A total of twelve celebrities in the fairyland had already prepared for an ambush and siege. With the formation activated, even if Su Qing'er was possessed by Ye Qingge, the pressure in the battle would not be small.

Not to mention that there is the ultimate move of the extreme remnant soul hidden behind it. When the battle is heating up, it is also the time when the ultimate move of the extreme remnant soul erupts.

When the familiar Ji Dao Feng emerged from his memory, Ye Qingge was finally able to confirm the identity of the other party.

"I didn't expect that this extreme remnant soul was actually left behind by Feng Xiling!"

Ye Qingge frowned slightly: "I remember when the possession of An Lanmeng completed the task, and when Feng Mingxue wanted to kill Feng Xiling, the number of years that the system could delay the catastrophe began to decrease for the first time. I originally thought that the existence of Feng Xiling would be of great help to the delay." The catastrophe is beneficial, and there is not much doubt about Feng Xiling, but now it seems...it doesn't seem to be the case!"

"But it's not easy to draw conclusions. The destruction of the three sects will also lead to the advance of the final catastrophe. Perhaps the effect of Feng Xiling, the three sects, Feng Mingxue and even complement each other can only achieve a balance among the three. It is only then that we can really postpone the catastrophe of annihilation, or even eliminate the arrival of this catastrophe of annihilation, any excess or destruction of any factor will lead to an early arrival of this catastrophe.”

"What happened at the end of the Yankang era that An Lanmeng lived in that led to such a result?"

Ye Qingge rubbed his chin, feeling curious.

The battle in memory finally ended with Su Qing'er's victory.

For this reason, Su Qing'er even used part of the hole card power that he transmitted from the air, so that the Sky Demon Huhuo truly possessed a part of the supernatural power, and finally won the victory. The celebrity fairyland fairy god forced Yu Yushi to dare not come forward to deal with it again.

Most of the memories of the two hours are above the battle, and a small part is the inheritance from the Hundred Gods Monument at the beginning, but this inheritance has another blockade by Su Qinger, and it is also in Ye Qingge's memory. Appears blurred and cannot be viewed.

Her attention gradually withdrew from the memory, and before Ye Qingge could turn her attention to other places, the last scene of memory recovery suddenly caught her attention.

At the end of the battle, two hours were running out, but at this moment, strange fluctuations came from the distant horizon.

At the end of the memory, before Su Qing'er's consciousness left, she only knew that this fluctuation came from another timeline channel, but she didn't know the specifics.

After accepting the memory, Ye Qingge was able to clearly recognize that this aura came from - An Lanmeng!

"How could An Lanmeng from another timeline send me a message... No, I remember that when I used the time code to check the future, the future An Lanmeng also sent me a message before the timeline was about to be suppressed and closed. information."

"I remember when I was observing the future, I saw that An Lanmeng on that timeline belonged to the late Yankang era. However, my behavior of viewing the future and my particularity make it impossible for me to show the correction of history. The original The future has been changed, so it is not impossible to advance the news of An Lanmeng... Wait!"

"Su Qing'er's mission is completed, and Su Qing'er's statue is also lit up, which means... the timeline channel in reality will also be closed!"

Ye Qingge violently broke free from his memory, and without caring about continuing to digest and absorb the gains brought about by this possession, he hurriedly left the training room he was in.

At this moment, she is not in the holy city, and Su Qing'er's consciousness is just on the verge of returning when the battle is over. At this moment, Ye Qingge is meditating in the practice room of the border city's city lord's mansion.

The Hundred Gods Monument was as eye-catching as ever. Ye Qingge could clearly see the existence of the Hundreds Gods Monument when he walked out of the training room, even at a long distance, and even saw the ripples left by the statue of Su Qinger in the Hundreds Gods Monument after it bloomed.

This made her more anxious.

Turning on the private crystal brain, Ye Qingge directly asked Feng Yumeng to mobilize the use authority of the Void God Bridge, and locate the coordinates of the timeline passage from the border city to the Holy City and the timeline passage from the Holy City to the interior of Canghuizong.

