Only then did Harry lead them into the empty space, and whispered about his adventure today.

It turned out that it was the Weasley twins who gave Harry a magical map when they saw that Harry was always stuck in school and couldn't go to Hogsmeade.

"The Marauder's Map depicts all the details of the Hogwarts castle and grounds, and also marks the names of the characters on the map. Most importantly, it also draws the secret passages of Hogwarts!"

Harry said excitedly, seeing Hermione's eyes become weird, he subconsciously held the map in his arms: "Hermione, I won't hand it over!"

"But what if Sirius used the secret passage to sneak into the castle?" Hermione said seriously, "The professors must know so they can take precautions in advance!"

Harry hesitated for a moment, she was right, if Sirius knew the passage...

"Isn't there a guardian?" Kate shrugged, "That mysterious guardian will never let anyone who invades the castle go."

Although it's not very good to boast so much, Kate knew it was done by seeing Hermione's face gradually softening.

"That's right, that's the one who can fight trolls!" Harry said, dancing.

Hermione was helpless for a while, she wanted to refute their words, but she was powerless to refute them considering the record of the guardians.

"Okay, Harry, let's go play, just pay attention to protecting yourself at all times."

Kate simply let people go, then remembered something, and reminded, "The butterbeer of the Three Broomsticks is very good, you must drink it."

"Well, I see!" Harry didn't want to be a light bulb here either, he had to find Ron and tell him the good news!

Hermione watched him put on the invisibility cloak and disappeared in front of her eyes, and she was a little anxious: "How can you let him go alone? If you meet Sirius..."

"No, didn't you see what was written on it?" Kate easily pointed to the notice at the door of the Duke of Bees, "There will be dementors patrolling after sunset, and Sirius will not appear here."

Hermione was speechless for a while, and couldn't help but thumped her arm: "You know how to fight against me!"

Kate, who was suddenly beaten, stared wide-eyed and faltered for a long time: "Then... Shall I catch Harry back?"

Seeing that Hermione didn't make a sound, she was really going to go and take Harry back to Hogwarts who hadn't gone far under the Invisibility Cloak.

"Don't go!" Seeing that she was serious, Hermione quickly grabbed her, "Why are you really going to catch him, Harry finally came out once, can't you let him have a good time?"

Kate put away her ignorant expression and nodded seriously: "I also think you are right."

Hermione was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that she had been tricked by her, and for a moment didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

She should have guessed a long time ago that this guy is so smart, how could he not understand what he meant.

"Huh!" She deliberately snorted, "You know you're bullying me alone, I went to play with Parvati and the others, you can slowly build a snowman here yourself!"

As she spoke, she quickly walked towards her roommates not far away.

Originally, Hermione thought that this time Kate would catch up as before, but she walked all the way into the crowd and didn't wait for Kate to chase her.

A bad premonition suddenly rose in her heart, and she immediately turned around and rushed out of the crowd to find someone, ignoring the call of her roommate behind her.

It's just that after finally getting out of the crowd, I saw Kate standing there, talking happily with a strange girl, and didn't notice her coming back at all.

Because her face was covered, she couldn't see the girl's face clearly, she just felt that she had never seen the girl's attire even in school.

How could Kate talk and laugh with such a stranger?

There was a strange feeling in her heart, and Hermione couldn't tell what this feeling was like, but she just wanted to step forward and call Kate.

But Kate seemed to be aware of her existence, looked back at her, and then showed a strange smile.

"It's okay, just a student of the same grade."

When Hermione heard her say that, she turned and walked away with the girl.

She subconsciously wanted to call, but then she thought of Kate's weird reaction just now, her face changed immediately, and she immediately ran to Hogwarts.

"Professor! Professor McGonagall!"

Panting back to the castle, she immediately knocked on Professor McGonagall's door, but there was no reply.

Hermione stomped her feet anxiously, and suddenly remembered that Christmas was approaching, and the professors should be discussing the details of the Christmas study tour in the principal's office, so she immediately ran up to the eighth floor.

