Chapter 12 Sharing the same bed

In the past, Hermione also studied with Kate in the study like this, and if she encountered something she didn't understand, she would ask her for help.

Every time, Kate will patiently and gently explain the difficulties she encountered, and finally comfort and praise her.

Compared with those classmates in school who always isolated her because of her excellence, Kate is the gentlest peer she has ever met.

Although Hermione also knew that in the eyes of her parents, Kate was a strange child who was in poor health and didn't like to go out.

But what does it matter?

For a child like Hermione who has no friends in school, someone like Kate who only gives her all the tenderness is a real friend.

And now, she and Kate have one more thing in common, they are both wizards.

This means that they can bond like never before, go to school together, do homework together in the library, and hang out together almost every day.

Hermione wanted such a life in her dreams, but now that she had realized it, it seemed a little unreal.

What is even more unreal is that Kate will be staying at her house tonight.

"Sorry, I came here without prior notice, sorry for the trouble, auntie." Kate sat upright at the dining table, her voice slightly hoarse.

Mr. Granger is sick today, so he will be back later.

Mrs. Granger was enthusiastically arranging the knives and forks for her. When she heard her voice, she asked in surprise, "Little Kate, do you have a cold?"

"Hmm...maybe, it's just that my throat is uncomfortable." Kate smiled shyly, and returned to the state she often showed in front of outsiders.

"It's so pitiful," Mrs. Granger hurried to the cupboard and took out the medicine box, "I still have cold medicine at home, remember to take one before going to bed."

Kate nodded: "Thank you, Auntie."

Hermione, who was sitting across from her, lowered her eyes guiltyly, staring at the plate in front of her, without saying a word.

She knew the inside story. In fact, Kate caught a cold because she taught her a class all afternoon and blown a lot of cold wind.

It's all her fault. If she hadn't just stared at Kate's mouth in the afternoon, she wouldn't have been so distracted that she hadn't listened to the class at all.

"Honey, what's the matter with you." Mrs. Granger put away the medicine box, and was keenly aware of her little daughter's emotions.

Hermione was about to speak when she heard Kate say, "She studied all afternoon today, she must be tired."

"Then stop studying tonight and go to bed early." Mrs. Granger rubbed her head after hearing that.

Thinking of something again, he turned to Kate and said, "By the way, there is no guest room at home, so I can only squeeze you and Hermione."

"It doesn't matter," Kate smiled slightly. "I came to live here to study with Hermione, sleep with her at night, and talk for a while."

Tonight... Kate is going to sleep with her.

Hermione hung her head, her fingers hidden under the table unconsciously clutched her trouser legs.

After eating without taste, Hermione took the initiative to help her mother clean up the tableware, and after carrying the things into the kitchen, she was sent out by the considerate Mrs. Granger.

At that time, Kate was already sitting on the sofa, watching a soap opera on the TV in the living room.

Hermione felt like she was sitting on pins and needles for the first time at home. She stood at the kitchen door for a while, walked lightly to the living room, and asked softly, "Kate, are you taking a bath?"

Or... wash with her?

"Oh, it's time to clean it up." Kate came back to her senses and stood up under Hermione's nervous eyes.

Then, he pulled out his wand: "Clean it up."

Almost out of breath, Hermione felt her little heart twitch.

She even forgot that there is magic!

"By the way, when we go to Hogwarts, it's best not to cast magic outside the school."

Kate remembered this and quickly added it to her.

"But we haven't entered school yet, so we can use it a little bit. I can teach you a few simple spells later."

She blinked at Hermione, but for some reason, the little lion, who was cheerful and lively before, drooped its head like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Uh... what did she say wrong just now?

She asked uncertainly, "Hermione, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I'm going to take a shower!" The little lion raised his head and walked into the bathroom with his head held high.

Kate watched her close the door with a strange expression, and scratched her face for some unknown reason.

Probably this is the case for children of this age, and their emotions are always one after another.

Forgive her for being too far away from this stage, she has long forgotten what she was like when she was eleven or twelve years old.

"Little Kate, remember to take your medicine." Mrs. Granger poked her head out of the kitchen and reminded her.

Kate quickly responded, grabbed the pills on the table and mixed them with water to swallow, then turned off the TV, and went upstairs to Hermione's room.

Different from the simple and elegant style she likes, Hermione's room is full of girlish flavor.

Although it is not so exaggerated that pink is everywhere, the decoration of the room does use pink or warm colors.

If you remove the bookshelves all over the wall, it is really the most favorite type of room for ordinary girls.

Seeing a fluffy pink toy rabbit on the bed, Kate couldn't help smiling, picked it up and played with it for a while.

"Kate." Hermione's voice came from behind.

She turned around immediately, and bent her eyes at the child who had just taken a shower and was still covered in steam: "Where do I sleep today?"

Hermione was taken aback, then glanced at the bed against the wall: "Then...inside."

"Okay." Kate raised her eyebrows slightly, twitched her wand, muttered something, and changed her clothes into pajamas.

"I've taken medicine today, so go to bed early."

She quickly squeezed into the innermost part of the bed, and patted the empty seat beside Hermione, who was still stunned by the door: "Do you want to play for a while?"

