The demon cultivators in the audience boiled up again, Ye Qingge's words were too arrogant, it can be said that everyone's emotions were ignited.

In contrast, the eyes of the girl in men's clothing in front of her were somewhat complicated. Ye Qingge could clearly feel that there were different gazes from the several betting gazes.

She smiled slightly and said, "I don't know who you are?"

The eyes of the girl in men's clothing trembled, she took a deep breath, and said, "I am also a participant in this competition... Come and fight, let me see if you have the right to be so arrogant!"

"Okay, but I need to rest for a while."

Ye Qingge nodded and made a request: "This place is too dangerous, I need a training room to recover my magic power."

The girl raised her eyebrows and was about to refute, but when she thought of Ye Qingge beheading seven people in a row, she didn't say anything, she just said, "It's only half an hour at most."


Ye Qingge smiled slightly. The referee next to him obviously got some orders. He took a step forward and led Ye Qingge to the practice room of the central city lord's mansion. , to prevent Ye Qingge from escaping midway.

With a calm expression, she walked into the training room.After the door of the training room was closed, she breathed a sigh of relief. After practicing for a while, she suddenly stretched out her hand and cast the soul-ecstasy method.

The two chains appeared from her hands, and the other end seemed to cut through the space, and entered another space. One end was connected to Tang Yongkang, and the other end was connected to several guards beside Tang Yongkang.

"I've given you a big gift, I hope you can last a little longer and support me for a while... Next, it's up to you!"

Taking a deep breath, the Celestial Transformation was activated, and the Celestial Transformation on the fifth floor was opened brazenly. Ye Qingge's aura stepped into the Dao Realm brazenly.

There seemed to be noisy voices coming from outside the door, as if he had sensed the abnormality, Ye Qingge didn't hesitate anymore, he yanked the chain, Tang Yongkang's figure was dragged towards him under the chain, at the same time, her figure was pulled by the chain. The chain was brought to the other end, the residence of Tang Yongkang's guards.

Chapter 74

The moment Ye Qingge completed the exchange of figures, the door slammed open, and a middle-aged man in a black robe walked in with a gloomy expression. When he saw Tang Yongkang in the same place, his face was filled with surprise.

"He turns out to be Lord Nanling Demon God."

Tang Yongkang, who had just completed the exchange, was still a little dazed, and subconsciously uttered a curse, but fortunately he stopped in time and saluted the middle-aged man respectfully.

The forced transposition brought about by the ecstasy method piercing the sky did great damage to the soul of the hit person. Tang Yongkang did not have the powerful soul of Feng Lingxiu. Halfway through the salute, he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Nanling Demon God's eyelids twitched, thinking that Tang Yongkang was injured by the retrograde movement caused by his sudden intrusion, and explained casually: "A rebel passed by here just now... Where is the doctor in the government, quickly call to treat Xiao Tang .”

The two guards at the back who called Nanling Demon God flustered their eyes, and hurried down to call for someone, not daring to neglect at all.

"The traitor is still at large, so the deity will go to catch the thief first, Xiao Tang, take care of your wounds."

The Demon God of Nanling found an excuse at random, walked away, and Wuyan continued to stay here.

Regarding the abnormal behavior of "Tang Yongkang" before, he also had some guesses in his mind, thinking that the other party had acted for a special purpose, and had asked the guards of the City Lord's Mansion to watch Tang Yongkang early on, and immediately notified himself if he found any abnormalities. When an abnormality broke out in the middle, I came to check it at the first time, but I didn't expect such a result.


"How can there be spatial fluctuations in the training room?"

He frowned, puzzled, and only kept his mind open, ready to observe for a while before making a decision.

the other side

Tang Yongkang was still a little dazed. Naturally, he didn't dare to stop the Nanling Demon God from leaving. He saluted and sent the Nanling Demon God off. Looking at the surrounding scene, he touched his still stinging head: "I am now Where...what the hell happened?"

Countless memory fragments flooded his mind. He only remembered that he seemed to have encountered something before entering Nanfeng Demon City yesterday, and then he was in a daze until he arrived at the mansion in Nanfeng Demon City that he had already purchased. After resting all night, how could he suddenly appear here.

He suddenly frowned, as if he realized that something was wrong, but after thinking about it, he couldn't find the answer. Just when her thoughts drifted to the action before entering Nanfeng Demon City, she vaguely felt that she was about to find the answer to the question...


The sound of Guqin rang in his ears, it was Ye Qingge's hint yesterday through psychic illusion.Whenever his mind is about to realize the flaw, it will re-activate this suggestion, and it will have an effect within three days!

