She knows how powerful the power behind Emperor Huntian is, and she also understands the status of the kind-hearted Hun clan patriarch in front of her in the mainland!

But so what?

Standing behind her was Yun Feng!

No matter how strong the patriarch of the soul clan in front of him is, he is only a peak fighting saint, while the mysterious Mr. Yun is comparable to the existence of the legendary fighting emperor!

No matter how strong this patriarch of the soul clan is, is it possible that he can turn the world upside down in front of Mr. Yun?

So even in the face of this legendary patriarch of the soul clan, one of the most powerful and powerful in the mainland, Yafei did not show any timidity.

Of course, Yafei also understood that she was able to make the patriarch of the soul clan behave so kindly because of the backing of Yunfeng behind her, so she also did not show any domineering attitude.

Emperor Huntian smiled when he heard the words, and stopped talking.

He also wants to have a good relationship with Ya Fei, but he also understands what is too much!

Especially now that Yun Feng is still here, if he chats too much with Ya Concubine, it will be overwhelming, and it will undoubtedly make Yun Feng feel ashamed!

Although it is not difficult to hear from Yun Feng's words that Ya Fei will be responsible for dealing with various forces in the future, but in any case Ya Fei is only a member of Yun Feng's command!

If you only think about building a good relationship with Ya Fei, but ignore the backer behind her, you are undoubtedly a fool!

Seeing Hun Tiandi's actions, Yun Feng nodded slightly imperceptibly.

The attitude shown by Hun Tiandi is enough to explain the problem. At least for a period of time, the Hun Clan will obediently dormant and treat him like a dog with peace of mind.

As the most unfathomable force in the firmament world, the Soul Clan has a profound foundation, and even the Ancient Clan cannot match it.

If the soul clan can feel at ease as a dog for him, then the benefits he will get in the firmament world will definitely be much more!

"In the future, if you need any treasures that Yafei can't get, you can contact me directly through this jade slip to make a deal."

Yun Feng thought for a while, then casually threw a jade slip at Emperor Huntian, and said calmly: "This jade slip can contact me three times, and when you want to use it is up to you."

Since Emperor Huntian has expressed his willingness to be a dog to him, he doesn't mind giving the Hunzu a little sweetness.

"Thank you Mr. Yun!"

Emperor Huntian took the jade slip and hurriedly expressed his thanks.

To him, it is not important that Yunfeng gave this jade slip, what is important is the attitude behind it!

The fact that Yun Feng handed him such a jade slip meant that he and the Soul Clan already had some weight in Yun Feng's heart!

Perhaps he and the Soul Clan are not as important to Yun Feng as the Ancient Clan and the Taixu Gulong Clan, maybe even Yin Gu, but this is a good start after all, isn't it?

As long as they have a good relationship with Yun Feng, then the plan of the Soul Clan may not be able to continue.

What's more, Yunfeng is an existence comparable to Emperor Dou, even if it's just something he trades on a whim, its value will not be so low.

Among those things, there may not be any treasures that can make him break through and become Doudi!

Even if Yun Feng didn't have that kind of treasure in the things that Yun Feng brought out to trade, he could still go to Yun Feng directly to seek a deal, it's just that the price he paid was higher!

In order to take this last step, he has painstakingly planned for thousands of years. If Yun Feng can produce a treasure that can allow him to break through to Emperor Dou, then what if he paid a higher price?

Yun Feng waved his hand, looked at the other high-ranking forces present, and said calmly: "The next transaction matters, Yafei will discuss with you in detail, and if you want to make a transaction later, you can send someone to Baiyujing."

Long before, he had handed over the list of treasures traded with various forces and the corresponding treasures to Ya Fei.

With Yafei's presence, he naturally doesn't need to ask these trivial matters in person.

The reason why Emperor Pin Chudan invited the high-level officials of various forces to come here to meet him is mainly to support Ya Fei and let the high-level officials of various forces know that he is Ya Fei's backer!

Because only in this way can the major forces not despise Ya Fei because of her strength, which is not conducive to his layout!

After speaking, without waiting for others to speak, Yun Feng's figure gradually became blurred, and finally disappeared from everyone's sight.

For Yun Feng's sudden disappearance, the people present were not too surprised.

Although they had never seen Yunfeng's fighting skills before, and they had never felt the fluctuation of fighting spirit when Yunfeng disappeared, but the means possessed by a strong man comparable to Doudi are beyond their ability to speculate, so they naturally don't know. He would be surprised, at most, he would feel Yun Feng's superb methods in his heart!

"Seniors, let's talk about the transaction related matters now."

After Yun Feng left, Ya Fei immediately walked up to the crowd and said with a smile.

Although Yunfeng is not here now, she is not worried about any troubles with Emperor Pin Chudan in charge.

