Chapter 19 Dumbledore's Memory

Kate has not thought that she will have the opportunity to see the Chamber of Secrets incident from Dumbledore's perspective. Although she already knows the truth of the whole incident, she is still interested in Lao Deng's memory.

"It's a bit fake to figure it out in just one day. Let's look at it in a few days." Putting the small bottle on the desk, she glanced at the clock on the wall.

This time she went there after dinner, spent more than two hours in the principal's office, and it was almost curfew time when she came back.

Time to practice the Great Summoning.

White light erupted from the wand. Kate was used to the prelude to the spell like a flash bomb. When she opened her eyes and took a closer look, she found a house elf in ragged clothes standing in front of her.

She actually summoned the house-elf?

This is the first creature she summoned with intelligence similar to that of a human. Does this mean that her great summoning technique is about to be upgraded to level 3?

She stepped forward a little strangely, and the little elf in front of her was also stressed because she suddenly came to a new environment, and subconsciously cast a spell on her.

However, the light with magic power directly passed through her body, hit the bed behind her, and punched a big hole in a good big bed.

"You were summoned by me, you can't hurt me." Kate waved her wand, and the big bed returned to its original state.

She approached the little elf step by step, and because it was confined in a summoning circle the size of a radius, even if it tried desperately to escape, it couldn't escape.

"Tell me your name." She lowered her voice as much as possible to avoid scaring him, "My name is Kate Safik, this is Hogwarts, you don't have to be afraid."

The elf opened his mouth, his big panicked eyes finally calmed down after seeing the surrounding decorations clearly: " name is Dobby."

"You are Dobby?" Kate stepped forward in amazement, which surprised them again.

She realized that she was a little excited, and quickly explained: "I am a friend of Harry Potter, and he told me about you."

"Harry Potter? Do you know Harry Potter?" Dobby's big ears pricked up, and his small body twitched. "Is nothing wrong with Harry Potter?"

Kate shook her head: "He is fine, I know why you are worried about him, because you know he will be in danger at Hogwarts, don't you?"

"How did you know?" Dobby squealed, his big eyes widening in amazement, "Dobby didn't tell anyone the master's secret! Dobby didn't!"

Kate explained: "You didn't leak it, we discovered it ourselves. Don't worry, Dumbledore already knows everything. With him, Harry Potter will not encounter any danger this year."

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._ "Dumbledore got involved too?" Dobby almost cried with joy, "Great, Harry Potter will be fine, he'll be fine..."

Seeing that it was about to lose control of its emotions, Kate reluctantly stepped forward and held it by the shoulder, "Okay, Dobby, don't tell anyone what we said here, otherwise Harry Potter may be in danger again, understand Yet?"

"Thank you, Miss Safik!" Dobby bowed his head gratefully, wiping his tears and nose with his dirty clothes.

But soon, it suddenly raised its head: "Safik? I mean... are you from the Safik family?"

"Maybe you should have heard about my family," Kate said, bewildered by it. "Any questions?"

"Safiek..." Dobby walked around the summoning circle anxiously, "Why is it Safiek?"

"Hey, Dobby, are you listening to me?" Kate called it several times in a row, but it was immersed in its own world and had no intention of responding to her at all.

Could it be that Malfoy's family has bad feng shui, and the elves in her family are not so neurotic.

Or send it back.

Kate also felt that one-third of her magic power was about to be exhausted, and she couldn't even maintain the summoning array.

The big summoning technique didn't consume so much mana, it's just that Dobby is a special species and is very active.

She waved her wand, and was about to send it back, when Dobby suddenly raised her head: "My miss... no, my young master, when he was at home, every day..."

Before the words fell, it disappeared before Kate's eyes.

"Malfoy at home every day? What do you do?" Kate scratched her face with a question mark.

He should be scolding her at home every day. This guy has already scolded her smoothly, and he will think of her whenever he does anything, and then scold her.

Kate even suspected that her poor physique was caused by Malfoy talking about it day and night.

She adjusted her breathing and magic power for a while, and then used a big summoning spell again.

But this time, it's just an ordinary wild horse. It may have some magical blood, but it's too sparse to explore.

Alas, the situation of getting ssr really won't happen twice in one day.

With a sigh, she sorted out her mood, cheerfully sent the pony back, and then turned on the system, "Come on, start today's exercise training!"

No matter what happens, she can't stop her from plucking the wool of the system!


As October approached, the cold air spread, and colds suddenly caught up among the teaching staff and students.

Thanks to the daily exercise, Kate did not fall ill immediately this year, but she inevitably wore a lot of thick clothes.

So she doesn't like autumn and winter, even though she was born in the coldest December.

While filling the thermos jar, she suddenly thought of a magic spell training method. When putting the blue bellflower flame in the bottle, she kept using magic power to keep it running.

In this way, not only can you practice this spell at any time, speed up the upgrade speed, but you don't have to worry about getting cold hands, it kills two birds with one stone.

In order to be able to exercise better, Kate insisted on giving Harroch's three little lions a jar for each of them. She would distract the operation and keep the consumption of mana at any time.

At the beginning, this method can only last for an hour, but the further you go, the longer it will last.

Her distraction control has gotten better and better.

Finally, on a stormy Friday night, while Harry was off to training and Ron and Hermione were back in the common room doing homework, she finally opened the bottle Dumbledore had given her.

The silver thread was scattered in the air, and before it fell, it was hit by the shimmering light from the wand. At the moment when the two phases collided, a white light brought Kate's consciousness into the memory of 50 years ago.

Kate closed her eyes and opened them only when she felt her feet on the ground, and the blurry scene around her gradually became clear.

