Although this kind of thinking is a bit suspicious of narcissism, it is not surprising that Kate has this association when thinking of the other party's preference for giving her points in class.

"According to the usual practice, the school will give us half a month to review the knowledge of the whole semester, and now there is still one and a half months before the end of the semester..."

Hermione began to count the time with her fingers, "In other words, the new class will take another month, and I don't know what outrageous spells Professor Wynyard will teach us."

She was worried that the spells taught in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class were too difficult, and she would have to go to the exam room before she had time to review them.

As a top student, Hermione's academic pressure is naturally not comparable to Harry Ron's two guys who have to learn and learn.

Seeing her distressed appearance, Kate burst out laughing, and patted her on the head lightly: "What's the hurry, isn't it me?"

With her as a master of time management, are you afraid that Hermione won't be able to find time to review?

As she spoke, she put her arms around Hermione's shoulders affectionately: "Go, go to the lawn outside, and I will teach you how to use the Fire Curse and the Fire Curse!"

"Then it's settled, for the rest of the day, you will practice spells with me!" The unconcealable smile on Hermione's face had already betrayed her current mood.

Kate's arm was pulled by her and swayed from side to side, and she reluctantly agreed: "Okay, all my time today is yours."

The two left the castle enthusiastically and started training on the lawn.

Without realizing it, Catherine was already standing by the window above the castle, frowning and staring at the two of them.

It was someone else this morning, why did it change at noon?

Is this kid... so attractive?

Thinking of this, Catherine couldn't help curling her lips.

Until the evening, Kate, who had successfully raised her Fiercefire Curse level from 3 to 4, finally ended the whole afternoon's practice.

She relived the terror of being dominated by Hermione's barrage of questions when she taught Hermione a spell.

But thanks to Hermione's question, her understanding of the Fiendfyer Curse has risen to another level.

Sure enough, it is good to follow Xueba!

"I think I'm so hungry that I could eat a cow now." Kate said blankly, clutching her stomach that had been screaming several times.

All her energy has been spent on practice, and she even walks a little shaky.

"Then I can eat two ends." Hermione also covered her stomach in the same posture, her face looked much worse than hers.

Of course, Kate's two months of training was not in vain. Her physique was already on par with the graduates, and she was naturally more persistent than Hermione.

The two walked into the auditorium quickly, and then separated tacitly to return to their respective colleges, eating the food on the table in a gust of wind.

"Are you OK?"

"Are you all right?"

The above two sentences are from Malfoy and Harry respectively.

Kate shook her head calmly: "It's okay, I'm just a little bit hungry."

"I practiced with Kate for a long time today, and I finally managed to master the Fiercefire Curse. It took too much energy." Hermione was generous enough to reveal all of her whereabouts today.

Seeing Harry Ron, two guys who had been playing wildly on the Quidditch pitch all afternoon, they were ashamed.

It seems... recently they have been a little slack.

On the other hand, the Slytherin table was very peaceful.

Pansy passed the food to Kate while eating, and occasionally asked Malfoy if he wanted some.

"...Thank you." Malfoy took the food awkwardly, looked at Kate's face immersed in cooking, and looked suspiciously at the chicken wings in his hand.

It's just fried chicken wings, is it really that delicious?

She buried her head in the taste and felt the taste of the deep-fry spread and dance on her taste buds, so she relaxed her brows a little.

It's not bad to taste this kind of food once in a while.

Glancing at Kate who was still eating, Malfoy's lips twitched unconsciously, and followed her example, lowering his head and gnawing.

Kate wiped her mouth calmly after eating a rare dinner for more than half an hour.

After eating so much, I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight.

Let's increase the intensity of today's training a little bit.

Thinking of this, she got up and prepared to go for a walk to digest food.

Just as soon as he got up, Pan Xi grabbed his sleeve.

Kate looked over inexplicably. In her impression, Pansy seldom took the initiative to find herself.

"Many first-year students in the academy want to ask you how to use the spell taught today..."

It's also rare for Pan Xi to ask for help, and she doesn't have the confidence to speak, "So in the lounge tonight, can you help us with counseling?"

"...Huh?" Kate's eyes widened in bewilderment, only to realize that all the students of the Snake Academy around her were looking at her in unison.

She twitched her cheeks. In this situation, it seems that it's okay not to agree, right?

Chapter 91 Threshold of Fiercefire

Slytherin lounge.

"So... what does it mean now?"

Kate sat on a large satin and brocade chair with a wooden face, surrounded by a group of little snakes.

The most important thing is that it's fine for the first graders to let her teach. How come there are people from the second and third grades, and even the middle and upper grades?

Pansy was also a little embarrassed. She counted at the beginning that there were not so many people on the list who wanted to learn the Fiercefire Curse.

But since even senior sisters and seniors are here, she can't drive them away.

"It's probably because everyone heard that you can use the Fierce Fire Curse, so they all want to learn from you." She helplessly tried to help these people.

After hearing this, Kate's barely maintained smile faltered.

She hadn't cast the Fiercefire Charm in class, so she must have been seen practicing with Hermione in the afternoon, and then spread the word.

It seemed she still underestimated Slytherin's pursuit of powerful spells.

Although the previous Iron Armor Curse was good, it was not considered an advanced spell, and people in the middle and upper grades could use it more or less, so it didn't cause any trouble.

Only this time, Catherine showed the Fiercefire Curse in class, letting the students understand how powerful the Fiercefire Curse is, an advanced spell.

