

Key words hovered in Ye Qingge's mind, and she unconsciously put her hand on the Hundred Gods Monument, recalling the scene she saw when she looked at her own era from the long river of time, and her thoughts fluctuated: "I In the long river of time, I saw the emergence of special powers in my own era, and the Hundred Gods Tablet also appeared suddenly in the era."

"So the appearance of this Hundred Gods Tablet is inseparable from the strange power I saw... Even the appearance of the Hundreds Gods Tablet is the reason why I saw the strange power?"

As if predicting Ye Qingge's thoughts, there was a slight fluctuation in the Hundred Gods Monument in front of him. This fluctuation was very obscure, and if he didn't touch it, even Ye Qingge would not be able to detect this change.

She was stunned for a moment, a look of hesitation flashed in her eyes, she was silent for a moment, and thoughts continued to pop up in her mind: "The emergence of this strange power of the Hundred Gods Tablet, what news does the creator of the Hundreds Gods Tablet want to tell future generations?"

The fluctuation of the Hundred Gods Monument appeared again, but it was much smaller.

Ye Qingge thought for a while, and added: "The appearance of the Hundred Gods Stele is the creator wanting to tell future generations some news, and to pass on part of the power to this era?"

The fluctuation of the Hundred Gods Monument returned to normal size

She pondered for a while: "The creator of the Hundred Gods Monument is among the statues inside, or in other words, each of the inner gods is the creator of the Hundred Gods Monument?"

The Monument of the Hundred Gods is in waves

"The existences in the Hundred Gods Monument are all existences that have transcended time?"

The Hundred Gods Monument is making waves again

"The appearance of the Hundred Gods Monument is the message of help from the detached ones to future generations?"

The Hundred Gods Monument did not fluctuate.

"I have been unable to change time. Is it because my power has nothing to do with transcending the extremes? Only the power that transcends the extremes and transcends the timeline can change time..."


Conjectures emerged in his heart one by one, and after a series of tests, Ye Qingge roughly figured out the law of the fluctuation of the Hundred Gods Monument.As long as one's thoughts are within the range of the Hundred Gods Monument, if the guess is correct, or part of it is correct, the Hundred Gods Monument will vibrate.

On the contrary, if it is wrong, or if the question asked exceeds the scope of the Hundred Gods Tablet itself, the Hundreds Gods Tablet will remain indifferent and will not answer.For example, Baishenbei did not answer whether the change of time that appeared before required power beyond the extreme way.

Astonishing news came together in Ye Qingge's mind. Ye Qingge closed his eyes, and while trying to digest the news revealed by the Hundred Gods Tablet, he sorted it out, combined with his own cognition, and guessed the second system task.

After a long time, I don't know how long he has been thinking, Ye Qingge opened his eyes again, and said in his heart: "The existence of this monument of hundreds of gods is created by hundreds of time-transcending people who transcend time. The deviation is due to the interference of the origin of the demon seed!"

The system didn't respond, but there was a weak response from the Hundred Gods Tablet in his hand. Ye Qingge frowned slightly. This was part of his guess, or there were still many gaps.

"In the end, what key information is missing?"

She thought hard, and the detailed pictures of herself possessing the Empress and Su Qing'er one by one, and even touching the Hundred Gods Stele, echoed in her mind, and finally, when she thought of the weird distortion that appeared when the god statue transmitted her power, a flash of light suddenly flashed in her mind .

Ye Qingge's eyes sharpened suddenly, he looked at the Hundred Gods Monument, and said in his heart: "The reason why the statue transmits power to me will be disturbed, the titles on the statues of the Empress and Su Qing'er will appear, and the statues of Feng Lingxiu and An Lan Menghui will be revealed The breath does not match what I know, it is because of the origin of the demon seed, it distorts the concept!"

"According to the known information, it can be inferred that the Hundred Gods Monument was cast by hundreds of enlightened people. These hundred enlightened people may not necessarily have completed the transcendence on the timeline where I am, or they may have completed the extreme transcendence on a different timeline. The Tao, the process beyond the timeline, finally converges."

"If they want to convey the news to other timelines and power to other timelines, they need a description point. The description points of the empress and Su Qing'er are the founding emperor and the emperor. The origin of the demon seed will be the era between the two If the name is distorted, the transmission of information and power will be interfered!"

"Several statues are from different timelines of detached people. The timeline where Feng Lingxiu is located has become a saintly devil, so this is the point used to pass on the information after becoming enlightened; An Lanmeng's detached timeline Only if it is a well-known existence in the righteous way, the statue will show extremely pure righteousness."

