The middle-aged man thought about it, my son has been retarded for a day or two, forget it, let him go.

"I don't care who the murderer is. The important thing now is how to find the old man!"

The middle-aged man said with a heavy face.

Unexpectedly, his words did not arouse everyone's approval, but instead he moaned again and again.

"Oh, I've been looking for this for so long, maybe something unexpected happened?"

"Yes, yes! The old man is so old, and his legs and feet are not convenient. If he encounters something in the wild, I'm afraid it will be..."

"You're right. There's no hope now. If you continue to search, you'll trouble everyone and waste time. My child hasn't been fed yet."

The women's call aroused the echo of the women present, saying that they have nothing to do, and they are all trying to persuade the middle-aged man to give up.

The middle-aged man's face darkened, "Damn it, there are still people who are still alive and dead, so you guys want to discuss how to leave the scene?"

If the old man is really dead, shouldn't you discuss how to divide the family property?

"Nonsense! Bullshit doesn't make sense!"

Seeing that this group of people were still yelling, the middle-aged man couldn't help but slapped the corner of the table and scolded the group of women angrily.

"Every one of you, you don't think about the good, you only think about the bad, you don't expect people to live, but you actually expect people to die? Are there people like you? Huh?"

"Brother, calm down, these are the words of a woman's family, and there are too many to do."

At this time, a bloated fat man who looked slightly younger than the middle-aged man and also had a beard, but no longer than the other man stood up with a smile.

If he doesn't come out, the scene will be out of control.

"Hmph!" The middle-aged man snorted heavily, and glanced at the fat man in dissatisfaction.

The other party's wife was also among these people, so of course he didn't have a good face.

"I don't have time to fight with you right now!"

"Hey, brother, why are you so angry?" A man with slanted eyes, slender eyebrows, slanted beard and long thin beard, and a very wretched face, stood up and laughed.

The middle-aged man also glanced at him unhappily.

"What else do you want to say?"

The man with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes smiled, put his hands behind his back and said slowly: "In my opinion, even if this murderer is not a daimyo, he is related to him."

The people present were stunned for a moment, and then an even more violent commotion broke out than before.

But the words of the wretched man are not without reason.

It is not a day or two for the daimyo to want to get rid of the minister of the Taizheng, and it is also possible to find an opportunity to buy it directly.

Anyway, it is much more reliable than the guess that the murderer is a daimyo.

It directly attracted the echo of some people.

The middle-aged man frowned deeply, looking at the uproarious team in front of him, he felt so tired in his heart.

Whether he is a daimyo or not is not important at all, can he still seek revenge from a daimyo?

No. . .etc?

Is it really possible to seek revenge on the daimyo?

However, right now, the old man still doesn't know whether he is dead or alive, so let's find out first.

The middle-aged man took a deep breath, looked around, and finally set his eyes on the figure in the corner who was silent from beginning to end.

"Rena, tell me what you think."

The noisy atmosphere suddenly fell silent, as if the head teacher suddenly entered the door.

Everyone cast their eyes on the woman named "Linnai" in the corner.

She is the daughter of a middle-aged man, and she can sit here not by her status, but by her strength.

In the early years, Linnai used dirty money to bribe a wandering ninja and learned a hand. She is very talented, at least that is what the wandering ninja said.

According to the division of ninjas, she belongs to Chunin.

For ordinary people like them who have no power to restrain chickens, there is actually no specific concept at all.

They didn't know until the old man who hadn't disappeared before was assassinated on the street, and she made a bold move, killing several assassins like chopping melons and vegetables.

WC!There are fierce women at home!

Chapter 137 Deluxe Single Room

"I see with my eyes."

Sitting in the corner, a girl wearing a traditional ninja fishing net lining and a light blue robe outside, with a slightly cold demeanor, said like a three-none girl.

After these words, the scene suddenly turned cold.

The middle-aged man slapped his forehead. What bothered him the most was his daughter.

Everything else is good, but this attribute of the three noes makes people uncomfortable.

Wordless, heartless, and expressionless, he couldn't see what the other person was thinking at all.

"Linnai, I leave the task of finding the old man to you, for my sake."

The middle-aged man sighed and sold his feelings.

He knew that without the last sentence, the other party would never accept it.

Linnai did as he thought, did not refuse, but nodded slightly and turned to leave this disturbing place.

After Linnai left, quarrels broke out again in this land full of various negative emotions.

Rena couldn't hear any of this.

As a ninja in the wild, although she has not received an orthodox education, her teacher has taught everything that should be taught.

Linnai didn't go all over the city with great fanfare like her best relatives did.

Instead, carefully investigate all the information about the old man before he disappeared.

For example, where was the old man before, where did he go, what did he do, who did he meet... and so on.

The hard work paid off, and soon, Linnai got the news she wanted in a bookstore opened in an alley.

According to the owner of the bookstore, he saw an old man passing by a few days ago, and he could remember him mainly because he was dressed a little gorgeously, and at a glance, he knew that he was from a wealthy family.