What's more, even though Yunfeng left, who can guarantee that Yunfeng didn't secretly pay attention to the situation here?

So Ya Fei didn't worry about what troubles these high-ranking powerhouses would make!

Chapter 847 Breakthrough!

Yafei stayed in Baiyujing to discuss the deal with various forces, while on the other side, after Yunfeng left Baiyujing, he rushed directly to Wanshou Valley.

He needs to see how much the little doctor has improved after this period of experience!

Although it is possible to observe the situation of the little fairy doctor through the mysterious light technique, the mysterious light technique is not omnipotent!

Mysterious light technique can only observe the picture, and he still needs to see and experience things like aura and cultivation with his own eyes.

Therefore, Yunfeng had no choice but to go to the Valley of Beasts himself!


Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, the core area.

Little Doctor Immortal and Zijing were leaning against a mountain wall, in front of them were countless ferocious monsters that were rushing towards them.

"It's really endless!"

The little fairy doctor cursed in a low voice, his whole body surged with vindictiveness, and instantly turned into a streak of horses and lashed at the approaching monsters.

The poison contained in the poisonous fighting spirit instantly killed several monsters approaching, and at the same time, the poisonous gas diffused from the corpses of those monsters formed a thin layer of poisonous gas wall, temporarily blocking those monsters.

"Find an opportunity to withdraw."

At the same time, Amethyst also dealt with the magic beast rushing towards her, and spoke with a tired face.

Ever since she and the Little Doctor Immortal entered the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, they have been fighting non-stop.

Although she is in the shape of a monster, she is still a bit too much under the high-intensity battle!

In comparison, the situation of the little fairy doctor is better than hers, but her face can't help but look a little tired.

"it is good!"

The little fairy doctor nodded and quickly replied.

Although her current situation is better than Zijing's, it's not much better.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Secret Record of Ten Thousand Poisons that Yun Feng taught her was really powerful and could allow her to quickly recover her fighting spirit in battle, she would have completely lost her fighting power by now!

But even so, the long and continuous battles still made her feel very tired, and her combat effectiveness also plummeted.

The most important thing is that during this long battle, all the poison powder on her body has been exhausted!

Without the help of the poisonous powder to stop these monsters, Zijing looked like she was about to reach her limit. It was impossible for her to gain a chance to breathe in this fierce battle!

Although she doesn't have to worry about running out of battle energy with the Ten Thousand Poisons Secret Records, but the mental fatigue cannot be solved by the Ten Thousand Poisons Secret Records!

Before, she and Amethyst took turns blocking monsters, and with the poisonous powder she was carrying, she could buy some time to rest and barely recover her tired spirit.

But now the poisonous powder on her body is completely exhausted, and Zijing's condition has also declined sharply. If she continues to persist, the situation will become extremely dangerous.

It is the right way to break out of the Ten Thousand Beasts Valley as soon as possible while we still have the strength to fight!

The monsters in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts will not leave the range of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. As long as they leave the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, although it cannot be said that they will be completely safe, they will undoubtedly be able to gain some breathing opportunities!

"After the poisonous mist dissipates, I will transform into the form of a monster."

Zijing looked at the gradually fading poisonous mist and said, "I will lead you to break through, but you have to deal with the monsters around!"

Her current combat power is already out of ten. Relying on the form of a monster and leading the little doctor to forcibly break through a path is already the limit, and she can't spare more energy to deal with the surrounding monsters.

Therefore, when breaking through, the task of solving those monsters around will fall on the little fairy doctor!

"it is good!"

The little doctor cherishes words like gold and didn't say much.

It's not that she did it intentionally, it's just that she also expended a lot of energy, and she doesn't want to say a single word at all right now!

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When Zijing heard the words, the brilliance flashed on her body, and she instantly transformed into the real body of the huge Amethyst Winged Lion King.

As for the attitude of the little doctor, Zijing didn't care, because she knew what the little doctor was like now, so naturally she didn't think there was anything wrong with the little doctor's appearance of cherishing words like gold.

"It's now!"

At the moment when the poisonous gas wall spread out, Amethyst immediately let out a snarl, and at the same time, the huge Amethyst Winged Lion King Avatar rushed forward!

Seeing her own movements, the little fairy doctor hastily used her movement skills to follow behind Zijing, and plundered towards the outside of the Valley of the Beasts.

Naturally, the monsters around would not let Little Doctor and Zijing escape easily. Seeing that they were planning to retreat, they immediately rushed towards Little Doctor and Zijing, wanting to keep them completely!

But the Amethyst Winged Lion King was already known for its tyrannical physical body, and Amethyst broke through the racial shackles of the Amethyst Winged Lion King. With the existence of advanced seventh-level monsters, the strength and power of the physical body are even more exaggerated and scary!