"The origin of the demon seed distorts the concept, changes a certain period of Feng Lingxiu's history, and makes her walk on the path of a saint; puts a curse on An Lanmeng and makes her be targeted by the world, so that the transmission of these information can be hindered!"

She closed her eyes, recalled the other timeline scenes she had peeped into her mind one by one, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Main task [-], the reason why the god statue does not match the history is here. Of course, there are more factors in the distorted concept details, but in general it is like this! I speculate that changing the era names of the empress and Su Qing'er, Changing the life journeys of Feng Lingxiu and An Lanmeng, embarking on completely different paths, the only thing that can do all of this is the original power of the devil seed!"

[Congratulations to the host for completing the main task 2 and getting the task reward: the number of times the Dao of Time can be used +[-]]

The system message flashed in front of his eyes, and Ye Qingge opened his eyes again. He only felt a chill on his back, his scalp was numb from his guess, and his body felt weak.

She murmured in her heart: "The ones who cast the Hundred Gods Monument are a hundred detached people, but I didn't see them on the timeline. It shouldn't be. Where did they go? They broke through the fog and went to the Dragon Han era , wanting to find a way to fight against the origin of the demon seed, created the Hundred Gods Monument to remind future generations, or..."

Shivering again, Ye Qingge looked at the Hundred Gods Stele, couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "If this is the truth, then whether your battle was won or lost, where did you go, did you go to the Dragon Han era, or Already... please give me an answer!"

The Hundred Gods Monument is no longer fluctuating.

Ye Qingge's face turned pale, his soul was lost, his heart was cold, no response was also a response.

A feeling of despair surged up in my heart uncontrollably. The origin of the demon seed is so terrifying. Is it really something I can resist?Can I really defeat the origin of the devil seed?Should we give up resistance?whether……

Countless thoughts came to her mind, her pupils dilated slightly, and she sank into her own thoughts again for a while.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the human soul transformed by the demon seed seemed to have found an opportunity, and began to move again. She looked at Ye Qingge's origin of the heavenly soul, licked the corner of her mouth, and showed a greedy expression on her pretty face just like Ye Qingge's. Come, go quietly towards the place where the source is, wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to seize control of the body while Ye Qingge is in a state of turmoil.

A strange fluctuation rose from Ye Qingge's body. Among the yin-yang fishes whose brows symbolized priesthood, a yin-yang fish appeared a little black again, and was about to be occupied by black. Just when the human soul was about to successfully strike, a The voice suddenly sounded from behind Ye Qingge.

"His Royal Highness Navigator, we have the latest news... A faction that came here has sent us a request for help!"

Chapter 142 The Casting Method of the Void God Bridge, Hidden Dangers in the World of Fox Demons

Ye Qingge woke up like a dream, his consciousness suddenly withdrew from the previous state, felt the fluctuation of the human soul in the sea of ​​consciousness, and suddenly he hummed softly in his heart, the invisible force of restraint erupted, and the human soul that had reached the critical moment suddenly released With a cry of surprise, strands of spiritual power swept out from all directions, tightly entangled the human soul, all the strength in the body was absorbed by the strands, and it was powerless to compete with Ye Qingge's heavenly soul for control of the body. .

The Heavenly Soul Unity method attached to the Heavenly God Transformation was originally created with the original intention that the priority of the Heavenly Soul is higher than that of the Human Soul. It can be said that the Human Soul has no ability to resist at all.Among Ye Qingge's divine channels, there are more than one or two that can restrain the demons. When she reacts, the human souls transformed by the demons will no longer have any chance to resist, and they are destined to be defeated by Ye Qingge's heaven. Dominated by the soul itself.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​consciousness

Ye Qingge's consciousness flooded into the sea of ​​consciousness, and Tianhun's main body glanced at the corner and crouched in the corner, trembling and making a pitiful appearance, couldn't help but shook his head, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes: "This The human soul transformed by the power of the demon seed is more and more able to take advantage of the body, but this method does not work for me!"

"No matter how pitiful and weak your expression is, it's just using my own body to deal with others. It will only feel weird to me. Although I don't know where you learned such an action, but this Don’t use any small tricks, it’s useless to me... Wait, I must not let this soul escape, otherwise, if I make such a move, it will ruin my image!"

The human soul holding his head quietly raised his head and took a peek at Ye Qingge, noticing that Ye Qingge's Tianhun body whose eyes were gradually becoming dangerous, his eyelids twitched, instinctively feeling something bad.Probably because she realized that her work was ineffective, she was stunned for a moment, then stood up resolutely, glaring at Ye Qingge with a 'super fierce' expression that did not show any weakness.

