The non-existent school trip afterwards made Yan Yean's mood more complicated. She seemed to tell herself that it was true emotion, but the time they knew and experienced was too short.The tone of the things that the two of them experienced brought people feelings, rather than Yan Ye'an's gratitude, until the half-month of self-impedement and calmness gave her enough time to think, and she gradually figured it out. own feelings.

Do you need a reason to like someone?unnecessary!

It is enough to confirm that you like it, what's the use of thinking so much... Yan Ye'an adjusted her emotions, looked at Ye Qingge with firm eyes, and said: "The opportunity is fleeting, if you don't grasp it firmly, there will be no future." Here's my chance. I don't want to follow the crowd and regret my mediocrity in the end. No matter what the result is, I will do my best, so..."

"I like you!"

Ye Qingge felt as if struck by lightning, his mind went blank, his eyes were no longer dodging, but he looked straight at Yan Ye'an, and what responded to her was a firm look.

Yan Ye'an bit her lower lip tightly, put her right hand on the wall, and her pretty face got closer and closer.It was enough for the two of them to clearly feel each other's breathing, and they looked at her without any avoidance, fully showing their hearts.

They stared at each other for two to three minutes

Just when the uneasiness in Yan Ye'an's heart reached its peak, mist began to appear in the eye sockets.Ye Qingge's eyes finally recovered, she smiled and said, "I understand."

"Since beautiful women dare to abandon everything, I have nothing to fear. I like you too, but..."

Ye Qingge took a deep breath, and under Yan Yean's astonished eyes, he suddenly pushed his body forward, and grabbed Yan Yean's arm with his right hand, not giving her the slightest chance to escape, instead forcing her to the wall, Supporting the wall with his left hand, he gave her a perfect backlash. At the same time, his pretty face was close to her ear, and he said in a low voice, "Remember next time, confession, let me do it!"

Originally, Ye Qingge was hindered from agreeing, but the most embarrassing thing for her was Yan Ye'an's background. Once she followed her, it meant that she would have to pay a huge price, which made her unable to agree with her at ease.

But what really made her want to understand everything was Yan Ye'an's final confession.

Girls dare to confess boldly, express their hearts frankly, and are ready to be with themselves wholeheartedly.It has already reached such a level, if she is still afraid of this, wouldn't it be too irresponsible.

Yan Yean's pretty face turned red all of a sudden, her mind went blank for a moment, her pupils dilated slightly, and she stammered, "Hey... this... I... this..."

Ye Qingge took the opportunity to peck her pretty flushed face and pulled away.

Looking at Yan Ye'an's shy and flushed face, Ye Qingge showed a satisfied smile, and was about to continue to say something, when a urging message came from the private computer.She had no choice but to swallow the rest of the words, and said: "Just now I took the position of minister, I still have some things to deal with, let's talk later."


Yan Ye'an was still a little unresponsive, and when Ye Qingge turned around, he suddenly remembered something, and said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to come out of the house during this time... Don't forget, you still owe me a real debt of gratitude." date!"

"Do not worry."

Ye Qingge turned his head, smiled and waved his hands: "When we get together, dates, movies... we will have everything we need, and it will never be worse than other people's."

Yan Ye'an calmed down his emotions, and said with burning eyes: "I remember everything you said, and I can't miss any of them!"

"One will not be missing!"

After making a promise to Yan Ye'an, Ye Qingge walked around the corner and practiced the primordial breathing method several times in a row before calming down his ups and downs.

Talking about love is important, but Ye Qingge is not an emotional person, in comparison, he is more rational.It is obviously more important to find out the real situation of your parents and understand your current situation.

Only by figuring out your own situation can you make a coping strategy and make arrangements for the future, so that you won’t be at a loss and unable to deal with difficulties before they come... Only in a quiet and stable environment can the two of them have a future, and they don’t need to live in precarious times. .

"Now that the relationship has been established, it can't be the same as before. Yan Ye'an's situation must also be taken into account. If the last step is not reached, the Canghui Sect cannot be broken. Even if it is the last step... We must also do our best to protect Yan Ye'an's safety!"

She gradually made up her mind, her eyes gradually became firmer, and she began to ponder over the countermeasures.

