It's just that the girl named Hei Xue Ji didn't seem to be very happy to be mentioned by him, she rolled her eyes at Luo Ye with a little contempt, folded her arms with her hands and snorted coldly, and turned her head to the other side. It was like being reluctant to stay in the same room with him.

Luo Ye's name sounds normal, it seems to be the way of naming in the Celestial Dynasty, so he should be from there.

As for Hei Xueji...

It's a little weird.

First of all, Tongzi has lived so long, and even hacked the website that recorded the ID card, but she has never heard of someone with Hei Xue as her surname.

Furthermore, Ji means princess in Japanese.Hei Xue Ji can be understood as Hei Xue Princess, how shameless the parents are to choose such a name!It's a shame!

Of course, it seems better than the one surnamed Wang who simply named his daughter King Glory.

"It should be a pseudonym or something... Her real name cannot be Kuroyukihime."

Tongzi thought about it for a while, but she didn't think it was too much to explore this aspect, and she whispered a word without thinking too much.After all, this involves other people's privacy. Anyway, for her, as long as she can have a way to address others, that's fine. As for the name, it's not that important.

"So, what are the tests in the interview? Mr. Luo Ye, can you tell me about it?"

Seeing that he has not announced what attitude he holds until now, Tongzi has no choice but to take the initiative, hoping to try her best to win this high-paying part-time position.

She also carefully looked at the time requirement and found that it was not too harsh, as long as she was there from the afternoon to the evening, the girl was completely capable, and she would not even delay her studies.


"It's just you."

Luo Ye waved his hand casually, and directly took out a contract and placed it on the table. The degree of casualness was unbelievable.

"Eh eh?"

Tongzi always felt that these days she was surprised much more than before. Do you want to test her little heart like this? Why did this guy agree so readily?There is no such cumbersome interview method as she imagined.Not to mention a competitor that doesn't seem to have come across yet.

Even though it was hard to calm down like being thrown into a lake like a pebble, Tongzi browsed the contract carefully and attentively, fearing that there would be something that would harm her since the opportunity was presented so readily.

After scanning several times and confirming that it was correct and not finding any unreasonable items, Tongzi was relieved, signed her name and pressed her fingerprints readily and cautiously, and then asked about the name with great enthusiasm. A young cartoonist who calls himself Luo Ye.

"What do you paint? Should I focus on this in the future?"

Chapter 0362 the lost part

Now that Tongzi has signed the contract, it means that she will be a cartoonist assistant in the future, and she has already made corresponding preparations in her heart, thinking about the hard work she has put in in private in the past few days It should not have been in vain.

She didn't hesitate to stay up all night to look up a lot of materials for this interview, and memorized a series of contents by heart for fear of any mistakes or loopholes.

The girl now even has the feeling that she is about to answer the game questions, looking eager to try.


For some reason, Luo Ye smiled awkwardly a few times after being mentioned this aspect, coughed a few times, and then spoke slowly in an extremely delicate tone.

"Well, Kiriko, you want to know what kind of manga my works involve, right?"

There was something wrong with his originally calm expression for a moment, but it was as fleeting as Tongzi's illusion.

The girl understood this very keenly, and she couldn't help but feel a little puzzled in her heart, but since others will be the immediate boss who will pay her in the future, she is too embarrassed to talk too much, so she can only nod her head and speak softly.

"As far as I know, aren't comics divided into blood, reasoning, campus, youth, and harem? Mr. Luo Ye must be one of these types, right? What kind of works have you drawn?"

The more she listened to her ignorant and ignorant talk, Luo Ye's expression became more and more strange, coughing unnaturally a few times, and rarely actively avoiding the scorching gaze cast by the girl.

"Cough cough cough...that's a long story."

And when Tongzi didn't know and was confused, on the contrary, Hei Xueji looked at the girl who didn't know it with a little sympathy and pity, and reminded her kindly.

"You mean him? He's a man who draws pornographic books. Have you heard of erotic books? That's his main job, so don't have any expectations."


The unexpectedly astonishing remarks made the girl let out a mournful cry like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and then a rich red glow appeared on the originally white, tender and smooth delicate face, and he hesitated.

"Ah, ah haha. It turns out, is it like this? It's really good."

It's not that Tongzi has never heard of what an erotic book is.

Many nerds in the class like to watch it on weekdays to vent the pressure accumulated in adolescence, and what's more, they directly talk about which paper girl's erotic book is better in the public.

No wonder Luo Ye first... Luo Ye was actually too embarrassed to speak.After all, this is not an honorable profession, and it is inevitable that people will look at it strangely.

Of course, Tongzi is not incomprehensible.

Everyone has their own difficulties in life, he may not necessarily say that he really likes erotic books, right?Eighty percent of them are forced to engage in this industry due to the pressure of life.

Well, that must be the case, right?

The girl still habitually gave a reasonable explanation for the young man out of kindness.