Sensing Ye Qingge's Tianhun's eyes getting colder, he sighed lightly, instead of making the expression just now, he gave Ye Qingge's Tianhun a hard look, with an expression that showed no sign of weakness.

Ye Qingge raised frivolous eyebrows, touched his chin, and said with a smile: "It seems that you have lived too peacefully during this period of time. It's just right that the law of the great way caused by violating the rules of the priesthood is counterproductive. You forgot that you were sanctioned by the law of the great way back then." I feel... It seems that when I find the opportunity, I have to use the effect of the Yin God priesthood a few times, so that you can understand who is the boss!"

The human soul turned pale with shock, and before she could speak, Ye Qingge's attention left from the sea of ​​consciousness, and the heavenly soul sat cross-legged in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness again, so angry that she cursed, and came to Ye Qingge's heavenly soul, waving The fist hit hard, but it couldn't hurt Ye Qingge at all, subconsciously uttered a language completely different from what Ye Qingge said.

This language is obscure and profound, as if whispered by ancient gods, with an indescribable charm, and even mentioned the pronunciation of "Rickson" that Ye Qingge is familiar with several times. If Ye Qingge pays attention here, he can recognize it It can be seen that the words spoken by the human soul are the same words spoken by the voice when she saw the origin of the demons.

After scolding for a while, probably because he realized that Tianhun would no longer pay attention to him, Human Soul finally sat down in despair, staring at the sea of ​​consciousness and the sky with blank eyes, as if he had lost his soul.

But Ye Qingge didn't know about these things in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Her attention has returned to reality, she turned her head and asked in doubt, "Rescue?"

Liu Ziyi nodded solemnly, and at some point beside her, two disciples of the Jingshengzong appeared, and took the jade slip with the latest news from the disciples and handed it to Ye Qingge, she said solemnly: "It is a race called the wasteland giant , swore allegiance to the navigator during the first generation of navigator, followed the previous eight generations of navigator, and lived in a small world."

"Because of the space formation, the entrance to this small world was set in Zhongzhou near Beizhou. Originally, when the Navigator's power was at its peak, this place was also under the Navigator's jurisdiction, but after that period of gap , Tonghuizong, Ni Cangzong and another sect named Qingyuzong took advantage of the vacancy and occupied this area, and have yet to find a chance to take it back."

"There are space turbulence in many places in this area, and the space array can't reach directly. When the people of the wasteland giant gods were walking in the turbulence, they encountered a surprise attack and suffered great losses. They just got the wasteland giant gods. The distress signal of the people!"

Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows slightly, the name of this race was somewhat familiar.

She thought about it roughly, and finally recalled that when she had just possessed Su Qing'er's body and fought Taihuang, the heavens that descended first were the heavens world of the barren giant gods, but at that time she was busy chasing and killing Tai Huang, didn't even have time to take a closer look at the situation of this race, so he quickly left the world of the heavens.

"Have you confirmed who the sneak attacker is? It was the people of Tong Huizong and Ni Cangzong?"

After receiving the jade slip from Liu Ziyi, Ye Qingge asked.

Liu Ziyi shook his head: "According to the information, the means used by the sneak attackers are extremely special, unlike the usual methods used by Tong Huizong and Ni Cangzong, and also different from the usual methods used by Qingyuzong, it seems to be the intervention of a third party force. "

Ye Qingge frowned slightly, and consciously penetrated into the jade slips to search for news.

Compared with Liu Ziyi's news, the news in the jade slip is much clearer, clearly stating the location of the accident and the situation of the person who did it.According to the data, the number of people who did it was not many, but their methods were extremely strange. Every time they made a move, some members of the wasteland giant god clan would fall into the turbulent space. The patriarch was helpless and had to ask for help up.

Ye Qingge carefully looked at the strength of the person who did the work mentioned on the jade slip, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and asked: "If we send reinforcements from the Holy City, how long will it take to reach the accident site as quickly as possible?"

Liu Ziyi made some calculations in his mind, and said: "It depends on the strength of the support. Judging by the minimum support strength of the crisis encountered this time, it will take two weeks at the fastest for the support sent by the Holy City to reach the designated location, about half a month. time!"

"too long!"

Ye Qingge pondered: "If only one person is sent from the holy city, and then resources are sent from the nearest Jingsheng sect's sphere of influence, how long will it take?"

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