In the monitoring room of Magic Division Branch of Chengdong Town

Ye Qingge opened the door of the monitoring room. The monitoring room here is not small. It is nearly a hundred square meters. Sometimes, at the request of the intelligence department, the monitoring of various areas in the east of the city will be transferred.

Nine staff members were waiting here early, and eight of them were wearing the uniforms of the logistics department, operating in front of the monitoring screen.There is also a middle-aged man with a rich figure and a pot belly who is holding a document and directing a young man to investigate and monitor. When he saw Ye Qingge's arrival, his eyes lit up, and he hurried forward and said with a smile: "Special member Lin An, I met Ye Buqing."

Ye Qingge nodded. Among the special-level personnel assigned by the headquarters, in addition to the original minister Yan Yishuang, this middle-aged man was also assigned to the East City Branch because he originally belonged to the East City Branch. among.Each of the four branches plus the secretary has three special-level members sitting in charge, and the rest are divided into the headquarters, which are managed and controlled by Feng Yumeng himself.

She came to the monitoring room and asked, "How is the monitoring situation?"

"The transfer has been completed, but during this period of five years ago, a critical road video was staged, so that this incident has been unable to be investigated."

Lin An's face was a little strange, he waved his hand, and a young man beside him immediately understood, and quickly operated on the keyboard with both hands, and after a while, the screen in front of him changed.

Surveillance pictures from five years ago were played from more than a dozen projection screens operated by the young man.More than ten screens were divided into two parts, two-thirds of the screens played normal monitoring content, and the other third of the screens were different. The green color, compared with normal monitoring, has a lower quality, but the content recorded in it is also different!

Two-thirds of it is normal monitoring content, and the rest of the greenish painting is full of another world, and from time to time you can see ghosts with strange shapes and not humanoid wandering past. It's actually a special surveillance camera that can capture ghosts!

"These are cameras specially installed by the Zongmen's refining master ten years ago to deal with the increasingly serious situation of ghosts in various cities. They can capture the existence of ghosts, but the relevant technology was not in place five years ago. The production of cameras is limited, and the branch in the east of the city is even rarer, and the records of the situation at that time are extremely limited.”

"Ye Buqing, the case of the ghost bride in the east of the city that you mentioned five years ago, the last screen shot appeared on this street!"

Lin An reached out and clicked on one of the projected screens, and the young man quickly started to operate, returning the speed of the green surveillance video that had been played several times faster to normal, and then played it slowly, and tapped the keyboard a few more times. All the monitoring content was adjusted to the street that Lin An was pointing at.

On the screen, a bright red sedan chair is swaying slowly on the road.In the normal surveillance video, the scene is at noon, and countless pedestrians are coming and going on the street, which is very lively.However, the pictures captured in another green-ish ghost surveillance are completely different. The space near the sedan chair is strangely dark, and the pedestrians around can't see the existence of the sedan chair at all. Even if the sedan chair hits it, it just penetrates Pedestrians passing by will not have much impact.

When the time came to a certain point at twelve o'clock, the whole picture jumped, and after that, it was the picture at two o'clock two hours later.

The ghost bride who was walking on the road has disappeared, and even in the monitoring of the camera that can capture ghosts, the ghost images that appear occasionally no longer appear, as if the whole street has been cleaned up, and the ghost images captured just now seem to be Never happened at all.

"How did this scene suddenly switch to two hours later, where did the two lost hours go?"

Ye Qingge frowned, the so-called Ghost Bride case was one of the cases that Yan Yishuang told her five years ago, and the time point closest to her parents' accident.

Five years ago, the case of the ghost bride was reported to the Town Magic Division by the informant.The appearance of the bride was very abrupt, unlike other ghosts, even if she became a ghost, she still wore modern clothes, but the ghost bride was wearing old-fashioned ancient clothes.The four youths, including those dressed as wrestlers carrying sedan chairs, do not look like people of this era at all, but look like they were dressed thousands of years ago.

Once it appeared, it brought the deaths of several young men. The ghost bride used some means to fascinate these people, and finally died of being sucked into Yang Qi.

This case happened within more than an hour before her parents' accident. Originally, according to the professional investigation of Zhenmagic, the so-called ghost bride was just a half-step ghost. Not to mention half-step ghosts, even real ghosts and even ghost generals can be eradicated easily, no matter how much damage to the environment.