The gargoyle on the eighth floor needed a password to open it. Hermione ran all the way up, already so tired that her stomach ached and her eyes turned black.

"Password..." She panted heavily, trying to recall that Kate had mentioned to her before that the passwords in the principal's office were all kinds of snacks.

“Iced lemonade!”

"Toffee finger cakes!"

"Zizi Honey Honey Candy!"

After reading several passwords without answering correctly, Hermione was sweating profusely, and just when she was about to run out of options, a voice came from behind:


The gargoyle in front of him opened in response.

Hermione turned her head in surprise, only to find that the person in front of her was Catherine who had returned to Hogwarts at some time.

"Mr. Wen, Mr. Wynyard..." she called out breathlessly.

Catherine was not wearing her black-rimmed glasses at the moment, and her already charming face looked more serious under the gloomy expression.

"In such a hurry to find the principal, it seems that something happened to Kate." She murmured in a low voice, and directly pulled Hermione up the stairs.

Chapter 28 Burning Up

Fortunately, Hermione didn't see the man's face just now.

Kate raised her hands, and the wand had been confiscated. She walked hard step by step in the snow, turned her head to look at the other party, and then avoided her eyes in disgust.

If Hermione saw it, she would scream in fright at such an ugly appearance.

I don't know how long I walked, but there was a snowfield as far as I could see, and the shadow of Hogsmeade and Hogwarts could no longer be seen.

As the altitude increased, the surrounding body gradually became colder and colder. She couldn't help but sneezed, and finally stopped impatiently.

"Further up, I'm probably going to catch a cold."

She didn't want to use her body to play house with such a voodoo doll, otherwise Hermione would definitely make a fuss again when she went back.

That's right, the "girl" in front of me couldn't actually be called a girl at all.

If you peel off the poor mask of the epidermis, you can see the hard and rough bone texture hidden under the skin.

Voodoo dolls originated in southern Africa. The most primitive voodoo dolls are made of animal bones or straw. Different voodoo dolls have different curse effects.

Because of its evil production methods and effects, in the wizarding world, voodoo dolls are also a kind of black magic.

Just because this kind of voodoo puppet making method is small and cumbersome, few people in the wizarding world have used it in recent decades, but instead use a simpler and more convenient spell.

Therefore, the only people who can use this kind of voodoo dolls are stubborn old guys.

The "girl" turned her neck stiffly, and a strange smile appeared on that perfunctory face: "You are not qualified to bargain, Kate Wynyard."

Kate put her hands on her hips helplessly: "I wish my surname was Wynyard so much, why don't you come out yourself, and use such a clumsy body to meet me?"

She looked at the other party's bottomless, hollow "eyes" without fear.

When she and Hermione were fighting on the streets of Hogsmeade, this "girl" walked straight towards her.

At first Kate thought it was a student from some academy, but it wasn't until the other party's wand was on her waist that she realized from a close observation that this guy wasn't even a human being.

It's just a puppet.

If she had exposed it on that crowded street at that time, the people behind the scenes would probably only need to sacrifice such a voodoo doll to cause widespread casualties.

Without being absolutely sure, she could only follow this guy all the way away from Hogsmeade village, just to see who it wanted to take her to meet.

Although the other party did not disclose her identity, she actually guessed some clues.

Calling my mother's surname directly, using a voodoo doll that is so ancient that it is almost backward, the answer is ready to come out.

"What's your relationship with Catherine?" she asked looking directly into the eyes of the witch doll.

But it's a pity that the witch doll in front of him doesn't seem to be endowed with the function of connecting two parties to talk.

It just mechanically held Kate's wand, and held another wand that it had snatched from some unlucky wizard. It repeated: "If you don't want anyone to get hurt because of you, follow me."

Kate laughed angrily at it.

Who is the guy behind this scene looking down on?

He said that the other party wanted to do something to him, but he didn't even investigate her most basic information.

