Looking at it as a whole, this place is the same as other places. It's just an ordinary wilderness, with overgrown grass and trees. Countless creatures live here. The sounds of grass, trees and insects are endless, and sometimes you can see monsters that unexpectedly possess a little monster power. Passing by, it is similar to other wild environments, and it is completely impossible to see that there is a secret base hidden underground.

Ye Qingge carefully surveyed the surrounding scene, found a few basic points described by Ye Tiannan and confirmed the location, then he made a formula with both hands, and the immortal power in his body gathered in his hands, and along with the changes in the handprints, one after another avenues were condensed Runes come out.

Until one hundred and eight runes were condensed, the aura of each rune was connected into pieces, forming a whole.After the last handprint fell, Ye Qing stepped forward lightly, and shouted: "The seal...open!"

The [-] symbols flickered, and they landed on different parts of the void in front of them.

When the last symbol fell, two small black dots suddenly appeared in the void in front of Ye Qingge, continuously rotating clockwise in front of Ye Qingge, and expanding outward. Behind the small black dots was a hidden space, which was the hidden sky. Zong base!

Ye Qingge stepped in, and the perception spread, the entire base was empty, only the sound of countless exquisite spiritual artifacts being activated, countless newest spiritual artifacts being used, facing the huge monster in the center of the equipment. The operation is exactly what Fang Liangping said to destroy the core.

The core of destruction presents an elliptical shape as a whole, like a huge egg, half floating in the air, below is a round of artificial light wheel, exuding a lustrous luster, surging power will be as high as a hundred feet during the period Supported by the core of destruction.

"There are still 10 minutes left in the time... I hope the deduction can be done in time!"

Ye Qingge took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to pat the spirit ring left by Ye Tiannan, and countless data sheets flew out from it.

One by one, the blueprints stated the core principle of change, and even the fine-tuning formula for the Heaven and Earth Avenue, as well as the plan to cancel the activation... Each piece of information was so complicated that Ye Qingge felt dizzy when he saw it.

She rubbed the center of her brows, resisting the urge to be dizzy, Xianli formed pieces of special calculation tools outside her body, and began to combine the above content with the core of destruction, slowly calculating.

2 minutes later

Ye Qingge raised his head suddenly, came to the console, operated some of the buttons, and one of the devices stopped working, and there seemed to be a subtle reaction, but there seemed to be no reaction at all, and the other devices continued to operate as before.

After another 32 seconds, she continued to operate the console and stopped the mechanical operation in one place...

Every operation will cause slight changes in the core of destruction in front of you. These changes are very subtle, and you may not be able to see a little bit, but when there are continuous changes, when the last moment comes, there will be huge changes !

This is the backup plan left by the Cangzong. After a long period of research, the emergency cancellation plan for a complete set of weapons has been customized. Unless the core secrets are obtained, or professional personnel operate such a plan, it is impossible to see it at all. Understand.

Every wrong position may cause the weapon to explode in advance, or an unknown reaction may occur. Every step can be said to be walking on a tightrope, which may lead to an unknown ending at any time.

While she was carefully stopping the operation of the destruction core

Main world

"Finally survived!"

Fang Liangping's head appeared in the Sky Cangzong, and the power of the five elements condensed his crude body, which made him look extremely weird, and immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding disciples.

Feeling the astonished eyes of the disciples of the sect and even the deacons passing by, his face became more and more gloomy, and he strode towards the suzerain hall of the Tian Cangzong. The legitimate reason for the achievements of the world, he met the suzerain unimpeded all the way.

In the study

The door of the room was closed, Fang Liangping explained what happened in the Fengdu Realm with embellishment, and gritted his teeth: "It's all that damned researcher from the Tai Cang Sect, otherwise our plan can be carried out smoothly. This time it can't be detonated perfectly, and I don't know when the next data collection will be."

"And that damned witch made the boy look like this, and it was also caused by the researcher's problem, otherwise everything would not be like this. Fortunately, the damned witch has been left by the boy in Fengdu Realm, halfway through Within hours, the witch will be truly killed by the child!"

