He couldn't go to the Whomping Willow to demand compensation!

Madam Pomfrey asked him to stay in the school hospital for observation on weekends, and the others could only leave one after another after staying with him for a while.

Kate was told to remember to drink the potion before she was sent back to the dormitory by Madam Pomfrey.

It was still the lounge where Hermione sent her back. Qiu Zhang and Luna accompanied her until she was discharged from the hospital because of their respective affairs.

Upon entering the lounge, Kate looked around for a while, but found no sign of Malfoy.

That silly kid is still practicing on that hillside, right?

Kate wanted to go out to look for it, but she saw Malfoy who was accompanied by Pansy.

Well, there's nothing wrong with her.

Thinking about today's reward, she only said hello to Pan Xi, and then went straight into the dormitory.

The first is to add points, except for the main mission and the year-end gift package, she has never exceeded 10 attribute points at one time, plus the 5 points from the recent system wool, a total of 17 points can be allocated.

After adding points, she is only 38 points away from her school year goal, which can be accomplished even by collecting system wool every month.

Kate, who is keen to be a hexagon fighter, expressed satisfaction.

Then there is the extended spell of the Patronus Charm.

When she first learned the spell, Kate really only wanted to use it as a means to expel the dementors.

Who knew that her Patronus was so competitive that she could level up by eating dementors, which might be the fastest and least troublesome magic spell for her to level up.

"System, activate the extension spell!"

[The Patronus Charm has been upgraded to level 9, and the Extended Curse is being activated...]

[Spell [-]: Spiritualization: Become a spirit body beyond the reach of physical interference]

[Magic Curse [-]: Emotional Coordination: Within a certain range, increase the attributes of companions]

[Curse Three: Pool of Gods: Supported by spiritual power, forcibly requisitioning all substances within the range]

Hiss, it can only be said that it is indeed the most difficult Patronus Charm, and the extended spells are becoming more and more perverted.

Kate stared at the three options on the screen for a while before asking weakly, "Aren't you going to explain these options to me one by one?"

[Because of the nature of the Patronus Charm itself, the three extended spells all require spiritual power, followed by magic power. 】

[Curse [-]: Spiritualization.

When the host is transformed into a spirit body, it is immune to various physical injuries, and the maintenance time depends on the strength of the mental power. 】

[Curse [-]: Emotional guidance.

When the host is using the spell, the target partner's attributes can be increased depending on the level of the spell and spiritual power, and the host cannot enjoy the effect of the spell. 】

[Curse Three: The Pool of Gods.Everything in the world is in the pool of spirits.

When the host uses this spell, he can manipulate all substances within the range, including heat or radiation in the physical sense, and spiritual attacks in the soul sense.

The consumption time of this spell is calculated by the spirit value. When the spirit value is exhausted, the host will fall into a deep sleep for an indefinite time.

In addition, once this spell is used, the host will be in a weak state for a week, please use it with caution. 】

[Reminder: Based on the host's current mental value, it can maintain spell 65 or spell 6.5 for [-] seconds, and spell [-] for [-] seconds. The host should choose as soon as possible. 】

Kate watched the system's explanation without blinking, and it took a while to come back to her senses.

God knows how much perseverance it took her to keep calm and start thinking about the pros and cons of these spells.

There is no doubt that these three spells are top-notch spells, and they are spells that most wizards in the world dare not even think about.

But if so, they also have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Spiritualization can indeed ensure that she can be invincible in the face of most spells, but the disadvantage is that the maintenance time is too short.

Moreover, Voldemort's Avada Kedavra is an attack aimed at the soul. Once hit, it will directly cause the death of the soul.

Spiritualization can only defend against physical attacks, not soul attacks.

『/-空_/白/ 小~说~群/_』 6.9/8_|9~2.|58 5-.0/

  Emotional co-leading, booster companions are of course very powerful, but according to the urine nature of the system, the boosts she can apply in the early stage are estimated to be very few, so she can only keep leveling.

Coupled with the fact that she herself cannot enjoy the effect of this spell, it is equivalent to consuming her own mental power to escort others.

As for Charm Three.

The pool of the gods is very domineering when you hear the name. If there is no time limit and side effects, it is a perfect spell.

All matter within the control range, is there any other magic spell or technology in this world that can do this?

As long as this spell is used, let alone defending against Avada Kedavra, she can directly reflect the missile back.

Maybe this is the legendary absolute domain.

But in contrast to its powerful spell effects, its side effects are also ridiculously wicked.

Her 65-point mental value can only maintain the spell for 6.5 seconds, and if she exceeds it, she will be unconscious directly.

If you use timeout on the battlefield, you can declare death directly.

Even if she pinpoints the timing and defeats the enemy precisely, it will still be weak for a week, which is worse than the side effect of using her emotional points.

It can only be said that all powerful forces must pay a price, and there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Kate stood on the carpet, staring at the screen with a solemn expression. After half an hour of heart-wrenching, she said solemnly: "I choose Charm Three."

This is the last life-saving spell. Even if it is useless to graduate, she must have such a hole card.

[The host has obtained the pool of gods, current level: 1]

Kate held her breath subconsciously. She thought that obtaining such a top-level spell would be like obtaining the Chongli Divine Fire last time. First, it would require some mental torture.

