Not only here, but also at the edge of the sky in the distance, the sound of the dragon's roar, the roar of the black tortoise, and even the roar of the sky-shattering tiger also resounded through the void one after another, causing the void to vibrate.

Above the sky, the starry sky that was originally covered by the rain is finally revealed. There are 28 constellations, and the stars are shining all over the sky. It seems that there is a fairy god standing above each star. At the highest point, there is a phantom in charge of the sky. In a flash, the entire sky fluctuated with the action of this figure.

On the ground, there are also many gods and shadows, mobilizing the power of the mountains and the earth, covering the entire area.

A murderous air filled the air, and the third prince's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Four elephants, five emperors... the heaven and earth battle is really a good way!"

"Such a formation can't be arranged in the Heavenly Court of the Eastern Emperor, let alone the human race of the Empress. Then only the Heavenly Court of the Hongmeng will be left."

"You... have crossed the line!"

"Form formation, protect the temple!"

With a low snort, he slashed forward with the three-pointed and two-edged knife, and the huge sea of ​​flames was instantly cut into two halves. The heavenly soldiers and generals behind him quickly formed a defensive formation, and their aura was activated, transforming into golden halos, The entire temple is shrouded in it.

In Luanjia, rays of light from formations also jumped up, protecting the formations.

The main power of Dao Huo has been dissipated by the third prince, and the power of the remaining Dao Huo is not strong, and it spreads quickly.

The third prince took a deep breath and said: "The cooperation is established. I wonder if Your Majesty can break this formation?"

Ye Qingge said calmly: "Cover me, get on top of Suzaku. Just follow my instructions!"

The third prince narrowed his eyes slightly and responded to the sound. After asking the heavenly soldiers and generals to guard the temple, he came to Ye Qingge's Luanjia. He had a strong aura and was watching Luanjia's movements all the time. Obviously, he hadn't let go of his guard against Ye Qingge.

Ye Qingge smiled slightly, and began to direct the maids and guards in the Luanjia.

A series of formations shone brightly on the entire Luanjia, and the huge Luanjia immediately moved towards Suzaku's head.

Suzaku seemed to be enraged, and spread its wings, the temperature of the whole area rose at a speed visible to the naked eye, there was a sudden shock above the sky, and large fireballs fell from the sky, falling towards Ye Qingge's car.

"Luanjia is 300 meters to the left...Third Prince, the fireball three kilometers to the right, smash it!"

"Luanjia descended 500 meters... the third prince opened the way!"


One after another command spread from Ye Qingge's spirit, every time was just right, as if he had predicted all the actions of Suzaku.

Three kilometers to the right, a fireball containing the power to kill the entire Luanjia was stabbed and shattered by the third prince before it approached Luanjia.When Luanjia shifted to the left, he avoided the bombardment of most of the fireballs just right, and the remaining fireballs couldn't even shake Luanjia's defensive shield slightly.

The next moment, Luanjia suddenly stopped his ascent and descended 500 meters. The third prince slashed across with a knife, and the sea of ​​fire contained in the space was cut open from it.

The prince rushed to the forefront, followed by Luanjia, and beside him were countless fire flames, which turned into a large sea of ​​flames and fell to the ground.

Every order was just right, and within a few minutes, he broke through the air all the way to Suzaku.

Suzaku was startled and angry, Ye Qingge touched a flaw in the formation, it couldn't move away from this position for a while, it could only watch Ye Qingge arrive.

at this time

A few brand-new stars slowly condense out of the sky, and a terrifying divine light bursts out from the starlight. Some have the head of a snake, and some have the head of a tiger and an oxtail... A man of gods is holding a magic weapon, carrying a terrifying light. The power and influence descended, and the vast sky was occupied by powerful forces, which made people tremble.

Suzaku spread its wings suddenly, unleashing the power of Daohuo in the entire area without reservation, preparing to unite with the gods descending from the stars, and destroy the Luanjia and the temple below in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the curtain of Luanjia was pulled open suddenly, and Ye Qingge's figure appeared at the door of Luanjia.

