A cold voice suddenly entered the ear, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

Chapter 0258 Negotiations

Knowing that Luo Ye was sitting on the ground and negotiating conditions, and unwilling to let her work be buried, Hongsaka Zhuyin smiled instead of anger, and slapped her plump thighs wrapped in black stockings to make a crisp sound, her bright red lips raised high rise.

"Interesting... I have seen many arrogant creators like you, but in the end they all submissively surrendered to me. After so many years, I don't know how many people there are."

After all, she cast a meaningful glance at Iori HASHIMA who was not daring to speak, her insinuation was quite obvious.

And the handsome young man couldn't help but feel a shiver all over his body, as if recalling some horrible scene, he was out of his mind.

Luo Ye also knew that it was definitely not that simple to make even the extremely capable HASHIMA Iori fall in love with her, but...

so what?

It's not like he hasn't seen someone with a stronger aura, and the chilling aura condensed on the battlefield is far better than this by a thousand times.

"It's not that I deliberately boasted. Mobile games do have great prospects in the future. With the popularity of smart phones, more and more ordinary people will also pursue corresponding means of entertainment. As a casual game, Jianniang , it is undoubtedly very suitable for leisure time to play, and it can even attract many outsiders into the pit."

Completely ignoring the aura deliberately released by the other party, Luo Ye talked to himself with a calm demeanor, even revealing the future trend of society.

Anyway...he can tell a lot of this kind of information in one breath, and it doesn't cost money.As for whether it will affect the course of history, it is beyond his consideration.

Seeing his determined and confident appearance, Akane Benizaka felt a sense of familiarity, and her eyes became a little complicated.

Once upon a time, she also held such enthusiasm and thought that her work was extremely good.It wasn't until I was hit by the cruel reality several times that I realized some truths. Since then, I have taken a completely different route from the past, and I have never suffered a loss again.

In her opinion, Luo Ye is not polished right now. There are too many such brats in the society, and it often takes a few harsh lessons to make them restrain their aura of arrogance.

Even if Luo Ye didn't show such high self-esteem on the surface, it's not difficult for Hongsaka Zhuyin to guess that he can achieve such achievements at this age, so he will inevitably feel a little proud and complacent.

Being a teenager is not a good thing.She also only matured at the age of 23, completely getting rid of her previous innocence.

"If you really think you can do it, then it's not like I can't give you such a chance. Okay, I'll leave the planning of the ship girl to you and Iori Hajima. I have a ready-made game production team here, but what about other people? ...I'm all in charge of Mars World Stories, so I don't have time to help you. Illustrations, plots, dubbing, etc. need to be done by yourself. I'm only responsible for assisting in game production and distribution. As for the effect that can be achieved, it's up to you How about the two of you?"

Benizaka Akane tapped the table lightly with her slender fingers, and offered a reasonable condition, that is, Iori HASHIMA, who was brought up by herself, would be responsible for cooperating with Luo Ye, and she would undoubtedly put more thought into it. On to the series that lasted 20 years.

Since all the Luoye people have come, there is no reason to let him run away.Benizaka Zhuyin has always held a tolerant attitude towards talents, so no matter how strong she is, she will bind this young man who is likely to have unlimited potential in the future to the united front.

She heard about it from an old friend of hers. This guy is also a light novel writer and cartoonist, and his recent momentum has been very...

"Do you want me to cooperate with Iori? That's not a problem. It's enough for you to be in charge of making games and hairstyles. I also have better candidates to be in charge of drawing illustrations, so you don't have to worry about that."

Luo Ye didn't expect the conditions she offered to be reasonable, so she was a little surprised.

After all... This woman had shown a look of being difficult to provoke before, which made him think that she was not easy to provoke.I didn't expect that after contact, people are not bad!

"However, we still have to agree on the contract in advance. Let's open it on August [-]. It's quite generous for your newcomers."

Hongsaka Zhuyin waved her hands and said with a light smile, Luo Ye instinctively realized that something was wrong with that statement, and frowned, feeling that she seemed to be thinking wrong.

"I'm eight and you two?"

"Hahaha, I think you may have misunderstood it. I am eight and you are two. Don't forget, the material conditions are all provided by me. You are just an idea."

Hongsaka Zhuyin vividly demonstrated the capitalist's cannibalistic side, and he wanted to gnaw off a large piece of meat from Luo Ye as soon as he came up, and he would not give up easily.

She still had a smile on her face, as if she had settled for the young man in front of her.

