"Kate, Kate!" Hermione called her a few times anxiously, but there was no response.

She gritted her teeth and immediately picked up the person.


When Kate woke up, she realized that she had returned to the school hospital at some point, and it was still the familiar bed and the familiar ceiling.

Strange thing, she was still in her room before going to bed.

Could she still sleepwalk?

Before she could think clearly, she heard Hermione's pleading voice from outside the bed curtain: "Please, let me go in and see her!"

"It's not enough now, she's exhausted too much, she hasn't woken up yet..." Madam Pomfrey ruthlessly refused.

Kate struggled to get up from the bed: "Ma'am... I'm already awake."

"Kate, you're finally awake!" Hermione was overjoyed, and immediately slipped in from under Pomfrey's hand, and ran over joyfully.

She smiled weakly, stretched out her hand and let Hermione hold her hand tightly: "What's wrong with me?"

"You are so weak that you could pass out in the dormitory." Madam Pomfrey came to the other side of the bed with a bad tone, "You have been sleeping for two days."

After checking her briefly, she exhorted: "You still have to take a good rest, and the visiting time is limited to 15 minutes."

"Thank you!" Hermione smiled sweetly, and that smile disappeared immediately after Madam Pomfrey was sent away.

Kate had a bad intuition, and moved her body to try to escape, but at this moment she just woke up, her body was still very weak, not to mention running away, even being able to stand up was a problem.

Seeing Hermione's gloomy little face, she quickly opened up a topic: "By the way, didn't you guys say you were going to the three-headed dog room? What happened then?"

When it comes to this, Hermione looks scared.

"It's a good thing you didn't come, otherwise I don't know what will happen." She subconsciously squeezed Kate's hand and told the whole thing in a low voice.

10 minute later.

"So later, it was the armor that protected you?" Kate asked with a stretched brow.

Hermione nodded slightly: "After the mysterious man escaped, several professors helped Harry escape from the fire. He wanted to save the armored warrior, and got the Philosopher's Stone in the last room."

"But unfortunately, Professor McGonagall told him that the armor was just a magic item made by someone, there is no life, and the Philosopher's Stone can't help it extend its life."

That's right, her avatar had been buried in the sea of ​​fire with Quirrell, and there was nothing left, so Professor McGonagall naturally couldn't see anything.

"Then who would the armor warrior make the magic item?" Kate asked tentatively.

"I don't know, Harry said it might have been made by Dumbledore to protect him."

Hermione repeated Harry's words, paused again, and lowered her eyes in embarrassment: "Actually... I always have a feeling that I seem to know it, otherwise it would not be so close to me."

Kate's heart trembled, and she said nonsense without changing her face: "Maybe the person who made it is a weirdo who likes little loli."

"That's not it!" Hermione's face changed slightly, and she poked her arm lightly, "I can feel it, it will never be like this!"

Kate frowned pretending to be in pain, "Don't you think it's inappropriate to treat a weak person like this?"

"Sorry!" Hermione realized what she had done just now, and hurriedly came over and gently rubbed the soft flesh she poked just now.

Kate, who finally managed to get this matter out of the way, was secretly relieved.

Fifteen minutes passed quickly, and Hermione could only reluctantly leave the school hospital.

Originally, Kate thought that she could have another night of rest and go to the year-end banquet tomorrow.

But there are always people who still want to see her.

"Professor, I've already seen the corner of your clothes." Raising her hand and lifting the bed curtain, she looked at a certain white-bearded old man who still knew how to hide.

Dumbledore leaned slightly from the bed, with a mischievous smile on his face: "It was discovered so quickly."

"Maybe your robe is too conspicuous." Kate replied calmly, patted the side of the bed, and told him to sit down.

"Miss Granger must have recounted the complete story to you just now, do you have any questions?" Dumbledore sat on the stool by the bed and asked straight to the point.

Kate frowned and thought for a while, "Where is the pompom?"

"I was taken aback when it suddenly appeared in the Ministry of Magic like a headless chicken. Fortunately, I just finished my work and brought it back with me."

She smiled silently: "That child is very human. He probably thought of looking for you when he heard Hermione knock on the door when I was unconscious."

The ball escape bird can shuttle and move at will, but with its current IQ, it only knows what the Ministry of Magic is, but it doesn't know how to find Dumbledore.

"It's with Fawkes now, you can take it away anytime," said Dumbledore kindly.

Kate was not in a hurry: "Then... Quirrell is dead?"

"It's turned into nothing but ashes."

"He should be the intruder who spied on Hogwarts secretly for the whole school year last year, and sneaked into the castle many times to spy on him, right?"

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, and instead of answering her question directly, he asked, "Why don't you suspect that armored warrior?"

"Isn't it a magic item?" Kate said with an expression that you have no evidence to blame me anyway, "Haven't we not found its owner yet?"

"Oh, indeed, it was burnt clean with Quirrell, and it was a real pain in the ass to find it."

Dumbledore blinked at her: "It seems that the intruder should be Quirrell."

Kate then raised a weak smile: "I think so too."

The old and the young looked at each other with tacit smiles.

"Actually," Dumbledore smiled helplessly, "If Rand knew that you had been in and out of the school hospital so frequently this year, I'm afraid you would show up at my bedside in the middle of the night."

"Then I can assure you that the only reason he shows up at your house is to invite you to drink tea." Kate raised her eyebrows, knowing quite well what he said.

He lied for her to deceive the whole school, and she lied for him to deceive the old housekeeper.

It's a good deal.

Dumbledore raised a smile, raised his hand, and rubbed her messy silver hair like an ordinary elder: "Actually, if he comes to eat candy, I also welcome him."

