Ye Nanshuang's small face also became serious. When her eyes moved, it seemed that there were countless compound eyes in her pupils. If you looked carefully, you could even see the changes in the world contained in each "compound eye", which contained countless possibilities. , to deduce the current situation.

The chanting sound in the dark is getting louder and louder. It seems that there are countless creatures in the sky and the earth are chanting the name "Rixon" with abnormal accents. The sky gradually turned into a huge vortex, and a powerful force was born from it. breath.

Suddenly, Ye Nanshuang's eyes froze, and the vision in his eyes disappeared, and he said in a low voice, "Be careful to the left, and dodge!"

In An Lanmeng's hand, the Divine Fire of the Heavens suddenly bloomed, turning into a majestic pillar of fire and sweeping away into the distance. While hugging Ye Nanshuang, she fled to the distance. After three years of cooperation, the two of them have already become extremely proficient at this.

The pillar of flame light not far away had not been swept for a long time before it was suddenly dispersed, and countless bone-eroding winds suddenly appeared in the originally calm void. After that, you can see the general appearance.

The figure above the sky also descended at this time, wearing a black and white Taoist robe, with the symbol of the Tai Cang Sect on the chest, with long hair fluttering, and the eyes have become pure jet black, a flower carrying the power of destruction The lotus rose from her feet, surrounded by countless bone-eroding winds circling around and setting off countless waves of demonic energy.

It was Feng Xiling!

An Lanmeng looked at her and sighed: "Elder Feng, you have fallen. You are no longer the Elder Feng who dared to fight and fight against the leader for his own ideas."

Feng Xiling showed a crazy smile, and said indignantly, "I've fallen? What's the use of not falling? I said long ago that following Feng Mingxue's method will inevitably lead to the destruction of the world, but she has always insisted on going her own way." , eventually led to the collapse of the world, Yankang Dynasty and Tai Cang Sect were all destroyed by her, and the result?"

"But she was redeemed by Lord Navigator, and I could only hide in a dark corner and wait for death silently; this person who single-handedly destroyed the foundation of the leader of Feng Lingxiu became a member of the Navigator and continued to enjoy the glory beautiful, but it is difficult for me to survive..."

"Tell me, is this world fair? How can there be justice in this world? Has anyone ever come to help me?"

"Since normal means are useless, then use other means to maintain my justice. What is the crime? How can this be considered depravity!"

Feng Xiling's voice became louder and louder. Along with her words, countless bone-eroding winds swept across the entire sky. The earth and space were eroded invisible, and they began to let out mournful sounds, constantly was annihilated.

An Lanmeng became nervous, but on the surface she remained indifferent, and said calmly: "You keep saying that you are on the side of justice, so have you ever thought that if it weren't for your actions, this world would not be shattered? Jie will not own it."

Feng Xiling's smile froze, and before she could refute, An Lanmeng's voice came from afar: "You may think that Feng Ming Xuede is not worthy, and is no longer as good as the leader, but this is not the reason for you to ruin the world. That's a battle of ideas between you, but it's not the world's fault."

"You obviously have more and better ways to solve these problems, but you insist on choosing the most extreme way. This is the beginning of degeneration!"

"The so-called justice, the so-called fault of Feng Mingxue, are just reasons for you to find for yourself. Using high-sounding reasons to cover up your depravity will only make people think you are disgusting."


A huge spatial crack appeared between Feng Xiling and An Lanmeng. The world began to crumble under the bone-eroding wind, and Feng Xiling's face completely sank.

She sneered, and said: "It's a bunch of nonsense, demonic words to confuse people... In the end, this world is a world where the weak eat the strong, and strength is the foundation. Now with the help of the master, my strength has reached the peak, and I can even compare with the original holy leader." At your peak, let me see how capable you are to say these words."

"Suffer to death!"

Dao halos rose from the back of her head, like paint and ink. When the ninth aura appeared, the lotus under her feet suddenly swelled, and the nearby destructive energy bloomed wildly, slowly becoming the size of a continent, absorbing The power of the entire heavens was for his own use, and it became the source of the destructive energy, which suddenly pressed against An Lanmeng.

An Lanmeng let out a soft snort. The Heavenly God Transformation and the Demon God Transformation were also turned on to the extreme, reaching the peak strength of the extreme path. The figure flew towards Feng Xiling's direction, stretched out his hand, took out a sharp sword, and fought with Feng Xiling Personal combat.

Compared with Feng Xiling, who was born in the Taicang sect and has mastered thousands of divine channels, An Lanmeng's strength in this area is much weaker. The changes in the divine channels are far behind Feng Xiling, and An Lanmeng is An Lanmeng in close combat. of strength.

"Too holy magic!"

