After all, no matter who among the three of them cooperates very well with each other, and the combination can exert even more superior strength.If Luo Ye and Tong Zi are an old couple, then what is he?Isn't the identity embarrassing?

Chapter 0375

"Woo!!"! "

A low growl came from the kobold lord Irfan's ferocious mouth dripping with hala water.

It roared and forcibly knocked back Luo Ye and the others who were besieging them. Immediately afterwards, the pair of dark yellow animal pupils suddenly turned a strange blood color, and directly raised the bone ax and the round shield in their hands. Throwing it away, he took out the huge shiny machete from the scabbard at his waist, and pointed the sharp and cold light at them.

Accompanied by this roar, three blue phantoms that were obviously larger than before gradually solidified, and the three kobold guards appeared here in response to the leader's call, and also looked at this group of intruders angrily. The one who waved the weapon in his hand whiningly.

"The boss has switched weapons! Attention!"

Hei Xueji sneered with a cold face, and through Luo Ye's tireless death in the past few days, she had already figured out the number of its attacks quite thoroughly.

The kobold lord will fall into the so-called berserk state when the last blood tank is used, and the attack power and attack range will be greatly improved by abandoning the defense.If the player is a little careless, he will retreat under the successive attacks. If he is hit two or three times, he will be turned into pieces and die, waiting for resurrection in the central square of the town of beginning.

Previously, the group of them had often fallen into the sand at this step. Most of the time, Luo Ye's death was the result of the announcement. Today, after making sufficient preparations, they will naturally have to avenge their shame and get through to the second floor. ladder.

"Ignore the mobs, let's go together and kill the boss!"

Tongzi has tried many times in the past few days, and finally found that at this step, he still can't waste time on mobs. The most efficient way for the three of them is undoubtedly to concentrate on outputting and kill the lords whose defense power has decreased as soon as possible. But that attack was like a raging wave.

Once the energy is dispersed and the output is wasted on mobs, the defense line will easily collapse.Luo Ye was limited by the game data, it was difficult to avoid the attack that was several times faster than before, and he couldn't withstand the damage of the kobold lord in the berserk mode.

No need to say anything, Luo Ye just gave them a tacit look, and immediately rushed over to attract the hatred value, draw the attention of the lord, and create an output environment for Hei Xueji and Tongzi.

Although it's just a virtual game...

But Rao Luo Ye also experienced the feeling of being on the scene, as if he was really fighting on the battlefield.

He even had the illusion that he was sharpening his combat experience in this completely stealthy way.

Simply speaking from this aspect, he originally thought that he would have to live a comfortable and comfortable life after coming to this modern city, but at first glance, it seems that this is not the case at all.The battles in the world of Sword Art Online are even more frequent than he imagined, and they are all fought with real swords and guns.

There was a whistling sound from the whistling wind above his head, Luo Ye immediately realized that it was a horizontal slash, and quickly rolled on his side to the ground, narrowly dodging the violent blow.

In the end, they couldn't easily hit any of them at this juncture. If something unexpected happened, wouldn't all their previous efforts be in vain?


As if angry at the failure of his own attack, the kobold lord Irfan showed humanized anger, and charged at Luoye with strides that did not match the huge body, roaring and opening his ferocious giant Jaws, intending to bite the human who invaded his territory into pieces.

The floor of the lord's room began to tremble violently, and cracks began to appear due to the tyrant's trampling.

Facing the huge beast like a hill rushing towards him, Luo Ye shook his head showing a sense of helplessness, and walked nimbly to dodge the raging wave-like attack.

To be honest, he is the one who knows the best way to attack the boss...

After all, it was Luo Ye who sent him to death to find out the action mode of the BOSS. His sacrifice was not in vain, at least it played a corresponding role.After several times, you can make a judgment on how the opponent will attack, so that you don't forget it without any memory.

After all, a machine is a machine, and it is difficult to go beyond the scope set by the program.It's just a lord of the first floor, so it's impossible to say that he is too strong.

"Sonic shock!"

"Horizontal arc cut!"

Taking advantage of the time when Luo Ye was attracting the hatred of the boss, Tong Zi and Hei Xue Ji also forcefully instilled output on the kobold lord.

The sword skill that shone like a meteor cut through the air, buzzing and shaking so that one's scalp tingled, and easily drew long red scars on its body.


Irfang was attacked from behind, and roared angrily in pain, and the hatred was transferred to them again, leaving Luo Ye who was chasing behind, turning around and trying to sweep away the two of them with the scimitar in his hand .

"Slant cut!"

Knowing that the hatred was not on him all of a sudden, he had to pull back to give the stiff two breathing room, Luo Ye immediately followed the output without any loss, his footsteps burst from the spot with a bang, and he unleashed his sword skills like a gust of wind.