"Father, when will we..."

"It's still early!"

On the first seat of the study, a middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Fang Liangping spoke calmly, but his voice revealed a bit of weakness. After wiping it off, he continued: "My Fang family will never forget what happened back then, and neither will the Tian Cangzong."

He looked Fang Liangping up and down, and suddenly frowned: "The time is not yet ripe. Only when we have thoroughly tested the weapon and gained the right to speak, can we have a real chance to turn around. Even if the plan this time is not perfect , It’s just delaying the time, at most one year, the plan can be completed... Something is wrong with you, not only the gunshot wound, but also other aura residues.”

"Go to Uncle Huo quickly. He is proficient in medical treatment and can treat your injuries. You can't delay this injury, lest it cause a catastrophe. The Heavenly Cangzong wants you to inherit it!"

Looking carefully at his son, Fang Yeyu, the lord of the Tiancang Sect, always felt that something was wrong, but this abnormality was hidden very deeply. Although he was a Taoist ancestor, he suffered a lot in the early years of experimenting with weapons. Minor injuries are all supported by one breath now, and even a complete cultivation base cannot be guaranteed. If it is not for the smooth connection of the suzerain position and leaving enough opportunities for his son to grow, he will not stay in this position at all stay in office.

Fang Liangping's heart was awed immediately, and he quickly backed away, but the excitement in his eyes couldn't stop.

"At most one year, can I take revenge? The hatred of previous ancestors will finally be completed in my generation. Father's health is getting worse and worse, and it may not last for a year... At that time, I will He will become the most glorious suzerain of the Sky Cangzong!"

Countless thoughts came and went in his mind, and Fang Liangping's mood cheered up. When his father Fang Yeyu's body appeared abnormal, he had already passed on the ancestral precepts passed down by the previous suzerains to him in case of accidents, so that the The goal of Tiancangzong's inheritance for countless years has been cut off. According to the current situation, at most one year will be able to complete the ancestral training!

It's just that the excitement didn't last for a few minutes, and the expression on Fang Liangping's face became stiff.

A chain stretched out from the void at some point, quietly covering his whole body, tightly sealing off his head.Before he could react, he yanked it, ignoring his body, and forcefully pulled his soul out of his head.The previous backhand had already been used, and Fang Liangping couldn't put up an effective resistance for a while, so he was dragged into the unknown space by the chain forcibly.

A few voices of shock and anger came from the ears. The strong men in the Tiancang Sect noticed the change here, but the chain came so abruptly and at such a fast speed that Fang Liangping couldn't even delay it for a second. Those who want to rescue are also powerless.




The 10 minutes came to an end in a blink of an eye. When there was only half a minute left, all the equipment had stopped working. Only the last 30 seconds of the countdown on the console proved that everything had not stopped.

"This set of procedures is unexpectedly smooth and fast. The usual operation procedure takes at least 15 minutes to complete, but I am only operating it for the first time, but it only takes less than 10 minutes... Is it because of the influence of the will of the world?"

Ye Qingge was a little surprised, but he kept moving his hands. He made a formula with both hands, and the immortal power in his body boiled, turning into runes one by one.

The will of the world exists in the dark. Ye Qingge only faintly felt it when the empress ascended the throne. It was a hidden existence. Most of the time it was in a state of silence. Major events concerning the entire world will only appear. Unexpectedly, this action seems to have touched the will of the world.

As soon as the whole thought flashed through, she suppressed it. There was less than 30 seconds left in the time, and there was only one last step left to close the destruction core. You must concentrate on it and have nothing else to do!

With the operation of the primordial breathing method, countless distracting thoughts were calmed down instantly, and Ye Qingge regained his absolute calm state.The moment No. 12 runes condensed, she let out a loud shout, and countless runes flew towards the core of destruction in front of her.

