After the meeting ended, the Empress finally couldn't bear her curiosity, and asked in her heart: "Qing, what is the method of resources you mentioned?"

Ye Qingge pretended: "You will know soon."

After ordering the maid to fetch paper from the paper-making place, Ye Qingge came to the empress's study.

In fact, the empress's study already had its own name, known as Ling Xiao Pavilion, but Ye Qingge still called it the study habitually, and didn't bother to change it.

Chatting with the Empress for a few words, the maid quickly brought a stack of paper, Ye Qingge took out the largest piece of paper, picked up a pen to write and draw, and soon, a huge ship-like monster appeared on the paper On the paper, the name of each frame is clearly marked, and there are many small parts that are written and drawn on the paper behind.

When all the steps were completed, more than half an hour had passed.

Dividing the blueprints other than the general design into three piles according to the degree of difficulty, Ye Qingge summoned the maid.

"Recently, many students have been recruited in the academy, and many of them are talented in refining weapons. The batch of blueprints on the far left will be distributed to these students. return."

The maid went away in response, and another maid entered. Ye Qingge pointed to the blueprint in the middle: "Give this blueprint to the heavenly craftsmen, let them forge it, and bring back all good or bad."

The maid went away again, and the maid who came in last, Ye Qingge handed her the last stack of blueprints, and asked her to hand them over to the strongest heavenly craftsmen specially trained by the empress in the heavenly court, and finally distributed the blueprints.

Finally, write down the design of the spirit boat on the largest blueprint. Ye Qingge folded the design and placed it in a hidden corner behind.

The empress asked: "Spirit boat? Is this the sharp weapon Qing you plan to use in exchange for resources?"

Ye Qingge introduced in his heart: "Yes, this spirit boat I designed is divided into three grades, large, medium and small. The smallest one can carry people between cities, which greatly shortens the cost and time of personnel movement. The medium and large ones can It is used to transport materials, and it is preliminarily inferred that the large limit can carry hundreds of tons of materials, which is enough to create a great attraction for Hongmeng Heavenly Court and Eastern Emperor Heavenly Court.”

The empress said solemnly: "Selling such a sharp weapon will help the development of the Eastern Emperor's Heavenly Court and the Hongmeng Heavenly Court, and will do more harm than good to our human race!"

"If your Majesty thinks so, then you are wrong."

Ye Qingge replied in his heart, and then murmured in a low voice: "As long as it is something manufactured, there is no absolute secrecy. There will always be times when it is exposed. Before exposure, the only thing that should be done is to maximize the benefits."

"Compared to the Heavenly Court of the Human Race, the conflict between the Eastern Emperor's Heavenly Court and the Hongmeng Heavenly Court is now more intense. Whoever can hold such a sharp weapon in his hands will be able to obtain greater benefits... The best part is of course left to the Heavenly Court itself , the lower level can be used to sell in exchange for the resources that the human race lacks."

"These resources can make the human weapon refining industry develop vigorously, and give students the opportunity to improve their refining strength. In the spirit boat, the core part is protected by a secret formation. Once touched, it will explode. They didn't get the blueprint. It will take at least a year and a half to crack it, and this period of time, coupled with a steady stream of orders, is enough for Tianting to cultivate a large number of excellent refiners."

"With a large number of excellent craftsmen in hand, they can deduce a better manufacturing method and lead the two heavens step by step. Even if they can make it, they will never be ahead of us... Only in this way can the human race be prosperous!"

After finishing the last sentence, Ye Qingge calmly said in his heart: "Do you think we are really at a loss?"

The empress was shocked in her heart and was speechless for a long time.

Ye Qingge could clearly feel the shock of the empress' will. She estimated the time, and there was still a certain amount of time before discussing the basic exercises of the academy. She took out a new blank paper and began to meditate.

"The empress's world, Xuegong, Lingzhi and Tiangong Kaiwu have entered the right track, but I still need to formulate a rough plan for the development of the empress's world."