An indescribable feeling of evil rose from An Lanmeng's body. After being cursed for many years, the aura of being the leader of the demonic way bloomed, and turned into a phantom of an eight-armed demon god with a height of more than a thousand feet and horns on his head. In contrast to Feng Xiling's devilish aura, An Lanmeng looked more like a big devil who did many evils.

As soon as the Demon God stepped on his feet, his speed was completely out of proportion to his body, and he came behind Feng Xiling in a flash, and all kinds of weapons appeared on his eight arms, attacking Feng Xiling frantically.

As the bone-eroding wind blows, Feng Xiling makes a tactic with both hands, and spreads countless bone-eroding winds around his body as the first layer of defense, and the destructive air as the second layer of defense. The lotus petals under his body heal to resist the attack of the demon god.

The demon god's arm was eroded and shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye, but An Lanmeng's face inside was as usual, the sacred power on his body was concentrated, and the surging power was accumulating momentum, quietly waiting for the moment of eruption.

Until the demon god finally came to the lotus, the moment when the lotus petals were not healed

The interior of the demon god suddenly split, and An Lanmeng's figure jumped out of it. The long-accumulated powers of Tianshenbian, Haoran Zhengqi, etc. gathered and exploded, turning into a surging Jingtianshen fire mat and blasting towards Feng Xiling in the center.

Feng Xiling's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly mobilized the lotus formed by Ruin Dao to resist, but it was already a beat late.

With one blow, Feng Xiling's body was ignited with the blazing milky white Heaven Purifying Divine Fire, nearly half of the power of the demon seed on his body was eliminated, and his aura fell in an instant.

An Lanmeng stepped forward and continued to fight Feng Xiling. In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of rounds of confrontation.

There are cracks everywhere in the sky space where they pass, and the whole world has a bleak and dead breath, as if it can't bear the battle between the two and collapses.

With the previous blow that severely injured Feng Xiling, the aura on Feng Xiling's body weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and An Lanmeng did not give her a chance to rest and recover. Under continuous attacks, the aura on her body fell at a speed visible to the naked eye , the halo of the great avenue behind him was blown away by two rings, leaving only a little parry power left.

Her aura became even more shaky, and a sudden thought triggered the devilish energy in the world to barely withstand An Lanmeng's blow, and the figure turned around and ran away.

"Kill her!"

"Catch up, the next step will be the key to other people!"

The voices of Ye Qingge and Ye Nanshuang resounded from inside and outside the body at the same time. An Lanmeng cut through the sky without hesitation and chased after them. At the same time, she activated the secret method and contacted Feng Mingxue and others from Fengdu Realm to gather for the final battle.




Countless world crystal walls were easily shattered under Feng Xiling and An Lanmeng. The space avenue controlled by Feng Xiling was more perfect. One way's understanding will be much worse, but she is not in a hurry, and just follows from a distance behind.

I don't know how long it's been

Feng Mingxue's figure slowly caught up, and came silently behind An Lanmeng, followed by three or four figures of extreme Taoism, some of whom accidentally joined An Lanmeng in the journey of saving the world from the realm of the ancestors Among those who were promoted, there were also the former elders of the Taicang Sect who were recruited by Feng Mingxue, and the Yankang Shenchaoji Dao who was rescued by An Lanmeng.

Under An Lanmeng's ideas, abilities, and transcendent personal charm, they all became followers of An Lanmeng. After receiving Ye Nanshuang's preaching, they saved the survivors in the heavens together with An Lanmeng. Completed the collection of tens of thousands of survivors from the heavens and worlds in just three years.

Several people broke through nearly [-] heavens together, and didn't stop until they came to a desolate heaven.

The heavens in this place are not as strong as the other heavens, but the bleak and dead air of the whole heavens does not diminish the other worlds at all.There are traces left after the war everywhere, and there are broken walls everywhere, which makes An Lanmeng feel unspeakably familiar, as if he has heard the name of this place somewhere, but he can't remember where it is for a while.

It was Ye Qingge who reacted immediately, and said in An Lanmeng's consciousness: "This is the ruins of the Emperor's Heavenly Court!"

An Lanmeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and her heart became more and more vigilant.

Feng Xiling also stopped at this time, she turned her head, calmed down the turbulent blood in her body, and said with a sneer, "I have finally welcomed you here... Get ready to die!"

"Master, I will leave it to you!"

One after another strange books rose from the ruins of the Emperor's Heavenly Court, and the tiny objects that were trapped in the ruins suddenly floated up, and countless handwriting emerged from them, gathered in the sky, and turned into large pieces From the incomprehensible symbolic text, a strong will descended from it, covering Feng Xiling's body.

Feng Xiling's aura suddenly changed, and the expression on his face also became indifferent. He looked coldly at the attacking people, and the originally broken halo at the back of his head re-condensed, reaching the level of the nine rings.

