
The terrifying sound resounded throughout the audience, and the faces of the demon gods changed even more. Their joint attack failed to block Ye Qingge's sword energy!

As soon as Fang Ziye arrived at the original position of Giant Hammer Mountain, the sword energy followed closely. Even their secret technique couldn't stop it. The terrifying sword energy actually penetrated their joint secret technique and killed Fang Ziye. In the end, a huge sword mark was left in the direction of Giant Hammer Mountain.

"Master Feng, you've gone too far!"

The demon god who used the magic pupil secret technique roared and opened his mouth.


Ye Qingge sneered, and came to the direction of Giant Hammer Mountain, stood on one side of the sword mark, looked at the demon gods on the other side, and said calmly: "From today onwards, all after the sword mark will belong to the territory of the righteous way. If you have an opinion... welcome to a fight!"


"You are trying to die!"

"Feng Jiaozhu, don't think that you can continue to be strong because you are lucky enough to be better now. Leave everything behind so that we can see each other in the future. If not, you will definitely regret it when our demon cultivator of the sixth level of heaven returns!"

The demon gods roared again and again, and the trace of Ye Qingge's sword has exceeded the original range.

Originally, when the Giant Hammer Mountain was still there, the side close to the righteous monks was used as the division, but now Ye Qingge pushed it to the side close to the demon cultivators, which is equivalent to bringing the originally divided middle buffer to the demon cultivators. The direction approached the distance of a mountain.

Of course, the distance of this mountain is not too big for Moxiu, but it is extremely insulting!

Many demon gods were furious in their hearts, but they didn't have the guts to make a move.

The demon gods are not of one mind. Just now, Ye Qingge beheaded Fang Ziye, who was in the realm of the fifth heaven, and he joined forces with everyone to fight brazenly without losing the wind. Before that, there were three demon gods of the fifth heaven who fell in Ye Qingge. The palm of his hand, there is no demon god who dares to take the risk of falling to fight Ye Qingge at this time.

Who knows if it will be sold by teammates.

Seeing the reactions of the demon gods, Ye Qingge laughed, and sat down cross-legged in mid-air, saying: "Within three hours, let all the demon cultivators in the south retreat to the back of the line, otherwise..."

She had sword intent in her eyes, and her powerful aura oppressed her. Even in the face of a few demon gods of the fifth level, she was not weak at all, and even because of the current situation, she even overwhelmed all the demon gods.

The demon gods cursed again, but they already had the intention to retreat.

Knowing the characteristics of the demon gods, Ye Qingge didn't take it seriously, and even closed his eyes, as if he was recovering. This made the demon gods angry again, but none of the demon gods dared to make a move.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and under the confrontation of invisible breaths, it was the demon gods who fell into the disadvantage after all. A trace of retreat flashed in the eyes of a five-layer demon god, and he said via voice transmission: "We... what should we do? ?”

The demon gods looked at each other, and in the end, the Fifth Heaven Demon God who communicated with Fang Ziye gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't you just leave now, this crazy woman is too scary, wait for the extreme demon gods to return, and let her look good again!"

As soon as the words were uttered, they were immediately recognized by the demon gods. Orders were conveyed, and countless demon cultivators on the battlefield began to retreat slowly.

After doing this, all the demon gods looked at Ye Qingge with vigilance, waiting for Ye Qingge's next move

Under the eyes of all the demon gods, Ye Qingge just sat cross-legged with a calm face, with his eyes closed tightly, as if he was in the process of cultivation, and he did not restrain himself from everything outside.

In the confrontation, time passed by

Three hours later, the last demon cultivator finally pushed behind the sword mark, and a demon god was about to move, but he didn't dare to make a move

six hours later

twelve hours later



Gradually, nearly half of the blood moon above the sky had passed, and the power of countless riots gradually subsided. Finally, a demon god couldn't help it anymore. It took a deep breath, and a crack appeared in the space behind it. A gap was opened, and before he could make a formal move, Ye Qingge in front of him suddenly opened his eyes.

