Well, I didn't expect that she would take the initiative to drink the bottle of potion that seemed to be problematic at first sight, which made Rand and Dumbledore change their minds together.

Since it was someone who took the initiative to send the fruit of the mission, she was stupid to reject it.

Kate pursed her lips, her little face finally flushed a little, and she looked at Rand expectantly: "Grandpa housekeeper, do you want to be my tutor?"

In her opinion, since Rand is already Dumbledore's comrade-in-arms, his strength must not be bad.

More than enough to be her teacher.

"This..." Rand pondered for a while in a bit of embarrassment, "Miss, your first teacher must be selected well. I'm just an ordinary housekeeper."

Old man, you are humble, really.

Dumbledore on the side smiled slightly: "Kate, your teacher, we have already discussed it, and you will definitely like it."

Looking at the White Demon King with a kind face, Kate's expectant expression froze slightly.

She always felt that things were not that simple.

Chapter 9 Diagon Alley

"You'll need a wand of your own before meeting your governess."

These are the exact words Dumbledore said before he left.

The old man always comes and goes without a trace.

Kate would even reasonably doubt whether all wizards would use this sense of mystery to put pressure on little wizards or Muggles.

Because of taking the anti-demon potion, she can stay at home for a day tonight, and tomorrow she will follow Rand to the legendary Diagon Alley to buy a wand.

Kate hadn't eaten all day, and Kate, who never ate much, finally added an extra portion of meat for the first time.

Eating the authentic Chinese cuisine without taste, Kate looked a little sluggish.

Until now, the system has not prompted, which means that this task should not be completed until she meets the legendary tutor.

Who Rand would turn to, she didn't know.

But who Dumbledore will look for can be guessed by elimination.

In order to deal with her introverted (fishy) personality, Lao Deng would definitely not find those irascible wizards.

Most of the remaining possible candidates are teachers from Hogwarts. It is impossible to be her tutor and watch over her every day.

She has a good personality, can get along with children, has strong magic power, and is free enough to watch over her every day...

Kate can only think of two people who can meet this condition.


"Miss," Rand stood beside her with a straight face, "the steak will be cold if you don't eat it, do you need me to do something else?"

"No need!" Kate immediately came back to her senses, looking at the less than half of the steak left in front of her, she could only resign herself to her fate and continue to chew.

In her previous life, she thought western food was delicious, and occasionally went to restaurants to feast on it.

But in this world, she has eaten the same recipe for several years!

Although the old butler is good, he is really not very good at cooking, just like his previous grades in potions class...

Speaking of it, it is a job that needs to control the heat and time. Potions and cooking should be similar in principle, right?

So Snape is actually a hidden culinary prince?

If she enters Hogwarts in the future and secretly cooks hot pot in a cauldron in the dormitory, she should be fine, right?

Thinking of this, Kate's eyes brightened slightly, and she raised her head and asked, "Grandpa, when I go to buy a wand tomorrow, can I buy an extra crucible?"

Rand tilted his head in doubt.

Could it be that the young lady suddenly wanted to try making potions in a cauldron because she saw the Potions Professor today?

He thought for a while, and the young lady's rare curiosity couldn't be dispelled by himself, so he immediately said:

"Yes, but please use it when you are accompanied by me or the teacher."

"Hmm!" Kate smiled sweetly, her delicate and clean face shone with a brilliance that could not be ignored.

Just kidding, if the housekeeper and teacher find out about cooking hot pot in a crucible, wouldn't she be finished?

And the crucible that has been boiled in the hot pot, and then used to cook potion, I am afraid that it does not smell like a devil.

She didn't want to be ganked by Snape in Potions class with a cauldron like that.

In this way, in a harmonious atmosphere with grandparents and grandchildren, Kate finally finished eating a lot more steak than usual.

After eating and drinking enough, the potency of the anti-magic medicine in the body also began to gradually decline.

Originally, Kate, who had been sleeping for most of the day, was not sleepy, but her body still couldn't bear such a huge magic power, so she could only replace the active time with a long sleep.

Not long after dinner, she yawned and went upstairs to sleep.

Downstairs, Rand had just finished cleaning the dishes with a cleaning spell, and looked worriedly at Kate, who was starting to shake even as she walked.

How long this time will last, he does not know.

I just hope that this child who has been taken care of by him since he was a child can live like his peers.


Early the next morning, before Kate woke up, she was woken up by the anxious old housekeeper.

"Miss, please hold my hand tight." Rand led her to the fireplace that had never been used at home, warning with a serious expression, "Remember, don't let go."

Kate, who was still combing her knotted silver shoulder-length hair with one hand, glanced at her fireplace.

She'd always known that in the little wooden box on her fireplace was Floo powder, a portable travel artifact.

The user only needs to stand in front of the fireplace, grab a handful of Floo powder, gently say the name of the destination, and then sprinkle it.

In this way, it is possible to travel between any fireplaces linked in the Floo Network.

