Swallowing a mouthful of saliva nervously and hesitantly, Suguha was a little worried that he would see an unsuitable scene for children after opening the door. He squeezed the mobile phone held in his left hand and had already dialed the alarm number before dialing. His right hand hung in the air and paused After a while, he rang the doorbell.

etc!I, why should I ring the doorbell!Can't you play infiltrate as an Assassin?

But when the girl did this, she regretted it almost instantly.

Chapter 0389 seven feet big breasts

"Ding dong, ding dong—"

The crisp doorbell rang suddenly and quietly in the house, disturbing the thoughts of several people who were immersed in the fierce game battle.

"Who are you guys going to open the door for?"

Luo Ye manipulated the characters on the screen and was busy invading the opponent's wild area, so he really didn't have the time to go to the entrance. After weighing one or two, he could only trouble other people.

After all, the early rhythm of the jungle position is too important, and the delay cannot be easily delayed for a minute, otherwise the battle situation is very likely to decline.

However, he didn't know what to say when he said this, after all, these two people didn't listen to him very much.

Luo Ye's voice and status in this family are inexplicably low now.

"Could it be that someone from the club came to urge the manuscript? But didn't you hand in the manuscript on time... I, I'm also laning."

Tongzi spoke weakly, not quite sure who would visit here.The three of them had very little interpersonal relationship, and they hardly knew any friends. It didn't look like anyone would pay a special visit.

The only possibility is to entrust an association that sells erotic books to come to urge manuscripts. Not long ago, the huge sales of Fantasy of the Three Kingdoms made this series a big name in the industry, and a bunch of animals are waiting for them eagerly. A sequel is coming out to relieve the lust that has accumulated recently.

"No time."

Compared with Tongzi's slightly reserved expression, Hei Xueji was much more straightforward, she snorted and didn't talk nonsense, and continued to move the mouse to immerse herself in the battle, using sharp operations to exchange blood with the opponent .

These days, they are still adhering to the usual style of Internet addicted teenagers and Internet addicted girls. They just transformed the original painting studio into a small Internet cafe. They spend nearly ten hours a day on games and have no time to take care of other things. Others at this age are chasing love love love like firewood.

"It's really... In the end, I can only go by myself."

Luo Ye sighed helplessly, knowing that the ancestor Heixue Ji couldn't be manipulated, and she was too embarrassed to bother the cute Tong Zi, so she could only choose a safe place to press the return button and hurried out of the room.

"I'm coming."

He quickly arrived at the entrance and opened the door. Luo Ye didn't think much about who the visitor would be, but after seeing that petite and exquisite figure, his expression suddenly became a little weird, and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times. It seems that they did not expect the appearance of the other party.

Appearing in his field of vision was a loli who probably looked like a junior high school student, with black hair and black eyes similar to Tongzi, but the hair was kept short for the convenience of practicing kendo.

That childish and pretty face has not yet opened, and the sides of the cheeks are as sensual as baby fat.The body shape is much more capable, the place that should be convex is convex, and the place that should be concave is concave.The most noticeable thing is the pair of well-exercised, elastic calves without a trace of fat, which are wrapped in a layer of knee socks to attract the attention of leg control.

Isn't this Kiriko's younger sister Kiritani Suguha with big breasts?

Luo Ye was a little surprised, and then quickly recovered his composure, not rushing to speak but waiting for the other party to speak.


Suguha also seemed to be a little dizzy, thinking that her old sister might have fallen into his claws and was filled with cauterizing fluid, and squeezed the cell phone hidden behind her back to call the police at any time.

Uncle policeman!Yes, that's right, this is the person!

"Are you Tongzi's younger sister? I've heard about you from her, so I'll recognize you right away."

It was not difficult for Luo Ye to notice the girl's hostility, and also noticed the little movement of her hand hidden behind her back and the wooden sword wrapped in her backpack, and secretly thought it was a little funny.

This girl... Could it be that she misunderstood something?

"Tong Tong Tong Tong Tong Zi is really here with you, isn't it? Hurry up and let my sister go!"