"It's really a woman who is not easy to satisfy. What are you kidding! I came up with the idea, and I had to find the manpower, but in the end I only got [-]% of it? Are you sending beggars away? I have never heard of a snake with a lack of heart. Tunxiang this old saying?"

A benefit of [-]% is obviously not enough to satisfy Luo Ye, at least he has to get more than [-]% to be willing, he sneered and sneered, his words were full of gunpowder.

"That, that... it's better to take a step back from both sides. Mr. Luo Ye, what do you think about June [-]th? After all, Sister Zhu Yin also needs to provide manpower, channels, sales, etc., which is not as simple as yours. Please be considerate of the other party. Bar."

Iori HASHIMA had no choice but to come out and be the peacemaker. I hope that the two of them can have a good conversation and don't make the atmosphere so tense.

To be honest...his younger sister, Bo Dao, was already trembling aside, seeing the two big men fighting against each other, he didn't dare to take a breath.

The June [-] opening is actually more in line with Benizaka Zhuyin's inner plan.The reason why she reported an [-]% at the beginning was that on the one hand, she wanted to suppress Luo Ye's arrogance as much as possible, and on the other hand, it was out of the most basic negotiating skills. It was impossible to say that she revealed her hole cards as soon as she came up.

Knowing that this contract cannot be easily negotiated within a short period of time, Luo Ye closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, an idea gradually emerged in his mind, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"How about this, how about we make a bet to determine the distribution of benefits?"

The novel statement aroused a little interest in Akatsuki Benizaka, she held her chin with her hand and said with her thin lips.

"Oh? You're really confident, tell me, maybe I'm in a good mood and agree."

She really wanted to see what tricks Luo Ye could come up with, but she was not in a hurry to see the guest away.

Chapter 0259 Share Contract

In fact, Luo Ye didn't want to engage in any fancy operations, and it was undoubtedly the best choice to be able to negotiate a contract based on this. There was no need to say that there was no need to make a bet that had already been utterly vulgar in various novels.

But Hongsaka Zhuyin behaved rather aggressively, unwilling to easily spit out the benefits from his hands and divide them evenly.This is very embarrassing for him, and in the situation where advances and retreats are not right, he has no choice but to make such a bad move.

Conflicts and conflicts between them are not uncommon in the game industry. A typical case is the distribution of benefits between the developer and the operator.Under normal circumstances, it is either [-]-[-] or [-]-[-], but there are also some big operators who dare to offer an exaggerated ratio of [-] or even [-]. For example, a certain unscrupulous Penguin Empire is proficient in this.

"In the game, the data must have the final say, and we don't need to fiddle with false content internally to deceive investors and raise funds. You just say it, how can you reach the number of people you expected in your heart? The bet is linked to this."

Knowing that this is a negotiation, Luo Ye will not be merciful, after all, this interest cannot be handed over to others in vain, and he will definitely protect this interest.

"Within two months, 100 million registered users, 15 consumer users, and [-] daily active players. If you can really do this, it's okay for me to let some of the benefits come out, aren't you very confident?"

Benizaka Zhuyin crossed her fingers together, resting her elbows on the table, reported a series of terrifying data unevenly, with a lingering smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was determined and calm.

Hearing this, the corners of Hashima Iori's eyes twitched suddenly. Even though she knew she might open her mouth like a lion, she didn't expect to be so decisive, almost completely blocking Luo Ye's retreat, and putting him in a dilemma after boasting. embarrassing situation.

This kind of data... I am afraid that only those games that have the support of the previous or original work can achieve it?It is not an easy task for a new game to attract such a large number of users in such a short period of time.

After all, this is based on the real data, not the virtual face value of falsification.For example, a certain company played the banner of "[-] million elementary school students' gunfight dreams", but anyone with a little brain knows, how could it be possible that [-] million people really play this game?

In the game circle, there is often a huge difference between internal data and external data. The latter involves too many interests, so there are often false reports and exaggerated phenomena.

Even Izumi Boshima, who doesn't know much about the game industry, was a little dazed after hearing the series of huge data. He just felt dizzy, and his heart hung up, secretly worried for him.

"Are you planning to release the game only in Japan? Or also in China? I need to figure this out in advance."

Luo Ye was not in a hurry to agree, but asked a question to make sure it was correct.

"Heh, are you talking nonsense? How could such a big market over there be missed? How big is the population in Japan, but how big is the population in China? You should know something about this, right? You don’t need to worry, as long as the game is made, I will have a way to put it on the shelves in Tianchao. It’s just that...there may not be a good view of our game.”

