Picking up the scroll and looking at it, unfortunately, it is the scroll of heaven, which overlaps with theirs.

Class Seven had no choice but to keep looking.

Then I searched and searched, and found the gourd. . .I love Luo's head.

The average person might turn and run after seeing them, or beg to be let go.

Because Gaara is covered in blood, laughing ferociously and rampantly, it is very frightening.

There were several corpses wrapped in the sand next to it, and the scene was extremely bloody and terrifying.

But who is Naruto?

He won't get used to Gaara's insanity, come up without saying a word, just slap two big ones to force him to go down, let's be honest first.


Temari looked terrified, took out a few scrolls from his arms and handed them to Naruto.

Apart from Gaara, they are actually not afraid of anyone, but now, there is one more person to add.

A monster even more monster than Gaara.

Didn't you see that Gaara on the side was forced to go down by two big guys, honestly like a child from other people's family?

Dishonesty is not enough, the monster in the body spoke to him for the first time.

[If you want to die, just do it! 】

In the past, this civet cat monster never paid attention to him.

So Gaara gave up on talking to monsters.

But what he didn't expect was that the guy's first sentence was to tell him not to do anything.

Inside Gaara, a civet cat with a huge body, as tall as a dozen floors, stared blankly at the front, but strangely, there was nothing in front of it.

In a certain space unknown to outsiders, in the communication space of the Tailed Beast, two giant beasts, one red and one yellow, greeted each other.

"Stinky fox!"

"Stinky raccoon cat!"

The two beasts cursed and cursed, Nine Tails suddenly thought of something, then glanced at each other, and said pitifully:

"very pitiful."

Shouhe is at a loss, what is pitiful or not?

Seeing that it didn't understand, the Nine-Tails still in Naruto's body suddenly erupted with a strong breath, and quickly restrained it back.

Shuhe was stunned, then suddenly shocked, it stared at Jiuwei with wide-eyed eyes.


This breath does not feel hindered by the existence of the seal.

It's a bit confusing to say, but it's easy to understand.

Because the tailed beasts are sealed, although each sealing technique is quite different, the effect is the same, they are all used to restrict the tailed beasts.

Therefore, the chakra flowing out of their tailed beasts under normal circumstances will have a feeling of sluggishness.

Simply put, there is a delay.

Also, it depends on the situation. For example, when the seal is reinforced, there is not much leakage, and when the seal is aging, although there is more, it is not much.

But just now, if Shuhe didn't feel wrong.

Just now, Nine-Tails' breath didn't slow down, and a huge amount of chakra burst out in an instant, even it was taken aback.

It doesn't feel like an outbreak of a sealed state, but rather. . .Explosion in free situations!

Seeing this, Jiuwei smiled slightly, and the watchman's eyes became more pitiful.

Should it be called arrogant?

Even the expression is so. . . "Euphemistic?"

At the moment when Nine-Tails erupted, this aura spread throughout Konoha, and everyone trembled.

But fortunately, it came and went quickly, so some people even felt that they were hallucinating.

But when many people went out and asked, many people had this situation, but they couldn't find the reason.

This matter just passed anticlimactically, and became an unsolved mystery many years later.

"Walk slowly!"

Temari breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the group of people had left.

Finally sent away.

Then she turned around and looked at Gaara, showing a little pity.

I love the red slap marks on Luo Na's face telling her that her brother is indeed ruthless, but there is Lang Mie who is four points more ruthless than his brother.

Just now, before the yellow-haired Naruto left, he still didn't forget his original intention, and under the banner of education, he gave two more big blows.

What do you say teach your son a lesson for your mother.

Why does your old lady know that you have done a lot of evil, so she might climb out of the coffin and beat you up?

Naruto thinks that Galuro is a great mother, Luo Sha is a bad father, and Gaara is a fool who sticks to his horns.

How did your father treat you, how could you distort it at will?

Although it's not his fault.

But this is not a reason for Gaara to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Your mother wants you to live a good life. She doesn't want you to "please" and "mother is happy" for some reason, and then kill people randomly?

The child does not teach, the father too.

If your father didn't teach you well, then I will come.

"So, that's why you gave him a hard time before you left?"

On the way to the central tower, Sasuke said speechlessly.

Do you know how much a big pussy can hurt a person? (Cry!)

Naruto made a haha, and that's the end of the topic.

As for whether he is an education or a personal grievance, it doesn't matter, and no one cares.

Calabash doll?unfamiliar!


On the other side, the land of waves.

Yasuo actually caught several shipping teams at the port.

You don't even need to ask to know.


Because these people rushed into a black hut at the port in a hurry as soon as they got off the boat.

This is the benefit that Kaduo once gave to his subordinates.

Sea transportation generally takes a long time, so the crew members who have been holding back on the ship for a long time will have a good meal when they disembark.

A sow stuffed with Diao Chan belongs to yes.

But how could Yasuo sit back and watch the existence of such a thing?

It's fine if I wasn't here before, but now that I'm here, shouldn't everything be cleaned up?

Yasuo didn't do anything during this period of time except sit back and wait.

But because the house was not demolished, the crew members didn't know about it, so. . .


"Quick! Serve me the hottest..."

The crew members were stunned. When they opened the door, they were greeted not by the girl and the bustard, but by a sharp machete.


I don't know who swallowed his saliva. In short, they seem to be finished.

A few burly men walked over with grinning grin, and tied them all neatly.

The crew members were a little depressed and puzzled.

"Who are you? Where's Boss Kaduo?" a stunned young man yelled.

The old crew members shook their heads and gave Lengtouqing a pitiful look.

Since this group of people dared to do this, didn't they think about this problem?

No, definitely thought about it.

But they did it anyway.

So, it's better to be honest now, so as not to suffer, that kind of threat can only be done by a fool who doesn't understand how to act, right?

I just don't know if this young man is a fool.

"I tell you, let us go quickly, or I will tell Boss Cardo to make you look good!"

The scene was silent, and the next moment they roared with laughter.

Isn't this a fool?

The old crew closed their eyes.

This is really a fool.


ps: These chapters are too much. . .The main reason is that brain-hole writing is not very easy to write, and it is a test of inspiration, so sometimes the plot is dull, please forgive me, I will try to write as interesting as possible.

In addition, I am very grateful to [Akabane Xiayu] for the reward!

And [Hao Yan] boss's monthly ticket!Many thanks!

Chapter 088 Toys

"Heroes, please speak up if you have something to say."

The old crew member who was tied up sneered.

People under the eaves do not bow their heads.

The idiot just said something that shouldn't be said, and they watched the idiot being dragged out. . .And then there is none.

The big man in the lead ignored him, but greeted his companions and fought them all away together.

This can't help but make these crew members panic.

What is this for?Humane destruction?

It wasn't until they were in the cell that the old crew members let go of their hanging hearts.

Fortunately, it's better to keep it closed than to bury it.

Then, they saw the captain, the deputy captain and others in the prison.


"How did you get in here?" whispered the captain with the horrific scar from forehead to jaw.

"We don't know, and we dare not ask."

"The knife is too sharp, the skin is too thin."

The old captain was speechless.

"What about the boss? How is the boss?"

The major crew members shrugged their shoulders and asked if they didn't know if they didn't know.

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