"The second version of Tiangong Kaiwu cannot be produced right away. The fermentation of the first version will take at least two or three months. After a series of actions are in place to allow Tiangong Kaiwu to really develop, the second version can be produced. As a medium-term goal. The exercises in the academy are suitable for short-term goals. In addition to basic cultivation methods, other basic sword techniques also need to be created."

"What is lacking now is a real weapon that will allow the human race not to belong to the Eastern Emperor's Heavenly Court and the Hongmeng Heavenly Court within three years. The big goal, even if it cannot be achieved in a short period of time, can now be set up."

In reality, countless products passed through Ye Qingge's mind, but they still couldn't satisfy Ye Qingge, and couldn't find a target that could produce an amazing effect.

In the world Ye Qingge lives in, the use of spiritual energy has reached an unprecedented height, but if it is really said that it can change the world structure of the empress, make the human race truly comparable, and even suppress the products of the two heavenly courts... Ye Qingge can't think of it for a while. Come up with something suitable.

After thinking for half an hour, until it was almost time to discuss the exercises with the Three Heavenly Venerable, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Ye Qingge's mind, and he wrote two words on the white paper.


A light of fire flashed in his hand and burned the white paper. Ye Qingge felt countless inspirations burst out in his mind in an instant.

"The foundation of the Queen's World is extremely weak. In the past three years, if the Queen's World can produce a spiritual net that is as popular as it is in reality, even if it is only used by the army of the Heavenly Court, the help to the human race will be immeasurable."

"When the army goes to war, it is true that after becoming an immortal, there are special means of communication, but they often have extremely strong restrictions. If I can create a spiritual network here that can cross the world... No, it doesn't have to cross the world, as long as it is in every world There is a spiritual network layout, cross-border can be done by people, and the news of the human race is transmitted faster than the Eastern Emperor Heavenly Court and the Hongmeng Heavenly Court, and the development will be much more convenient."

"This goal is suitable to be completed as a big goal. Once it is completed, the human race will undergo a real transformation. If it is used properly, it is enough to burst out the power beyond the two heavens."

At the gate of Ling Xiao Pavilion, a maid walked in, reminding Ye Qingge in a low voice that it was almost time to discuss the exercises, interrupting Ye Qingge's thinking.

Only then did Ye Qingge calm down the burst of inspiration in his mind, operate the primordial breathing method, he calmed down and responded, stood up and walked out.

When they reached the door, Ye Qingge had regained his composure, and asked in his heart: "By the way, Your Majesty, can Wu Tianzun behave peacefully during this period of time? Have the materials I asked you to prepare before been delivered to Wu Tianzun. "

The empress had also recovered from the previous shock, and said in a deep thought: "During this time, Wu Tianzun's performance has been quite peaceful. The list of materials has passed through the hands of many people, and I'm not sure whether it will be passed on or not. "

Ye Qingge glanced at the place where he kept the drawings in the High Heaven Pavilion from the corner of his eye, and said noncommittally: "Then it's best to observe it once. Those who have different ideas are not suitable to be the emperor of the human race. If he can pass the assessment, he will just Strip off the qualifications of Tianzun and let him die, if he still doesn't repent... There is no need for traitors to exist."

She has already made all the arrangements for the assessment, and now it depends on Wu Tianzun's choice.

Considering the empress' opinion, Wu Tianzun's offense against Ye Qingge last time can be temporarily ignored, but if Wu Tianzun really made this choice to betray the human race, she will not be relentless.

The empress was silent.

Ye Qingge didn't continue to speak, and wanted to go to the main hall with a calm expression.

long after she left

In the High Heaven Pavilion, strange fluctuations echoed on a formation, and after a while, a villain made of gold and iron appeared in the High Heaven Pavilion study.