Tang Yongkang's pupils became slack again, and after a while, they converged again and "understood" what happened.

"Yes, last night I launched a challenge to the contestants. I went through five stages and killed six generals, seven people in a row. Today I met a girl with a special identity. After recovering the consumed magic power this time, I will send the Continue to meet the challenge, but why am I so strong that I am one against seven... But this is not important."

"There are still 10 minutes. After recovering, I will continue to defeat them, and I will be able to successfully marry the daughter of the Demon God."

A greedy smile appeared on his face, and the corners of his eyes faintly showed traces of magic lines, almost revealing his lineup.At this time, the figure of the doctor of the City Lord's Mansion had already appeared at the end of the viewing angle, and he quickly restrained his smile, waiting for the arrival of the doctor.

The doctor in the city lord's mansion is an old woman who looks about 80 or [-] years old, with gray hair and a slightly grim complexion. She checked Tang Yongkang carefully, shook her head and said: "It is the soul that is injured, and it is difficult to completely heal it. But I have a prescription, which can be temporarily suppressed, but it will delay Mr. Tang's future challenge, so let's do it ourselves."

She casually took the pen and paper from the guard beside her, wrote a few characters, and left with a flick of her sleeves.

The guards looked at each other in blank dismay, and could only follow closely to grab the medicine.

10 minutes later

After drinking the potion, Tang Yongkang confidently left the training room and came under the arena. Facing the fearful or skeptical eyes of the crowd, Tang Yongkang felt that his vanity had been satisfied like never before, as if he had reached the peak of demon life.

It wasn't until he stood on the ring and saw the girl opposite that his smile froze slightly. He took a deep breath and saluted the girl in men's clothing in front of him: "Tang Yongkang of Pingfeng City, I met Princess Nanling."

The girl in men's clothing was startled, and then a look of embarrassment appeared on her face: "What are you talking about... No, you are not Tang Yongkang!"

She frowned slightly, and looked at Tang Yongkang carefully, her eyebrows and eyes were full of suspicion. After a while, she shook her head firmly and said: "The Tang Yongkang who came up just now gave me the impression that she is a girl, not like you. Man, who are you!"

The expression on Tang Yongkang's face became stiff again. This sentence made him feel familiar. He just heard it not long ago... Wait, why did it make him feel familiar?

Tang Yongkang fell into deep thought.

The referee beside him coughed lightly and said respectfully, "Your Highness, Mr. Tang is indeed a man."

Princess Nanling frowned, and said firmly, "Impossible, unless it wasn't Tang Yongkang who came up before...En?"

She seemed to have thought of something, and a long knife suddenly appeared in her hand, and she slashed towards Tang Yongkang.

Tang Yongkang's complexion changed, and he subconsciously took out his folding fan to resist.

Xiujian easily cut the folding fan in half, and Princess Nanling's long knife stopped only a centimeter in front of Tang Yongkang's forehead, her expression was ugly: "It was indeed a fake just now, hurry up and inform Father God, and block all City, we must investigate to the end...and you."

Princess Nanling raised her head, and when she was thinking about what happened to the previous "Tang Yongkang", the Tang Yongkang in front of her actually changed.

Magic lines flashed from the corners of the eyes, and the whole face changed from the original handsome man to a big man with a narrow and long scar on his face, which looked extremely ugly.

"You actually want to deceive this princess' feelings with this disguise technique, take it with me!"

Among the crowd, two guards rushed out and dragged the dazed Tang Yongkang off the ring.



The sound of rattling chains resounded, and Ye Qingge used all his divine power to maintain his body. Lights and shadows flashed in front of his eyes, and within three breaths, he came behind a guard.

Several demon cultivators with unfamiliar faces were going out with the guards to find out whether Tang Yongkang had gone out. The guards, who had been confused by Ye Qingge's hints of psychic illusion, naturally would not show their flaws, and drank and chatted with the demon cultivators.

The moment Ye Qingge appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of several strange-faced demon cultivators. Before they could make a move, Ye Qingge had already activated his mind illusion, relying on Feng Lingxiu's powerful spiritual power, and immediately confused several people. , sat back on the spot again, treated Ye Qingge as nothing, and continued to chat.

Ye Qingge panted lightly for a while, took out a elixir and took it. Feeling that nearly half of the spiritual power had been consumed in his body, his expression became serious: "I didn't expect this soul ecstasy method to consume so much spiritual power. This place is not far from the City Lord's Mansion. It's not far, at most 2000 meters away, but it can consume nearly half of my spiritual energy!"