The first rune flew out, and the appearance of the core of destruction was dissolved immediately. The second rune flew out, and a key node in it was melted and destroyed. The third rune flew out... No. 12 runes fell, the most core The reactor stopped completely, and the countdown on the console also stopped abruptly, staying above the last three seconds.

"The mission...is it finally completed?"

The sense of crisis in his heart suddenly dissipated, and the feeling of being shrouded in a dark will slowly dissipated. Ye Qingge heaved a sigh of relief, but felt his body go limp for a while, and almost lay down on the console from exhaustion.

In the past few days, she has been using all kinds of magic channel methods in various places. Even with various spiritual plant pills to supplement her body, her body consumption is already close to the limit.However, after achieving the Lingtai, An Lanmeng's body was completely different from that of a normal mortal body. After resting with the console for a while, she felt that she had recovered a lot.

The will in the dark dissipated, but the changes in this world have just begun.

Probably it was the effect of preventing the demise of the world. After being watched by the will of the world, Ye Qingge was also extremely sensitive to the subtle power changes in this world. She could feel that the blockade of the world by the Cangzong had been released, and it should be about the same time. Yes, plus the effect of world consciousness fluctuations.

Not only that, but the space in the dark has also shifted and changed. This change is extremely subtle. As the time for the world consciousness to leave increases, Ye Qingge's special perception ability that was enhanced after being added is also gradually dissipating. It is difficult to detect subtle changes.

Rubbing her chin, Ye Qingge heard the news from the elders reporting to her, and suddenly a new idea came to her mind: "I remember that the elders of the Holy Demon Sect said before they left that because the Fengdu Realm was about to be destroyed by plan, in order to avoid When the unexpected happened, the Cangtian Sect had already cut off all the transmission channels leading to this world."

"Now the world has not been destroyed, and the coordinates of the space are also changed by the world consciousness in the dark. If I operate properly...does it mean that the Fengdu Realm can be turned into the base camp of the Demon Sealing Sect!"

The current era is no longer the era when the heavens ruled all things. The new and unique form of the Yankang Dynasty allowed it to control the heavens and the world far more than the era of the heavens, especially after the power of the priesthood in the world was mastered. Let the Yankang Dynasty reach an unprecedented height.Except for the Tai Cangjiao who made great military exploits at the beginning, it is impossible for other people to touch the world, and it is extremely difficult to even obtain management authority for a period of time.

Even if the righteous way is like this, it is even more difficult for the Holy Demon Sect to be the only demon sect.

But the timing at the moment, if the operation is right... She became slightly short of breath.

But soon, she shook her head and suppressed the idea: "The coordinates of the world are extremely difficult to change, and personal shuttle is okay. You can shuttle here by using special means to create a base point, but to build a base camp, you need a lot of space. Now that the task has been completed, I don't have much time to stay, so I will leave these matters to An Lanmeng."

"At the last time, there are still two things that need to be completed..."

"Now, the first one!"

Stretching out her hand to grasp it, a chain spread from her hand to the depths of the void, and with a light tug, a spirit was pulled out.

Compared with his own shuttle, the consumption of ecstasy is much smaller. Even if it is a cross-border ecstasy, Ye Qingge only consumes twice as much immortal power as the previous use, [-]% of the immortal power is consumed, and he successfully kills Fang. Ryohei's soul is arrested.

Fang Liangping's body was mostly broken by Ye Qingge, but his soul was not damaged, and it was still in a complete form. When he saw Ye Qingge's appearance clearly, his face changed suddenly: "Witch An Lanmeng, how could it be you...you are here with me... You left behind, when?"

He looked at the chains on his body, and suddenly understood. He wanted to pinch the formula and use the divine channel method, but found that he couldn't mobilize the power of the surrounding heaven and earth at all.

The whole world seems to be rejecting him, not only can't mobilize the power of heaven and earth, every moment of existence here will be inexplicably suppressed.

"What the hell did you bloody witch do?"

Fang Liangping panicked completely. In this state, he couldn't use any hole cards to resist!