Waves of aura bloomed in the sky, and suddenly there were small voices from all directions in the sky. Space channels in An Lanmeng's consciousness were opened up, and countless demon-seeded eroders gushed out from them.

Obviously a premeditated battle!

An Lanmeng didn't show any fear on her face, on the contrary, she became even more excited. She looked at Feng Xiling with fiery eyes, and said with a smile: "You must be the origin of the legendary demon seed, possessing Feng Xiling to fight us ...I'm really curious, how powerful is the legendary origin of the demon seed!"

Feng Xiling said in a cold tone, "You will know soon."


As soon as the two figures moved, they fought together brazenly. Except for Feng Mingxue, the Ji Dao silently dispersed and began to clean up the demon seed invaders who surrounded them.

There is also a difference between the extreme state and the extreme state. Except for Feng Mingxue, most of the people are from the strength of the first to third rings. It is difficult to intervene in the battle of the peak of the extreme state at the ninth ring level, and it is easy to become one. burden.

Only Feng Mingxue, who had recovered to the strength of the Seven Rings again in the past three years, was able to barely get in and participate in this battle by relying on the divine channel method he had learned.

The avenue collapses, the world collapses

The battlefield of the three-person world became illusory around the void, gradually cutting off the sight of the outside world, and the three goblins who cleaned up the demon-seeded eroders from the outside world could barely see the three figures colliding with each other. Knowing the specific details of the confrontation, I felt that there was only a strong aftermath of the confrontation, and my eyes were full of shock.

three days passed by

After three days of fighting, the fluctuations in the sky finally subsided. The figures of An Lanmeng and Feng Mingxue stood above the sky, while Feng Xiling's figure fell to the ground. In an instant, countless scars appeared on his body. Made a blood man.

The original breath of the demon seed on his body also disappeared without a trace, and was expelled by An Lanmeng's continuous purification during the battle.

"This war is finally over."

A look of exclamation flashed in An Lanmeng's eyes, and suddenly his blood surged up, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of dirty blood, his figure almost fell from mid-air.

Feng Mingxue quickly supported An Lanmeng's figure, inspected An Lanmeng's body, with a solemn expression on her face: "Leader, your injury is too serious, the most urgent thing is to go back to recuperate, and I will take care of it for you here." .”

An Lanmeng nodded slightly, and was about to go back, when Ye Qingge's voice suddenly sounded in her heart.

Her complexion became weird, and she suddenly looked at Feng Mingxue, and said, "Master Feng...I have something to tell you."

Feng Mingxue shook her head and nodded. After three years of getting along, she already understood the difference between An Lanmeng and Feng Lingxiu.

However, her life was saved by An Lanmeng, and under the special circumstances, she never pointed out this point. She just followed An Lanmeng silently. She never thought that An Lanmeng actually had the means to contact her sister.

Chapter 208 An Lanmeng's Transcendence, Feng Mingxue's Admonition

An Lanmeng closed her eyes, and her breath gradually changed.

When she felt the familiar breath rising from An Lanmeng's body, Feng Mingxue's expression was completely shaken, and she murmured, "Sister... sister?"

Ye Qingge's consciousness gradually took control of his body, he nodded slightly, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and said, "Feng Xiling is not dead yet."

Feng Mingxue was startled, then her expression became serious, waiting for Ye Qingge's next words.

Ye Qingge put his hands behind his back, and said: "Feng Xiling didn't die, and lived to the afterlife ten thousand years later, and has been the spokesperson of the origin of the devil seed to bring disaster to the world. This is what I saw in the afterlife. The following During the operation, the strangling of Feng Xiling must also be placed in the first order, and he must die."

Feng Mingxue nodded and said, "I understand."

Ye Qingge took a deep breath and said, "Other than that, it's about you."

Feng Mingxue's body trembled, her head lowered slightly, her face seemed to flush slightly, and she murmured: "Yes, I'm sorry... After all, I still failed to save the era created by you, sister, and failed to fulfill my due responsibilities ……it's all my fault."

Contrary to her expectation, Ye Qingge didn't mean to reprimand her right away, but instead patted her head, saying: "Any force has its ups and downs, such as the Yankang Dynasty, the Taicang Sect, and the past Emperor's Heavenly Court." It is the same as in the era of the Kaihuang Heavenly Court and even earlier times, the alternation of new and old powers is always a constant topic, nothing is eternal."

"Most of your ideas are not wrong, but there are too many problems in implementation. As a result, the Yankang Dynasty and the Tai Cang Sect were destroyed. Afterwards, I will follow An Lanmeng's side, study hard and learn, and don't do this again mistake."

After all, Ye Qingge wasn't the real Feng Lingxiu, so it was impossible to reprimand her in Feng Lingxiu's position.And the matter has come to this point, reprimanding is useless, let Feng Mingxue contribute to the construction of the new world, so as to achieve the purpose of atonement is more effective than simply reprimanding.