"I hope the time can catch up!"

Glancing at the Hundred Gods Monument in the distance, Ye Qingge took a deep breath, and stepped into the Holy Void Bridge that spread out from the holy city.



Canghui City, the chief rudder of Canghui Sect

With the failure of the previous siege battle, Yu Yushi finally realized that Ye Qingge's strength had reached an unstoppable level, and decisively led the residents of the Canghui Sect to move out of this place. For people, the power of wasteland erosion is nothing at all, even without the protection of the city, they can survive at will.

In the previous crazy limit, in fact, there were not many ordinary people left in the city. In just a few hours, with the help of the spirit boat, the remaining ordinary people in the city also started to evacuate one after another. action.

When Ye Qingge arrived, he saw a scene of an empty city where people had gone to the buildings.

"This Yu Yushi is quite decisive."

Ye Qingge sneered, and looked at the timeline channel at the top of the sky. The god statue in the distance has begun to affect this timeline channel. The huge channel is slowly healing, and the original power of the demon seed above is constantly being bloomed by the god statue. The ray of light melted away, but the distance was far away, and there was still a period of time before it was completely expelled.

It was from here that An Lanmeng's call came. Ye Qingge's consciousness moved slightly, spreading his breath and consciousness, and responded to An Lanmeng's call.

On the other side of the timeline channel, the breath fluctuated suddenly, and through the eyes of Ye Qingge, one could clearly see that the world space corresponding to the channel began to distort. After a while, An Lanmeng's figure appeared in front of Ye Qingge's eyes.

Different from An Lanmeng in Ye Qingge's timeline, An Lanmeng on the other side is in poor condition. His clothes are broken in many places, and his hair looks messy. There are large and small gaps and cracks, and many places have the breath left by the spirit of the demon seed.

"Little Meng, you are..."

Ye Qingge was startled, she had never faced An Lanmeng with such a posture before, and what shocked her even more was the injuries on An Lanmeng's body, among which there were even traces of the origin of the demon seed.

This had to make her have a bad association.

An Lanmeng on the opposite side turned serious, interrupted Ye Qingge's words, and said in a solemn voice: "Time is running out, this passage is about to be closed, listen to me first, don't interrupt me!"

Ye Qingge was slightly taken aback, then nodded, she also wondered why An Lanmeng from another timeline summoned herself so anxiously.

An Lanmeng took a deep breath, trying to make her words as simple as possible: "As you can see, the timeline I am in has also failed, and is about to be completely swallowed up by the origin of the demon seed, and the reason for this failure...is because of you body!"

Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows slightly: "Me?"

"More precisely, it originated from you in my timeline."

An Lanmeng explained: "In the timeline I'm in, your cultivation base is too weak compared to ours. When you helped us escape, you were noticed by the demons, and they attacked you directly from the future, annihilating you in the world." In the future, we have carried out a precise attack on our Dao Heart, so that the Dao is not full, resulting in damage to our cultivation base, and the distance from transcendence is even further away."

Ye Qingge opened her mouth, but found that she couldn't refute. Although her cultivation has reached the peak of the Feixian Realm and she still has the assistance of a priesthood, it cannot be denied that her cultivation is indeed much worse than the few possessed objects. .

This is also related to her training time. No matter how many opportunities she has obtained from the possessed subjects, the time of spiritual training and experience combined is hundreds of years, and the training of the body is less than a year after all.

In less than a year, it is not easy to reach this step, let alone catch up with the object of possession.

An Lanmeng was also keenly aware of this, and sighed: "Your cultivation time is still short, and it's normal to have insufficient cultivation, but the origin of the devil seed will not give us this time, so we should focus more on cultivation On top of that, at least you have to have a cultivation base above the Realm of Immortal Realm, in order to have some self-protection power..."

In the distance, the power of Su Qing'er's statue gradually spread through the void, suppressing it across time and space.