This is the office of the Hogwarts Transfiguration teacher, except for some displays, it is basically exactly the same as the office she has seen.

There was a light knock on the door behind him, and he turned around, only to see Dumbledore, who was 50 years younger, come over and sit down with a solemn face.

In his hand he held a death certificate bearing the name Myrtle Elizabeth Warren.

Does this memory begin with Myrtle's death?

Kate was about to get a closer look when there was a knock on the door, and then Professor McGonagall, who was 50 years younger, walked in with slightly red eyes.

"I went to the principal to fight for it, but..." she sighed, "Some students have died for no reason, and the school should be closed soon."

Dumbledore stood up suddenly, "Perhaps, we should try one last time."

He passed McGonagall and walked quickly, and Kate kept moving the background because of the change of his perspective.

Finally, he stopped near the foyer of the auditorium.

Standing not far away was the young, nose-nosed version of Voldemort... Well, he should be called Tom Riddle now.

"Tom," he called out to stop the other party, "why are you still wandering outside so late?"

"Yes, Professor." Tom walked quickly to Dumbledore, "I think, I have to see with my own eyes whether the rumors are true."

Dumbledore nodded slightly: "I'm afraid it is, and the school may really be closed soon."

Tom's eyes widened.

Kate was not at all surprised by his reaction.

Voldemort liked Hogwarts very much when he was a student, because he was homeless, and because of his good skin and perfect acting skills, he was also very popular among the students.

Therefore, even after graduating, he wanted to return to Hogwarts to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but was rejected by Dumbledore many times.

That's why he took a grudge and put a curse on the position, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has since become a once-a-year commodity.

"Professor," Tom asked eagerly, "if that man is caught, if this stops..."

Dumbledore looked at him thoughtfully: "Tom, is there anything you want to tell me?"

He also asked this question once before Kate handed in the diary.

But at that time Kate chose to tell everything—although it was a bit embellished and a little false, but at least she did hand over the diary to him.

But this time 50 years ago, Dumbledore's question didn't get the same answer as she did.

"No, it's okay." Tom subconsciously swallowed his saliva and denied it.

Dumbledore was a little disappointed: "Okay, let's go."

"Good night, Professor."

He watched Tom Riddle pass by, sighed heavily, and strode away.

Soon, the scene switched again.

This time, she saw herself on the lawn of the school, with a group of people standing in front of her.

Even so, Hagrid stood out from the crowd.

Although Hagrid was equally tall 50 years ago, his face was much younger.

But at this moment, his tall body fell down like a hill, and his green face was full of hot tears.

"My wand! No!"

Holding the wand that had been broken in half in his arms, he knelt on the ground and wept bitterly.

Standing outside the crowd, Kate saw Dumbledore closing his eyes with a sad face, and saw the other teachers headed by McGonagall reluctantly turn their eyes away.

But Tom, who was among a group of students, looked at the scene in front of him, but smiled triumphantly.

The people of the Ministry of Magic left after dealing with Hagrid's wand. Immediately afterwards, Principal Dippet, who was the principal at the time, stood up and announced that Hagrid would be expelled from the school.

Everyone gradually dispersed, only Hagrid was left crying bitterly.

Kate saw Dumbledore take a few steps forward and held out his hand to Hagrid.

At this time, Lao Deng should already know that Hagrid is not the murderer. Judging from all his actions, he can see that Tom has a problem, but because he doesn't know the existence of the Chamber of Secrets, there is no evidence.

Even he couldn't find evidence of Tom's crime, let alone other faculty members.

Just when she thought all memories were over, the scene changed again.

This place is very familiar to Kate, it is the bathroom at the entrance of the basilisk in the movie.

Has Dumbledore already found this place?

He watched in amazement as he walked into the girls' bathroom and flicked his wand again where Myrtle had died.

Not long after, a sluggish ghost lurked out of the wall.

"You will stay here from now on, and if you think of anything, come and tell me." He whispered to the ghost of Myrtle, and left here.

Kate stood where she was, watching Myrtle gradually regain her sanity, and after realizing her current situation, she hid in the bathroom and cried loudly.

She turned her head, and saw Dumbledore standing at the door of the bathroom, listening to Myrtle's cry in silence, and after a long time, he let out a long sigh.

Yes, Myrtle was his student too.

When a student suffers, as a professor, he will naturally feel angry and uncomfortable, but what makes him even more sad is that not only can't catch the murderer, but also caused another student to be expelled.

He could keenly sense that something was wrong with Tom, but without evidence, even the greatest White Wizard could do nothing about it.

Kate, who didn't feel much about the fact that Tom summoned the basilisk to kill Myrtle, felt the sadness from Dumbledore almost instantly.

The world was spinning in front of her eyes, and the surroundings were pitch black. When she opened her eyes again, she was already sitting on the bed.

In the sky, the silver thread of Dumbledore's memory slowly fell, and she grabbed the small bottle and put it back in time.

After finally getting her breath out, she lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling above her head in a daze.

Dumbledore showed her these seemingly redundant memories, but he actually wanted her to participate in the investigation of the incident 50 years ago, right?

As the principal, he couldn't protect his students, which already made him very sad.

But 50 years later, what the murderer left behind still wants to set off the same storm again.

If she were Dumbledore, she would never tolerate the other party's reckless behavior.

Kate still remembered that when she saw Dumbledore holding the death report in her memory, her old hands trembled slightly.

Maybe in the original book, some of his actions to Harry will cause controversy, but for the vast majority of students studying at Hogwarts, he is a very good headmaster.

Slowly sitting up from the bed, Kate looked out the window at the black lake that was particularly turbulent due to the rain.

It was raining, and it was stormy outside, but it was still warm inside Hogwarts Castle.

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