Fang Shuo put away the long sword used for practice. He knew that the swordsmanship taught tonight would take several days for Artoria to digest.

"Yes! Brother Kai, today's practice is over!"

Artoria also put away her sword, but Fang Shuo shook his head: "It's over? Not yet, what I'm going to teach you next is something more important than swordsmanship."

"Worse than swordsmanship... Could it be magic!?"

Arturia's eyes widened, remembering all the amazing magic tricks shown by Merlin, the magician of flowers.

She had thought about learning magic a long time ago, but Merlin was reluctant to teach her. It seemed that Merlin thought that learning magic was not necessary to become a king.

"No, it's much stronger than this. What is a mere magic? It's just a trick."

Fang Shuo's words aroused Artoria's curiosity, only to hear Fang Shuo say: "What I want to teach you is the law of light, which is the power I use myself!"

"Brother Kai, can you really teach me this... Compared to this, can I learn from you?"

Arturia was surprised at first when she heard Fang Shuo's words, and then became confused.

She has seen Brother Kai use incredible power several times before, and she vaguely feels that this is a pure power that is different from everything she has ever seen!

Seeing magic, she still wanted to learn, but she only had admiration and admiration for Brother Kai, and she didn't think about imitating it.

"Of course, it's not difficult, as long as I give you the seed of power!"

Fang Shuo explained his power slowly without talking nonsense, and directly exchanged a seed emitting golden light from the system and threw it to Artoria: "Eat it, and you will be able to gain the ability to practice the law of light." Qualified!"

Artoria didn't have any doubts about what Brother Kai gave, she swallowed it in one go, and suddenly felt incredible power surge out of her body, as if a faint golden light radiated from her body.

"It feels incredible... Is this your power, brother Kai... The law of light, can you become as powerful as you if you eat this?"

"It's still far away. You are only qualified to practice at the beginning, and you need to practice according to the cheats."

Fang Shuo had an extra book in his hand that could be understood by Celtics, and he threw it to Artoria: According to this practice, maybe you will catch up with me one day.

"It's amazing...this..."

Arturia flipped through the cheat book, and was amazed by the various mysteries recorded in it, but new doubts emerged: "It seems that it takes a long time to master this if you learn it from scratch."

"This is not a problem, I will give you enough time...!"


Artoria looked at the condensed light in Fang Shuo's hand in confusion, only to see that a light curtain suddenly separated her from the surrounding world, and she could no longer perceive the outside world.

"This is the time-accelerated enchantment... You can practice here now.. You only need to practice here for one day to achieve the effect of cultivating for a hundred years!"

Fang Shuo's voice echoed in the enchantment, and Artoria was a little dazed: I'm afraid such a method has surpassed the gods, right?

But she quickly put aside her extra thoughts, did not waste the precious training time provided by Fang Shuo, and began to practice the law of light.

And just when Arturia started to practice, a news spread in Britain at a very fast speed.

"What, someone pulled out the legendary sword in the stone?"

A knight sat up from his chair and asked the servant in front of him in shock, "Is what you said true? How did you know that!"

"My lord... this matter is true... the residents of the neighboring towns are celebrating, and many knights who participated in the king selection ceremony also said this matter."

"Who is it? Who pulled out the sword of choosing the king?" the knight asked anxiously.

"Rumor has it that he is the son of Knight Hector... Knight Kay."

"Kay, rely on him? Why!"

This unknown knight was furious, and he had heard of Kai's name. Although Kai was indeed well-known, he was still a long way from becoming the king who ruled Britain!

Although he is a third-rate knight who doesn't even have the courage to participate in the king selection ceremony, it doesn't prevent him from looking down on Kai.

"But, that's what they all said..."

Compared with the knights with complicated moods, the people of Britain can be said to be very simple.After all, according to the prophecy, the king who pulls out the sword in the stone will lead Britain to prosperity and drive out barbarians and invaders.

Therefore, almost all the people of Britain are holding celebrations with great fanfare, wishing the birth of the new king.Every family took out the wild boar and beef they had collected, chopped them, put them on the table, and drank them with ox horn cups and ale.

However, there is also a disturbing rumor about the new king: the new king broke the sword in the stone after pulling it out.

Regarding this matter, many knights who came back from the king selection ceremony said so. They saw Knight Kai break the precious king selection sword into scrap iron.

But most people still think it is nonsense, after all, who would be so bored that he broke the symbol of the British king?Doesn't this mean that he will give up his easy-to-get throne of King of Britain?Who else would do that unless he was insane?

Besides, the great magician Merlin will also supervise this ceremony, so there must be no chaos. Those failed knights who are jealous of Kai must be spreading rumors and talking nonsense.

The news about the birth of the new King of Britain is not only spread among the people, but even many hidden fairy villages are also passing on the news.

