Although Newt has seen many storms and waves, when facing children, he will not impose his previous experience on Kate.

Seeing her sincere words, Newt could only agree.

After successfully persuading the teacher to visit her to cast spells, Kate became excited all of a sudden.

The only spells she has unlocked now are the Levitation Curse and the Unlocking Curse, both of which are simple spells at the entry level. If you follow the ordinary practice method, it will be meaningless.

『~_空-白-小~-说-群_』6|9..8/9-2.5. 8-|5|0..

/ The essence of the levitation spell is to control magic to make objects float.

The unlocking spell is better understood, opening locked doors, windows or objects.

It's just that in many episodes of Harry Potter, there are also doors that cannot be opened even with the lock-unlocking spell. This is a limitation of the lock-unlocking spell itself.

Unless a new unlocking spell is created for an object that cannot be opened even with the lock spell, but this is no longer within the scope of magic that Kate can currently cast.

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

"Araho Cave is open!"

After uttering two magic commands in succession, the locked wooden box specially prepared by Kate opened while floating up.

This move was not subtle, but what surprised Newt was that after drinking such a powerful potion, Kate still had the strength to cast two spells in succession.

Sure enough, Dumbledore was right, the child's magical power was already stronger than that of many adult wizards.

In the future, he has to be more careful to prevent the child's emotional fluctuations from causing a magic riot again.

"Okay, Kate, it's time for you to rest."

He thought the practice was over, and he wanted the disciple to lie down for a while, but unexpectedly, Kate took out a few iron circles from the small wooden box in front of him.

Several circles have been separated, and some are still connected in series.

"Failed again." Looking at the remaining circles that were still strung together, Kate couldn't help pursing her lips in disappointment.

She was going to show the teacher how she unlocked the thing with the Unlocking Charm.

"Uh..." Newt looked at this strange and slightly rough gadget, feeling a bad premonition in his heart, "Little Kate, what is this?"

She raised her head, with a bit of frustration on her small face: "Jiu Lianhuan, don't you know, teacher?"

Then he is a standard British, even if he travels around the world, he only pays attention to magical animals everywhere, so naturally he will not know this kind of stuff.

"This is called Jiulianhuan, it can be regarded as a small toy." Kate repacked it while popularizing science.

"I used to be bored at home alone, so I asked the old butler to help me build this toy."

"Each ring of the Nine Chains restricts each other. It takes 256 steps to untie it. If it is the Ten Chains, it takes 682 steps."

"When I was practicing the unlocking spell today, I just remembered that there is still this thing, so I wanted to see if I could unlock it with the unlocking spell."

The old butler felt sorry for her, and before she left, he stuffed her a small handbag, which was also cast with the No Trace Expansion Curse.

Not only a change of clothes, but also all the things she used to play with at home to keep her bored.

Kate neatly reinstalled the Nine Links, picked up her wand and cast the Unlocking Charm again.

But this time, all of Jiulianhuan was untied.

"So when the wooden box is separated, the magic power is still not enough..." She looked at the disassembled parts and couldn't help murmuring in a low voice.

Just like leveling in the game, the higher the difficulty of the object to cast the spell on, the higher the spell proficiency displayed by the system.

Her energy for a day is limited, so she can only increase the difficulty as much as possible in exchange for time cost.

Fortunately, Snape gave her the magic-suppressing potion, which greatly reduced the energy required for her to practice once, and she no longer had to stay up late like yesterday.

Looking at the little disciple who had fallen into his own world again, Newt was hesitant to speak now, and he was extraordinarily at a loss.

His disciples, are they now developing rapidly towards practicing the same level of peace of mind?

Are all young wizards like this now?

When he was practicing the unlocking spell and the levitating spell, he never thought about these tricks.

"Kate, look at me first."

He hurriedly stopped his disciple's thinking, and asked with a look of embarrassment, "You... um, why do you practice in this way?"

In the final analysis, the purpose of unlocking spells and levitating spells is to open locks and float, otherwise they would not be wizard entry spells.

The picture is simple and easy to understand, allowing little wizards to quickly get started with Charms.

But he really couldn't figure out why Kate chose this very human practice method, and wouldn't the final effect be the same?

"Why?" Kate was taken aback, and tilted her head inexplicably, "Isn't magic supposed to be like this, with the fun of unlimited exploration?"

Chapter 24 Newt's favorability, get!

For Kate, magic is like mathematics, and there are infinite possibilities for exploration in theory.

It's just that she was not good at mathematics in her previous life, and she didn't know magic, so this infinite possibility can only be roughly equal to 0.

But this life is different!

Although she is still not very good at mathematics, Hogwarts does not teach mathematics, only magic!

If she doesn't seize the opportunity to explore it, she will only be able to think about how to graduate alive after entering Hogwarts.

So as long as the understanding of each mantra is based on the correct path, any practice method can be tried.

For example, this one opens a series of nine rings through a small wooden box.

Although the method is a bit rough and the idea is a bit unconstrained, it turns out that it is feasible.

Not only can it speed up the practice proficiency of the unlocking spell, but it can also exercise her concentration.

She also has a clear goal for her practice method, as for the sentence similar to "Learning magic is so fun"...