He was startled, shocked in his heart, quickly closed the gap behind him again, and looked at Ye Qingge vigilantly: "Moxiu and I have all gathered for the meeting, what else do you want to do?"

Ye Qingge smiled slightly, and said: "Since it is already my rightful territory, it is not too much to build some fortifications."

Several demon gods glared angrily, and saw a large number of righteous monks and officers and soldiers of the Yankang Dynasty appearing on the horizon. These figures had already been beside Ye Qingge. One came with materials for building the fortifications.

"You... shameless!"

A demon god jumped in anger.

the other side

The soldiers who arrived couldn't believe it at first, but when they saw Ye Qingge confronting everyone, they had to believe it if they didn't believe it. At the beginning, they built it carefully, and after making sure that the demon gods would not interfere with their construction of fortifications, they became more courageous. Gradually grew up.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a fortification foundation was slowly built, and then the overall structure... A huge defensive fortress rose from the ground and stretched to the end of the field of vision. Under the comments of the demon gods, all the soldiers of the Yankang Dynasty The enthusiasm of the orthodox monks has been mobilized.When the fortifications were completely completed, the blood moon on the sky finally began to slowly dissipate.

Ye Qingge finally stood up, and said with a smile: "From now on, the territory of the righteous and the devil will be re-divided based on the sword marks, but those who violate the border will be killed without mercy... Can you understand me?"

Chapter 95 One hundred thousand points, north and south emperor points

"I... understand."

The demon gods were extremely aggrieved, but they dared not refuse.

When the blood moon was still there, they couldn't do anything to Ye Qingge. Now that the blood moon has gradually dissipated, and the blessings on themselves are rapidly dissipating, it is even more impossible for them to be Ye Qingge's opponent.

Behind Ye Qingge, there are still a large number of righteous gods.With Ye Qingge in charge, the demon cultivators were not at all nervous when constructing the fortifications, each of them had a reasonable division of labor, and they were all in a state of high energy at the moment.But they were different. The magic cultivators behind them had been weakened by the blood moon's boost. After these three days of confrontation, they didn't dare to relax at all. At this time, they all showed fatigue.

Once the war starts, they will definitely suffer, and maybe Ye Qingge will find an opportunity to continue to advance the territory in the direction of the magic cultivator.That being the case, it is better to agree directly and find the place later.

"Then, there will be a period later!"

Ye Qingge said something meaningful, and with a flash, he walked towards the rear fortifications.

She sat cross-legged in front of the demon cultivators before, so it was naturally impossible for her to really enter the cultivation state.In fact, the same as the sword mark drawn in front of him, it is a deterrent method. The perception is always observing the movements of the demon gods, and he is relieved when the righteous cultivators from behind come.

In the following time, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ye Qingge also took a small amount of time to secretly communicate with Elder Feng Xiling who came from the Taicang Sect to learn about the battles in the other three regions.Compared with the past, the battle in the three regions this time is obviously much more difficult, but it is not a serious problem, but the loss is a little bit bigger.

"This time, with the help of the system, Feng Lingxiu has almost completed the two tasks of successfully inheriting the position of leader and fighting against the wave of demon cultivation. The blood moon above the sky has collapsed. Before returning to the main body, there is still It’s time to prepare for everything you haven’t had time to do!”

With a thought in his mind, Ye Qingge stepped into the defensive barrier.

It didn't take long to build the barrier, but the internal facilities were extremely complete.The Heavenly Craftsmen of the Yankang Dynasty were very good at casting. Under the leadership of General Wen Yangshu, Ye Qingge came to the specially prepared meeting hall.

In the hall, a famous Taoist realm gathered here early.Among them, nearly one-third are immortals from the Tai Cang Sect, the remaining one-third are official personnel from the Yankang Dynasty, and finally are the representatives of the major sects.

"Congratulations to the leader!"

Seeing Ye Qingge's arrival, the elders and disciples of the Taicang Sect saluted one after another. Even the representatives of other sects and the officials of the Yankang Dynasty looked at Ye Qingge with a hint of fanaticism in their eyes, one after another They stood up and saluted Ye Qingge with their own different etiquette to show their respect.

