In case of driving without a license and being caught by the police, it will take a lot of effort for her to find someone.

"Madam, don't worry, I drive very steadily and my skills are excellent, I promise to make you both docile and satisfied!"

Naturally, Luo Ye couldn't admit that in this world, he never got a driver's license at all.He figured that if he really encountered a traffic police inspection, he could use magic hints to fish in troubled waters.

"That's fine. Xiaoying Lili, you sit behind me, let's have a good chat. I'll get you the map coordinates, just follow the navigation and drive there."

Saidura Sawamura no doubt nodded her head, but she seemed not able to understand the profound subtext contained in this sentence.On the contrary, Ying Lili, who was still immersed in the explosive conversation not long ago, had some comprehension of the mystery of it, her face quietly flushed with blood, she bit her lip lightly and lowered her head, pretending that she didn't hear anything.

The three of them got into the car with their own thoughts, and Luo Ye directly announced the address of the holiday villa to the group.It is of course best for those who can come here directly. If it is inconvenient, then there is no harm in making a special trip to pick them up after he delivers Yinglili and Sayuri to the villa.

In addition, he also ordered Ying Lili to talk to Izumi's mother and daughter about this matter, and asked her to ask their opinions and whether they would like to participate in this training-style creation.

After all, this is a matter for the entire community. If there are a few characters missing, it will inevitably feel a little weird.

Moreover, for the group of otaku who are neglected in interpersonal communication, this is also a hard-won communication opportunity.Maybe you can still have a good relationship with someone in this week or two, so as to make friends or something.

"She said to look at the situation again and reply to you later."

Ying Lili glanced at the latest information on the phone, and couldn't help frowning slightly, as if feeling troublesome.

"What? Could it be that Sagiri didn't want to go out?"

Luo Ye knew that Mrs. Izumi was a very good-tempered person, and she probably wouldn't refuse other people's kindness.But Izumi Sagiri...

This little girl is very shy, and she is very timid when she sees outsiders.Not to mention leaving the home of the house all of a sudden to an unfamiliar environment and getting in touch with so many people I don't know.

This is simply a great challenge for her, isn't it?

"They are also mother and daughter? Is it such a coincidence? Both mother and daughter are erotic artists?"

Sayuri quickly moved her head to her daughter's side, while pinching her smooth and delicate cheeks, while looking at the words that appeared on the screen, she couldn't help feeling a little coincidental and exclaimed.

This must not have been specially designed by someone, right?

It should be just a mere coincidence, right?

"Well, that's right. Sagiri doesn't seem to be very willing to come out. you really need to call so many people? Such a rough calculation, let alone seven or eight people?"

Ying Lili counted the heads with her fingers. She didn't think there was anything wrong before, but now she came to her senses and realized something was wrong.

This seems to be much more than a certain developer of Sanwei... people?

Chapter 0309 you really are a lecherous mother and daughter, right?

"Is it here?"

Looking at the European-style luxury villa in the suburbs of Tokyo in front of him, Luo Ye parked the jeep steadily at the gate, the tires rubbed against the ground and rolled up a puff of smoke.

The group of them undoubtedly arrived at the holiday villa first, much earlier than the others.Sayuri Sawamura was full of praise for his superb driving skills, and understood that he was definitely not talking nonsense before.

This technique is really great!Both she and Ying Lili were served comfortably, and they didn't feel any bumps or discomfort along the way.

It is quite commendable to be able to have this level at this age!Doesn't it mean that there is great potential for development in the future?

Now she finally understands why her daughter Ying Lili would stay with him so happily, it seems that there is a reason for it!Others didn't say that they only used words to deceive children.

Moreover, it is said that this guy is also proficient in various creative abilities in the industry, and his standard is quite excellent.This made him suddenly become as rare as a rare animal. If it weren't for the face of an elder, Sayuri would have moved over to test his strengths.