The real difficulty of investigating this case lies in the disappearing two-hour video!

These two hours were the turning point of the Ghost Bride case. After the video was redirected, the Ghost Bride seemed to have disappeared from then on. No matter how others searched for it, they couldn’t find her, and she never saw any trace after that.Everyone just thought it was solved by a passing practitioner and never reported it. This case can only become an unsolved case in the end, and it can only be left behind to eat ashes.

Ye Qingge took a deep breath, staring closely at the street picture, every detail corresponds to the street five years ago, the street where the original owner of the body was involved in a car accident.

Scenes of street scenes have already been engraved into the depths of the soul. It was a turning point in the life of the original owner, and he will never forget it for a lifetime!

Ye Qingge, who traveled over here, also inherited the memory of the original owner, and was infected by Ye Qingge. She still remembered that when the accident happened, it should have been around one o'clock in the afternoon, but the scene in front of her was suddenly reversed for two hours, just in time to change the scene. The interception of the time of the car accident suddenly made her plan come to nothing.

Lin An gave a wry smile, waved his hand, asked the young man to play the video again, and said, "Ye Buqing can take a closer look at the time comparison between the two sides. Before the camera disappears, the number of ghosts appearing on the street is small, but Occasionally there are shadows of ghosts drifting past, but after the screen is changed, there is no trace of ghosts."

"If my guess is correct, there should be a special secret in this part of the picture, so it is specially preserved and blocked by the above. If you want to see it, you must have special permissions."

Ye Qingge understood what he meant. Judging from the mobilization of the ghosts, it was obvious that a lot of things had happened during this period of time, so that the above had completely intercepted this part of the matter, and there was no way to check it without permission.

"Now it seems that this case was cut off and blocked only because it involved my parents' car accident... This alone is enough to prove many things!"

"My parents' car accident was really not simple!"

Ye Qingge's face was calm, but there were countless turmoil in his heart. After a long time, he used the primordial breathing method to stabilize his mind, and said, "With my authority, isn't it enough to check?"

Lin An smiled wryly and shook his head: "Generally speaking, we will be notified when the video is sealed and sealed. Ye Buqing who has been sealed can be transferred to view. Even some of the more confidential ones can apply for viewing if they have a suitable reason."

"But this video has not been notified at all... It is estimated that only the level of the master Feng is eligible to apply for viewing."

Ye Qingge's face darkened slightly, and she looked at the video. If she looked carefully, her pupils had slightly dilated. Obviously, her mind was no longer here, but she was lost in deep thought.

Lin An on the side didn't speak anymore, but just turned his attention to the video. Although he didn't know why Ye Qingge was so interested in this case, he was keenly aware of something and didn't intend to ask more questions.

On the contrary, the young man who controlled the monitoring hadn't been instructed for a long time. He looked at the two people suspiciously, probably sensing the strange atmosphere at the scene, he turned his head quickly, and controlled the monitoring screen to circulate during this period of time.

In the dull atmosphere, I don't know how long it has passed.

Ye Qingge's pupils, who had been in parental time, slowly returned to their normal state, and their attention had fallen to a certain part of the monitoring screen in front of them. After carefully watching the changes in the screen several times, there was a look of thought in his eyes.

Slowly, just as the young people controlling the monitoring were all lost in the boring repetitive pictures, Ye Qingge's voice suddenly rang out: "Stop!"

The young man was taken aback and quickly pressed the pause button, but it was already a full beat.

"Back back two seconds!"

Ye Qingge's cold voice came from behind, and the young man hastily followed suit, causing the screen to return to the two seconds before the screen in front of him was switched.

During this period of time, the ghost bride's sedan chair in front of her hadn't disappeared, and four warriors were carrying the sedan chair in the center of the screen. Ye Qingge stretched out his hand, tapped on the lower left of the screen, and ordered: "Keep an eye on this area, Let the video slowly rewind until you can see the scene of this area clearly!"

The young man didn't know why, but he didn't dare to ask aloud, so he continued to operate, the screen receded a little bit, and he could vaguely see a very dark shadow flashing through it, but the monitoring only captured a corner, so as to monitor the semi-blurred quality of the screen It's hard to see exactly.