Suguha plucked up the courage to shout coquettishly loudly, and was already eager to use the swordsmanship that he usually practiced to defeat this young man, so as to rescue his sister who was deeply trapped in hell and could not escape.

"She's in there and she's busy. Why don't you go see her directly? Otherwise, it's hard to explain some things clearly."

Luo Ye hurriedly raised her hand to signal her to calm down, don't insult people's innocence for no reason, he really didn't do anything to Tongzi, instead he just took care of Tongzi and raised her tenderly, and the duties he performed were comparable to her husband's. Bar?

"You, you bastard!"


Suguha seemed to have misunderstood something wishfully, and glared at Luo Ye in embarrassment, guessing that he probably wanted to let himself see the ugly scene of his elder sister, biting his thin lips lightly, a smear appeared on his delicate face Unnatural blood color.

But now that she has come and is mentally prepared, she will accept it no matter what the situation is.

Isn't it sister Tongzi who was slapped into a black face after seeing compensated dating?Just, I don't expect it!

"lead the way."

Suguha snorted and did not have the usual politeness. She put the mobile phone in her pocket, unzipped the backpack by half, and was ready for battle at any time. If there was any accident, a thunderbolt would strike and knock down this ordinary-looking man. young man.

She is very confident in her swordsmanship, as long as she holds the wooden sword she is used to in daily life, it should not be a problem to bring down a few grown men.

"Come with me."

Luo Ye shook her head and didn't want to say anything more, wondering if she might be a little too kind and kind, and she still couldn't restrain her notions of being a normal person.

If you put it in Lifan!Girl, you absolutely can't hold on for one episode before you have to surrender, okay?

How can there be a reason to step into the wolf's lair knowing that it is a wolf's lair?Does this kind of buy one get one free scene happen in the story?Most of them chose to go all out to save her knowing that their friends and family members were in a sinking situation, but in the end they were happy to see that they had completely lost themselves.

Therefore, if young people have nothing to do, they should watch a little bit more to learn a thing or two, at least not like those characters in it.

Of course...others are still children after all, and it's normal for them to be clumsy.Kiriko is only 14 now, and Suguha is only twelve, right?They are still pink and tender.

No wonder I said why this girl doesn't seem to be as big as in the animation, dare to wait for Tongzi to wake up from the world of SAO, two years have passed abruptly.At that time, Tongzi's bust seemed to remain unchanged and did not increase much, and Pingpingru was so sad that she could stop the plane.On the contrary, it was the younger sister Suguha who made rapid progress, and she was promoted from a small B to a seven-foot-big F.

Chapter 0390

Following the unknown young man along the wooden corridor to the depths of the house, Suguha heard some strange voices from not far away, which seemed to include her sister's impressive voice. deep voice.

It seems to be a coquettish cry?

Sure enough, something is wrong, right?Sister Tongzi, just wait, I'm here to save you!

The girl silently made up her mind, a sense of vigilance spontaneously emerged, her delicate body was tense and ready to fight at any time, and at the same time, there was some anger and blame in her heart.

Why didn't she tell her family when she went out for compensated dating?It's not that I have no choice but to do this because I have no money!Is the living expenses given by your parents enough?

"I've said it all... Your sister is just playing games with me. We don't expect any happy things to happen between us as you imagined."

Luo Ye was really wronged to some extent. After traveling to this world, he lived a good life and didn't provoke anyone. As for Tongzi, he only met by chance when he initiated the recruitment of cartoonist assistants. Did not take the initiative to contact.

Even so, inexplicably, the blame will still be pinned on him.

Shouldn't he be punished because of some crimes he committed?

"Who, who will believe you! Hundan! If you, you, you, you do something to my sister, I will never forgive you!"

Suguha's big eyes almost burst into tears, especially when she thought of Tongzi, who was always admiring and admiring, suffering under someone else's body, her heart suddenly felt aggrieved, and she couldn't tell what it was like.

Anyway, no one else can do anything to her sister Tongzi!