In the human form before, Amethyst's physical advantage may not be fully exerted, but now in the form of a monster, it instantly shows an unrivaled strength advantage!

The magic beast that rushed towards Little Doctor Fairy and Zijing was instantly knocked away by Zijing's huge body of the monster.

Those huge beasts were fine, even if they were hit head-on by Amethyst, they were just pushed away, and at most they suffered some minor injuries, so they wouldn't lose their lives because of it.

But those small monsters are in big trouble!

No matter how strong the physical body is, as long as those small monsters are hit by the amethyst, they will be knocked into the air in an instant.

Small monsters with strong physical bodies could still survive, but those small monsters with insufficient physical strength lost their lives directly under the impact of Amethyst, and turned into a corpse and flew out!

Taking advantage of the powerful physique and strength brought by the monster form, Amethyst quickly led the little doctor to a long distance.

But at the end of its strength, Zijing's speed gradually slowed down under the constant obstruction of countless monsters, and she no longer had the momentum of the crazy charge before.

Sensing that Zijing's speed slowed down, the little fairy doctor didn't hesitate at all, the poisonous grudge in her body instantly exploded, covering the area around her and Zijing.

Little Doctor Immortal's Poison Dou Qi is the product of fusion of his own Dou Qi and Ernan Poison Body. In addition to being more powerful than ordinary Dou Qi, he can also increase his own toxicity by absorbing poison, and has great potential for growth.

Even if most of the toxicity of the poison that the little fairy doctor swallowed was absorbed by the Enan poison body and turned into the little fairy doctor's cultivation, the remaining part is enough to increase the toxicity of the poison fighting qi a lot!

And since the little fairy doctor initially took control of the Enandu body and condensed the poisonous fighting energy, she has swallowed countless poisons, and the toxicity of the poisonous fighting energy she possessed has also increased to a very exaggerated level.

Before, the little doctor was worried that exhausting his poisonous fighting energy would cause him to lose his fighting power completely, so he never dared to release his poisonous fighting energy like he is now.

But in the face of the current situation, the little fairy doctor will naturally not hold back any more!

Under the full force of the little fairy doctor, all monsters within a ten-foot range of her and Zijing were poisoned instantly, and Zijing also took this opportunity to speed up again, leading the little doctor towards the entrance of the valley of ten thousand beasts.

Chapter 848 The Huge Beast in the Deep Valley of Beasts!

Above Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, Yun Feng saw the performance of Amethyst and Little Doctor Immortal, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

The growth rate of the little fairy doctor is much faster than he imagined.

Since the initial control of the Enandu body, the little doctor's cultivation base has been advancing by leaps and bounds, coupled with the continuous battles, the current little doctor's cultivation base has not only reached the nine-star fighting emperor, but is only half a step away from being promoted The degree of Dou Zong.

And in addition to the improvement of cultivation base, the little fairy doctor has very rich combat experience himself, so it is unlikely that there will be an empty realm, but because of the lack of combat experience, it will become the background board for those geniuses who are challenged by leaps and bounds!

In contrast, Amethyst, who has broken through the shackles of race, will lose its color a lot.

But even so, Amethyst's improvement speed is enough to make many geniuses feel ashamed!

"It seems that I shouldn't need to make a move."

Yun Feng looked down at the Little Doctor Immortal and Amethyst who were quickly approaching the entrance of Wanshou Valley, and murmured in a low voice.

While speaking, Di Yan, who was beating on the fingertips of Yun Feng's right hand, quietly disappeared.

When he arrived in the Valley of Beasts before, he had already noticed that Little Doctor Immortal and Amethyst were approaching their limit, so he was already ready to make a move at any time.

But after seeing this scene, Yun Feng was completely relieved.

Although the current strength of Little Doctor Immortal and Zijing is not enough to deal with the monsters in the Valley of Beasts, but it is not difficult to just break through!

Under Yun Feng's watchful eye, Little Doctor Immortal and Zijing quickly approached the entrance of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, but before the two could break out of the encirclement, a roar of violent beasts like thunder suddenly came from the deepest part of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.

With the sound of the beast's roar, the monsters that were constantly attacking the Little Doctor Immortal and Amethyst paused in unison, and then fell to their knees in the depths of the Beast Valley in an instant, as if they were welcoming the arrival of the king!

And the little doctor fairy and Zijing who were breaking out towards the entrance of Wanshou Valley felt a tyrannical coercion like an ancient mountain suddenly enveloped them, making it very difficult for them to even move!

Zijing especially felt a sense of fear from the depths of her blood completely enveloped her, making her almost kneel down on the ground.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that the ancient sky snake has not been completely extinct!"

Yun Feng also felt that coercion, but in the eyes of Xiao Yixian and Zijing, the strong and tyrannical coercion like the ancient sacred mountain was like a breeze blowing in front of him, and it couldn't affect him at all.

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