When commanding the maids and guards in the Third Prince Luan's car, Ye Qingge was not idle.When it appeared at this time, the divine power in her body had gathered to the limit, and she flew upwards suddenly, breaking through the air.

Between Luanjia and Suzaku, the third prince stood tall, but at this moment his face was full of solemnity, and his body was completely drenched in cold sweat.

Above the sky, the figure of Suzaku covered the sky and covered the sun, winding for nearly a hundred kilometers. Behind Suzaku, a god and man transformed into stars descended into the world, and the terrifying aura suppressed the world. His might is enough to make the third prince in the fourth heaven of the Dao realm tremble.

At this moment, Ye Qingge's figure floated over his left shoulder, heading towards Suzaku's head.

The figure of about 1.6 meters five is completely incomparable with the figure of the third prince who is two meters tall.

Above is Suzaku and the god-man transformed into stars, and below is Ye Qingge's small figure in imperial robes. Although there is a huge difference in stature, it gives people a strange feeling like the collision of heaven and earth.

The picture seems to freeze there.

The next moment, Ye Qing's singer Zhong Xiu's sword was drawn out of its sheath, and he slashed forward.

The power of the kendo exploded in full force, the avenue dissolved in the seemingly ordinary sword, and unexpectedly severed Suzaku's head, and the other hand pulled out the soul-destroying bell, the divine power that had been prepared for a long time was completely useless. Reserved to rush into it.

Jingle Bell……

The crisp sound resounded through the void, and the Dao Fire that formed Suzaku surged violently, and a ray of Suzaku's spirit in the center was drawn by the soul-destroying bell, and it came out, drifting towards the soul-destroying bell in Ye Qing's singer.

Just when the soul was about to be absorbed by the soul-destroying bell, Ye Qingge made a sudden move, stretched out his hand and branded the soul of Suzaku, threw it back into the Suzaku of Dao Flame, and then fled back.

The third prince was slightly stunned, and asked in doubt: "Your Majesty, why don't you directly defeat the Dao Fire Suzaku led by Suzaku's spirit, how can this break the formation?"

"This heaven and earth lore formation is different from the one that killed the gods and demons. The one that kills the gods and demons is the complete version. Only by destroying all the phantoms can the formation be broken, but this is different."

Ye Qingge walked into the Luanjia, and said in a calm tone: "It only needs to destroy the phantoms of three key points at once, and the formation can be directly collapsed. But if they are destroyed one by one, the formation will be deduced again. It won't take long to recover, at most it will only reduce the power of the formation, and it will not directly break the formation."

"It's not too late, Suzaku's troubles are temporarily resolved, but the phantom of the stars and gods and demons above the head is still there, leave this place quickly, and go to the place where the phantom of the green dragon is!"

The third prince was thoughtful, with a little respect in his eyes: "I see."

He pondered for a while, and followed Ye Qingge Luanjia, keeping a position not far or near.

Ye Qingge's performance really made him admire, but it didn't mean that he would let go of his vigilance.

After exhorting the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals behind him, he followed Ye Qingge and headed towards the Qinglong phantom.

What he doesn't know is

Right after Ye Qingge returned to the bedroom, his complexion suddenly turned pale, and his aura also rapidly decreased, showing faint signs of returning to the previous state of near-death.

"Your Majesty, your body is still too weak after all."

She sighed, and slowly adjusted her breath.

This move seems simple, but it is actually walking a tightrope.

She took advantage of the big loophole in the formation of the Temple of the Three Princes to activate the formation under abnormal circumstances, which would prolong the bursting time of the formation's power. In a second, it can be fully activated. With the body of the empress, there is no life at all!

Even so, there is not much time left for her.The stars, gods and demons above Suzaku's head will be delayed for at most four or five minutes before they will descend completely.

If you can't complete the subjugation of Suzaku within this period of time, it will be a situation of ten deaths and no life.

The female emperor's tone was slightly awkward: "Zhen... will pay attention."