Feng Mingxue closed her eyes tightly, and responded softly, her body trembling slightly, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Ye Qingge chatted with Feng Mingxue for a while before returning his body to An Lanmeng.

The senses of the body are gradually restored

Regaining control of her body, An Lanmeng opened her eyes again, and waved to the other gods of extreme dao who were wise and far away from this place, and left this place for Feng Mingxue to adjust her mood.

After all, this battle has defeated the origin of the demon seed, but this does not mean that they can relax, and there are more follow-up tasks waiting for them to complete!



[The task of stopping the catastrophe from destruction, keeping the building from falling, and helping the tide to collapse has been completed, and the series of tasks of cursing the witch Su Qinger have been completed, the host is requested to make a choice within 1 minute]

[1. Return to the main body 2. Observe the history of An Lan's dream world]

When Ye Qingge returned his body to An Lanmeng, the familiar system panel appeared again.Although An Lanmeng completed the latter part of the mission this time, Ye Qingge's mission goal has been achieved, and it can be regarded as completed, but it can be expected that the score this time may not be high.

An Lanmeng completed Feng Lingxiu's detachment first, which was somewhat beyond Ye Qingge's expectations. Originally, she entered An Lanmeng's body just to see if she could save An Lanmeng, and if she could change something after the catastrophe broke out, but she never thought about it. Go straight to the last mission.

But all this is within reason.

As for the two options, naturally there was no need to hesitate. Ye Qingge directly chose the second one. She also wanted to see what happened after the catastrophe ended, causing the world to become like this.

The pictures in front of me flowed, and the familiar feeling came to my mind again, just like when Su Qing'er and Yang Zhao were detached before, Ye Qingge watched her every move from An Lanmeng's perspective, but unlike before, this time she was no longer able to control An Lanmeng's body, talking to An Lanmeng's consciousness, can only watch passively.

After solving the biggest crisis, the next step is the journey of purifying the world.

Different from the battle with Feng Xiling and the origin of the demon seed, it is relatively easier to purify the world. The leaders who have inherited the power of blood from Ye Nanshuang can participate in this operation to speed up the process of purifying the world.

An Lanmeng and the other three gods of the extreme realm led the teams to conquer the stars that were most eroded by the demons, while the rest of the navigators led the survivors who had cultivated righteousness to purify the rest of the world according to the situation.

Heroes emerge in troubled times, and they have undergone great changes, which have completely awakened many survivors. The awe-inspiring righteousness that no one has cultivated before has been cultivated one after another in the past three years, and many people have made small achievements. , enough to become a powerful backbone to purify the heavens and worlds.

When An Lanmeng cleared the third heaven, Feng Mingxue's figure finally followed.

Coming to An Lanmeng's side, Feng Mingxue didn't say much, but silently bowed to help An Lanmeng clean up the power of the demon seeds in the heavens and worlds.

time passes day by day

Purifying the heavens and worlds has become An Lanmeng's main task, but An Lanmeng's life is not only about purifying the heavens and worlds, she also occasionally returns to the Fengdu world to participate in the survivors' subsequent planning and construction.

Unlike other possessed objects, An Lanmeng's ambition is not strong, nor does she have the idea of ​​establishing a dynasty or heaven.Under her manipulation, Fengmo Shengjiao finally merged with Jingshengzong and became a transcendent force.

The rest of the survivors, under the recommendation of everyone and the selection of An Lanmeng, selected the lords of the heavens in units of stars, and divided them up under the core rules formulated by the Jingshengzong. The unified supervision of Jingshengzong.

This is also the unified will of the survivors. An Lanmeng's achievements are here. Whether An Lanmeng is willing or not, everyone will automatically recommend An Lanmeng to become the "Emperor of Heaven" in the new era, but An Lanmeng does not have this ambition, so he becomes Another special system exists.

"This form is a bit similar to the mode in which the sect controls the city in reality...or the mode of later generations, which is divided from here, but here is the unit of stars."

Ye Qingge's consciousness fluctuated and he was thoughtful.

The cleaning process of the heavens and worlds finally took 300 years to be completely completed.

After Ye Qingge's reminder, An Lanmeng and Feng Mingxue would search the heavens every time they cleaned up a place of heaven. When the time came to 280, they finally found Feng Xiling in one of the heavens. The remnant soul of the hole card that has been hidden here.

After more than two hundred years, Feng Xiling's cultivation has returned to the state of the ancestors of Taoism, and his fighting power can barely touch the threshold of the extreme way, but in the face of the encirclement and suppression of An Lanmeng and Feng Mingxue, several top extremes, , After all, they were still defeated, and the last resorts were eliminated one by one, completely annihilated in history.

"With Feng Xiling's death, history has changed again!"

Ye Qingge's consciousness fluctuated slightly, and countless thoughts fluttered in his heart.

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