The arm was hit like this abruptly, and the hatred value was pulled back again. The anger in the eyes of Irfang Beast was about to ignite itself, and he slashed at Luoye angrily with the round knife in his hand, trying to kill him Cut in half.But at the moment when the blade was about to fall on Luo Ye, he suddenly saw an intriguing smile on his face.

With its rigid mechanical intelligence, it still can't figure out what's going on, but the HP blood gauge in the upper right corner has already returned to zero, and Irfan can only scream and whimper and disappear into little pieces, completely disappearing. Even the three whining kobold guards died along with the leader.

"It was almost about to be hacked, and it was quite timely."

Luo Ye looked at the two black figures that appeared after the fragments dissipated with a smile on her face, and gave her praise without losing the opportunity.

"'s okay, Hei Xueji has also put in a lot of hard work."

Tongzi was rarely praised by boys face to face, or she actually seldom had such face-to-face contact with others, she smiled a little shyly, and scratched her white and tender cheeks in embarrassment.


Compared to her reservedness, Hei Xueji was much colder towards Luo Ye as usual, she just snorted softly and looked away from the safe and sound man, but luckily she did not sneer as before.

"Let's see what equipment is out first, and whoever has the right one can use it directly."

Can't help this little girl, Luo Ye can only ignore the hostility and indifference she showed, and focus on the equipment that the boss exploded.

And the first thing that catches his eyes...

Looks like a black coat?

0376 - Midnight Coat

"Equipment name: Midnight Coat, effect... Wait, this attribute doesn't seem to have much bonus, right? I thought it was so rare and powerful."

After a few people worked hard to get rid of the lord successfully, it ushered in the so-called moment of spoils.

Luo Ye immediately browsed and checked the equipment that exploded from Irfang's body, and couldn't help expressing her disappointment after seeing the data that was only a little better than the white board.

He originally thought it was some kind of rare prop. After all, in the original book, didn't Tongzi wear a cool black windbreaker from the first to the 75th floor?But at first glance, that's all there is to it.If the quality of white, green, blue, purple and orange is used for grading, it is probably only green.

So, that girl must have worn this ragged windbreaker until the 75th floor because she suffered from a second-year illness, right?Or is it deliberately pretending to be cool?

Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to be such a Tongzi!

Luo Ye, who always felt that he had discovered the truth invisibly, looked at the girl who didn't know it with a slightly teasing look.

Compared with his disappointment, Tongzi showed great interest.She stared eagerly at the black coat, with a hint of longing in her eyes, and after hesitating for a while, she mustered up her courage and said loudly.

"You, if you don't want it, just give it to me, how beautiful it is."

Sure enough, it is necessary to wear this kind of clothes to have the cold and arrogant demeanor of a master!

Tongzi could even imagine the heroic aura she wore when killing monsters in this windbreaker.

"If you want it, I'll give it to you."

Luo Ye was also unambiguous, directly dragging the midnight coat in the equipment column and passing it to Tongzi through the transaction without blinking an eye.

He has already passed the age of the second year of middle school, so naturally he would not be inclined to choose this kind of equipment, he would rather be more simple.

To be honest, this doesn't seem to be fundamentally different from wearing wings in online games!When I was a child, I still thought it was wild, domineering and cool, but when I grew up, I realized how ridiculous this look is, and I can't bear to mention this dark history-like experience.


Even Tongzi, who is a senior player, is breathing so much faster at this moment, which is rare.

After all, this is a completely different experience from wearing clothes for characters in online games before. The real touch can clearly give girls a full sense of accomplishment.

She immediately dragged the Midnight Coat to the equipment rack, and with a little bit of blue light, she saw a windbreaker as black as night wrapped around the girl's body. A graceful body.

After looking at the new equipment left and right, Tongzi nodded in satisfaction and shook off her flowing black long hair, very satisfied with her current black attire.

At first glance, it looks like there is nothing to play with!

A bit like a cold and arrogant female killer, right?

There was no time to complain about this childlike childish performance, but at the moment when the boss died and turned into fragments and completely disappeared, Heixueji had some hazy images in her mind.

A few phantom figures with indistinct faces suddenly appeared in the impression, and my little self was surrounded by them, pampered like a jewel in the palm of his hand.

The location seems to be in a very spacious modern living room, right?

The number of people seems to be quite large, not as simple as an ordinary family of three.

"Is this... the me when I was a child?"

Subconsciously clutching her aching head, Hei Xueji immediately realized that this was the part of her memory that she had lost, and her beautiful eyes widened in disbelief, never expecting it to reappear in her mind in this way , temporarily ignore the problem of the number of people who is not quite right.

Considering that Aincrad has a total of [-] floors, does that mean that every time you defeat the boss of a floor, part of your memory will be restored?

The girl came up with such thoughts almost instantly, wondering what would happen to her when she got through with the second-tier lord.

At that time, if it is said that some details are indeed recalled again, it will show that this hypothesis can be established.

Her purpose in coming to the world of SAO became clear at once.

What Hei Xueji wants to achieve most urgently right now is undoubtedly to quickly restore that part of memory that has been forgotten for some reason.