Uh... don't get it wrong, this is just referring to the creation of the industry.

After all, Sayuri is also a senior home girl, so she is quite interested in the newcomers who have emerged in the industry recently, not to mention that he has such an affair with her daughter.

Luo Ye had no way of knowing what Sayuri Sawamura was thinking, but she vaguely sensed a hint of kindness in her interested eyes, and was secretly vigilant.

And as for the car skills...

In fact, he was embarrassed to brag about something.

After all, compared to his wife Lily, his skills are much worse.With the skill of [riding], that girl can control creatures other than fantasy species, even aircraft that are products of technology.

Of course--

In fact, Luo Ye can have something to be proud of. After all, he has also accomplished the feat of riding a dragon. He can be regarded as a dragon knight in a certain sense.

It's just that he was often ridden by Lily.If this is really fun, who will care about who rides whom?

"I'm going to pick up a few other people, so I'll trouble you to clean up first."

Leaving aside the glorious deeds of the past, Luo Ye moved the things out of the trunk one by one, and after placing them in the large and spacious living room, he glanced at the messages from the mobile phone and found that many people It already said that the packing was finished, and urged him to come and pick up people quickly.

In the past, everyone might have to work hard to get a taxi, but now that Luo Ye can drive the car, it seems that this cumbersome step has been omitted, and he can just play with his mobile phone at home and wait for him to drive to the door.

Hmm... In the end, he was the only one who was bothering him.But since he invited these people to join the club, Luo Ye naturally had to swallow this responsibility instead of just thinking about prostitution for free and spending no effort at all, so it was reasonable to drive there to pick them up.

"Okay, I just have something to say to Xiaoying Lili, so you can go pick up other girls. I really want to see what they are like, and they can compete with my daughter..."

Sayuri covered her mouth and smiled sweetly, and was immediately interrupted by the flushed Ying Lili.She seemed quite ashamed and angry at her mother for betraying her little thoughts so thoroughly, stamped her feet on the spot angrily and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Mom, mom! What are you talking about! Can you be normal to me? After all, you are an adult, right? Don't you know that you have to be responsible for what you say? Besides..."

Although Sayuri is used to being unreliable on weekdays, isn't this in front of others after all?Especially the target is Luo Ye.This made her have to stand up and explain a wave for herself.To avoid the tragic situation of being teased by the two in applause.

It's not like she doesn't understand that she seems to be particularly easy to be the object of their teasing.

In short, there is no one who sells his daughter like you!

Ying Lili guessed that if she continued to tell the unscrupulous her, all the ugly things about her childhood would be exposed in a few days.At that time, how could she have the cheek to behave in front of Luo Ye?Already feel ashamed, okay?

"Yes, yes. Well, my Ying Lili is still so spoiled."

Seemingly quite happy to see her daughter's arrogant performance, Sayuri Sawamura flushed unnaturally, covering her slightly hot face to suppress the agitation surging from her heart.

So, so cute!Why are there such outstanding children in the world?

Well, Mrs. Sawamura, you must not be a dangerous daughter-in-law, right?According to this statement, isn't there going to be a happy story?For example, one of the mother and daughter fell first, and then the other decided to serve resolutely in order to save the other, and in the end, they were also immersed in it and couldn't extricate themselves...

etc!Why is the plot so similar to Li Fan?

Although it is true that Ying Lili is an erotic artist who draws books, Sayuri also has a series of books on weekdays to enrich her experience to help her daughter draw better.But it doesn't mean that they will really live a life like in the book!

Reality and virtuality are completely unrelated two things, right?

Even if I draw a book, read pornographic books and go to comic exhibitions, I am still a good and innocent girl!It's not what you imagined!

This sentence seems to apply to Sayuri and Ying Lili.It is true that the two of them often do things that the old Si Ji only knows, but it does not mean that the mother and daughter are so dirty inside!