"If it wasn't for the use of the gods to change the fifth level, so that the original cultivation base of the middle stage of refining the void and the Tao was raised to the late stage of the first layer of the Dao realm, and the quality of the purified spiritual power was greatly improved, I am afraid that this time all the spiritual power can be exhausted, and there is still time to display it. Possibility of failure!"

Thinking of the outcome of failure, Ye Qingge shook his head, fearing that he was about to fall into the City Lord's Mansion.

At that time, the ending will not be so simple.

The skills learned by Ye Qingge can also be applied to the possessed object, just like a special bonus. With the help of Dacheng's spirit devouring technique, Ye Qingge absorbed the medicinal power of the elixir in less than half a minute. Feeling that the spiritual power in his body had recovered a lot, he left Tang Yongkang's mansion.

There were few people outside the mansion, and most of the demon cultivators were attracted by the arena outside the city lord's mansion. Ye Qingge's appearance did not attract anyone's attention.

She took a closer look at the anxious guards and the demon god's will before she breathed a sigh of relief. The things on the other side of the ring should not have been exposed yet.

Thinking about what Tang Yongkang should look like when facing that girl, Ye Qingge smiled, and walked quickly along the route he had written down, to the mansion where the Nanling God kept.

"When the girl in men's clothes started to follow me, I noticed her anomaly. When I went to the ring and observed carefully, I found that two guards who were in the realm of refining the void and combining the Tao, who were able to fight in the Nanfeng Demon City The only one with such abilities is the Queen of the Demon God. According to known information, the only one who has a daughter among the Queens of the Demon God is the Demon God of Nanling."

"The girl just now should be the daughter of the Nanling Demon God. Do all the demon cultivators in the whole world have such a hobby?"

A few thoughts flashed through Ye Qingge's mind. Ye Qingge moved extremely fast and released his mental illusion, making the people around him ignore his anomaly. In less than 5 minutes, he arrived in front of the Nanling Demon God's mansion.

As one of the three giants in Nanfeng Demon City, Nanling Demon God's Mansion is located in the west of the city. In the third realm of refining gods and returning to the void, he was dressed in a majestic battle armor, which looked extraordinarily majestic.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Qingge cast a secret technique, like imitating Tang Yongkang before entering the city, transformed into a girl in men's clothing, recalled the posture of the girl in men's clothing in his mind, adjusted his posture, and walked towards the mansion.

Surprise flashed in the eyes of the two guards, but they didn't say much, they just pretended that the eldest lady had some new habit, pretended they didn't see it, and silently opened the door, allowing Ye Qingge to pass through.

The first pass was unexpectedly smooth, Ye Qingge looked calm, and went to the treasure house of the mansion.

For the Nanling Demon God who has not discovered the truth about Thousand Water Pearls, a Dao artifact obtained in a secret realm is not very precious, let alone carry it with him, but put it in the treasure house at home. It was convenient, relying on the convenience of the princess in the mansion's eccentric and willful character, Ye Qingge brushed his face and entered the treasury all the way, until he came to the inner vault where the Taoist artifacts were stored, he encountered difficulties.

An old man dressed in simple clothes was sitting in front of the inner vault. Seeing Ye Qingge's arrival, he just cupped his hands slightly: "Princess Nan is here, does Lord Demon God need some Taoist weapon?"


Just as Ye Qingge was about to take advantage of the situation and agree, the old man in front of him suddenly made a move. Countless black devilish energy surged from the treasure house, turning into big snakes that wanted to devour people, and rushed towards Ye Qingge.

"Princess Nan grew up watching her grow up. She never needs a reason to need a Dao weapon. Whether it's her tone of voice or her actions, it's all too fake."

"Where is the traitor who dares to imitate Princess Nan? Are you really old and dizzy? Obediently put your hands on your hands and tell the truth, so that you can die happily. If you don't tell me..."

The old man sneered, stretched out his hand to grab it, and he grasped the black power in the entire treasure house. The violent power spread from the treasure house and spread all the way to the outside world. The level of the peak of the Xuhe Dao Realm is only one step away from the Dao Realm Demon God.

Not being able to reach the Dao Realm has no effect on Ye Qingge who has activated the Heaven Transformation, but the power of the treasure house spread to the outside world, which is unacceptable to Ye Qingge who wants to race against time.

"Xuantian seals demons, Lin, Bing, Dou...five yuan supernatural powers!"

The divine power of Tianshenbian combined with the secret technique of Tai Cang Sect, an unprecedented sacred aura surged from Ye Qingge's body, invincible to all demons, and the surging power swept over Ye Qing's singer's spirit sword. The special artistic conception brought by the tactic, the divine channel method that he had learned seemed to be integrated in his heart, and the hot Wuyuan divine channel fire gathered on the sword, and Ye Qingge slashed out with a single sword.