The closing speed of the timeline channel was obviously accelerated, and An Lanmeng's tone became a little hasty, and said: "This is just my suggestion, besides, I also discovered a big thing... where I am The original power of the demon seed in the timeline is decreasing!"

Ye Qingge was taken aback: "The origin of the demon seeds in the timeline has decreased?"

An Lanmeng said solemnly: "You don't know much about the origin of the demon seed, so you don't understand the importance. For the demon seed, devouring the timeline is one of the most important things. It can make it let go of such an important thing and choose to take it back." The power of the demon seed...indicates that there will be a big move!"

"The eruption of the idols in the Hundred Gods Monument means that the idols in another timeline have transcended. Two transcendents have been born in your world. The origin of the demon seed...I'm afraid there will be a big move coming!"

"However, it is not easy for the origin of the demon seed to contain the power of other timelines, and it requires a lot of preparation. During this period of time, the key point is to improve your own cultivation base, make up for the shortcomings, and resist the opportunities in the past! "

Ye Qingge understood what An Lanmeng meant, and his complexion gradually turned serious. The demons in An Lanmeng's world had only made some adjustments, but the revealed meaning was terrifying enough.

Her own world is not just as simple as the birth of two detached people. She has also faced and fought the origin of the demon seed. She resolved many methods one by one, and even defeated the origin of the demon seed. The origin of the devil seed is obviously ready to get serious!

In other words, the abnormality of my own timeline and my own performance have obviously attracted the attention of the origin of the demon seed, and I am going to gather strength to completely destroy the timeline and get rid of myself.

In this way, one's own cultivation is very important, at least not weaker than the possessed object, so as not to become a shortcoming.

The healing of the timeline channel is getting faster and faster, only one third of the original one is left, and An Lanmeng's tone is even faster: "Beyond that, it's about me in another timeline!"

"The reason for the contradiction comes from wrong cognition, which I also realized in the follow-up time, but it was too late. The era I live in is on the verge of breaking and it is irreparable!"

"I must let me on this timeline realize the importance of what you did before I can change the ending!"

"you need to……"

An Lanmeng obviously wanted to say some key details, but the power of the distant idol had officially descended here.

The speed at which the timeline channel was closed reached the limit, and the original power of the demon seed above could not be resisted at all, so it was easily purified and eliminated. The remaining words were also swallowed by the closed timeline and could not be transmitted.

Ye Qingge was in a daze, digesting An Lanmeng's news, and bowed in the direction of the closed passage, a look of thought flashed in his eyes.

"According to what An Lanmeng said, my next focus should be on cultivation. First, I should break through the Flying Immortal Realm and reach the True Immortal Realm, so as not to cause too much trouble when dealing with the arrival of the original killing move of the demon seed in the future." short board."

"However, the progress of the possessed object's detachment cannot be stopped. Now, two of the five objects have completed the detachment, leaving Feng Lingxiu, An Lanmeng, and Taiyin. I don't know how many missions there are for Taiyin, so I can do it for the time being. Put it aside, Feng Lingxiu is obviously the closest."

"However, the way to influence An Lanmeng in my timeline is currently only available in Feng Lingxiu's timeline. First, I will remove An Lanmeng's petty emotions and concerns in my timeline from An Lanmeng's reminder in another timeline, and then Complete Feng Lingxiu's transcendence... After the system upgrade, the restrictions on free traversal have been lifted, so it shouldn't be difficult to do this."

"It's enough to remove the source of the contradiction, the wrong cognition..."

Ye Qingge rubbed his chin, pondering flashed in his mind, while returning to the direction of the Void Bridge, he walked towards the holy city.

Her cultivation has reached the peak of Feixian Realm, and she has accumulated enough insights, and it is time to complete the breakthrough of Lingtai Fairyland.

Chapter 193 Where is the Tao in the Realm of Heavenly Immortals?

