When she said this word, she wanted to laugh herself.

Even if she didn't have so many demands, this Li Fu would already lose his face.

At most, it is to take the title of helping my sister get back the stage, so that people will not laugh too much.

"Then when will you compare with me!" Liv asked impatiently.

Kate yawned: "You know, wizard duels are easy to hurt each other. Should I finish my homework first?"

If you can't finish your homework and get points deducted by the professor, that's a big deal.

Slytherin has dominated the House Cup for several years in a row, so naturally it is not allowed to deduct points from the house because of Kate's request to fail to do homework.

Before Liv could speak, the male prefect next to him took the initiative: "Then wait until you finish your homework before dueling, what do you think?"

"I have no objection." Kate shrugged, "Senior, you also remember to finish your homework first."

Liv blushed, wondering if he remembered that he also had unfinished homework, so he could only answer in a muffled voice.

So, before a good wizard duel started, there was another group homework activity.

A bunch of little snakes scrambled their heads and lay on the table, struggling to write rustling sounds on the parchment with a quill.

If it weren't for the wrong decoration around, I'm afraid others would think this is Ravenclaw.

Kate's homework is naturally the fastest to finish, and the first grade homework is not difficult for her at all.

As for Liv and his little friends... Well, judging from the remaining length of the parchment, it should be enough for them to write for another two hours.

She knows the fifth grade homework, but just to protect their self-esteem, Kate only took a look at it, and then leisurely went back to her dormitory.

"Let me know when you finish writing."

Two hours is enough for her to perform Occlumency several times.

According to her current practice frequency, Occlumency is practiced three to four times a day, and she should be able to rise to level 4 within a month.

Within this year, as long as she can reach level 6, she will be able to resist most of Legilimency.

It sounds like it will take much more time than a basic spell like the Levitating Charm, but it still needs to be practiced.

There is no way, without talent, you can only rely on your liver.

Kate sighed, sat cross-legged on the bed, gradually calmed down her breathing, and closed her eyes.

Two hours later, the door of her dormitory was knocked open.

It was the little Wilson who was punished who knocked on the door. Kate raised her eyebrows, "By the way, I haven't asked your name yet, student Wilson."

The other party looked at her with a complicated expression, and spit out a word: "Amber."

"Amber, I remember this word means amber, right?" Kate looked at the other's bright yellow eyes with great interest for a moment, and suddenly smiled.

"Nice name, it suits you very well."

At least it sounds better than Liv.

For some reason, Amber's face, which was originally full of complex emotions, was obviously stunned, and then he staggered his eyes in a panic, and urged in a low voice:

"Let's go, it's time for a wizard duel."

Kate glanced at the time, it was nearly twelve o'clock.

She walked out quickly, and saw Liv sitting in front of the pile of homework with a sullen expression on his face, and only when she saw her coming did she pull herself together.

It's too miserable, I have been tormented by homework all morning, do I really have the strength to fight her duel?

Kate cleared her throat and said solemnly: "It's already noon, why don't we go have lunch and rest for another two hours in the afternoon?"

Just as the people on the side wanted to refute, she pointed at Liv and said, "He is physically and mentally exhausted now, and I have been recharging my energy for two hours. If you start a duel now, don't you think it's unfair?"


Then everyone looked at Li Fu who looked like he was about to ascend to heaven, and each thought about the difficulty of the homework.

No matter what kind of character a student is, except for Hermione, who is a top student, probably the most annoying thing is homework.

Then Kate's proposal was passed by all members.

A group of people went out to the auditorium hall in a mighty way, sat down on the long table with a very serious expression and started cooking.

It actually startled the people from other colleges.

"What's going on with the Slytherin people today? Why do they all look so bitter?"

"Could it be that Professor Snape punished them for drinking the potion?"

"It's possible, I don't know what kind of potion it is..."

While eating lunch, Kate couldn't help smiling as she listened to the thoughts from the long Gryffindor table behind her.

In fact, it’s just that everyone collectively did their homework all morning, it’s not a big deal.

She turned her head, just in time to see Hermione looking at her worriedly.

"It's okay." Mouthing a few words exaggeratedly, Kate winked at her across the long table.

Hermione picked up her signal immediately, and nodded, though still worried.

A lunch ended like a storm.

Liv stood up and said to Kate, "Then it will be at four o'clock in the afternoon. You should have no excuse to shirk it, right?"

"Of course, I just want both sides to be in a better state to face the battle." Kate nodded slightly, watching them get up and leave.

Until finally, Amber Wilson got up from the long table, stared at her with bright yellow eyes for a while, then turned her head and left with her brother.

Kate glanced at her back a little strangely, and without thinking too much, she also got up and followed them back to the common room.

I set the alarm clock for 03:30 with the system, and fed some fresh feed to the pompom.

She had sent a letter to Newt before, and she wrote back that this was a normal phenomenon of Qiu Dunniao's growth period, so she didn't have to worry about it.

Just let the pom-poms touch the fox, and the phoenix's saliva is useless to people, but it's an excellent tonic for birds.

The next thing to do is to wait for the pompon to naturally digest the energy brought by Fox in the past few months.

After changing the feed, Kate walked to the window and looked thoughtfully at the fish swimming in the Black Lake outside the window.