Since becoming the leader of the human race, few people would speak to her like this, which made Yang Zhao feel a little uncomfortable.

Ye Qingge shook his head, closed his eyes to relieve his injuries.

When commanding Luanjia and the third prince arrived at the place where Qinglong Xuying was, it was already half an hour later.

The phantom of the huge green dragon floated in the air, and the phantoms of the stars, gods and demons had descended above their heads. Their eyes were fixed on the Luanjia where Ye Qingge was, and a terrifying aura was brewing, coming over like mountains and seas.

In half an hour, the power of the formation at the place where Qinglong Phantom was located was more than twice as strong as what Suzaku needed.

But it ended much faster than Suzaku!

The green dragon belongs to wood, and the third prince of the Eastern Emperor himself has a very high level of morality on the Avenue of Fire. Under the command of Ye Qingge, he avoided the attack of the phantoms of stars, gods and demons. Qinglong's Ni Lin took out the soul-destroying bell.

Jingle Bell

As the soul-destroying bell swayed lightly, Ye Qingge also collected a wisp of the green dragon's remnant soul into the soul-destroying bell.

The huge green dragon's movements suddenly froze, showing faint signs of dissipating.

Ye Qingge could clearly feel the existence of Qinglong's remnant soul from the soul-destroying bell, and could use this to control Qinglong.

As soon as she thought about it, Qinglong immediately acted as usual, but she no longer aimed at Ye Qingge and others.

"As expected of the Taoist artifact bestowed to the empress by the ghost race, even the remnant souls of the highest beings like Qinglong Suzaku can be ingested. In addition to offering sacrifices to the souls of traitors like 'Xiaoxuan', it can also be used to control reality. The phantom created by the remnant soul... There are more effects to be explored!"

She glanced at the soul-destroying bell in her hand.

In the previous conversation with the Empress, she knew that this soul-destroying bell was a symbol of the good friendship between the Empress and the Ghost Race Underworld Lord, and it was a treasure given to the Empress by the Underworld Lord after helping the Underworld Lord once.

Not only this treasure, but also the Shenlong who helped her pull Luanjia. Among the demon clan, the leader of the dragon clan had a very good relationship with the empress, and sent several dragon masters to help the empress pull Luanjia.

Different from the practice of insulting in the later generations, among the monster clan, this practice is similar to the practice of apprenticeship. If you want the younger generation to have a future, you need to follow and learn from the famous strong.

Shaking her head, she withdrew her thoughts and looked at the third prince: "Let's go, it's time for us to go to the formation center."

The third prince was stunned: "The center of the formation is not the most powerful part of the formation. If we go there, don't we have to face the full power of the formation?"

Ye Qingge smiled and said: "The center of the formation is the most powerful, but the center is also the key to breaking the formation. Now I control two key points among the four images. Next, I will find a control point at the core of the formation. If it is controlled, this formation can be broken safely!"

The third prince nodded thoughtfully.

Ye Qingge returns to the Luanjia

After a while, it started up like a car, and it flew away together with the third prince.

From time to time, there are phantoms of stars, gods and demons coming from all around, as well as phantoms of gods and demons evolved from other mountains and rivers, attacking in the direction of Luanjia and the third prince, but they are easily avoided by Luanjia every time, or the third prince makes a move. Forcibly broke through the attack.

Three hours later, Luanjia and the third prince finally arrived at the formation center

Chapter 5

At the center of the formation, a special city was built.

The reason why this city is called special is because the city is located at the junction of the Eastern Emperor’s Heavenly Court and the Hongmeng Heavenly Court. A wide river flows through the center of the city. .

Although the Heavenly Court formed by the two acquired spirit factions has begun to have some friction, it has not yet reached the bright side after all.

They are under the jurisdiction of two different heavenly courts, but the relationship between the east bank and the west bank is not bad.

The architectural styles on both sides are different. The Eastern Emperor’s Heavenly Court is the place where the monsters live, and the architectural style is more simple and rustic. The buildings are more simply processed and built from natural objects such as earth and stones; the West Bank is full of demons. The existence of bloodlines tends to build more magnificent palaces, and sometimes you can see magnificent mansions. This is the inherent superior cultural influence in the bloodlines of gods and demons.