Chapter 51 The Eldest Prince's Spirit Boat

Strands of gold and iron power spread out from the formation, and the figure of the villain rapidly grew larger. In just a few breaths, it changed from the size of a fingernail to the size of a fist. stopped.

click, click

After moving his body twice, hearing the sound of metal and iron colliding, the little man of gold and iron froze.After a while, after making sure that no one heard it, he breathed a sigh of relief, and a glimmer of obscurity flashed in his eyes.

"This body is really inconvenient. If His Majesty hadn't gone far away, I'm afraid he would have been discovered."

"However... I didn't expect His Majesty to hide so deeply and use such a plan to entrap the Eastern Emperor's Heavenly Court. Your Majesty doesn't know the power of the Eastern Emperor's Heavenly Court, but I do."

"That's an irresistible force. Doing anything arbitrarily will only lead to the demise of the human race. Only by obeying the force can we survive."

The golden iron villain showed humanized compassion on his face, and a series of memories emerged in his mind.

At that time, the Heavenly Court of Gods and Demons was still there, and the human race had already got rid of the monster race and formed its own race. Although there was a huge gap compared with the entire demon race, demigods, and ghost races, it already possessed an extraordinary posture. As the highest achiever in refining weapons among the human race, he confidently represented the human race to participate in the exchange meeting between the monster race and the demigods.

It was also at that exchange meeting that all his self-confidence was completely shattered, and he suffered a crushing defeat. He truly understood the power of the monster race's physical body and even the artifacts created by refining weapons, and saw the horror of the demigods' divine channeling method.

Even under the background of the two, many places have surpassed the attainments of the gods and demons in this area, allowing him to truly see the powerful forces in the world, and he became fascinated by this, and began to ask for the support of these forces, so that the people began to fight. develop quickly.

"One day, I will prove that I am right. Everything I do now is for the sake of the human race... Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

With a murmur in his heart, his figure walked among the bookshelves, and came to the place where Ye Qingge hid the blueprints for the spirit boat.

The golden iron villain is small in stature, but his movements are extremely fast and his body is light. With a few quick leaps, he came between the two books on the upper shelf of the bookshelf. With his flexible hands, he broke the psychedelic formation left by Ye Qingge , from which the design drawing of the spirit boat was extracted.

The huge design drawing was spread out, and the little man of gold and iron looked carefully, and his attention was suddenly attracted by the full version of the behemoth on the design drawing.

As a master craftsman and the leader of the human race, his vision is extremely vicious. A single appearance does not interest him. What really interests him is the internal structure of the design, which is extremely delicate. It made him fascinated by it. The structure of each part is extremely reasonable, and even a small part contains a deep truth.

Wu Tianzun was very cautious, carefully calculated the materials used here, and the materials provided by Ye Qingge, and there was not much difference, and then a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "This blueprint must be real. It can be used everywhere, and the texture contained in it..."

"If the foundation of the human race is strong enough, if the powerful knowledge contained in the runes and materials above is used, there may be a chance to compete with the two heavenly courts, but... what am I thinking, how can it be possible to compete? "

Shaking his head, he withdrew his dangerous thoughts, and Wu Tianzun calmed down in the gold and iron villain he turned into.

He opened his mouth, took out a small jade slip from it, imprinted the content on the blueprint into the jade slip with spirit, then restored the blueprint to its original position, restored the formation, and then jumped off the bookshelf.

With two hands, the villain of gold and iron turned into countless fine particles, and disappeared here through the formation.

What he didn't know was that shortly after she touched the formation

In the conference hall, Ye Qingge's eyes trembled when he was discussing the exercises with the Heavenly Venerable. On the surface, he was listening to a Celestial Venerable's opinion on the exercises, but his heart cooled down.

"The blueprint has been touched. It seems that Wu Tianzun is really hopeless...In this case, I hope that the backhand I left for you can surprise you."

Shaking his head, Ye Qingge continued to devote himself to the discussion of exercises.