Benizaka Zhuyin grimaced coldly, not understanding what nonsense he was talking about.

Since the other party was sure of this, Luo Ye smiled unhurriedly.

"It may sound difficult, but I believe that Jian Niang can do it. Besides, let's call it an agreement rather than a bet."

After all, the bet is empty talk and has no legal basis. Even if a dispute arises in the future, it may not be recognized accordingly.Therefore, Luo Yezhuo had to choose a more secure contract to bind each other.

"Customize different share ratios according to different turnover, okay. I will get [-]% of the part of the monthly income below [-] million yen, and you will get [-]% of the part exceeding [-] million. Someone is not very optimistic about this work. Is there a prospect? Then I believe that it shouldn’t be a problem to make my work’s monthly turnover more than [-] million yen?”

[-] million yen is quite a large sum, if it can be earned, then this work will undoubtedly be regarded as a boom.Hongsaka Zhuyin didn't think he could really do it, and what he said even compressed Luo Ye's few remaining interests.

However, Luo Ye couldn't find any big problems, after all, others were based on his confidence.

I have to admit that the opponent's wishful thinking is very good. If Luo Ye really wants to make money, he must devote all his energy to making the game better and more popular. this above.

And what's even more frightening is that even if he puts in [-] points of effort, if the monthly turnover fails to exceed [-] million yen, then Hongsaka Zhuyin will still get a big profit, and Luo Ye can only get a negligible small part.

"Okay. You draft the contract as soon as possible, and I have to recruit painters or something."

Giving up part of the benefits in the early stage in exchange for more benefits in the later stage, Luo Ye also understood the trade-offs, nodded and approved the contract.

Hongsaka Zhuyin knew that this time another powerful creator was tied to the united front. Even though it might not make much profit in the short term, it would still be worth it in the long run, and the corners of her lips curled up.

"Then it will help us to cooperate happily in the future. I will tell you the specific matters through Xiao Yizhi, so please walk slowly."

She waved her hand as if she wanted to drive people away, Luo Ye didn't think about staying here too long, she glanced at the mature woman meaningfully, then looked away, followed by her side without saying a word The Boshima brothers and sisters who were talking about came out of the apartment.

After finally escaping from the restless place like a steamer, Bo Dao went out to sea and finally relaxed a lot, no longer as stiff as before.

Compared with her younger sister's innocence, HASHIMA Iori has many things to consider, and there is a hint of helplessness on her handsome face.

"Mr. Luo Ye...According to what you said, there are at least a hundred ships, right? That's not a job that can be done by just one or two painters. Where did you go to find so many people?"

Even if he has corresponding channels on his own side, it is estimated that it will cost a lot of money to hire someone.Therefore, at best, it is a drop in the bucket.It is impossible to say that he can completely help Luo Ye solve the problem, most of the work still has to be done by himself.

Then here comes the key point...

Where on earth would he find an artist who could draw the ship girl?

Chapter 0260 win over the painter

Well, this seems to be a question that doesn't need to be considered at all.Since it's a painting of ship girls galloping on the sea, it's natural to find an artist who goes down to the shore, doesn't it?The painters who went ashore were dry, but they couldn't create a cute girl who was moist and exquisite.

Luo Ye already had a corresponding candidate in his heart, and he will find a way to contact those people when he returns today. As for before that...

There is a very good potential stock in front of him, it is impossible to say that he pretended not to see it and ignored it.

Thinking in this way, the young man took a meaningful look at the cute girl in a school uniform with a ball head, and the target was revealed quite clearly.

Although Bodao went to sea is a bit young and immature, and has been involved in the industry for less than half a year, but the level is undoubtedly there.What's more, after getting along for a short time, they didn't feel bad about each other. He felt that it was necessary to win the girl to his side.

Didn't you see that the other party was only a junior high school student?It already has such a majestic scale, and it will become a great tool in the future!

As for the reason to win over, it's actually easy to find, just start from his brother's side, and you don't need to spend any effort or use tricks, it's much easier and easier than trying to get Ying Lili into the group.

"I do know a few friends who are very good painters, and I can also take care of this line of work myself, which can be regarded as a small team of four. But if it is said that it is necessary to solve hundreds of human design drawings, it may still be a bit difficult. So ... Can you please help me find one or two more painters? Even if it’s just a sniper. The strength of those people is a bit exaggerated, and they will definitely complete the task satisfactorily.”