A giant dragon hidden deep in a dilapidated city in Britain also roared loudly, as if it was angry and excited that a powerful enemy was about to be born.

The news even spread across the sea, from England to France.At this time, although Britain and France were separated by the sea, there were still many exchanges between the two sides, so the knights on the other side soon knew that someone in Britain had pulled out the sword in the stone.

"Only the most perfect knight can draw the sword in the stone? It's ridiculous, those barbarians on the island are just bragging."

A French knight taunted after hearing the news, and then looked at the purple-haired knight wearing shiny silver armor with a melancholy expression.

"After all, Lord Lancelot, you haven't tried it yet. How can they claim to have chosen the most perfect knight?"

Author's message:


pS: I recommend a book from a friend, "The Crowned Priest of the Moon World", which is very readable and also tells the history of Britain and other types of moons!

Chapter 210. Lancelot and Gawain

The Celts on the British Isles have been regarded as uncivilized barbarians for a long time. Although they actually have good achievements in smelting, farming and textiles, etc., they are too rough to dress and eat casually. And the bloody druid sacrifices made them despised by the Romans.

Later, Rome launched wars against the Celts several times, and Caesar recorded the culture he came into contact with in Britain in "Gallic Wars".The civilizations of the two sides are constantly colliding and blending, and the more advanced culture of Rome has gradually made the original druid belief lose its market in Britain... Of course, this is the history of the earth.In the world of Xingyue, it is probably because of the mysterious decline that the Danan protoss that the druids believe in had to retreat into the fairy town to hide from the world.

All in all - because of the problems left over from history, the French knights still have "barbaric" prejudices against Britain, and they are unwilling to believe that it is the "perfect king" that Britain pulls out the sword of choosing the king.

"The selection ceremony in really a group of arrogant guys, how can a real knight need a weapon to prove his perfection?"

The knight Lancelot shook his head after hearing what his colleagues said, and sneered at the so-called "King Sword" in Britain.

"That's right, it's just a play of the barbarians. I wonder if that so-called King of Knights is your all-in-one enemy, Lord Lancelot?"

The French knights looked at Lancelot with awe. Although this knight is still very young, he has already dominated France and even Europe in terms of swordsmanship. Many knights from their own countries competed with Lancelot, but no matter what Whether it is foot combat or horse combat, sword fighting or cavalry, they will all be defeated in one round.

Many famous foreign knights have also come to challenge Lancelot, but few of them can survive 10 strokes in front of Lancelot.

Lancelot was silent, but he agreed with his colleagues.If you have to say that there is a perfect knight, then it should be yourself who is the most outstanding regardless of appearance, strength, morality and ability?

For the group of savages on the British island who decided to create "perfect knights" on their own, he felt disgusted in his heart, and wished to cross the ocean to Britain to compete with "Kay" immediately!

If Lancelot knew the impact of his competitive idea on him in the future, he might be embarrassed and regretful, but at this time, the young and vigorous Lancelot did not send any knights other than him. Put it in your eyes.

But in Britain at this time, the afternoon sun hangs so fiercely in the sky that people can't open their eyes.

But a knight remained indifferent in such a vicious sunlight, and continued to practice with the long sword in his hand.

The knight's blond hair looked particularly dazzling in the sun. Although his body was covered with sweat, he looked extraordinarily energetic on such a hot day.


Suddenly, the knight who was concentrating on practicing stopped and looked behind him.I saw a girl in armor running over from a distance, and was almost out of breath when she stopped.

"Huh...huh...Brother Gao Wen! No, it's terrible!"

"What's the matter, Gareth, making you so anxious?"

Gao Wen looked at his reckless younger sister with a smile on his face, wondering what could make her so excited.

"Yes, someone pulled out the holy sword, the King's Choice Sword!"

Gareth's pupils turned into star eyes, revealing an expression of incomparable reverence.

"Really!? Someone successfully pulled out the sword of choosing the king?"

Gao Wen was startled when he heard it: "Who is it, who is qualified to pull out this or that king's sword?"

"I heard he is the son of Sir Hector...Knight Kay..."


Hearing Kai's name, Gao Wen was somewhat surprised.Although Kai is indeed an excellent knight, there is still a big gap between him and a perfect knight in his mind.

Having said that, although Gao Wen has never heard of the proverb that Shibie will look at you with admiration for three days, he also knows that instead of questioning Kai's qualifications, it is better to believe that Kai now has the strength commensurate with a perfect knight!

"Great... Now there is hope for Britain...! Maybe it can usher in a new life under the leadership of the new king."

Unlike other knights, Gawain was sincerely happy that Britain had elected a new king, which was more like the people's position than knights.

"Brother, don't you feel a little regretful? Maybe you can also pull out the sword of choosing the king! After all, my brother will become very powerful under the sun! No one can beat a brother under the sun..."