The discussion of Xuegong exercises is not just a simple cultivation method, there are many basic exercises that need to be referred to.The personnel related to these exercises have already completed revisions. Ye Qingge summoned the Three Heavenly Venerables to discuss the exercises. There are not many changes that can be made, mainly to express the importance of the exercises.

For this reason, before the opening ceremony of the Houtian Academy, she had to perform three rituals with the Santianzun within two days, so as to express the importance she attached to the exercises and further strengthen the attraction of the Academy to people all over the world.

When the first discussion on the exercises came to an end, it was already early the next morning.

Ye Qingge left the meeting hall and was about to rest in the room to practice his skills when he saw a maid approaching and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, there is a young girl who claims to be known by His Majesty and wants to see His Majesty. Give this to His Majesty, saying that His Majesty will know who she is after seeing this."

She gave Ye Qingge a piece of silk cloth.

Surprise flashed across Ye Qingge's eyes, and he took a look at the silk cloth. It was woven with patterns of dragons and phoenixes, and there was a long and narrow river in the center, with simple buildings beside it.

"Heaven and Earth Duel Formation... the one who came to see me is Kong An, the third prince of the Eastern Emperor? No, it should be just a maid, come to convey some news."

Slightly pondering in his heart, Ye Qingge nodded and said: "She is there now, take me to see her."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the little girl is in the reception hall and has been waiting all night."

The maid responded, and left behind Ye Qingge by half a step, heading towards the reception hall.

As the reception hall for the Kaihuang Heavenly Court to welcome foreign guests, there is not only one main hall, but a collective name for a group of palaces.

Between Qionglou and Yuyu, there are large stretches of small bridges and flowing water. You can often see cranes frolicking around, and golden-red arowanas wandering in the water.There are countless large and small palaces in the entire palace complex, each of which is luxuriously built.

Those who can serve as maids in the 33 heavens are all above the Dao realm.After more than ten minutes, Ye Qingge saw the little girl the maid was talking about in a large hall.

After dismissing the nearby maids and guards, Ye Qingge just came to the main hall, before he could say anything, he saw the little girl stand up and said: "After the farewell that day, I will be troubled by mundane affairs. I have time to formally thank Your Majesty in the future. Please forgive me." .”

Ye Qingge showed surprise, and said, "Are you the third prince?"

In her memory, the third prince was obviously a man, but he saw her in this appearance... She felt that she had discovered a great secret.

"After the matter of the eldest prince, there were many opinions on His Majesty in the heavenly court. It is not suitable for him to come to see him in person. Please forgive me."

The third prince showed embarrassment on his face, coughed lightly, and quickly changed the subject, talking about what happened after the battle between heaven and earth.

After going through the heaven and earth lore formation, the God of Medicine has also fallen, and he lost the intention to continue to stay in that world, and soon made great efforts to re-enter the power center of the Eastern Emperor's Heavenly Court, and was assigned to another position of real power.

After being polite for a while, the third prince straightened his face slightly, and said, "I heard that His Majesty will make a major invention tomorrow, do you have any intention to sell it?"


I didn't understand the third prince's intentions, but Ye Qingge had already decided to sell the spirit boat, and unceremoniously revealed his expected price: "This invention is of great significance, and the selling price will be around one million top-quality spirit stones. , the predetermined price is 50, or ore of equivalent value..."

The third prince raised his eyebrows slightly. The price is not expensive for his level, but it is not cheap either. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Book ten sets for me first, and the deposit will be delivered within two days."

After chatting about other topics, the Third Prince suddenly said: "I heard that Your Majesty has obtained the classics of the God of Medicine and has cultivated a large-scale spiritual plant. I don't know if this rumor is true."

Ye Qingge raised her eyebrows slightly, and probably understood the purpose of the third prince's visit this time. She shook her head and said, "It's just a rumor. The God of Medicine has passed away, and the things left behind have long been taken away by the evil existence. I don't know what the existence wants to do." We want to use this to slander the human race. However, in terms of Lingzhi, my Sinong does have some experience."