It was copied from a mahjong girl who loves flowers on the mountain.

But to Newt, it was like a ton of TNT exploded inside him.

Magic has infinite fun of exploration.

This sentence is absolutely incomprehensible to the vast majority of young wizards who are still studying at Hogwarts.

Because of the fixed schedule, the fixed teaching content, and the fixed teaching materials in the magic world, which have not been changed for many years, limit their thinking.

He had seen too many young wizards go to school just to learn magic and pass their annual final exams.

Those who are more senior also want to pass the OWL exam or NEWT exam and find a good job after graduation.

With so many people graduating from Hogwarts every year, how many young wizards continue to climb up because they simply want to explore the fun of magic?

In fact, Newt himself knew that although wizards were wizards, they were no different from ordinary Muggles except for being able to use magic.

Everyone also has their own life, and magic is only a part of life.

No one can ask every wizard to sacrifice his life in order to study magic in depth.

But there is no doubt that, from ancient times to the present, all great wizards who can achieve great achievements must always have the spirit of exploring magic in their hearts.

Even the Dark Lord of that era, and the Mysterious Man more than ten years ago were no exception.

Newt asked himself that when he fought against the Dark Lord back then, he would also be shaken by the magical power he possessed.

It's not that he was shaken by the words of the Dark Lord, but he was confused by his original intention of learning magic.

It wasn't until the Dark Lord was defeated and imprisoned in the tower that he found his original intention of learning magic in his later life.

And now, his newly accepted disciples can now express such opinions.

Then think of the child's magical power comparable to that of an adult wizard and his superb talent in magic.

Newt can almost confirm that a new star in the wizarding world is already rising!

It's just that this new star in the future will illuminate the wizarding world like Dumbledore, or it will be stained by darkness and plunge the entire wizarding world into darkness again, then it is unknown.

Looking at the child with pure eyes in front of him with a complex expression, he slowly stretched out his thin and old hand, and gently touched her hair.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Kate didn't understand what his expression meant, and reached out and grabbed his palm in confusion.

"...I'm fine." After a long silence, Newt finally came back to his senses, looking at his disciple's worried face with a hint of a smile on his face.

He leaned down and asked with a smile: "Little Kate, do you like magic very much?"

Kate blinked hesitantly, "Can I be honest?"

"Of course, with me, you can say whatever you want." He nodded seriously.


Kate thought about it for a while, "Actually, at the beginning, I was afraid of magic and wanted to get close to it. Teacher, you know that my family..."

She paused, and turned her head in displeasure.

Creatures seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, especially for a person like her who has experienced death once.

After crossing, I watched a huge family with nearly ten people gradually wither.

In the end, there were only her who was still a child and the old housekeeper who was over seventy years old. How could she not be afraid?

But fear is nothing but fear. She was an adult after all in her previous life, and she knew that when it was time to face it, nothing could be avoided.

After staying next to Hermione's house for many years, he was finally told to return to the wizarding world. At this time, it was useless to just be afraid to avoid it.

So she changed her previous attitude and agreed to recognize Newt as a teacher, and worked hard to complete every task issued by the system, and worked hard to make herself stronger.

Even if you can't kill Voldemort, at least you can't be killed by him.

"When I decided to return to the magic world, I knew that magic would be the only weapon I could use."

"The old housekeeper used to protect me all the time, but he will always age, and I will always grow up. One day it will be my turn to protect him, and all the people around me that I want to protect."

"I like magic, its mystery, its countless possibilities, and the sense of security it brings to me after learning it."

Kate raised her head, her eyes turned red at some point: "Teacher, do you think my reason for learning magic is too utilitarian?"

"How could it be?" Newt immediately leaned over and hugged her, "To protect yourself and others to learn magic, it shows that you are the best child."

So, now he understood why Kate would come up with some wild idea to practice the spell.

In essence, I still want to make myself stronger quickly.

It's just that this kind of becoming stronger is not because of any ambition or desire, but because she has a heart to protect others.

Newt knew a lot about the kid from Rand and Dumbledore.

Knowing that she is introverted and closed, knowing that she is talented but uncontrollable.

Newt had already imagined the worst when he accepted her as his apprentice.

However, during the few days since Kate came to his house, the expected bad things did not happen. On the contrary, the child was indeed pure and friendly.

To put it bluntly, he is much better than many little wizards who can go to school normally but are mischievous in school every day.

"Good boy," Newt comforted the little one in his arms, "Keep your innocent heart, and you can protect everyone you want to protect in the future."

Kate came out of his arms, sobbing softly, her red eyes widened: "Really?"

"How could the teacher lie to you?" Newt pinched her face lovingly.

It seems that he will have to communicate with Dumbledore about the child later.

Chapter 25 queen buffs are fully stacked

Watching Newt leave the room, Kate hadn't breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the system beep.

[Drip, Newt's favorability has reached a certain amount, and the related superposition ability has been upgraded! 】

[Fourth superimposition ability: animal favorability: level 5 (buff is in progress)]

Kate's face turned green, and she asked uncertainly, "If the buff in the back is activated..."

[The host will have a level 10 attraction to female animals. 】

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