Kate turned around in fright, "You... When did you come out?"

Luna tilted her head: "About 3 minutes ago."

Well, it's almost over.

Kate put her hands on her hips helplessly: "Qiu Zhang should have mentioned to you about living together."

"Of course," Luna rolled her eyes, "Sister, do you want to live with me?"

"Of course!" She also bent her eyes and smiled, "Why not?"

Luna looked at her thoughtfully for a while, then suddenly said: "Sure enough, it still looks good when you smile."

Feeling her old face getting hot, Kate hurriedly restrained her stiff face from laughing.

Hiss... When did she laugh so happily?

Chapter 32 The gateway to the Muggle world is open!

As Christmas approaches, heavy snow covers the entire castle. Since the last class yesterday, the Christmas holidays have begun.

Early in the morning, Kate got up and packed her luggage. Today they will board the train to London.

According to the plan, a total of 980 Hogwarts students will pretend to be middle school students who came to the United States for a study tour, and travel back and forth between London, Aberdeenshire, Angus and Dandy within [-] days.

The main team leaders were Snape and Flitwick, accompanied by six teachers who were responsible for assisting the team leader in managing the students.

The specific route and itinerary have been reported to the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle Prime Minister in advance.

Where the students can't see, there will be Auror and Muggle bodyguards secretly protecting, which improves the safety of this study tour to the greatest extent.

As for why the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle Prime Minister allowed nearly a thousand young wizards to come and go in groups in the UK, it was naturally fueled by the Safik family.

Hmm... Although she and the old housekeeper are the only orphans and widows left in her family, it sounds a bit miserable, but the energy accumulated for thousands of years still exists.

Among other things, the officials who are now in the Ministry of Magic are more or less funded by her ancestors decades ago.

It's true that the predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade. Now she wants to do anything, as long as it is not a major event that shakes the magic world, she will basically give the green light to pass.

Simply pack up your luggage, and then store the pompom in the school's owl shed, where Hagrid will help take care of it, so it won't be hungry.

After preparing everything, as soon as she left the room, she saw the Slytherin girls coming out of the dormitory, talking and laughing.

Even Amber Wilson ran over shyly and asked her if she had any roommates who had decided on a study tour.

Although Kate couldn't figure out what attracted her to this young lady's sudden favor, she still politely declined the other party's invitation.

In addition, many girls greeted her.

I didn't see it, at least among the girls, she was no longer the one who was isolated and excluded.

It's just that she had been hanging out with Hermione before, and never paid attention to these things.

After greeting them one by one, Kate struggled to squeeze out from the crowd of girls. As soon as she left the lounge, she could hear the voices of the prefects maintaining order.

It was rare for the dungeon passage to be so noisy. The little snakes were arranged in order of grade and height, and they were led by several prefects to the lawn outside the castle.

At that time, many people were already densely packed on the lawn.

Snape stood in front of a pile of carrot heads with a cold face, calming everyone down very well.

"According to the order of grades, starting from the first grade, get on the train in an orderly manner!" He used the loud voice spell, and his voice could be heard throughout the lawn.

The four colleges went hand in hand, led by Hagrid to the train, and each occupied the carriage.

When Kate got into the car, she saw Luna's iconic eagle-decorated hat hanging in front of a carriage.

She smiled silently, managed to squeeze through, and when she opened the door, she saw Luna sitting quietly in the carriage reading a book.

"Can I sit here?" Although she asked, she had consciously sat directly opposite.

Luna shrugged and handed her a newspaper, the new issue of The Quibbler.

Kate flipped through it for a while, and saw Hermione coming in with her luggage, and sat down next to her, "This is a good place, I saw Harry and the others are opposite."

"Good morning, Senior Hermione." Luna raised her head and greeted proactively.

Hermione pursed her lips, and took out a few breakfasts from her purse and handed them over: "Just call me by my name, I'm not as airy as Kate."

"I'm putting on airs?" Kate laughed for a moment, picked up a sandwich and took a bite.

As a descendant of the so-called pure-blood 28 family, she is much more approachable than Malfoy.

"I think it's better to call Miss Kate that way." Luna's silver eyes blinked lightly, and a little smile appeared on her pale face.

Kate answered happily: "I think so too!"

Seeing the tacit understanding between the two of them, Hermione's smile didn't change, she just took a bite of the bread and didn't speak.

After a while, Qiu Zhang also came in, feeling the silent atmosphere in the carriage, Dang even smiled and said, "Hey, guess what I saw just now?

There was a little boy who was carrying a camera around to take pictures, but was picked up by the prefect. He was as pitiful as a chick. "

Hermione covered her mouth and smiled: "That's Colin, he's a little fan of Harry!"

"Harry Potter fan?" Luna also participated in the topic with great interest.

The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became active.

Several girls started talking, which even alarmed Harry in the opposite carriage, causing him to open the door helplessly and explain: "Can't you change the subject?"

"No!" Qiu Zhang raised his eyebrows and refused with a smile.

Harry drooped his head: "Okay, as long as you are happy."

Both compartments couldn't help laughing.

When the train started, Harry saw that no one had eaten, so he bought a lot of snacks at his own expense, and the people in the two carriages shared the food.

In this regard, Kate, who is the richest here, can only eat snacks in silence.

It's good, at least with Qiu Zhang here, she doesn't have to worry about embarrassment.

The time on the train always flies by, and they have to change their wizard robes when they are approaching the station.