At that time, he wondered, why do rich people come here?It can't be that he came here to buy books, right?

After receiving the news, Linnai took the bookstore as the center and kept looking around.

After this investigation, she really found a few clues.

Standing in a dead end, Linna silently looked at the row of chaotic footprints under her feet.

From this perspective, two messages can be obtained.

First, the person who kidnapped the old man was not a ninja, because ninjas would not leave such obvious traces, nor would ordinary killers.

Second, from the chaotic footprints, she also saw the unique shoe prints of the Daming Mansion.

That's right, shoe prints.

Since the current daimyo took office, he has been thinking about regaining power all the time, and establishing his own reputation is the first step.

Starting with the costumes of the guards, the daimyo spent his own small coffers to personally customize a costume for these guards, uniformly dressed from beginning to end, without exception.

In order to show uniqueness, although a little effort was wasted, the result is gratifying.

In the eyes of outsiders, this was a very successful operation, but in the eyes of Reina as a ninja, it was a failure.

Now, it is revealed who the murderer is.

If it’s not a daimyo, it’s related to the daimyo, and it’s inseparable.

Secretly remembering the location here, Reina left quickly.

Now, she is going to visit Daming Mansion.

In the ninja world, not to mention the presence of guards composed of ninjas near the supreme rulers of various countries, there must also be some elite personal protection.

For example, the twelve guardian ninjas of the Land of Fire are the twelve elites who protect the daimyo.

There is no reason why there is no daimyo of the country of water.

And with Reina's talent as a chunin, the risk of her going on this trip is not small.

But as long as you are careful, hide your identity, and don't get close to sensitive areas, such as the daimyo's dormitory and so on.

What Reina was going to was actually a fortified place like a dungeon.

According to her guess, the old man was probably not dead, but was imprisoned.

Facts have proved that she guessed correctly, the old man is not dead, but also imprisoned.

"How to deal with it?"

Yasuo raised his eyebrows, and gave Anbu a weird look.

"What will happen after your Anbu asks for information?"

Anbu froze for a moment, and immediately understood what the other party meant.

Moments later, he came back to report to Yasuo's satisfaction.

This is all asked, why keep it?

"You throw the body into the dungeon of the Daming Mansion, and hypnotize the warden by the way, making them think that they killed the old man by themselves."

Anbu nodded, and was stopped just as he was about to leave for business.

"By the way, you forge another letter to Kirigakure. Probably the old man wanted to hire someone to assassinate Daimyo. He went out that day to deliver the letter. As soon as the transmission was finished, Daimyo just happened to do it."

Anbu was startled, glanced at the young man, then quickly lowered his head.

How do you feel that this guy is more dark than their Anbu?


"Also! Remember to wear Kirigakure's costume!"

Although it was a little strange that the other party looked in his eyes before leaving, Yasuo couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he saw the back of the other party leaving quickly.

Except for his personal emotions, this Anbu is almost the same as the Sombra Corps, and its strength is much stronger than Sombra.

If the Land of Waves had such a team of tools...ah no, elites would be fine.

It's a pity that the foundation of the Kingdom of Waves is so poor that it can't be played at all. If it could be reopened, it would have been reopened [-] times.

On the other side, Reina finally found the vicinity of the Damingfu dungeon. She was lucky, and she didn't meet ninjas at all along the way, they were all ordinary people.

Just when she was a little proud, just about to sneak into the dungeon, there was a figure standing outside the dungeon, just looking at it made Linnai's face change drastically.

He turned his head abruptly and stopped looking at the other party.

This is what her teacher taught.

Never look directly at a ninja who is stronger than her.

Facts have proved that Reina's method is very effective. A figure outside the dungeon suddenly glanced back, and then looked away after finding nothing unusual.

She didn't know this person, but she had seen him before. It was a small family of ninjas who had been recruited from the Hidden Mist by the daimyo family and had been guarding daimyo for generations.

There are not many people, but there are more than enough guards for big names.

And the person in front of him is the strongest one in this small family. Although he doesn't know how strong he is, Linnai knows that he is much stronger than her.

Taking a deep breath, Rena, who was hiding against the corner of the wall, forced herself to calm down.

It is definitely not possible to break in by force. Now I can only look for opportunities and sneak in while I am not prepared.

At this moment, she was startled by a loud shout, and slightly poked her head out of the corner.

I saw the daimyo guard standing outside the dungeon just now, fighting with a pale mask with the Kirigakure symbol engraved on his forehead, dressed in the costume of Kirigakure Anbe.

Rena didn't know what caused the commotion here, but she knew that the opportunity had come!

The daimyo guards can't take care of themselves, a large number of dungeon defense forces are attracted, and there are holes in the defense line. Isn't this a good time?

After silently thanking the unknown Kirigakure Anbe ninja from the bottom of her heart, Rena quickly found a missing doorway and went in openly.

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