His answer was a long shot.

When the spear was fired, Fang Liangping's soul was directly torn into two halves, the berserk power raged, and in just two breaths, he was on the verge of being disintegrated.

Just when his soul was about to collapse, Ye Qingge suddenly thought of something, retracted the spear, stretched out his hand to barely stabilize Fang Liangping's soul state, pondered for a moment, and said uncertainly: "The Nether Space."

In the depths of her palm, a ghostly aura spread out. It was obvious that her palm was not far from Fang Liangping's soul, but at this moment the space seemed to be stretched infinitely.

Under her half-surprised and half-surprised gaze, a river composed of black mist diffused from her palm, and an old man holding a boat came out of the river. The closer the boat got to Fang Liangping, the smaller the boat was. It got bigger and bigger, and the soul lamp at the bow of the boat exuded a faint blue light, and gradually became the size of a person.

Under the light of the soul lamp, the eyes of Fang Liangping's soul, which was already on the verge of collapse, suddenly became confused, and the soul that was about to collapse was also stabilized. The old man stretched out his hand and shook the bell in his hand. He moved, stepped into the boat, and stood behind the old man.


The black mist began to dissipate gradually, the old man's hand holding the oar lightly exerted strength, the boat left the shore, and gradually shrunk until it fell into Ye Qingge's palm.

"This is... a successful display!"

Ye Qingge's eyes flashed brightly. It turned out that she had tried the system's skills and could use them on other bodies without hindrance. However, after the system was upgraded, she was not sure whether the skills brought by the priesthood could be used.This time it was just a simple attempt, and it didn't matter if it failed, but unexpectedly it succeeded!

"If this soul can be kept in the nether space of the main body, the operation space of this skill will be larger. This is the soul of the Immortal Realm...Did I just attack a little too hard?"

Ye Qingge rubbed his chin, suddenly regretted that he acted too early.

If it is a intact human immortal soul, use it with the effect of skills, whether it is used as a trump card to explode the power of the priesthood, or for your own cultivation, it is completely different from the broken soul right now.

Shaking her head, Ye Qingge didn't dwell on it for long. If her conjecture is true, the body of the Empress or even Su Qinger's body is the same for the soul of a Heavenly Immortal in the first level of Dao Realm corresponding to the Immortal Realm, so don't worry about it.

"The first thing has been done, it's time to finish the second thing."

"The old lady is dead. I don't know what Ye Nanshuang will choose in the future. An Lanmeng has already stated that there is no problem with adoption. The next step is to see her choice..."

She took a step forward and was about to return to Ye Nanshuang's side. At this moment, her eyes suddenly went dark, the light gradually faded, her consciousness left her body, and she returned to reality.

[The host completes the emergency task and gets the following rewards: 10000 points, celestial magic escape]

[It is detected that the host task is completed with excellent quality, and the points are doubled for success, and 20000 points are obtained]

[According to the host's experience when possessing the cursed witch, the redemption list has been automatically updated. 】

[Successfully solve Fang Liangping, get the gift of consciousness from Fengdu Realm, and get 5000 system points]

"This... returns to reality?"

Gradually recovering her senses, Ye Qingge smacked her lips in regret, but she was already used to the sudden return of the system, it was already very good to be able to stop for a while and let her finish the first thing.

After browsing the information of the system, Ye Qingge rubbed his chin and said: "The gift of consciousness from the Fengdu Realm... Sure enough, the world has its own consciousness in the dark. If you prevent them from destroying the world, you can get system points." , This is also a sharp tool for scoring points, let An Lanmeng collect more tasks in this area when you have time, it should be good for scoring points."

"The mission reward this time is An Lanmeng's escape secret technique, so I can make up for my shortcomings in escape."