Qiu Zhang originally wanted to go out and come in after changing one by one, but was held back by Kate.

"Everyone is a girl, what can't you see?"

As she said that, Kate did it herself, quickly changed the wizard robe and took out a thick down jacket to put on.

Several other people in the carriage looked at each other in silence, then lowered their heads and changed their clothes.

For some reason, the faces of the girls were still a little red, especially Hermione's ears were so red.

Poor thing, it must have been frozen.

Kate thought, and directly cast a warming spell on each of them.

After getting off the train, all the people went out through the wall one by one under the leadership of Snape, spending no less than an hour here alone.

However, it is clear that although the Potion Prince has achieved great success in potion, he is not very familiar with many modern mechanical products because he has little contact with the Muggle world.

But he had made up his lessons in advance, so it didn't matter if he didn't know how to take the subway, so he directly pulled Kate and a few other Muggle-born students out of the crowd and asked them to demonstrate.

Just like that, a group of people stuck at the subway entrance for about ten minutes before they finally got on the subway and arrived at their destination hotel after sitting for seven or eight stops——

Prince Hotel, one of the properties of the Safiq family.

Chapter 33 Four People, Living Together

The Prince Hotel, I don’t know which generations of the Safik family’s ancestors, because there is a child who is a squib and can only be kept in the Muggle world, so he spent a lot of money to build a Muggle hotel to support him.

Later, because of the good business acumen of the ancestor of the Squib, he developed it into a chain of hotels all over the UK and passed it on.

Kate almost didn't laugh out loud when she knew she had such a hotel chain at first, and then quickly decided to use it as a place to stay.

There was no other reason, but to see how Snape reacted to this hotel with the same surname as him.

Now she saw it too, and the reaction was good. The old bat, who couldn't stand the chattering of a group of students, now turned even darker.

Nearly a thousand students stayed here, and the hotel naturally cleared out other guests in advance. Now, apart from some necessary Muggle staff, there are more than a dozen Aurors guarding the hotel.

In addition, the hotel has temporarily set up a series of magic spells to prevent Muggles who enter by mistake or people with malicious intentions from entering.

In terms of safety, Kate naturally has to do enough.

"Rest here tonight, and gather at the cafeteria on the second floor at eight o'clock tomorrow morning!"

After Snape distributed the room cards to the prefects, he reminded them loudly with a cold face.

Finally, the head of the rank distributed the room cards, and the students ran to the elevator noisily, and entered one by one under the leadership of the Muggle-born students.

Kate was waiting in the crowd, suddenly felt a prick in the scalp, looked back, and met Snape's cold eyes.

Tsk... No wonder Harry always thinks of you as a bad guy in the original book.

As soon as she was short, she quickly got out of the crowd and touched Snape's side, "Dean, do you have anything to do with me?"

He squinted his eyes and stuffed a small bottle of potion to her: "Take it before going to bed."

After weighing the potion bottle, Kate roughly understood what kind of potion it was, and Dang even smiled and nodded: "Yes, I understand."

On the other side of the crowd, Hermione and the others were already yelling at her, Kate hurriedly bowed to Snape, and hurried into the crowd.

After a while, the conspicuous white hair appeared next to the brown head, and they got on the elevator together with the crowd.

Snape froze in place with his hands behind his back, still wearing the black suit he wasn't used to.

"Severus, how do you tie this tie?" Flitwick walked past him, still fiddling with the crooked tie around his neck.

He looked down at the other party and was silent for a while, "Maybe you can go to the student to borrow another set of clothes to try."

As he said that, he entered the elevator with the last group of students, and stood there for a long time before the students bravely pressed the button, and the elevator door slowly closed.


From the beginning of its establishment, the Prince Hotel has been famous in the UK for middle and high-end people, so even the standard rooms are much larger than ordinary rooms.

Of course, this is because every room has cast a traceless extension spell.

But Kate was still a little nervous when she saw that four beds could be neatly arranged in a room.

Even the so-called family rooms or e-sports rooms of later generations have their own layouts. Who would directly put four beds in the room?

I'm afraid that others won't see that the room is enchanted, right?


"Kate, the bed here is so soft!"

"There are two bathrooms!"

"Sofa, so soft..."

Standing at the door, watching the three girls scurrying about in the room, Kate took a few deep breaths.

Well, don't expect underage wizards to notice anything unusual about the room.

"Choose your own bed and wash up one by one. You should be very tired tomorrow, so you have to rest well tonight."

She walked to a bed and sat down casually. When she looked up, she saw the transparent glass of the two bathrooms.

……Are you serious?

Subconsciously, she took out her wand, pulled out two sheets of tissue paper from the bedside, enlarged them and pasted them on the outside of the bathroom. After confirming that she couldn't see the inside, she nodded in relief.

Although everyone is still a minor, the basic right to privacy must be protected.

Looking back at Hermione who was still rolling on the bed, Qiu Zhang who turned on the TV and watched the show curiously, and Luna who was lying directly on the sofa...

Kate suddenly felt that it would probably be very lively tonight.

"I'd better take a shower first." She said to herself, and went straight into the bathroom with the toiletries.

When she was undressing, she noticed the potion that Snape gave her in her pocket. From the weight and the dark color, Kate knew that it was a potion that could temporarily put people to sleep.

Looking at the amount, if she drinks it before going to bed tonight, she can sleep until lunch.

In that case, we would not be able to catch up with the morning gathering, so we could only stay in the hotel alone.

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