But no, nothing happened.

[The host doesn't need to be so nervous, the pool of gods has enough side effects, and there is no need to bear mental attacks. 】

[Because of obtaining the pool of gods, the host's spirit value +10, charisma value +15]

Can this spell add charm?

Forget it, it’s almost the same anyway.

Kate breathed a sigh of relief, and her relaxed spirit caused her feet to fall slightly on the bed.

Fortunately, at least the mental value has also increased, and when this spell is used in the future, it can last for another second.

In order to be able to properly use the pool of gods one day in the future, it seems that her focus of adding points next year will be shifted to the spiritual value.

【Charm: 55】

【Strength: 65】

[Agility: 65]

【Spirit: 75】

【Life: 82】

【Lucky: 57+5】

【Magic Power: 76】

After this year, magic power, spirit, and life are the main directions for adding points, and the priorities are decreasing in order. After all, it is impossible for her to beat Voldemort to death by hand-to-hand combat.

If there is such a day, it might as well become a berserker.

Chapter 22 Practicing the Patronus Charm

When Kate appeared in the auditorium on Monday, she attracted a lot of attention.

The other types of increases in the attribute value may not be visible, but after the charisma value has increased by 15 points, only the blind will not be able to see her changes.

But Kate was not unprepared. She directly used her makeup as an excuse to block most of the curious and probing eyes.

It's just that there are still a few girls who are always eager to try and ask her about makeup tips, but Kate ignores them.

In Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Lupine came back again, and said that he didn't need to do the homework assigned by Snape.

Kate could only look at her four parchments in silence. Fortunately, Hermione, like her, had worked hard to complete her homework.

But even if Lupine came back, she would go to the Potions Office every Friday, and she still couldn't escape Snape's torture.

The Ministry of Magic found that there were more than [-] dementors missing. Hearing that Fudge almost ran to Hogwarts to find the mastermind behind the scenes.

But Kate didn't see him in person.

I only heard that because of Harry, under Dumbledore's fury, even the Minister of Magic had to hold his nose and admit defeat.

Now not only have half of the dementors been eliminated, but they have also been controlled outside the castle.

After Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Kate habitually tried to find Hermione, but was stopped by Harry.

"I heard from them that you saved me from the dementors." He said gratefully, "I've been in the hospital for two days, so I don't have time to thank you."

Kate waved her hand: "I just did what I should do, and - I forgot to save your broom."

As soon as he mentioned his shattered Nimbus 2000, Harry's expression obviously lost, but soon, he managed to pull himself together.

"I went to Professor Lupine before class, and he told me that the dementors had affected me so much because I had experienced unusual fears.

I think you may be the only one who understands me among my peers, so can I ask you to teach me how to use the Patronus Charm? "

"The Patronus Charm?" Ron heard the wind and came over, "Kate, can you teach me too? That silver dragon is so majestic!"

Hermione put her hands on her hips in disgust: "Everyone's Patronus is different, even if you learn the Patronus Charm, the Patronus you release will not be the same as Kate."

"Thank you for the reminder, Miss Know-It-All!" Ron said unconvinced, and then Hermione threw a book at him.

Kate watched the two of them fight around Harry, and had to lift Hermione to her side, coughed lightly and asked, "Why don't you go to Professor Lupine to teach you?"

Even if I have a similar background as him, I am still just a student.

Harry looked embarrassed: "Because the professor said that he is not in good health, if you want to teach me, you can only wait until after the Christmas holiday. I want to learn the Patronus Charm quickly..."


She turned to look at Hermione: "You want to learn too?"

"Yeah!" The brown-haired kitten nodded quickly.

Kate smiled slightly: "Okay, after that dinner, gather outside the auditorium."


That night, as soon as the sun went down, Kate, who had just finished dinner, was invited to meet her three new students outside the auditorium.

She found an abandoned classroom nearby, and started her own small class teaching.

"The Patronus Charm, which is the bane of the dementors, is a positive force.

It's an external expression of those things that dementors feed on—hope, joy, the desire to live.

But it doesn't feel despair like a real person, so the dementors can't do anything to it.

Because it is different from our usual logic of casting magic, many wizards have not mastered the Patronus Charm. "

Ron raised his hand high, "But you have learned, you are only 14 years old!"

"To be precise, I'll be 15 in a month, right after Christmas," Kate corrected, "but none of that matters."

She waved her wand, whispered the spell, and saw a half-human-sized silver dragon floating lightly in the air, and finally landed on Hermione's shoulder.

"As you can see, my Patronus is a dragon, my mother's Thestrals, my father's Dolphins, everyone's Patronus is different, they are just the embodiment of your personality. "

With a wave of Kate's wand, the silver dragon disappeared.

"The mantra is to invoke the guardian spirit. The trick is to recall happy moments when practicing. This is a kind of positive emotional withdrawal. The most feared thing for dementors is to represent a positive patron saint."

She pointed at Harry: "You try first."

Harry stood up nervously, racking his brains to recall, and finally settled on the moment when he first rode a broomstick.

"Call God Guard!"

He cleared his throat, focused on the pleasant memory, and waved his wand.

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