A lesson from heaven and earth, they are not forced to make a living... No, it is due to external pressure... No, this does not seem to be right, it is obviously forced...

Sorry, please forgive me, I can't make it up anyway!

In fact, it seems that there is no reason at all to whitewash the Sawamura mother and daughter!

The reason why they are involved in the book world is purely because they like it from the bottom of their hearts, and it has nothing to do with any other factors.

If you really don't like eroge books, you may even feel disgusted.According to the rich family background of the Sawamura family, there is no need to set foot in it, okay?It's embarrassing to say it.

Ying Lili is not like Sagiri, whose family background is ordinary and simple, and she can barely make ends meet by selling erotic books and erotic illustrations.Izumi's mother and daughter painters can still have a reason to explain, after all, they have to earn some money to support their family.But this girl can live well even if she doesn't work for the rest of her life, continuing her life as a noble lady.


Luo Ye seemingly invisibly discovered the true form of their mother and daughter.

Sure enough, it's lustful, right?

Chapter 0310 everyone is not a good person!

It's not that Luo Ye intentionally misinterprets and imagines how dirty others are.Rather—that is the truth and the truth!

The obsessive liking of Eri, Li, and Sayuri for erotica can't even be explained simply by their hobbies, okay?It is already a love that is rooted in the bones.

Now that he came back to think about it carefully, Luo Ye found that the people he came into contact with along the way seemed to be quite normal, and everyone seemed to be quite interested in sexual matters.

The situation of Sawamura's mother and daughter is well known, and the erotic books at home can be piled up thickly into a hill.The girl Yamada Goblin is writing a small yellow article, and the whole page is full of edge balls and benefits.Mrs. Izumi and Sagiri Izumi are illustrators, and Mr. Eromanga translates it as Mr. Porno Manga.Bo Dao Chuhai knows a thing or two about all kinds of flavors, and she was the first to propose the concept of developing Sanwei.As for senior sister Shiyu... Although the novel is a relatively normal pure love school, but that foul-level figure is not something a high school student of this age can have at all, okay?It's erotic just looking at it!

Think about it this way...

It seems that only Keineng Kato can be regarded as a normal person.

She doesn't even know much about the animation industry, and she has very little contact.

And this is exactly what a normal girl should do!

"Is the relationship because I can't keep up with the times? Girls nowadays are so social, doesn't that mean I have to get closer to them?"

I don't know if it was because of the corresponding influence, Luo Yezhuo felt that he would always have to be close to the red ones, the red ones, the black ones, and the black ones to be similar to them in order to avoid being excluded and kicked out by this small group.

Since everyone is not a decent person, and they are passionate about dirty things, what does it mean for him to pretend to be a gentleman here?Isn't it boring?

To put it bluntly, there are not many pure and good children in this group of people!

As soon as he thought of this, the germinated seed that had been buried deep in his heart earlier suddenly sprang up like weeds, and many thoughts inevitably came out, always thinking that one day it must be transformed into reality instead of empty words Just talk casually.

As for him now...

Let's take all the girls to the holiday villa first.You have to make the game first, right?This can also be regarded as Luo Ye's preparation of funds for the follow-up journey.After all, you can't blindly travel through the world without any preparation, right?

It will take some time for the template to be updated, and taking advantage of this gap to create a project that can continuously make money is what Luo Ye should do.He is still always thinking about the future, rather than saying that he is trying to attract talents for ambiguous reasons such as picking up girls and accepting girls.

Does he look like that?

Driving the jeep on the road and galloping around, Luo Ye finished the work of picking up the driver before dusk, and successfully took all the group to the holiday villa.

It's just that Izumi's mother and daughter haven't come yet.Sagiri seemed to still be resistant to going out, and didn't want to take a step away from home.For the time being, Luo Ye has no good solution, and can only think about going to visit with the girl Yamada Fairy again tomorrow.

"Huha—is this our future workplace? It's very grand! This is in line with the image of this lady."