My family, my parents, my relatives...

Who on earth is it?

She couldn't even remember her own real name, she just habitually referred to herself as Hei Xue Ji, and she inevitably felt a little sad when talking about this aspect.

Originally, the girl was even on the verge of complete despair. Being summoned to a strange world in a daze, and inexplicably forgetting most of her past memories, she almost fell into a state of isolation and helplessness.

No matter the 14-year-old girl is not very happy when she encounters such an incident, she can only support herself with the vigor and confidence she has always had.

Simply encountering Luo Ye and Tong Zi along the way, and finding a glimmer of memory recovery in the full stealth game, Hei Xue Ji rekindled the flame of hope, ready to embark on the next journey with great fighting spirit. The journey down.

Launch a challenge with the goal of clearing the entire Aincrad!


While daydreaming, it is worth listening to such a sound, the cool wind suddenly blows from not far away.At the top of the steps tens of meters away, a heavy door that was originally closed was opened, and a new world was beckoning to the group who had opened up the lord.

"Let's go in first, we have to find the town and record the resurrection point. And... as long as we connect to the teleportation crystal in the center of the town, can the people on the first floor come up directly?"

Luo Ye interrupted the other people's daydreams, and they still don't understand the mechanism of Sword Art Online as well as the two of them.

After all, after he came to this world, a large part of his energy was still spent on drawing books to support his family.The reason why the Peach Cat House Three Kingdoms series is so popular is also related to Luo Ye's down-to-earth drawing of manuscripts.

"Well, as long as we activate the teleportation crystal, other players can come directly in the town. Otherwise, every time we go up and down, we have to go deep into the maze area to fight the boss to pass the level. Isn't it very troublesome? This is also a very reasonable setting. "

Tongzi explained unhurriedly, gradually recovering from the joy of getting the midnight coat, the sense of joy has slowed down a lot, and began to explain these settings to him one by one.

"In addition, there seem to be portable teleportation items in the game, but they are quite rare, and they are not so easy to obtain in the early stage."

Chapter 0377

"Can low-level equipment be continuously strengthened by smashing materials and gems? Even the level can be improved... I thought it was the kind of online game where you have to change your whole body equipment every ten levels."

Aincrad's third-floor main city, Zimuft, strolled in the bustling neighborhood. Luo Ye nodded honestly with a well-educated appearance. Kiriko of Game Skills.

He didn't have a deep understanding of the game SAO, but after all, didn't the girls help him experience it?

If you don't understand, you can just ask the two of them. Luo Ye feels at ease when doing these things, and doesn't think there is anything wrong.

At first glance, it seems that he has become a shameful little boy in the game...

"Otherwise? Do you really think that I will wear this novice outfit to the top? No matter how powerful the low-level equipment is, it is difficult to match the basic attributes of the high-level equipment. The gap in level cannot be easily bridged. "

Tongzi rolled her eyes at the young man on the left as usual, she was used to the misunderstandings he showed, she shook her head and raised the corners of her mouth as if amused, she seemed to be in a good mood at the moment.

Although there is a small burden around me, to be honest, such a day is actually not bad...

Playing the game alone is really better than enjoying the fun of team fighting with everyone!

In the past month, the three of them have been immersed in the virtual world almost all day long, and the floors have been brushed at a fast pace, and they were only stuck on the first floor for a week because of the lack of cooperation and lack of cooperation. , the next few levels can be easily cleared in only four or five days, and most of the time is often wasted in groping in the maze area.

Most players probably don't even know that when they are enjoying virtual reality for leisure and entertainment, someone has reached the upper level that no one can match. Some people don't even know about teleportation crystals. The gameplay is still being explored.

There are even players who try to use SAO as a GalGame to try to gain favor with NPC characters.It seems to be a problem developed after playing too many similar games. After all, Japan is famous for this aspect. Otaku who like beautiful girl games catch a lot of them.

But it’s really not to mention that in an environment comparable to artificial intelligence, progress has indeed been made. Through continuous conversation and completing tasks, NPC’s favorability can be improved.As for what level it can develop to, no one has tested it yet.

and so……

If technology develops to a developed future, can everyone have a virtual partner?

Unable to think about these miscellaneous contents, Luo Ye followed Tong Zi to the depths of the alleys in the city.

A light rain earlier made the ground a bit muddy, and the road that was originally made of blue bricks suddenly turned into a potholed path, and they inevitably stained the soles of their trousers with some gray stains.

The surrounding environment suddenly became noisy, and the NPC characters were not as friendly as those in the urban area. There were many vicious people who glanced at the two of them with aggressive eyes, making it clear that they were not good.

"Are you sure that the rat is really here? As the number one intelligence dealer in SAO, it shouldn't be so miserable. You can only live in a slum."

Luo Ye couldn't help doubting the accuracy of Tongzi's information, subconsciously raised doubts, and observed around casually.

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