The girl thought so persistently, mustering up the courage to push open the closed door, her breathing was stagnant for a moment.


But the scene inside was not as dirty as she imagined, on the contrary, it was truly unexpected.

Instead of being filled with a strange white liquid and showing an expression like a black face, Tongzi sat neatly at the computer desk, typing on the keyboard with a focused and devoted expression, and even didn't even notice the arrival of her sister. Realizing, he murmured to himself.

"Luo, Luo Ye, are you finally back? Manipulate the characters quickly, and we're going to fight together in a group. Just now we sent two heads on the road, and the situation was very bad."

On the contrary, Hei Xueji seemed to have a sharper awareness of the breath, raised her eyes to look at Suguha one more time, and then turned her attention back to the screen, and signaled Luo Ye to sit down and play with imperceptible lips. .

"Well, Tongzi, you'd better see who's coming."

Luo Ye couldn't bear to look at the black, long, straight girl who was still addicted to the online game, coughed softly a few times to attract her attention, and then quickly returned to her seat, moving the mouse to the line from the spring. Start on.

Tongzi didn't realize what was going on at first, she habitually turned her head to look, only to see her younger sister's delicate and pretty face with puffed up cheeks, she was almost startled and stood up from her seat, subconsciously exclaimed.

"Ah? Hey! Nao, Suguha, why are you here?"

"Sister Tongzi... you are here to play games, right?"

The girl looked at this unreliable elder sister resentfully, and covered her forehead with one hand, feeling a little helpless, but her hanging heart finally calmed down, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

From the looks of it, Tongzi seemed to be doing well, and she didn't engage in the shady compensated dating industry.That's good, she's still her clean sister.

"Huh? This, that...um."

Tongzi looked left and right and wandered away, trying to find a reason to use as an excuse. After all, she almost left her sister at home for a holiday, regardless of living in someone else's house to play games, which was somewhat unreasonable.

But the girl thought about it and couldn't think of any excuses. Besides, the characters in the game had been attacked and their lives were hanging by a thread. Both sides gave her so much pressure that she couldn't come here at the same time.

"Yes, if you have any questions, let's talk about it after I finish this game! It will be over soon! Forgive me, stupid Odou... No, Suguha, just wait."

Tongzi weighed it up and felt that the game is more important right now, after all, isn't her sister there?But if the battle situation is missed, it will be completely gone.

"I really lost to you."

Suguha also understands her elder sister's disposition as an Internet addicted girl, and is used to her usual style. No matter how dissatisfied she is, she can just stand aside and watch the three of them manipulate the characters to participate in the battle, and at the same time, really have a good time. Observation revealed the other two other than Tong Zi.

First of all, that young man, from what my sister said just now, seems to be called Luo Ye?She looks pretty good-looking, no wonder why Tongzi is so addicted these days, after all, appearance is almost the first hurdle for making friends these days, if there is something lacking in this aspect, it will probably turn people away.

And...that is not common black hair and black eyes.

Among the people Suguha has come into contact with, there are almost all people with colorful hair and eye colors. On the contrary, the so-called standard configuration of black hair and black eyes is quite rare, and I have never seen many people so far.

I and Tongzi count as two, Luo Ye counts as one...

Suguha suddenly focused his gaze on the girl who hadn't spoken since she came, and was surrounded by a breath of ice and snow. It was obvious that she happened to have black hair and black eyes.

That is to say, in the world of colorful hair and eye colors, the people in this room are so coincidental that they all hit the color matching?That's rare, right?Blonde hair and green eyes are obviously the standard, but everyone is stunned that they don't care where they go.


Wait, if Suguha is right, she seems to be the girl who somewhat resembles Kiriko.At the beginning, the elder sister showed Suguha a photo of the two of them together, but there was a clear difference in temperament between the two, and it was easy to tell who was who.Besides, there is still a bit of a difference in the face, it is not so coincidental that they bumped into each other, otherwise anyone would have doubts about the relationship between the two.

Taking a closer look now, Suguha really thinks that she and Kiriko are somewhat similar, the facial features of the two seem to be engraved from the same template, okay?