Seeing the majestic and gorgeous European-style villa, the goblin nodded in satisfaction with her hands on her hips, feeling pretty good about it.

And even though the others were surprised in their hearts, they didn't express it as bluntly as she did. At most, they felt a little bit of emotion that Ying Lili was hiding her secrets, and her family background was so good.Then he quickly followed Luo Ye, who was carrying a large bag and was completely invisible, from the main entrance of the villa, and arrived at the spacious and empty living room.

"You, are you finally here? It's so slow? Why don't you hurry up and help me pack my things. Besides, I haven't got dinner yet... I'm so busy today, so I'd better ask a nearby private restaurant to deliver it."

Ying Lili is very busy at the moment, even though the temperature at the end of March is quite pleasant and cool, she is already dripping with sweat from the busy work, assembling computers, moving tables and so on, these tasks are not less for her delicate skin and tender flesh.

"Let me come, you go and rest first. If you really feel hot, it doesn't matter to turn on the air conditioner."

As the only male present, Luo Ye naturally took over this series of troubles without hesitation, and regardless of whether it was exposed or not, she took the heavy table and chair from her hand, and carried them directly to the living room .

With the arrival of so many people, everyone at the scene suddenly became a little flustered.Those who move things move things, those who tidy up tidy up the site, and those who look for rooms look for rooms. It is difficult for everyone to calm down.

They didn't pack up their things tentatively until the evening was far away and the sun sank into the western horizon.The living room, which was originally low-key and luxurious, has been completely refurbished and transformed into what a studio should look like. The desks, chairs, computers and other facilities are neatly arranged. Hollowed in position.

This is undoubtedly quite humane.

After all, being a creator is a rather spine-depleting job.For example, web writers would sit at the computer desk and type hard on the keyboard for two or three hours. Over time, problems such as protruding waist discs became prominent, and they tossed so much that they didn't want it.

"Tired, exhausted. Well, why don't we stop moving the site from now on? It's too troublesome."

Poshima Chuhai's sizable chest heaved violently, even feeling the coolness from the air conditioner, he was still limp and weak on the cold ground, his back was so sore that he could hardly move.

Her words undoubtedly expressed the thoughts of most of the people present.

Before that, I thought that moving the studio was nothing more than that.Who knew it would be really troublesome to implement it!If it weren't for Luo Ye, a free coolie, who took most of the responsibilities, I'm afraid they would have sore legs and couldn't get out of bed the next day.


After all, this is Ying Lili's home, how can she directly make decisions for the master?It was a bit embarrassing for Bo Shima to say such a remark. Realizing that he had made a slip of the tongue, he blushed and covered his mouth quickly, wanting to say that he really didn't mean it just now.

I just said something wrong for a while!Don't compare yourself to me!

Fortunately, Xiao Baihe and Ying Lili didn't seem to take this sentence very seriously. Instead, their eyes lit up as if they had a good idea, and they opened their mouths subconsciously.

"Or? Do you really think of this as a studio?"

Chapter 0311 Training Style Creation


This sudden remark made Poshima Chukai, who accidentally said the wrong thing, feel a little overwhelmed, covered his mouth in a little surprise, and froze on the spot, and could only ask for help, casting his pitiful eyes aside like a small animal Loye.

what's the situation?I just said it unintentionally, why do you always take it seriously!But don't deliberately torment people with Mengxin's pleasure-seeking, okay?

"I'm not kidding, seriously. Everyone, just treat this place as your own home! Isn't it normal for a studio or something? I welcome young and beautiful girls like you to come here."

Sayuri Sawamura has no self-consciousness as a wife or even a married person at all. On the contrary, she still smiles like a young girl, with a radiant smile like a flower.

The mature woman's aura emanating from her is not as good as even Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who has the best figure among them.

This is not to say that there is a difference in body size, but an overwhelming advantage in all aspects such as temperament and experience.


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