The boats on the rivers on both sides of the bank come and go, and the river passes by in waves. From time to time, you can see many powerful monsters with strange magic and people with powerful blood of gods and demons walking on the big river, each showing their magical powers and crossing the river.

The power of formations spread all over the place outside the city, as if in the last days, but inside it was like a paradise, as if it had never been affected by the formations.

Ye Qingge's Luanjia and the third prince spent three hours and finally arrived here.

The third prince looked at the grand occasion below, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes: "The people of Hongmeng Tianting actually chose this place as the center of the formation. Are they really planning to hide it at all?"

The relationship between the heavens is tense, but after all, it has not been shown on the bright side

There are quite a few relationships between the lower and middle levels, and even because of the relationship between the two heavenly courts fighting against gods and demons, many personal relationships are very good.

But this place is the core of the formation, so the meaning is different. Once the position of the formation breaks out here, this city will be wiped out in an instant, and the relationship between the two heavens will be instantly stiff. Arise, no matter how hard it is to recover!

"Let's go in."

Ye Qingge naturally knew this, but did not comment on it.

This place was originally Luanjia's intended foothold. If it wasn't for the activation of the formation, it would take Luanjia at least two or three days to get here. It is precisely because the formation distorts the space, and she is familiar with the changes of the formation. It takes an hour to get here.

The team moved forward slowly.

When Luanjia entered the city, the empress who had been silent in Ye Qingge's body suddenly said: "The power of the formation is about to explode!"

Ye Qingge smiled slightly: "This effect is what I want!"

"The two most important points, Qinglong and Suzaku, are under my control. Even if the power of the formation is fully activated, I still have the opportunity to play around with it. With the help of the power of Qinglong and Suzaku, the core of the formation will be exposed."

"At that time, it's time for me to break the formation!"

She got up from the cold jade ice bed in the bedroom, and after these three hours, or six hours, the injuries on her body had been suppressed.

Divine power flooded every corner of her body, suppressing her injuries for a short time, and the aura of the Empress bloomed, without a trace of decadence before.

When she came to the entrance of Luanjia, she looked sideways, and the city had completely changed at this moment.

The core, which had never been affected by the power of the formation, had dimmed the bright sky at this moment, and the sky was shrouded by stars.

The river below is churning, and in the endless distance of the river, a huge black tortoise appears, and another huge soaring snake is wrapped around the body of the turtle, looking at this place together with the black tortoise,

In the east, the body of the green dragon breaks through the sky, in the south, the squirrel raises its head and howls, the Dao fire spreads throughout the sky, in the west, Xuanwu stares, and in the north, the white tiger stands proudly.

Four poles of Sixiang Town, above the sky are gods and demons transformed into billions of stars, and there are gods and demons who control the power of the earth and mountains and rivers under their feet. It frightened the countless acquired creatures in the city below.

One by one, the monsters who had cultivated to survive in half-human form subconsciously turned back into their real bodies, turning into birds, beasts and insects and hiding in the caves of their own houses. A humanoid being with the blood of gods and demons also scattered. And fled, hid in his house, in order to find a sense of security.

The water on the river surged, and countless fishing boats fell into the river. Many people who passed the river with gods were accidentally caught in the river. The water in this river also seemed to be abnormal. up possible.

The third prince held the three-pointed two-edged knife tightly in his hand, with a serious expression on his face. The danger of death came from all directions, making him short of breath.

Only Ye Qingge remained calm

Her figure has come out of Luanjia, making Luanjia hover in the mid-air above the city.Let countless strong winds blow by, blowing her long hair in all directions, waiting for the moment when the power of the formation bursts out.

Amidst countless starlight flashes, there seems to be a huge face appearing, his eyes are like the scorching sun, and this world is even less than one ten-thousandth the size of his eyes.

He opened his mouth, and a terrifying voice came: "Kill!"


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