The surging devilish energy was immediately purified, and the old man's face was filled with astonishment: "The secret art of the Taicang sect, you are the saint of the Taicang sect..."

Before the woman could speak, Ye Qingge's long sword pierced through his head, strangled by the divine power, not even his soul was left behind, and the soul flew away.

The old man died, but the changes in the treasure house continued. Ye Qingge didn't dare to stay, and burst out with all his strength, forcefully opened the door of the treasure house with his sword, let go of his consciousness to search, and soon found the trace of Qian Shuizhu, and sent him to the treasure house. Income into the spirit ring.

Above the city, a vast will suddenly rises up, and it is spreading rapidly towards this place. Ye Qingge gritted his teeth, disregarding the consumption of spiritual power in his body, and cast the soul ecstasy method again, and the chain in his hand connected another guard of Tang Yongkang. The power fluctuates, and the figure suddenly disappears here.

Almost in time for Ye Qingge's disappearance, the phantom of Nanling Demon God appeared here, looking around, his face suddenly darkened.

"It's this space fluctuation again. First imitating Tang Yongkang to challenge the people in the city, and then forcibly breaking into the treasure house of the deity, just for a thousand water beads?"


Consciousness glanced at the undissipated power fluctuation outside the inner treasury, Nanling Demon God froze, and then showed unprecedented anger.

"Okay, okay, what a righteous person of the Tai Cang Sect, who would actually do such a lowly thing of stealing, and dare to go deep into the territory of my demon cultivator, is it true that this deity and the demon gods are just a display?"

"Today, I'll let you see, what is the background of my demon cultivator's ability to crush your so-called righteous way!"

His will spread, and amidst the turmoil of the magic power, the entire Nanfeng Demon City began to boil like a giant beast awakened.The will of the other two demon gods also rose up, covering the entire demon city.

If it was just a thief, although Nanling Demon God was angry, it would not be so violent.

However, the appearance of a person from the Tai Cang Sect, the leader of the Righteous Way, and a very high-level Tai Cang Sect monk in the depths of the Demonic Dao, is of extraordinary significance. This is equivalent to provoking the entire Demonic Way. The people of the Cangjiao escaped here safely, what is the majesty of the devil way!



Tang Yongkang Residence

Ye Qingge's figure reappeared here, his face extremely pale, and his spiritual power consumption was unprecedentedly high, with only about [-]% left.

The will of the demon gods fluctuated in the sky, and even the entire sky was darkened. There were chaotic footsteps everywhere on the street, and sometimes the sound of metal and iron clashing could be heard. It was the guards in armor walking through the street. sound.

In the mansion, the unfamiliar faces had already left, and the remaining people were all people who had been affected by Ye Qingge's mind illusion. She quickly took a handful of elixir, waited for nearly a minute, and put The spiritual power recovered to about 1%, and only then did he enter the mansion.

Just a few breaths out of the mansion, before Ye Qingge's figure left the corner of the street, he saw a group of guards break into Tang Yongkang's mansion. The sound resounded together, creepy.

Ye Qingge's heart was even more awe-inspiring, and she walked away quickly, but she stopped in the middle of the walk.

There was a huge roar from the position of the city gate in the distance, and the huge city gate was directly closed.A series of fine magic patterns spread from the city gate, like a large net being weaved, starting from the city gate and spreading upwards, gathering little by little, until the entire Nanfeng Demon City was wrapped in Inside.

Defend the city!

The will of the demon god above the sky surged more violently, and the sounds of metal and iron clashing in the ears increased significantly, and even the demon cultivators on the road were much less, obviously afraid of the current situation, they hid one after another stand up.

"The city gate has been closed, and the three demon gods have been touched. This is troublesome... Do you want to force your way in?"

Feng Lingxiu's cautious voice came from the bottom of her heart.

Ye Qingge frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "No need, there are ways. Tell me what cards you have, so I can make a plan."

Feng Lingxiu pondered for a while, and then slowly began to talk about it. This time the action was more dangerous than the last time. She brought more hole cards, nearly thirty types, but the quality was obviously not as high as last time. They were all just It is a Taoist weapon that resists the first and second heavenly demon gods of the Dao Realm and the things bestowed by the elders of the sect.

While listening to Feng Lingxiu's narration, Ye Qingge pretended to be an ordinary demon cultivator and walked towards the gate of the city. He didn't stop until he reached a street corner.

This place is not far from the city gate, and there is no demon cultivator in front of him. The will of the demon god is everywhere. As long as Ye Qingge takes a step, he will be spotted instantly and captured by the nearby guards.

In other words, here is the limit.

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