Coupled with the fact that she practiced grandly on the lawn in the afternoon, how could she not be approached by the little snakes who pursued strength?

Now Kate is having a headache.

The Fiercefire Curse is not an ordinary spell, but an advanced spell called black magic, which most adult wizards cannot fully master.

In the original book, Crabbe wanted to burn the Iron Triangle with the Fierce Fire Curse, but he failed to control it well, burning down the entire Room of Requirement, and destroying a Horcrux of Voldemort by the way.

In other words, this is a magic spell that can destroy Horcruxes, has a large area of ​​AOE that automatically tracks, and is so destructive that few spells can match it.

If only she had taught the little snakes to use the Fiercefire Curse...

Hiss, I shudder just thinking about it.

But if she refuses so hastily, it will also make her popularity in Slytherin fall to the bottom.

Although this thing doesn't seem to be useful to her, at least it is good for her physical and mental health to go back to the lounge every day without being stared at with horror.

So why was she dragging Hermione to practice Diemfire on the lawn?

And why was Pansy able to privately count the people who wanted to learn the Fiercefire Curse first and then grab her to teach?

And why did these little snakes get together in such a grandiose manner, forcing her to teach them on the grounds that there are so many people?

Did they forget that she was left out in the cold and isolated before?

Looking at Pansy at the side, Kate wanted to get angry at her, but felt that it was unnecessary.

It's really uncomfortable to be stared at by so many people's scorching eyes, so let's find a way to solve this problem before reprimanding her in private.

"You want to learn the Fiercefire Curse so much?" She imitated Malfoy's arrogant look, raising her head.

No one answered, but the look of expectation in their eyes was self-evident.

Kate chuckled, "As we all know, the learning threshold for Fiercefire is not high, the difficulty is how to control it with ease."

This is also the fundamental reason why many wizards in history used the Fierce Fire Curse to kill all directions, but the flames got out of control and even swallowed themselves.

If you can't master the key to controlling the Fiendfyre Curse, no matter how low the threshold for learning it is, few people dare to use it easily.

Unless it's a lame guy like Crabbe.

"As for the method of controlling it, it is nothing more than the total amount of magic power and concentration. When casting the Fierce Fire Curse, the wizard himself must achieve absolute concentration."

She glanced at all the little wizards at the scene, and not only smiled contemptuously: "With all due respect, everyone here, it's just that the magic power is not enough, and the concentration is far from enough."

As soon as such provocative words came out, the little snakes immediately became dissatisfied.

The room was very noisy for a while.

Kate raised her eyebrows unmoved: "I have ten feathers here, who of you dare to use the floating spell to compare with me, this is the best way to show concentration."

Very good, the topic turned to the floating spell that she is good at.

In the degree of understanding and mastery of this spell, Dumbledore may not be able to compare with her.

Of course, it's not that Dumbledore can't do it, it's just that he really doesn't need to practice the Levitation Curse because of this kind of thing.

But the group of little wizards in front of me...

Kate can conclude that in this spell, all the students of the Snake Academy combined are inferior to her.

As she expected, although all the little snakes looked at each other in blank dismay, none of them dared to challenge her.

After waiting patiently for a while, Kate was about to get up and end the topic when she caught a glimpse of a tall figure standing out of the corner of her eye.

It was Liv Wilson who had dueled her before.

"Let me do it." He looked at the ten feathers on the ground with a serious face, "How do you compare?"

Kate raised her eyebrows slightly: "It's very simple, the floating spells are superimposed one after the other to make them float, you can't make them float at once."

If the one-time floating spell is only a simple difficulty of 1 to 10, then the floating spells that are superimposed on each other are exponentially difficult.

It is equivalent to releasing ten kinds of magic at the same time, but these ten kinds of magic are just the same.

Kate reckoned that a busy housewife like Weasley Molly could make the most of this kind of distraction.

When using housework magic, the degree of magic power required is no less than that of a simple floating spell.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try." Liv replied muffledly, and then cast the Levitation Charm on the first feather.

The feathers were naturally suspended in the air without pressure.

Then came the second, third, and fourth slices.

Everyone could see that Liv's face had started to turn purple, and his eyes were fixed on the fifth feather, but no matter how much he waved his wand, he couldn't float it up.

"Too much magic power was used before," Kate commented calmly. "The Levitation Curse tests not only concentration, but also the grasp of one's own magic power."

"Only those who fully understand themselves can use every bit of magic power on the corresponding spell without wasting."

The same is true on the battlefield.

The wizard needs to detect the surroundings while maintaining protective spells such as the Iron Armor Curse, and must mobilize magic power to attack or counter other people's attacks according to various methods.

Obviously, among the entire Hogwarts students, no more than five fingers can reach this level.

Liv's face was flushed, and he floated the fifth feather with his magic wand, but soon, the other feathers also fell, witnessing his failure.

Kate thought he was going to make a fuss again, but he just stared at the fallen feathers, wondering what he was thinking.

After a long while, he bowed his head and said, "I lost. I won't ask you to learn the Fiercefire Curse until I've mastered this skill."

As he spoke, he walked through the crowd alone and returned to the dormitory dejectedly.

The room fell silent for a moment.

The little snakes looked at each other in dismay, and suddenly someone asked in the crowd: "Does it mean that if you float ten feathers on top of each other, you will be qualified to learn the Fiercefire Curse?"

Kate put her hands on her head casually: "The Levitation Curse is just an introductory practice, and there is still a long way to go before fully mastering the Fiercefire Curse."

This does not frame them.

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