"Hey, hey! Don't you guys feel unbearable before you say this? If I didn't make a lot of money by drawing books, the ghost knows if we are going to sleep on the street now. Do you think it's easy for me? How about some understanding? Touch your conscience and ask if you are interested."

And Luoye also seemed to be a little annoyed at being poked at a sensitive and painful spot, and the veins on his forehead burst out angrily, turning his somewhat displeased eyes to Hei Xueji, who was ruthlessly exposing Tongzi's background in front of Tongzi.As for his eyes, he swept over the girl's impoverished and barren figure very delicately, shook his head in an insignificant gesture and sighed softly, as if feeling silent condolence for her.

really want to say...

In terms of appearance, Heixue Jiguang can't find any faults at all. Whether it's the astonishing face or the graceful and slender figure, they all show the beauty and haze of a girl of this age.There is even a faint dusty aura that does not eat the fireworks of the world, and the attribute of Hei Changzhi is quite in line with Luo Ye's appetite.

The only thing is that the chest is a little sorry for the audience, it is so flat that the ups and downs can be ignored.

"Hmph! Isn't what I said the truth? A pervert full of dirty thoughts!"

Noticing his aggressive gaze, Hei Xueji immediately crossed her arms and tried to cover her non-existent small breasts. After realizing that this was nothing more than useless work, her eyes immediately revealed an angry look that wanted to kill someone. .

If it was said that people could be killed just by looking at them, then Luo Ye would have been hacked into pieces by now.

Of course, this is not the thing that makes the girl feel helpless the most. Contacting him is actually not as annoying as imagined, at least he is still very serious and normal most of the time.However, after traveling to this world, she lost her invincible brain acceleration ability, and now she is no different from an ordinary girl, and can only temporarily attach herself to young men and start her actions.

And besides--

Hei Xueji sighed deeply in her heart, she didn't know why such a thing happened, to be honest, this situation had already caused her great distress, and she was completely at a loss, but she vaguely remembered that there seemed to be a Very important and key things guide me in the dark.

If there is a chance to get in touch, then maybe I can get back the part I lost...

"That, that."

Tongzi looked at the two timidly and anxiously. At first, she thought they were lovers, father and daughter, etc., but now she doesn't think so.Guessing it might be true what Luo Ye said at first, they are just related relatives living together in this house together.

"It's okay, you two talk slowly, I'll go back to my room to rest first."

Hei Xueji waved her hands as if she was sleepy and exhausted, and covered her aching head with her hands. Although her attitude towards Luo Ye was slightly harsh, her attitude towards Tong Zi was quite gentle.

Her first impression of this girl was quite good, and she seemed to have a sense of sympathy and intimacy.

Seeing the girl's voice, she dragged the solitary figure out of the living room, and walked along the corridor to the depths of the room with dull footsteps. After hesitating for a moment, Tongzi could only inquire about what she might know Loye.

"Well, may I ask, Miss Hei Xueji, what's wrong with her? I think she looks very uncomfortable."

" may be a bit complicated to say."

After the girl left, Luo Ye's originally peaceful expression suddenly became a little sad and loving. He shook his head and sighed heavily, and chose to tell the truth about what happened.

Chapter 0363 Her father is a scumbag

"That is to say... Miss Kuroyukihime actually lost part of her memory? And is it an extremely rare limited amnesia condition?"

Tongzi listened to Luo Ye's explanation of the somewhat mysterious content in a daze, but he nodded with a wry smile, and replied while sighing.

"That's right, and with the current science and technology, there is nothing wrong with it. The doctor's analysis may be that someone specifically targeted the key in her memory, and used electronic waves to forcibly read the impression in her brain... In short, the person who did such a thing There must be ulterior motives. Otherwise, that girl wouldn't have been so irritable recently."

As far as Luo Ye knows, the heroine Hei Xueji from the anime "Accelerated World" has a pretty good personality.Although there are also most of the girls who are always arrogant and duplicity, but generally speaking, they are still gentle and delicate seniors.

It's just that there may be something wrong with the aesthetics...

How could you fall in love with pigs?

It's not that he deliberately blackmailed the leading actor Haruyuki Arita, but that's exactly what happened.

The fact of such a strong contrast makes many netizens feel that pigs and dogs are inferior.

Life is worse than a speeding pig, death is worse than a scissor dog!

What is the meaning of this life!

However, if you really want to say this, Luo Ye seems to be no match for the speeding pig.

After all, Hei Xueji has always treated him well so far, with a cold and indifferent look, as if she disliked his status as an erotic book artist.On the other hand, in the Accelerated World animation, I suddenly fell in love with the male protagonist who did nothing.Such a dramatic scene made him wonder if there was something wrong with the girl's sexual orientation. How did her parents teach the child?Even if you like small animals, you can't like them so much, right?

"Could it be that it can't be recovered? Wouldn't it be very painful for Ms. Kuroyukihime? What part of her memory has she forgotten?"

For some reason, Tongzi paid a lot of attention to that girl who only met once, but it can't be said that it's because of their similar faces and the fact that they are both black and straight?