She raised her head and looked around at the snowy plain where the wind was raging, and there were no shelters around.

In other words, there was still some distance from where the other party wanted her to arrive.

But it's a pity that she doesn't want to be spoiled by Hermione when she goes back, so this journey of being held hostage should stop here.

"What if I say I don't want to go with you?"

She narrowed her eyes dangerously and asked with a smile on her face.

Red light flashed in the empty eye sockets of the witch puppet in front of it, and it raised two wands: "If Kate Wynyard refuses the order, destroy it immediately!"

Tsk, this mentally handicapped tone is even worse than Tmall Elf.

While Kate was still complaining inwardly, the puppet in front of her also moved, and it directly tore off the ugly skin on her face, revealing a bony face that ordinary people would have nightmares for three days.

And between the opening and closing bones, there seemed to be some sound still coming out.

But at this moment, Kate has no time to listen to what it said, because at the same time that terrifying bony face was revealed, a red thread was ejected from its body, heading straight towards her.

She quickly moved to avoid the red line, but when she looked up, she saw the overwhelming red line rushing towards her.

Damn, you really treat her like a child, right?

Dragon Flame!

An orange-red flame spewed out from his throat quickly, completely burning the red thread in front of his eyes.

Kate covered her mouth and coughed twice, then caught a glimpse of a red light shooting out from the unknown wand in its left hand.


Her body rolled over, and at the same time she issued a wandless floating spell, the solid snow under her feet trembled, and was pulled up by her huge magic power, blocking the blow.

I don't know where the magic power of this doll comes from. The bright red magic power was blocked by the stone wall, but it deviated uncontrollably and shot towards the snowfield in the distance.

Kate was about to solve it in one fell swoop, and then take it down and take it back to study it, but unexpectedly, there was an earth-shattering roar from the snowfield that had been shot in the distance.

Before she could react to what happened, she felt her feet shaking, and the snow under her feet quickly cracked towards them from a distance.

Oops, it must have been the avalanche caused by the offset attack just now!

Her pupils shrank, and the adrenaline that surged instantly when human beings faced the imminent crisis prompted her to divert her attention, frantically looking for the origin of the impending avalanche.

But with just a few breaths, the cracked snowfield roared like a monster roaring from a distance, carrying the power of destroying heaven and earth.

Kate held her breath subconsciously, and was no longer in the mood to play a tentative fight with the doll.

The instinct of survival prompted her to immediately use the levitation spell to lift herself into the air, but unexpectedly, the red thread of the doll was also entangled.

She subconsciously wanted to struggle, but the more she struggled, the tighter the red thread bound her.

The puppet has no human consciousness at all, and even if the avalanche is close at hand, it still faithfully performs the task set by its maker.

"Kill Kate Wynyard!"

It tried to wave Kate's pure white wand, but after waving it for a long time, there was no movement at all.

A wand deeply bound to its master can only be effective in the hands of its real master.

Kate gritted her teeth and shouted unceremoniously: "Disarm you!"

Against the backdrop of overwhelming white flowers, the pure white wand drew an arc in the air and landed on the ground.

The puppet was obviously stunned for a moment, but soon, it waved another magic wand: "Drilling Heart..."

"Fuck you!" Kate cursed, and once again spewed out raging dragon flames, burning all the way towards the doll along the red line.

In just a few seconds, the puppet made of straw and animal bones was completely deformed, leaving only a pile of coke-like existence scattered in the cracked snow.

The red line disappeared, and Kate also fell to the ground. She rolled over, picked up her wand, and chanted a spell loudly at the snow waves that were already close at hand.

The fire dragon formed by the Fierce Fire Curse roared and rushed towards the overwhelming white terror.

It stands to reason that after many years of practice, Kate's Fiercefire Curse is now at level 8, which is enough to match the Fiercefire Curse mastered by Voldemort.

But even so, in the face of such a huge natural disaster, the indomitable fire dragon could only be submerged in the snow.

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