Since the collapse of the old heaven, the world has been gradually eroded by demons.Not long after the establishment of the Yankang Dynasty, the scope of activities of the Righteous Way in the World was even more limited within the territory of the Yankang Dynasty. With the strength of the old leader, it was not too much for the demon cultivators to entangle each other and advance in the buffer zone. Ye Qingge Although it only pushed the territory forward by the distance of a mountain, it was an exciting and great progress for the righteous way of the world!

Ye Qingge pressed his hand, smiled and motioned for everyone to sit down, and then everyone sat down again, but the enthusiasm in the expressions in their eyes was still hard to hide.

After a pause, Ye Qingge looked at Feng Xiling, and said in a deep voice, "Elder Feng, have you brought everyone?"

Feng Xiling nodded slightly, and said respectfully: "The three elders of the Cangzang Sect who were arrested during the war were brought to the meeting hall, as well as the remaining disciples of the Cangzang Sect...Deacon Ping, bring everyone here .”

She gave an order, and a tall and thin deacon below responded, and left the meeting hall with a few disciples standing outside the door. After a while, a few young men and women in the costumes of the Tian Cangzong were escorted away. up.

Ye Qingge looked around and saw that some of the people brought up were familiar faces. They were the elders who fled with Fang Ziye when Fang Ziye attacked her earlier.

Feng Xiling explained in a timely manner: "These disciples of Cangzong are very difficult to deal with, and the elders who defected are fine, but most of the ordinary disciples did not participate in the rebellion, but the defection of the suzerain is defection, which caused part of the city wall to be destroyed. If it wasn't for you, the leader, to rescue in time, I'm afraid this line of defense will collapse completely! Now things have become serious, and there are many voices in the righteous world who want to punish them, and many voices think that they are innocent. It is really difficult for the elders, protectors and heavenly kings in our religion to make a decision, so I ask the leader to make a decision."

Ye Qingge understood that these days the Cangzong disciples who were abandoned by Fang Ziye were indeed in an embarrassing situation, making it difficult to make a choice.

As for the defection, these disciples did not participate, and all the high-level members of the Tiancang Sect participated. During the follow-up investigation, the Taicang Sect learned that the defection of Fang Ziye and several elders was not originally planned by him. The penetration of the entire Sky Cangzong had not been completed within the time, and even the top management had only penetrated more than half of it.

In this defection, the rest of the elders who were not infiltrated and who showed the desire to resist were all beheaded, and the rest either joined the defecting team, or were originally infiltrated, and defected to the right way with Fang Ziye, all later All of them were killed on the battlefield, and only the three elders in front of them were captured.

But in terms of innocence, the threat of these people is extremely great. No one knows whether ordinary disciples have been infiltrated, and whether Fang Ziye deliberately left them here as a backup. Strong cultivation techniques, even if they are detected by the righteous way, may not be [-]% detectable. Many ruthless people have already moved to kill, and they would rather kill by mistake than let it go!

"If the defecting elders are really killed like this, it will be too cheap for them. Ask more about the news of the demon cultivator. If you can give the news quickly, you can give them a happy time. This matter will be handed over to the law enforcement hall. Let's do it."

Ye Qingge's tone was calm, and he didn't finish the rest of the sentence, everyone already understood the meaning.Righteousness needs to look like righteousness, but it does not mean that you are weak and deceitful. When facing betrayers, you will naturally not be soft-hearted.

She looked at the remaining members of the Sky Cangzong. Of course, it could not be all of them who were brought here, but representatives of the remaining disciples. Much higher than ordinary disciples.

Looking around, he finally landed on the man in the deacon's robe who was being held down by two disciples. Ye Qingge asked, "You are the only deacon Fang Yeyu among the rest, right? What else do you want?" Did you say that?"

The deacon Fang Yeyu took a deep breath, kept his tone as calm as possible, and said respectfully: "It is the high-level people in the sect who betrayed the righteous way. Our ordinary deacons and disciples in the sect don't know about this matter, and have never participated in it. I hope that the holy master will give me justice, and give justice to my remaining disciples of the Tiancang sect."