Lin An asked curiously, "Ye Buqing made a discovery?"

Ye Qingge nodded, shook his head again, and said, "I have some guesses, but I'm not sure... Is there any other angle that can capture the surveillance footage at this point?"

The young man wondered: "There are too few surveillance cameras that can shoot ghosts, and they can't be photographed...but there are still ordinary cameras."

Ye Qingge waved his hand, and said solemnly: "It's okay, just call the video directly!"

The young man nodded and quickly followed suit.Scenes of video images flowed rapidly, and soon jumped to another angle of the street, just in time to capture the point Ye Qingge mentioned.Under the rapid adjustment of the young man, the time of the normal screen was gradually adjusted to the same time as the ghost monitor.

Compared with the monitoring screen of the previous ghost monitoring which was extremely blurry and sometimes hard to identify the corners, the content of the normal screen is much clearer. After several comparisons, Ye Qingge finally noticed the abnormality, and every time it was a man in a windbreaker After passing by, there was an abnormality in the screen of the ghost monitoring, which was obviously caused by the man in the windbreaker secretly using unknown methods on the street.

Lin An also keenly noticed something, carefully looked at the man in the trench coat, and his face became serious: "Is there something wrong with this man in the trench coat?"

Ye Qingge didn't reply. She carefully watched the screen in Yinhun's monitoring for a long time, and half a vague symbol could be vaguely seen emerging here. After carefully comparing with the Yinming symbol that she had inexplicably learned after obtaining the Yinhun priesthood for a long time, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration in her mind. , took out the blank talisman paper and avoidance from the spirit ring, and wrote vigorously. After a while, a special symbol was left on the talisman paper.

This symbol looked very ordinary at first, but when Ye Qingge finished the last stroke, the aura of the whole symbol suddenly changed. The eerie and weird symbols make people feel chills in their hearts. If they are not mentally strong enough, they may even feel uneasy.

"What... what rune is this?"

Lin An questioned subconsciously.

Ye Qingge took a deep breath, with excitement in his eyes, and said: "Friend Daoist Lin still remembers the recruitment, according to my understanding, this rune should be related to that Yin God... This time we seem to We have caught a big fish, so check it out carefully, and not a single monitor can miss it!"

Ye Qingge didn't care about the ghost bride. What really made her care was the meaning of this symbol.

As long as the Yin God priesthood is still in her body, she can use the Yin God priesthood to recognize the symbols on it.This symbol is no different from the symbol contained in the Yin God priesthood, but only half of it was vaguely revealed in the picture just now.Fortunately, with the presence of the Yin God, she was able to quickly identify the real body of the symbol, and use this to restore the original symbol.

To draw such a symbol in this period of time, the mastermind behind the scenes is afraid that the picture will be very big, and they may even dig deep into events that have an impact on the entire Ningcheng.

If she can use this to see through the other party's conspiracy, after reporting the matter and showing her understanding of the Yinming Rune, does it mean...she has the opportunity to view the hidden video through Feng Yumeng's application?

Ye Qingge cheered up.

On the side, Lin An didn't understand Ye Qingge's thoughts, but he also understood the importance of the matter. He quickly directed the few people in front of him to unfold all the videos of this time period five years ago, and strictly checked the surveillance cameras of various streets during this period, looking for abnormalities. place.

Scenes of surveillance images were quickly displayed on the control screen in front of him. Seeing the wide-eyed expressions of the young people in front of him, Ye Qingge shook his head. If ordinary people could find this anomaly, they would have discovered it long ago. Now.

She closed her eyes, let go of her perception, and the spiritual power in her body spread, covering and projecting dozens of screens into her perception, and countless information flowed into her mind, and soon discovered many Abnormalities that are difficult to observe by normal means.

However, most of these anomalies are useless, Ye Qingge quickly put them aside and continued to observe carefully.

six hours later

The time has come to the afternoon, the sun is setting, and dusk is approaching.

When the last observed rune was also written down by Ye Qingge, her eyes were already red. Even with her mental power far surpassing that of a monk in the same realm, after six hours of continuous overload observation, her mental power was close to Exhausted state, splitting headache, extremely poor mental state.