What Luo Ye was referring to was none other than Yinglili and Sagiri, their mother and daughter.I believe these people should be more interested in the ship girl project, especially Mr. Eromanga, who is famous for drawing pornographic illustrations.

"You count you as having four people, right? If the progress is fast, each person can draw several pictures of people in a day. And I will help you find a few painters, and everyone will work hard together. Half a month It should be finished within a few days."

HASHIMA Iori roughly calculated the time spent, and found that this speed was completely acceptable.After all, it takes a certain amount of time to develop the program and test the game, as long as the human design is ready when the development is almost complete, it is not so urgent to say that the results will be seen.

"I will rely on you a lot from now on, Iori, we can be regarded as brothers and sisters who help each other in the same boat."

Luo Ye smiled and patted the shoulder of the young man beside him, imperceptibly drawing the relationship between the two closer, and emphatically clarifying that they are now on the same front.

As long as this step is achieved, it is impossible for Bo Island to go to sea to ignore matters related to his brother whose blood is thicker than water.

Sure enough, just as Luo Ye expected, the girl listened with ears pricked up, pursing her lips and feeling a little worried for them.

Even the naive she could hear a strong smell of gunpowder from the conversation just now, and she was very afraid that Benizaka Zhuyin would secretly trip up her senior and brother because of something going wrong.Others have been in the industry for so many years, and neither the means nor the channels are comparable to these two young people.


In fact, she was completely overwhelmed.No one will be too idle to make life difficult for interests.As long as Luoye can provide income, Hongsaka Zhuyin will not be happy in time, and she will not have the mind to deal with those shady methods.

"Well, I, I actually hope to help my brother and senior, please let me do my part!"

Bo Dao struggled for a moment to go to sea, gritted his teeth and made this request decisively, no matter what kind of psychology he wanted to participate in the ship's mother's plan.

On the one hand, it is to help them, and on the other hand, it is also conducive to improving the level.

"Oh? Go to sea, are you also interested in participating in our project?"

Luo Ye was still thinking about how to initiate the invitation, but he didn't expect other girls to jump in, which saved him the trouble of speaking again.

However, he was not in a hurry to agree, but deliberately paused for a moment, so as not to reveal that he wanted the other party to join.

"No, that's right! Although I, my level is not very good, but as long as I put in the time and effort, I can do it well! Don't worry, if something goes wrong, I will let you punish me, senior!"

Unable to realize that this was a trap set up for an ambush, Bo Dao was still a little hesitant when he went out to sea, knowing how much he had, he was afraid that he would cause trouble for the two of them and delay them.But he didn't want to sit back and watch them fall into such an embarrassing situation, so he mustered up his courage and said loudly.His gaze became firm and decisive like never before, revealing a completely different temperament from the timid one before.

"Although you are only a junior high school student, I have never treated you as a child. As long as you have the heart, we welcome you to join us at any time."

Since others have brought it up on their own initiative, Luo Ye didn't want to be too condescending, and patted the girl's shoulder with a smile to welcome her to join. Bo Dao Chuhai couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and bowed deeply to express his gratitude.

"Then thank you for taking care of me! I will definitely work hard!"

On the side, HASHIMA Iori was quite surprised to see that her younger sister, who has always been relatively weak, would take the initiative. For a while, she couldn't help feeling a little mixed. She was happy to see her grow up, but she didn't think too much about it. something else.

After all, Luo Ye has behaved quite normally so far, completely looking like a gentleman.Aside from maybe being a bit overconfident, it's almost impossible to fault anything.

So... brother-in-law, you are selling your sister!However, I haven't noticed the fact that wolves are being lured into the house. If I really cry in the future, I'm afraid I won't even be able to find a corner of the wall.

However, Luo Ye really doesn't have any dirty thoughts at the moment.He has already cultivated a big heart that can calm down at any time through many battles, and now the main goal is undoubtedly to focus on the work of Jian Niang. The famous hall comes.

It doesn't mean to prove it to others, it's just for myself, to satisfy that little ambition.

So...then the problem actually arises. The games of the Ship Girl series can be described as diverse in later generations. The same ship even has several illustrations and characters. The game modes and operation methods are also slightly different. Is a game more appropriate?

This was another very realistic question before Luo Ye, which made him fall into deep thought for a short while.

Chapter 0261 pornography is primary productivity

In the era when Luo Ye lived, games of the ship girl type emerged endlessly, and there were even specious gun girls, beast girls, and car girls.

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