Gareth couldn't help feeling curious. She knew very well that although her brother was a bit clumsy, he had incredible strength.The usual elder brother is already very strong, but the elder brother under the sun is even stronger like a monster.

"Haha, Gareth, I don't have the qualifications to be a king... I just want to fight as a knight wielding a sword, I never thought about becoming a king..."

"Is it..."

Seeing Gareth half-understanding, Gao Wenwen planned to touch her head, but Gareth subconsciously took a few steps back because of the sweat all over his body——

"Cough..." Gao Wen, who was a little bit shocked, cleared his throat and said, "I want to practice too. The new King of Britain will definitely need me by his side. Even if he draws out the holy sword, there will still be many people If you refuse to obey obediently, he will face many challenges at that time, and the king cannot be left alone."

"Brother! Let me practice with you!"

Gareth's eyes widened, and he put his palms together and begged Gawain: "I also want to be the king's helper, as a knight."

"No, Gareth, you are too young, not even an apprentice knight!"

Gawain strictly rejected Gareth's request, and Gareth couldn't help puffing up his face: "Brother, you clearly know that I can do it! I'm no worse than other knights!"

Gawain knew very well that Gareth was no worse than other knights?She was a 9% knight who was supposed to be superior to Britain, and even he had to show his true skills when practicing with Gareth to defeat her.He knew very well that his sister had a terrifying talent hidden in her body.

However, Gawain was unwilling to let this slender-handed sister be killed as a knight like himself. In his opinion, Gareth was still too immature, no matter how much Gareth begged, he would not agree.

"I won't eat at noon, it's mashed potatoes anyway!"

The angry Gareth simply left, leaving Gawain very helpless.

At the same time, on the other side, Artoria's training is coming to an end.

Chapter 210. Morgan Le Fay

After Fang Shuo helped Artoria remove the accelerated time barrier, Arturia's appearance did not change—even though she had cultivated in it for a hundred years, her body did not become aging at all.

"The cultivation is finally long has it been?"

Artoria looked at the blue sky and white clouds in Britain in a daze, and even became a little strange.For a hundred years, she has been working hard to practice the law of light all the time. If it weren't for Fang Shuo occasionally talking to her and giving advice, she would really not be able to hold on.

However, now that a hundred years have passed, the first thing she wants to do after she comes out is to have a good rest and sleep—preferably to have a good meal.

"Thank you, Arturia, your Law of Light practice is progressing faster than I expected."

Fang Shuo clapped his hand on Artoria's shoulder, and commented: "It's a small thing now, you have a hundred years of skill and you basically don't have any enemies on this British island."

"Is it just Xiaocheng... You are still far away from catching up with Brother Kai..."

Arturia was inevitably a little disappointed when she heard Fang Shuo's words, but she had already vaguely noticed it when she was practicing the law of light—she was still far behind, and what she had come into contact with with this mysterious power was only It's just the tip of the iceberg.

Artoria, who had learned too much overnight, was about to fall headfirst on the bed, but Fang Shuo stopped her again: "Wait a minute, Arturia, there is one more thing."

"What's the matter, brother Kai, is there anything else to learn?"

Artoria forced herself to cheer up, but saw Brother Kai handing over a small cross-shaped pendant that exuded golden light, and stuffed it into her hand.

"Your current cultivation base can't completely resist that half-nightmare entering your dream. If you wear this, he won't be able to get close!"

With Fang Shuo around, Merlin didn't have the guts to approach Artoria's dream, but he couldn't guarantee that he would always be by Artoria's side, so he had to guard against this old thief.

"Thank you very much...Brother Kai! It seems that Merlin hasn't been here for a while, is it all thanks to Brother Kai?"

Artoria accepted the cross gratefully. Leaving aside the practice of swordsmanship, Merlin's knowledge of "about becoming a king" to her has always given her a headache.

She practiced swordsmanship and various skills from dawn to dusk every day, and the sleep time left was less than three hours—but even with that poor sleep time, Merlin had no intention of letting go.

If we say that in the past, she understood the mission she shouldered, so she could grit her teeth and endure the torture, and study with Merlin.So now, Artoria, who gave up becoming king, has no reason to allow Merlin to break into her dream at will.

After all, no one likes their dreams being pryed into, so she is sincerely grateful for Fang Shuo's gift.

When the night was getting dark, Artoria and Fang Shuo had already fallen asleep, and a certain half-nightmare mage who had never given up was secretly preparing to do his job again.

I saw a wisp of pink smoke drifting towards Sir Hector's castle, and he muttered to himself: "No, I still have to find a way to get Artoria to pick up the sword of king selection. That child should It can still be persuaded...Really, I have worked so hard."

What Merlin thinks now is still the same. It is still to make Artoria the king of Britain. Anyway, he has not lost the King's Selection Stone, and he can rub one of the King's Selection Sword. It doesn't matter how many times he wants to repeat the ceremony.

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