Ye Qingge shook his head and said: "You also know the situation of Cangtian Sect. The sect master has defected, and the righteous world is not at ease with you. If only these words are not enough for you to clear up your suspicions, let alone make the world rest assured."

Fang Yeyu took a deep breath, turned his mind, thought about the countermeasures, and said slowly: "Our remaining disciples of the Heavenly Cangzong can swear to the Heaven and Earth Dao, and make an oath to the demons, and they will never betray. If there is a betrayer, Then the heart demon broke out, discarded all cultivation base strength, and let the holy leader deal with it."

"not enough."

Ye Qingge was still shaking his head.

Fang Yeyu gritted his teeth, lowered his head deeply, and said, "From today onwards, there will be no Heavenly Cangzong in the world, only the Sin Cangzong, and the remaining disciples of the Sin Cangzong are willing to pay for the treacherous Fang Ziye's affairs." , was originally a pioneer of the righteous way, eradicating the evil way... I also ask the Holy Master to be merciful and save my life!"

He suddenly broke free from the hands of the two disciples behind him, his hands were tied behind his back by the spiritual weapon chains, and he kowtowed deeply in the direction of Ye Qingge in a strange posture.

Many people showed surprise.

Ye Qingge also took a deep look at him, suddenly smiled, helped him up, and said, "You are very smart and know how to judge the situation, but this alone is not enough, to make the world feel at ease, you need to add a shackle ..."

"Just use this secret technique to plant your mind. As long as you don't do anything harmful to the world's righteous way, it will not explode. From the moment you swear the oath, you will be the suzerain of the Sin Cangzong. I hope you can lead Disciples of the Sin Cang Sect, get rid of the suspicion as soon as possible, and revive the glory of the Sky Cang Sect."

Ye Qingge stretched out his finger, and touched Fang Yeyu's forehead, a seal was planted on her.

Fang Yeyu showed gratitude, and said: "Thank you, Holy Master, for your trust. You dare to stand on the saddle for the leader. From now on, Yeyu's life will be the leader's!"

"It's useless to thank me. This is the first and last time. If under your leadership, the Sin Cangzong is sentenced to the right way again, the consequences will be borne by you."

Ye Qingge's tone was calm.

Fang Yeyu kowtowed deeply again, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, together with several representatives of the disciples who were escorted here, he swore the Dao Oath, the Heart Demon Oath, and finally ended the matter. go down.

What should be done has already been done, Ye Qingge turned around and walked towards the main seat of the main hall, while listening to Feng Xiling's report of the latest news, he asked Feng Lingxiu about the old heaven, especially Su Qing'er's situation in his heart.

After the possession is over, she is going to use free time travel to check on Su Qing'er's body first. She hasn't confirmed Su Qing'er's situation since the last mission was completed!

Feng Lingxiu pondered for a moment, and slowly described: "The old heaven... the most famous one is probably the third emperor. Since the third emperor, the old heaven has split into two big heavens. Among them, the Nanshang emperor has always been A virtuous name, known as the eternal Mingjun, in the race..."


As soon as Feng Lingxiu consciously said the word race, Ye Qingge's eyes darkened, and his consciousness gradually left his body and returned to reality.

After the senses slowly recovered, the system's text appeared in front of my eyes again.

[The host completes the emergency task and receives the following rewards: 20000 points, Gu Yuqin technique, Jiuyou Shuo]

[On the day of the blood moon, during the wave of demon cultivators, four demon gods of the fifth level and the third level of demon gods were killed... a total of 250 demon cultivators were killed, and the demon tide in the southern region was suppressed by one's own strength, and an excellent evaluation was obtained. The second part reward bonus is 150%, successfully obtained: 30000 points]

[It is detected that the quality of the host task is completed excellently, and the points are doubled for success, and the total points obtained: 100000]

[According to the experience of the host possessing the leader of Tai Cang, the redemption list has been automatically updated]

"One hundred thousand points!"

Ye Qingge gasped, it was the first time she had gained such a number of points!