Subconsciously looked at Luo Ye a few more times, Sugu Ye seemed to have noticed something with her sixth sense as a woman, carefully compared the faces and facial features of the three people, and immediately revealed that she had seen a ghost. expression.

Simply comparing Tongzi and Hei Xueji can't seem to find anything, at most, they feel that they are somewhat similar by coincidence, but if Luo Ye is added as a reference, the situation seems to be a little bit serious.

Chapter 0391 You must not tell your parents

Suguha looked suspiciously at the three of them, and always felt that the relationship between them seemed to be so unusual, but he couldn't tell what was going on, so he could only put this aside for the time being. This doubt is hidden in the bottom of my heart without mentioning it.

Focusing on the screen in front of her, she saw that her sister, Tongzi, was already manipulating the hero to dismantle the opponent's base like a bamboo shoot, and with the special effect of the crystal exploding into pieces with a bang, the game was declared to be completely over.

"Phew, I kept you waiting, Suguha. That... how should I say it? Listen to my explanation."

Tongzi hesitated and lowered his head to think about the reason, trying to explain why he stayed at other people's homes to play games recently, but looking at his sister's clear and pure eyes, he immediately dispelled this idea, and could only cry out with tears in his eyes Yes, not to mention how embarrassing it is.

This feeling of being caught raped on the spot made the girl feel uncomfortable. Who would have thought that the always clumsy younger sister would be so clever to follow the clues to find this place!

"Old sister... I have no objection to you playing games, and the family has never stopped you. But what happened to running to another man's house? Could it be that he has some specialties that deserve your obsession?"

Suguha put her hands on her hips and reprimanded Kiriko in a stern tone like a little adult.The girl could only keep nodding her head in promise, and could only look helplessly at Luo Ye who was beside her, hoping that he could stand up and say something for her at this time to relieve the great pressure on her shoulders.

Luo Ye originally wanted to spread her hands and pretend to be helpless, and waited to see the good show happen, but since her future wife... no, the current revolutionary comrades have said so, it is naturally obligatory to choose to defend her for one or two .

"Suguha, right? I don't refute what you said. At least I still have some specialties. However, your sister is such an adult, so she doesn't need to report to you where she goes, right? As a younger sister, do you care? Is it too much? Besides, she lives with me with good food and drink, and no one complains, and she plays games with peace of mind every day. She lives so comfortably, and she doesn't feel wronged, right?"

Said so jokingly, Luo Ye wanted to see what this girl who looked like a junior high school student would say to refute.Even though the other party is very likely to become his sister-in-law in the future, he still teases her habitually.

Well, this bastard is really shameless. He obviously doesn't have a word with Tongzi now, but he actually calls Suguha his sister-in-law in his heart?

"No, that's right."

Due to the situation, Tongzi didn't care about anything else, so she could only follow the young man's words, unaware of the dirty thoughts in his heart, and wishful thinking that Luoye seemed to have nothing else but half-hearted like an otaku fault.


Suguha was a little choked up by the two singing in unison, and paused for a moment to cast a resentful look at her sister, as if she was blaming her for speaking up for whom.

hello!Obviously I am your sister, right?Why do you speak for outsiders?If you have a man outside, don't you want a younger sister?Sister Tongzi, your heart is really cruel!

She herself is not a strong person with eloquent teeth, and she just rushed over with enthusiasm.Now that I think about it, I actually regret it, why didn't I tell Tongzi clearly, otherwise there wouldn't be so many unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Understood, sister Tongzi, don't you just don't want me to care about you? But you are so worrying. Who knows if you went out to do compensated dating? What happened to those erotic books in the drawer? ! You've been acting weird recently!"

The girl could only mutter aggrievedly, and simply explained Tongzi's strange behavior recently.

Being away for a long time, staying out at night, peeking at notebooks, buying new machines...

When hearing these remarks, Luo Ye's expression inevitably became a little strange. After all, Tong Zi seemed to have a part to contribute to getting involved in erotic books.

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