"No, no need." Hermione shook her head hastily, and almost climbed onto the bed with her hands and feet, her back turned to her.

After a while, feeling that her beating heart seemed to gradually calm down, Hermione hesitated and said, "Kate, I'm sorry about what happened this afternoon."

"Huh?" A muffled voice came from behind.

"I mean, I didn't pay attention to class today, and I made you catch a cold."

There was another chuckle behind him: "It's okay, people are always in a bad state."


Hermione turned around feeling uncomfortable, only to find that the person sleeping beside her had already fallen asleep in the faint light from the window.

She stood up, looked at the bright and soft sleeping face with complicated emotions, thought for a long time, and then lay down again.

"Good night, Kate."

Chapter 13 Life hangs in the balance, only the liver

Thanks to the good sleep last night, when Kate woke up the next day, her body had almost recovered.

Therefore, although the medicine developed by Muggles is slower to take effect, at least it tastes better than the "poison" made by a potion master.

I don't know if a certain Professor Snape sneezed while brewing potions.

After breakfast, Hermione wanted to get into the study, but was pulled back abruptly by Kate.

As a future Gryffindor, how can he spend time in the study room every day?

Based on the wicked idea that she was kicked out of the training room by the butler, and Hermione could not go back to the study so easily, Kate could only keep Hermione outside in a different way.

For example, teach her spells.

"This is the floating spell, now let me show you the results of my current training."

Kate stood in the backyard of Hermione's house, pointed her pure white wand at Mr. Granger's car, flicked her wrist——

Under Hermione's surprised eyes, the car rose slowly and floated in the air smoothly.

As a liver emperor who has practiced a simple floating spell to level 8 proficiency, in fact, Kate will have no problem lifting the whole house and its foundation with a little more force.

But that's really unnecessary.

Carefully putting the car down, Kate cleared her throat and said solemnly: "Although the Levitation Curse is the simplest spell, there is a good saying, the way is simple."

"In martial arts novels, even if you repeat the most basic fists and kicks tens of thousands of times, you can repel the enemy."

"Although this floating spell can only make a light feather float at the beginning, as long as you practice diligently, the magic power will increase in the future, and it can also be used to defeat the enemy."

This is what Kate thinks. She doesn't think she has any creative talent, and she can't compare with those predecessors who have used the unprecedented spell to kill Voldemort.

But she can imitate Shilipo Sword God!

An ordinary floating spell is not terrible, but the floating spell that can float the house and hit your face, are you afraid?

If Voldemort uses Avada to gnaw big melons on her in the future, can she lift up the whole ground to block the Unforgivable Curse?

A floating spell is not enough, what about adding other spells?

Harry Potter could practice the Disarming Charm to the point where Snape was knocked into the air, so why couldn't she?

If you practice all the spells you can master so far, even if you still can't kill Voldemort, you can at least save your life, right?

With this in mind, half a year ago, after Kate learned all the spells she could learn so far, she began to work hard to practice all the spells to the level of specialization.

Half a year is not a long time, at most let her practice all the spells she wants to master to level 6 or above.

But for these proficiency, she also made unimaginable hard work.

Her own magical power has hardly been exhausted, but her spirit has been honed in practice again and again until her body is exhausted.

The old housekeeper also saw her practice like this, so he couldn't help worrying and pulled her out of the training room.

Of course, these are only based on the fact that her own magic power and vitality are sufficient to support this training method.

When teaching Hermione, there is no need to ask people to be like her.

"Come on, try this first." Kate took out a practice feather and put it on the ground.

Although it doesn't sound kind to let Hermione watch the car fly first, and then let others let the feather fly first, but the first step in everything has to be done slowly.

Hermione looked down at Feather, took a deep breath, raised her wand and said, "Wingardim Leviosa!"

The feathers were motionless.

"Calm down first, focus on your spirit, and focus on letting the feathers fly, and then chant the spell." Kate guided with extra experience.

Hermione raised her slightly flushed face, looked at her complicatedly, then lowered her head again, "Wingardim Leviosa!"

This time, the feather floated unsteadily.

Although it lasted less than five seconds, it fell down.

"Okay!" Kate clapped her hands together, "It's much better than when I learned this spell."

Hermione was taken aback, "Is it difficult for you to learn this floating spell?"

"Yeah, I was severely criticized by my teacher at the time." Kate sighed, looking helpless.

She was indeed criticized by Newt, but it wasn't because she couldn't release her magic power, but because she had too much magic power and couldn't control it at all.

In order to control the huge magic power in her body, she has made a lot of efforts this year, and she has to drink magic medicine every three days.

It's really a personal worry.

It's just that her appearance, in Hermione's opinion, is a sign of lamenting that her talent is not good.

She pursed her lips hesitantly, and cast the floating spell on the feathers on the ground again.

But this time, Feather could last for more than ten seconds.


As the feather fluttered down, Hermione suddenly leaned towards her, looking at her with a small face, "I will protect you in the future!"

Her original intention was that it doesn't matter if Kate can't learn magic well, she will work hard to learn magic well, and then protect Kate.

It's just that Hermione couldn't say all of these slightly hurtful words, so she cut a little bit.

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