Including the points in her hand, the points she has surpassed 14 points for the first time, reaching an astonishing [-] points.

She subconsciously opened the redemption list. From the updated information, [-] points is the dividing line between Taoism and Danhai. More than [-] points can be exchanged for items in the realm of divine breath, and more than [-] points can be exchanged for condensed pills. More than [-] points is the realm of Huahai.

When you reach 12 points, it is the dividing line between Danhai and the atrium. With 14 points, you can start exchanging items for the Realm of the Five Gods!

This is just points income!

A stream of information poured into Ye Qingge's mind, and a flash of light flashed in Ye Qingge's eyes. Feng Lingxiu's ancient jade qin technique exploded in power as early as the first time he possessed Feng Lingxiu, and it can be called a wide range when used with awe-inspiring righteousness. The big killer of the battle!

"I remember the first time I used this zither trick, it made me use Feng Lingxiu's body to break out of the encirclement of demons. I also used it this time when I was possessed, and the demon cultivators who beat me didn't dare to get close …When you have time to practice well, you can use it as a hole card in group battles, at least outside the city, when you encounter the ghost besieging the city again, you will be able to explode with super effects.”

"And the Nine Serenity Shuttle, a Taoist artifact that I got..."

Ye Qingge stretched out her hand, and a palm-sized Taoist artifact in the shape of a spirit boat appeared in her hand.

Consciousness penetrated into it, Jiuyou Shuo automatically connected with her consciousness, and the relevant usage methods and effects automatically flooded into her mind. When all the information in it was absorbed, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Escape weapon, the so-called spirit shuttle is actually somewhat similar to the spirit boat, but unlike the spirit boat that can carry multiple people, this spirit shuttle can only be used by me to escape at a critical moment, and the effect of the Nine Nether Shuttle is even more powerful. After fully activated, you can go up to the Nine Heavens and go down into the Yin and Dark, and you can use it without any hindrance, it is really powerful!"

"But this time, my greatest achievement is not only here!"

Ye Qingge closed his eyes, and his consciousness penetrated into the place where the yin god's priesthood was located corresponding to his forehead, in the nether world.

At this moment, hundreds of figures appeared in the originally deserted Nether Space, and the leader among them was the demon god of the fifth level of Dao Realm who attacked Ye Qingge first, and was subconsciously brought into the Nether Space by Ye Qingge at the moment of beheading. middle.

Small boats sailed in the Styx, which connects the nether space with the outside world, and extradited these ghosts into the space. Roughly speaking, there were more than three hundred ghosts sent in, and more than thirty of them were The demon god who had sneak attacked or was accidentally beheaded by Ye Qingge before.

"It's a pity that Feng Lingxiu's world god of the underworld still exists. I sensed the power of the underworld god during the extradition. At that time, my situation was not inconvenient to confront the underworld god head-on, so I had to stop in time... Otherwise, in the space of the underworld god , must have been filled with ghosts of demon cultivators!"

"The strength of these original demon god ghosts has also dropped a lot compared to the original one... an average of five major realms has fallen. I remember that when I possessed An Lanmeng before, Fang Liangping, the captured ghost, fell to only four realms because he was on the verge of breaking. It looks like it, but because it is on the verge of breaking, it has reached the state of melting sea."

"After this period of recovery, the entire Fang Liangping's cultivation base has reached the realm of the atrium... In this way, the more we push forward, the longer the history that spans from the present brings the ghost to the modern age, and the realm of the ghost falls. There will be more!"

Ye Qingge's consciousness enveloped the entire nether space, and the cultivation bases of the ghosts extradited from Feng Lingxiu's body dropped terribly.

Not to mention ordinary demon cultivators, even the demon gods in the Dao realm, many of them have fallen to the realm of melting seas or even the realm of condensing alchemy. The most powerful ghost in the nether space.

Fang Liangping, the ghost of the Immortal Realm, who was the first to earn his income, has now recovered to the level of the Five Gods Realm, and his eyes are not as dull as before, and there is a little flash of inspiration.

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