The third prince didn't bother with this either, he said seriously: "I don't know if His Majesty has the intention to sell it, but I'm willing to spend a lot of money to buy it."

Is this the main purpose of the Third Prince's visit?

Ye Qingge shook his head, and decisively rejected the third prince's proposal. After a while, he smiled and said: "The cultivation method of Lingzhi is not yet perfect, and selling it to the third prince will only ruin the reputation of the human race. If the third prince needs it, I will The finished product can be sold directly.”

The third prince frowned slightly, with a thoughtful look on his small face, he nodded after a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay."

After discussing the general transaction situation with Ye Qingge, the third prince said a few words of courtesy, and quickly got up to leave. The specific content of the transaction can be negotiated by his own confidants, and he doesn't need to be free.

However, the arrival of the third prince this time caught Ye Qingge's attention.

"I have a life-saving grace for the third prince in name, but in fact I just dragged the third prince into the game together. The third prince should have guessed. He is not a person like Wu Tianzun. Even if he has some kindness, he can't go against Dong The general trend of the imperial court came out in this form to meet privately, and used the purchase of my creations as an excuse to pave the way for the purchase of Lingzhi later."

"Did you encounter difficulties after returning to the Eastern Emperor's Heavenly Court, so you want to use your previous relationship to form an alliance?"

In the Heavenly Court of the Eastern Emperor, the Eastern Emperor was obsessed with studying unknown things, and neglected the management of the government, so that the top ten princes fought openly and secretly, and the third prince was also one of the best. After a rough analysis, Ye Qingge came up with the most important possible outcome.

"Unfortunately, he doesn't know that the things he bought as an opening gesture are the real good things."

Recalling his plan, Ye Qingge shook his head, stood up, and walked out of the hall.

Regardless of the purpose of the third prince, this cooperation has brought Ye Qingge the first business. The sale of the Lingzhou can relieve Ye Qingge's pressure on Tianting's inventory. Lingzhi is a long-term order, and the main force is also short-term. The most recent batch of cultivated healing spiritual plants will be available in three months. These three months are enough for Ye Qingge to plant on a large scale.

After returning to the dormitory, after practicing for nearly half an hour, Ye Qingge returned to the main meeting hall to continue the discussion on the remaining exercises.

By the time the three discussions were over, it was already approaching the early morning of the next day.

There is no distinction between day and night in the heavenly court, and it will always be in the state of day. After confiscating the martial arts, Ye Qingge came to the warehouse belonging to the empress at the rear.

At the gate of the warehouse, three confidant maids were waiting here early. Seeing Ye Qingge coming, they saluted respectfully, handed over a list and said, "Your Majesty, all the materials you ordered have been refined, and all the materials are classified in the warehouse. Alright, please take a look, Your Majesty."

"I see, you go down first."

Ye Qingge waved his hand, and the two maids retreated in response, while one of the maids was a little hesitant, as if hesitating to speak.

Ye Qingge looked at her eyes: "If you have anything to say, just talk about it."

The maid took a deep breath and said worriedly: "When I was finishing the content on the blueprint, I heard news that the eldest prince of the Eastern Emperor's Heavenly Court seemed to have made something similar, and there were already rumors that it was going to be released for exhibition tomorrow. "

"It's okay, just let him out."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Ye Qingge's mouth, but it quickly faded away. The maid kept her head down and didn't see this scene. After seeing Ye Qingge waving her hand, she retreated consciously.

Ye Qingge was the only one left in the whole warehouse.

She walked into the warehouse, and the rows of parts had already been piled up. Under Ye Qingge's order, some of the poorer quality parts were not discarded, but were neatly piled up here.

After picking out most of the materials and making enough for three large and small spirit boats, Ye Qingge started to build them. After a while, three spirit boats of different sizes appeared in front of Ye Qingge.

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