Anyway, Tongzi can be sure that she doesn't have any biological sisters left behind, so at most, the two of them just collided with attributes by coincidence, and it is impossible to have too much relationship.

"Tongzi, you seem to be a little too concerned about that girl? Why, it must not be a lily attribute."

Luo Ye's originally sad expression gradually returned to normal, and he teased a little jokingly, which made the girl almost choke on his words, and replied dumbfounded.

"How, how is it possible! Don't talk nonsense, please? Mr. Luo Ye. Falling in love, falling in love, what games are fun!"

As an out-and-out Internet addicted girl, Tongzi even planned to be single for the rest of her life.Anyway, she is so nerdy and addicted to the virtual world, probably no boy will like it, so she simply gave up the idea of ​​this aspect completely, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to the game. Only in this way can she achieve such a level at the age of 14 Achievement.

"Tsk, do you really need a call from Yang Mingshou? How about I help you contact the Linyi City Internet Rehabilitation Center?"

Luo Ye reckoned that with Tongzi's level of immersion in the virtual world, only the legendary King of Thunder and Lightning could save him, right?

"Free, free! Internet Rehabilitation Center, the name is very strange, Internet addiction is not a disease! Divided, clearly is nonsense!"

Tongzi didn't know why just hearing the name Yang Mingshou couldn't help but shiver all over her body, as if she had encountered a natural enemy she was born with, and shivered. Even though she knew that Luo Ye was joking, she was still nervous He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, for fear that one day he would be held alive by others and forced into the consultation room to be electrocuted to the brain.

Just imagining such a scene made her feel horrified, let alone experience it personally.

"And... don't change the subject! We were obviously talking about Miss Kuroyukihime's illness before, right? Why did you suddenly switch to Internet addiction. Are you kidding me?"

Tongzi muttered a bit in embarrassment, and only then did the topic on this aspect barely stop, and returned to the previous topic.

Luo Ye's true thoughts were exposed so bluntly. Although it was a little embarrassing, she still pretended to be a normal person at the moment, shook her head lightly and sighed.

"I don't know how easy it is to describe her condition. She has forgotten all the information about her family. She only remembers her famous sister who is not compatible with her. Before this girl lived alone, it was a coincidence that she met me some time ago. touch."

He didn't need to say that he revealed such unimaginable things as summoning and time travel to this girl, but after a little thought, he chose a more acceptable reason.

Tongzi didn't doubt him, she lowered her voice with unspeakable sympathy.

"Parents, elders... can't other relatives remember? I only know that there is an older sister? Hmm."

Suddenly she was able to think of Hei Xueji's situation, after all, she was almost in such a situation.It's just a little better than having her, at least the aunt's family is willing to adopt Tongzi as their own daughter.If she hadn't discovered all this on her own initiative, she might have been kept in the dark for the rest of her life without knowing it.

"That's right, and how should I put it. Isn't Kuroyukihime's hair and eyes all black? It's the same as her name. And her older sister has chestnut hair and brown eyes, can you believe it? It's against genetics. Logically speaking, shouldn't two sisters have the same hair color and eye color? Well, there's also the difference in bust size."

Rao Ye felt a little outrageous when she heard this from Hei Xueji, but the girl was quite sure that the girl who didn't get along with her was her sister.

There is an older sister, but the genes of the two are obviously different.


There seems to be only one truth.

"Could they not be biological sisters?"

Tongzi also felt dizzy when she heard it, and felt that the situation had become extremely chaotic. With her barren brain, she could only imagine one possibility.

"It seems to be true. It seems that they are half-sisters. No wonder the relationship is so bad."

Although Luo Ye didn't know the specific situation, it was not difficult to get some clues from Hei Xueji's mouth, so as to get a glimpse of the family situation that the girl could not remember clearly.

"Hey, isn't her father just... a scum with many boats on his feet?"

And Tongzi's attention point seems to be obviously different from that of the young man, so she couldn't help but whispered weakly from the side.

Chapter 0364 The Past Era

" seems like it's not just an ordinary scumbag? Don't parents care about their daughter's amnesia? Do they still have the self-consciousness of being a parent?"

Rao Tongzi, who is always good-tempered on weekdays, was a little worried and angry when talking about this aspect, and her voice suddenly became cold as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

She originally thought that Kuroyukihime's situation was somewhat similar to hers, but at first glance it seemed to be even worse.

Obviously both parents are still alive, right?But he left his daughter who grew up so big and ignored her.The ghost knows if those two people are immersed in the social world that only adults understand, and they have completely forgotten that they have such a daughter.

"Who knows? However, I agree with scumbags. In this modern monogamous society, they actually lived a happy life of hugging left and right! This made Yipiao live most of his life and still can't find How can a girlfriend's single dog bear it?"

Luo Ye also nodded in agreement, and supported Tong Zi's severe condemnation of the unknown man, putting on an upright appearance of righteous words.

But it doesn't necessarily mean that her parents don't want to care about their daughter.

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