Jingshengzong, Holy City

The soft divine light shone in the Hundred Gods Monument, and the statues of Yang Zhao and Su Qing'er shone with lustrous luster, and they performed a strange fusion, making the area covered by the divine light even larger.

The current Shenguang not only covers the Holy City, but also covers the three cities next to the Holy City. With the addition of Su Qing'er, the Shenguang expanded even faster.

However, compared to the evolutionary power of Yang Zhao's divine light, the luster emanating from Su Qing'er's statue is more about suppressing the time and space of the entire world, and not allowing other timelines and his own timeline passages to reopen, from another timeline. level to eliminate the influence of the origin of the magic seed on the timeline.

When the two complement each other, it is enough to raise the security of the timeline to another level.

But that's all, it doesn't mean the timeline is safe!

"Feng Xiling's ultimate remnant soul and Yu Yushi and others are missing, and there are still monsters out there watching, and I don't know where the future of this world is!"

Sitting in the practice room under his own villa, Ye Qingge's mind was filled with the scenes of today's experience, and there was a little worry in his eyes.

However, this worry was quickly replaced by a new wave of firmness.

"No matter what the future holds, at least right now I have made enough efforts to allow Yang Zhao and Su Qing'er to complete their detachment, and the fragments of the Taiyin Star in reality have also been put into construction, and now I have also reached the peak of Feixian , is about to step into the realm of immortals and gods...everything is getting better."

"Everything has not entered the worst situation, let me see what the devil seed origin has."

Powerful faith blossomed on his own, Ye Qingge used his skills to adjust his breath, and adjusted his mood and physical condition to the peak, then he opened the system panel and exchanged resources.

In reality, it is difficult for immortal cultivators to break through the Realm of Flying Immortals and enter the Immortal Realm of Lingtai. It is difficult to advance an inch in this realm.

Completing Su Qing'er's mission added 1000 to [-] million system points to Ye Qingge. With a large amount of points as background, Ye Qingge naturally did not lack this consumption. , then closed his eyes and sank his mind into his body.

middle dantian

The five viscera and the six internal organs have been tempered and perfected, turning into phantoms of fairy palaces and halls hovering on the side. In the center is the Ascension Platform made by Ye Qingge. On the Ascension Platform, the spiritual fetus Ye Qingge stands in the center of the high platform. The strength and all aspects of the spiritual fetus are far superior to the spiritual fetus of the same realm. The divine light radiates from the body, and the temperament is sacred and majestic, just like the ruler of the world.

The laws and avenues that Ye Qingge comprehended turned into large and small lines and gathered on the Feixiantai. According to the degree of comprehension, the lines are big or small. Each line will expand the Feishengtai by one point, and the foundation and strength will be increased several times. .

The phantoms of the possessed objects that originally appeared in the lower dantian also appeared here. Phantoms stood tall in the void, with the sky above their heads and the earth below them. Among them, the phantoms of Yang Zhao and Su Qing'er exuded a glow The brilliance of Ye Qingge made Ye Qingge's cultivation more profound.

The moment the mind sank into it, the spirit fetus in the middle dantian also opened its eyes at the same time, opened its small mouth slightly, and spit out a mouthful of mysterious and incomprehensible words.

The divine power gathered to the peak and the power of various avenues in the body trembled violently, phantoms also cast their eyes on Ye Qingge's spiritual womb, one by one burst out surging power, and poured it into Ye Qingge's spiritual womb.

Countless powers emerged, and in front of Ye Qingge's spiritual fetus, it turned into a heaven-reaching immortal step. The power of laws and avenues converged on the immortal step, making this immortal step more stable and huge, reaching directly to the sky.

Different people have different ways of breaking through to the fairyland of Lingtai. Some use special secret methods to fly from the middle dantian to the fairyland of Lingtai;

Immortal steps spread upwards rapidly, until it was almost done, the spirit fetus took the first step, and walked towards the sky along the immortal steps.