Common sense in the magic world, the old butler has been teaching this knowledge over the years, and although in order to make the old butler happy, he also learned a lot casually.

But before the main task appeared in the system, she never thought that she would really be able to use these things one day.

Travelers, they have all come to the world of Harry Potter, how can we do it without learning some magic?

With this idea, although Kate was reluctant to enter the magic world at first, it was not unacceptable when faced with it.

"I'm ready, Grandpa."

She stood on tiptoe, twisted a pinch of shiny powder in the flower pot, and sprinkled it into the fireplace with Rand.

"Diagon Alley!"

The two called out their destination in unison and walked in at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, the scene in front of him changed instantly, from a warm and clean little home to a small and dark bar.

Kate opened her eyes, only to find that Rand's bony hand was in front of her, covering her from the powder that might irritate her throat.

Unlike the Leaky Cauldron in my impression, there is only a bald boss in front of the bar wiping the glass.

Surprised that someone came so early, the boss looked over in surprise, but found that it was a pair of well-dressed, who looked like a combination of grandparents and grandchildren.

"I'm here to take her shopping, please don't mind." Before the boss could speak, Rand blocked his words first.

As he spoke, he pulled Kate across the bar and into the small courtyard surrounded by walls.

There's nothing here but a trash can and some weeds.

Rand looked at the wall in front of him, smiled, lowered his head and asked softly: "Miss, do you still remember the way I told you about entering Diagon Alley?"

"Hmm." It was the first time to come to Harry Potter's world-renowned attractions, and Kate began to get nervous again.

Start from the wall brick above the trash can, count three bricks up, then count two bricks in the horizontal direction, and tap three times...

She watched Rand tap his wand on a brick.

Immediately the wall in front of me moved away, and a wide archway appeared, leading to a winding cobbled street with no end in sight.

Is this the magical world?

Seeing the magical scene in front of her, Kate swallowed nervously and clenched her fingers subconsciously.

"Grandpa, let's go in."

"it is good."

Chapter 10 Travelers play bad wands every day

It was still early in the morning, and there was no scene of rubbing shoulders in Diagon Alley as shown in the movie, but instead revealed a coldness that had just faded from the night.

Most of the wizards who run the shops are still arranging the front decorations at the door, preparing for a new day.

"I should have purchased the required books and tools for Miss as required." Rand said apologetically.

"When the lady has mastered the necessary knowledge from the teacher, I will come here immediately and buy you the best!"

Kate herself didn't mind the temporary exclusion from Hogwarts.

Now she is just like Grandma Liu entering Disneyland, holding on to the hem of the butler's clothes cautiously while looking curiously at all the passing scenes around her.

A cauldron store, a pharmacy, a pet store, and a broomstick store.

Every illusory scene that appeared in the movie of the previous life was truly displayed in front of her eyes, and she was inevitably a little excited.

Turning her eyes to the largest bronze door by the road, she asked curiously, "Aren't you going to Gringotts to withdraw money?"

"No, the money we have on us is more than enough for a wand and a cauldron."

Rand smiled lovingly and led her on.

Looking thoughtfully at Gringotts, which had been skipped by them, Kate tilted her head.

In the past, she had seen many authors write about how time travelers manipulated the financial markets of the magic world and even the entire world through Gringotts.

In the beginning, Kate herself had this kind of ambition for a moment, but recalling what she learned in her previous life...

Forget it, she only knew the time of the disintegration of the Soviet Union in her high school textbook, and everything else was blind.

Even if I have seen the operations of the predecessors of the time traveler in countless fanfiction, it is still just talk on paper.

She thinks that she is not as good as those powerful protagonists. If she is really asked to imitate her predecessors, how many troubles can be caused.

For the sake of the financial health of the world, let's not add chaos.

The old and the young went all the way to the last shop at the end of the street.

Just like in the movie, the store is small and run down.

The gold lettering on the door has peeled off, and it reads: Ollivander: Wandcrafted since 382 BC.

A wand stood alone on a faded purple upholstery in a dusty window.

"Miss, go in by yourself." Rand stopped at the door of the store and opened the door for her.

The bell on the door made a crisp sound.

Kate nodded cautiously according to her usual personality, and walked in a little awkwardly.

The shop is very small, except for a bench, there are more than a thousand long and narrow boxes stacked to the ceiling.

She waited in place for a while, but did not see the wandmaker Ollivander.

Could it be that they came too early, the old man is still sleeping?

It was boring to wait, so she walked curiously to the long box next to the mountains and seas, and leaned slightly, wanting to take a closer look at the patterns on it.

"If you get too close, these wands will be woken up." A sudden soft voice came from behind.

Kate was startled, turned around subconsciously, and saw an old man with messy white hair appearing behind her.

"Good morning, Miss Safik." Ollivander obviously knew her, his light pupils blinked.

Kate nodded calmly: "Good morning, Mr. Ollivander."

There was a strange light in the old man's silver-white pupils, "You are very similar to your mother, oh, I don't mean the appearance."

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