"Have a good rest, and you don't need to worry about everything that will follow." Dumbledore got up, gently put down the bed curtain, and said in a warm voice, "Tomorrow, you only need to come to the year-end banquet in good spirits."

After taking two steps, he turned back and said softly: "There is a set of armor missing in the armor corridor. I remember that your family has a set of armor that is very suitable for staying there."

Kate laughed for a moment and had to promise that he would send the things over.

Nothing could hide from his eyes.

But... It feels good to have a reliable elder as your backing.

The next day, Harry, Ron, and Hermione came to visit in turn, which annoyed Madam Pomfrey so much that she simply blocked everyone who wanted to see her.

Through the bed curtain, Kate vaguely saw Malfoy staying at the door for a while before leaving.

Uh... probably because she was dazzled.

Malfoy should celebrate her injury by setting off firecrackers in the dormitory every day now.

Besides, Kate never waited for Catherine to come, or even saw a person.

Although I can't say that I am disappointed in my heart, I still feel a little unhappy after all.

It was not until the next night that Kate was finally discharged from the hospital with Madam Pomfrey's consent, and entered the auditorium surrounded by friends.

By then the Great Hall had been redecorated in Slytherin's green and silver to celebrate their seventh consecutive House Cup triumph.

A quarter of those marks were earned by Kate in the class, which caused all the snakes except Malfoy to cheer for a while when they saw her appear.

Compared with the deliberate alienation and indifference of other members of the same hospital at the beginning of the term, the Slytherins at the end of the term seem to have become much more magnanimous.

Only Malfoy, seeing her being helped in, still sneered for a while: "I can't even walk steadily, so I'd better go back and lie down!"

Kate just shrugged and replied indifferently: "Of course, unless you don't regard me as a Slytherin."

Malfoy was momentarily at a loss for words, now Kate is more popular than her in the Snake Court.

"Stop bickering, both of you," Pansy stopped them helplessly. "The banquet is about to begin."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After a while, Dumbledore came to the stage, gave a series of opening remarks with great interest, and then came to the most anticipated part.

"Now, we must first conduct the Academy Cup awards ceremony, and the specific scores for each academy are as follows:

No.4, Gryffindor, 312 points;

No.3, Hufflepuff, 352 points;

No.2, Ravenclaw, 426 points,

No.1, Slytherin, 482 points. "

There was a thunderous cheer and stomping across the Slytherin table.

Kate drank the pumpkin drink in a low-key manner and didn't speak.

To be honest, she has little interest in belonging to the Academy Cup.

Subconsciously, she looked up at Dumbledore on the eyestand, just in time to meet those smiling blue eyes.

"Slytherin is doing very well," Dumbledore blinked. "However, several recent events must also be taken into account."

The auditorium became very quiet, and the smiles of the Slytherins subsided a little.

He cleared his throat, "I have some final points to split, first Mr Ron Weasley, who won the best game of chess at Hogwarts in many years, for which I award Gryffindor House fifty points."

The cheers of the Gryffindors nearly knocked the enchanted ceiling down.The stars above their heads also seemed to be trembling slightly.

It was not easy for everyone to calm down.

"Second, Miss Hermione Granger. Facing the fire, she calmly reasoned logically. I will reward Gryffindor House with fifty points."

Hermione blushed to the cheers of the ecstatic Gryffindors.

She turned her head to look at Kate, with a little bit of starlight reflected in her eyes.

"Thirdly, Mr. Harry Potter, he has shown audacity and courage. For this, I would like to award Gryffindor House sixty points."

Harry stared blankly at Dumbledore on the stage, and after a while, he smiled knowingly.

Gryffindor now has 482 points, only ten points behind Slytherin.

"There are many types of courage," Dumbledore continued with a smile. "We need superhuman courage to deal with our enemies, and it also takes a lot of courage to stand our ground in front of friends. Therefore, I would like to reward Neville Mr Longbottom very much."

The uproar was deafening, and everyone except the Slytherins was cheering that Gryffindor had secured the House Cup.

On the Slytherin side, only Kate was still drinking the remaining pumpkin drink, and looked at the little snakes around him in dejection without saying a word.

Nobody knew except Dumbledore that she was involved - and she didn't want anyone else to know.

Voldemort had already figured out in the previous duel that the clone's owner was the one who burned him with dragon flames.

Right now, he was probably hiding in a dark corner, cursing in a low voice this daring guy who was against him again and again.

Kate would not be so stupid to admit that she created a clone to fight against Voldemort for a little house point.

Although her strength has made considerable progress now, it can be seen from the duel with Voldemort that her current progress is not enough.

You must continue to hang on until the development is complete before you can infiltrate Voldemort.

So, she doesn't have to skip the college cup or something.

Just when everyone thought the reward was over, they heard Dumbledore cough lightly: "Finally, Miss Kate Safik of Slytherin College's sensitive judgment and outstanding response to crises are also worth learning from, so I Give her twenty points!"

Kate almost didn't tense up for a moment, and stared at Dumbledore on the stage with wide eyes.

What does this mean?

On the surface, she obviously didn't participate in this matter!

While the people of the Snake Court were cheering for the victory of the reversal, Kate's little brain was working extremely fast.

Lao Deng wasn't that unreliable, so he pushed her to the front of the stage like this, that is to say, she was indeed rewarded on the bright side.

Throughout the entire school year, she participated in the discovery of the three-headed dog room, the Charmander incident, the Forbidden Forest incident, and guiding Harry and the three into the three-headed dog room to guard the Sorcerer's Stone.

Among these few things, only the last one can be praised.

But Dumbledore would not target her with such a thing.

Then there is only one possibility left.

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