Every time you take a step up, the breath from the spirit fetus becomes stronger, but the pressure it bears is also increasing, as if the whole world is putting pressure on Ye Qingge, and on the fairy steps under Ye Qingge's feet.No matter whether it is Xianjie or Ye Qingge, if there are deficiencies, they will be crushed by this coercion, resulting in the failure of the breakthrough.

After experiencing Feng Lingxiu's breakthrough and Su Qing'er and Yang Zhao's transcendence, how could such coercion affect Ye Qingge.

The expression of her spiritual fetus is always indifferent, the luster of the innate dao seed in the center is shining, and she walks step by step to the sky dome simulated by Zhongdantian. The clouds appeared in the sky, and the spirit fetus shuttled all the way up, and came to the void.

The stars are shining, the sun and the moon are hanging high, like a real world, the scene under the feet has disappeared, and the scene above the sky is still difficult to see. There is only a fairy road running between the sky and the earth, and the surroundings are full of grotesque phenomena. A strange and magnificent scroll unfolded before Ye Qingge's eyes.

I don't know how long I have walked forward

Until the end of the stars, the distance where the light of the sun and the moon cannot find, the end of the fairy steps, Ye Qingge stepped out of the fairy steps, and came to a land of eternal darkness, but just this step, it is a world of difference.

As if a ray of light poured into this land of eternal darkness, the whole world presents a scene of opening up the world. The ascension platform of Zhongdantian suddenly rises, turning into fairy palaces, temples, pavilions and pavilions in the fairyland of Lingtai, countless magnificent Under Ye Qingge's will, the wonders were formed little by little, and the innate dao seeds in the spiritual womb radiated light, further strengthening these wonders.

The spirit fetus also began to transform.

"Is this the realm of immortals?"

Feeling the changes in herself, Ye Qingge let out a sigh of emotion.

But the changes don't stop there!

The human fairyland is actually an excessive realm. The difference between the real human being and the immortal god with an eternal life span fades away the aura of the mortal body and turns into the immortal power of the immortal body. The real difference from the immortal cultivator belongs to the transformation of the essence.

With the help of the Xiantian Dao Seed, this process was actually accelerated. In the process of breaking through the fairyland of the Lingtai, Ye Qingge's spiritual fetus and the entire upper dantian were fully baptized, stepping into the fairyland!

The transformation on his body became more severe, and Ye Qingge's consciousness was occupied by a power that had grown rapidly. When he came to his senses, all the changes in the entire Lingtai fairyland had come to an end.

There are many fairy palaces, clouds and mists are misty, and the changes of the stars and the sun and the moon are only displayed in the upper dantian, just like a fairyland in heaven.

She stabilized her breath, her consciousness gradually withdrew from her upper dantian, returned to reality, opened her private crystal brain, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes: "This time, the breakthrough took three days or nearly four days... ...but understandable."

The leap from immortal cultivator to immortal god is a big threshold. Unless ordinary immortal cultivators in Flying Immortal Realm have special talents or special circumstances, it will take at least several years from preparation to breakthrough, let alone Ye Qingge who goes from flying immortal to heavenly immortal. Metamorphosis.

She continued to open the message panel of the private crystal brain and checked. There was no major incident in the past few days. Yu Yushi's trace was still missing, and the construction of the lunar star fragments was underway.

After casual browsing, Ye Qingge quickly closed the private computer, opened the system panel, and selected Feng Lingxiu for the free traversal function.

Consciousness was confirmed, the scene in front of him went dark, and when the pictures converged again, he was looking at a big hall in front of him which was under construction.

"Senior, you are here."

Feng Lingxiu's voice sounded, and there was a bit of excitement in her tone, and she introduced Ye Qingge: "This is the Ten Thousand Laws Palace that Senior instructed me to build when I came last time. The initial improvement has begun, and it can be filled in only after the construction is successful!"

Ye Qingge pondered for a while, and quickly recalled that when she came last time, she had just learned that Su Qing'er's detachment was due to her grandeur and righteousness. And when working hard.

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