But the results that followed were also extremely rich!

"Finally finished writing all the symbols!"

Ye Qingge glanced at the paper he was writing on, and heaved a sigh of relief.After a pause, he carefully examined and identified the symbols in front of him.

Unknowingly, the densely packed symbols have filled more than ten sheets of blank paper. This is because one of the young people investigating and monitoring has quick eyesight and quick hands, otherwise I don't know how many talismans will be wasted to make it.

When the last symbol fell, the symbols on the white paper had already been connected into one piece. There were 120 symbols, many of which appeared on the screen were only half runes, and it was extremely difficult to realize each symbol. In Ye Qingge, there is a yin god priesthood, and it is not difficult to find out the real body and write it down after spending a little time.

Lin An asked in a timely manner: "Ye Buqing, what's the result?"

Ye Qingge raised his head again, rubbed his temples, and replied after a moment of contemplation: "Based on my understanding, these symbols should all be Yin God runes. The 120 eight runes are a small whole. If they can be filled with Yin Qi completely Activate. With the integration of thousands of runes, it is completely possible to create a part of Yinshen's limbs."

"If there are enough runes and sufficient yin energy... maybe we can create a yin god comparable to the one we met back then, and it's a full version, even stronger than the original one!"

As she spoke, she suddenly realized something, and a hint of shock appeared in her eyes. The symbols in front of her reminded her of the shadow of Misty Fairy!

After leaving Ningcheng, Ye Qingge was still wondering that the Piaomiao Demon Sect, who had been planning for the ancient ruins for a long time, hadn't done anything big in other cities at that time, and Dongcheng and other cities were all calm.This is not in line with the usual style of this sect. What they have to do is also planned in other cities!

But after seeing these symbols, Ye Qingge suddenly realized that the real purpose of the Piao Miao Demon Sect might be astonishing.The reason why he didn't make trouble when the Yin God broke out was because he had already obtained what he wanted from the Yin God!

"Judging from the situation of this batch of runes and the surveillance footage, the ghost bride should be the source of Yin Qi nourishing these souls. The current batch of runes is only the tip of the iceberg. Five years have passed, if I guess If it’s true, the whole of Ningcheng is probably filled with these runes now, and not only Ningcheng, but other cities will also have such traces.”

"Judging from the behavior style of these people, they have the style of Misty Demon Sect. The creation of a ghost bride needs to take a lot of lives, but a ghost bride is far from enough to fill the rune consumption. The whole Ningcheng doesn't know How many runes have been covered, and if you want to fill up the consumption...I'm afraid it will take half of Ningcheng's bloodstained people to be enough!"

"and also……"

She took a deep breath, and said her guess little by little, deliberately exaggerating some guesses.

After finishing the last piece of news, Ye Qingge specially urged: "Report this matter to Secretary Feng immediately. There is not enough information at the moment. I need to check the two hours that disappeared to confirm more information!"

It's a rare opportunity to apply to watch the video, she doesn't want to miss it!

Lin An's hands trembled slightly, and he memorized bit by bit. After recording all the guesses that Ye Qingge had analyzed based on the runes, he did not reorganize them until the last guess fell, and sent them to the headquarters in full. .

"The next thing to do is to wait for the result of the application."

Ye Qingge rubbed his temples that were slightly swollen due to intensive work, and took a pill.After the medicine was absorbed, he breathed a sigh of relief and found a chair to sit down.

Before she could rest for a few minutes, the door of the monitoring room was slammed open, Yan Yishuang hurried to Ye Qingge's side, and said anxiously: "Ye Buqing, it's an emergency, an elite team has been wiped out! "

Chapter 101 Ningcheng ghosts are sad, the female emperor's layout is completed

Ye Qingge's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't care about taking a break, so he stood up abruptly and asked, "What happened?"

Yan Yishuang took a few deep breaths, operated on the crystal brain of four people, quickly opened a file, and explained with a serious face: "Just 2 minutes ago, a member of our branch who was tracking down the Piao Miao Demon The elite members of the sect's disciples have completed the collection of all information and materials, and led the team to carry out the final net collection operation, preparing to capture the disciples of the Piaomiao Demon Sect and completely wipe out the Piaomiao Demon Sect in the east of the city."

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