Chapter 43 Wizard Duel

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the Slytherin lounge was packed.

The prefects have already removed all the fragile items in the room, and made all the students who watched the battle promise not to leak this duel to anyone not in the academy.

Kate and Leaf stood apart, bowed to each other, and held their wands like arrows to their chests.

The female prefect Cooper stood aside and said: "When I count to three, you can attack each other—of course, the premise is that you don't use any magic spells that will harm your life."

"Understood." Kate nodded in response, and with a glance out of the corner of her eye, she saw Malfoy and the others mixing in the crowd to watch the battle.

She calmed down, and when she heard Cooper read the number three, she immediately raised her wand at the same time as Liv—

"Ten thousand bullets fired!"

"Armor protection!"

Liv summoned a bunch of birds and rushed towards Kate, but all of them were annihilated on the barrier created by Kate.

Kate tilted her head, and her tone was unprecedentedly calm: "You should have predicted that I would use the Iron Armor Curse?"

The only spell she had cast in the waiting room before was the Iron Armor Charm, which wasn't hard to tell.

Liv's face remained unchanged, "Then let me see how far you have practiced the Iron Armor Curse! The flames are raging!"

Instantly, a burst of flame shot out from the tip of his wand, shooting at Kate.

Compared with the blue wind chime flame that Amber released towards her at that time, the flame curse was much bigger than that weak blue flame.

But Kate still stood up and output output unhurriedly, and with a wave of her hand, the barrier made by the Iron Armor Curse flashed a dazzling red light, firmly blocking the flames.

"It's not over yet!" But after seeing a raging fire, Liv yelled, "Thunderbolt explodes!"

A flash of fire shot from the tip of his human wand, followed the flames, and struck the barrier Kate was still struggling to maintain.

With a "boom", the full magic power exploded like a bomb, and the flames splashed in all directions, causing everyone watching the battle to retreat.

Only one of the biggest explosion spatters, in the chaos, flew towards Amber who was standing aside after blasting the barrier.

The iron armor barrier that was supposed to be at the center of the explosion suddenly appeared in front of Amber amidst a thick cloud of smoke, blocking the splash for her.

"younger sister!"

Liv was startled and was about to go up, but he didn't expect a calm voice suddenly appeared behind him: "Flip in the air."

In an instant, as if his body was out of his control, he hurriedly wanted to raise his wand, but his whole body rolled in the air weightlessly for two and a half weeks.

When he finally landed, he heard Kate yell "Quickly imprison him", his whole body was tied up and he fell to the ground.

"You bastard..."

For a moment, he was so angry that he wanted to curse, but then, he was sealed by Kate's silence spell.

It wasn't until he couldn't move his whole body that he finally saw Kate's true face clearly after the thick smoke cleared.

But... this guy was clearly still on the opposite side just now, when did he run over?

Looking down at the resentful Liv, Kate shook her head.

Sure enough, they are students at school, so they only do ostentatious output?

When she was at Newt's house before, she was told many times that the strongest point of a wizard is mobility and flexibility.

The flexible and changeable combat methods of wizards are beyond the reach of individual Muggles.

Therefore, if one day you have to fight, you must not give up these two points and fight against others for magic power.

Well, although her current magic power, few people in this world can match her...


Kate coughed lightly, turned her head to look at the carpet that had been horribly destroyed by flames and explosions, and raised her hand to clean the battlefield with a repair spell.

Immediately afterwards, she walked quickly to Amber, who was protected by the Iron Armor Curse, and looked her up and down: "Are you okay?"

Amber was hugged by her friend in shock, and after a while, she looked at her with a complicated expression, "Why did you save me?"

Kate was puzzled: "Wizards duel, don't hurt innocent people, isn't that what it should be?"

Moreover, she had made a small report to Snape before, and Amber was punished, so the accounts between them will be settled.

She and Liv duel, what's the matter with his sister?

If any casualties were caused, then the private duel could not be covered up.

Therefore, whether in public or private, Kate has no reason not to save people.

Only then did Amber come back to her senses, and hurried to Liv's side, "Brother! How are you doing!"

"He's fine, he just fell and didn't even break his skin."

Kate explained calmly, and then looked up at the female prefect who was affected by the smoke and dust: "Sister Cooper, I should be considered the winner of this wizard duel, right?"

Liv even used several powerful spells, but she blocked them all with the Iron Armor Curse.

But she only used a few simple little spells to make him unable to recover.

Who is strong and who is weak, anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance.

Seeing Cooper hesitantly looking at the people around him, Kate nodded knowingly, looked around and asked:

"Excuse me, if anyone is not convinced, you can come up and challenge again. If I lose, I will pay the winner one hundred gold Galleons."

For a moment, the originally noisy lounge was instantly silent.

Leaf is undoubtedly very strong, as can be seen from his ability to skillfully cast several offensive spells in succession, he is also considered to be the best among his peers.

But for Kate, she only casts the spell blindly, and doesn't even know how to move, so no matter how many spells she knows, it's useless.

Combat is not simply about who can use more spells.

Kate waited patiently for a while before walking up to Liv and releasing all the restraints on him.

"Senior, you lost this time." She said calmly, as if she had expected the outcome of this wizard duel.

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