She looked at her system panel

【Name: Ye Qingge】

【Cultivation: Seventh Heaven of Spiritual Awareness】

【Bloodline: Navigator】

[Cultivation method: Hongmeng Daodian (Dacheng)]

[Divine Channel Method: Five Elements Supernatural Powers Two Levels (Great Success), Soul Devouring Art (Great Success), Sword Dao Beginning Solution (Great Success), Heavenly Transformation First Five Levels (Minor Success), Xuantian Sealing Magic (Minor Success), Haoran Zhengqi ( Small success), mind illusion (small success), ecstasy (small success), Yimu spirit revival technique (small success), basic sword technique (small success)...Tianmo escape (introductory)]

[Special Skills: Soul Pull, Nether Space, Lord of the Underworld]

After eight hours of practice, her cultivation has successfully advanced to the next level, but this is not what she cares about the most.

Her eyes fell on the Nether Space, and a hint of excitement flashed in her eyes: "Let me see if my guess is correct!"

Chapter 89 The Underworld Monarch of Another Existence

Closing his eyes, Ye Qingge's consciousness gradually gathered between his brows, where the priesthood is.

The priesthood is not a fixed form, but a form similar to energy rules, entrenched in the brows corresponding to the two groups of yin and yang fish.Nether space is located at the center of the energy law corresponding to the priesthood of the Yin God. It cannot be penetrated by ordinary methods. Only those who have been recognized by the priesthood can observe the Dao. Ye Qingge who has been recognized by the God of Yin is no different from this recognized person.

Before, Ye Qingge used his palm to create a situation. The origin of the Nether Space lies in the priesthood. As long as the priesthood has not left Ye Qingge's body, Ye Qingge can use any part of the body to extradite ghosts from the outside world into the Nether Space.

At this moment, where the Yinming priesthood is located, in the Nether space

Under the observation of Ye Qingge's consciousness, Fang Liangping's soul appeared here with a blank face. Under the leadership of the old man's boat, he had completed the initial extradition, stepped into a huge divine city, and was led by two ghost messengers. Stepped into the center of God City.

The whole city is shrouded in strong Yin Qi, and it is an excellent living place for ghosts. With the help of the Yin Qi practice here, the soul body can be made stronger.

The city of God is empty, except for a very small number of Nether public officials who are automatically generated by Nether space consciousness like old people, there is no one inhabited.

Fang Liangping's soul was led by public officials to live in a residence in a city, but his eyes were still blank, as if he had lost the memory of the past.

"During the possession period, bringing the ghost into the Nether space can really cross the long river of history and bring it into the modern age I am in!"

Ye Qingge's consciousness fluctuated violently, and he felt astonished.However, after carefully inspecting Fang Liangping's soul, her violently fluctuating consciousness gradually calmed down, and she slowly regained her composure: "Fang Liangping's soul level has dropped a lot compared to before! When I brought it back earlier, It's still in the realm of human immortality, even if I beat it to the point of collapse, it's still the ghost of the realm of human immortality."

"But now, I haven't even reached the Atrium. Is it because of the limitation of the Nether space, or the consumption caused by traveling through history, or both?"

Ye Qingge frowned slightly, unable to come to a conclusion for a while.

It is also the first time that she tries to bring the human immortals that existed in history, the existence comparable to the first level of Dao Realm, into reality from history.Logically speaking, it is normal for time travel to cause a certain amount of consumption, but what is the specific situation, only this attempt is still unable to draw conclusions, and it is necessary to try a few more ghosts to understand the limitations and limitations of this skill. other rules.

Shaking his head, Ye Qingge's consciousness was about to leave when abnormal fluctuations suddenly appeared in the nether space.

After Fang Liangping's soul settled in, the entire nether space seemed to be activated, and countless yin qi surged inside, seeping out strands of power to nourish her soul and body.

"In the Nether Space skill introduction, can it be used for its own effect? ​​The skill introduction only said that it can be done by detonating the ghost to activate the effect of the priesthood, but it didn't say that detaining the ghost here can also bring Feedback of power. If we follow this line of thinking, wouldn't it mean that the more ghosts stored in the nether space, the more power the feedback will have?"

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