Chapter 0411 everything changed

"Since you're going to die anyway, why do you have to work so hard to fight monsters? So... it's clear that you are unwilling to return to the real world, right?"

Rather than trying to persuade and comfort others with kind words, Luo Ye is still more inclined to counter-motivate through words.

From his point of view, it is more effective for people to be aware of certain truths, so he deliberately said this in a slightly joking and frivolous manner, trying to elicit her true inner thoughts.


And it seemed that he just happened to be poked at the little thought in the center, or that he didn't even bother to comfort him, Asuna whimpered with unknown meaning, and couldn't think of a rebuttal line for a while.

That's right, she really wanted to return to the real world, really wanted to...

This was something Asuna could not deny.

"There is still a simulation test for the first grade in December, and the mathematics training class has been skipped for several days. If you don't go back quickly, you will definitely be nagged by your mother for a long time."

The girl murmured so softly, and mentioned this aspect submissively, she was often educated to death by that extremely powerful and expressionless mother-in-law.

Asuna's background is indeed very good, that's right, the company controlled by her family is one of the best in the Japanese game industry.But correspondingly, her life was arranged step by step by her elders early.Everything has to be carried out according to the planned and established route, and the so-called freedom has never been really obtained, and it is restricted like a cage.

Different from those nouveau riche who have just entered the upper class, families that have lasted for many generations have always been harsh on tutoring. It is impossible for their children to act recklessly like those arrogant rich second generations relying on their family fortune. For the sake of species.

Take Asuna for example, the person she has had the most contact with since she was a child is her own maid, and the places she has been out most are schools and training classes, living a day-to-day life in a three-point and one-line manner.

"Pfft—! Is this what we should pay attention to now? You don't need to worry about these! You can't keep up with the mock exam, okay?"

Almost amused by her speech, Luo Ye couldn't help but put his hands on his forehead to express that he was a little convinced by her logic.

Life will be affected by danger, so there is no need to focus on learning anything!

I'm afraid I'd laugh to death if I said it. The main reason for being trapped in the virtual world and wanting to return to the real world is to catch up with the learning progress.

Hello!Don't they say that Japanese students can do everything, such as book painters, novel writers, game masters... But why don't they study?You are simply violating an unbreakable theorem!

"Difficult, isn't it the duty of a student to study? Playing games is weird no matter how you think about it!"

Asuna is undoubtedly still unable to get rid of the huge mountain standing in front of her, and shivering under the fear of being dominated by her mother, thinking of her daily warnings, her heart is full of regret at the moment.

She just came to play this game by accident, but she just happened to be locked into the game by such a coincidence.

Not to mention how disappointed the parents would be if they knew what to expect.Once the juniors in the school who admired her on weekdays knew about it, wouldn't they laugh at Senior Asuna, who was usually glamorous and talked about her studies, and she also likes to play games secretly in private.

Thinking of this, Asuna really wanted to die, regretted why she wanted to die in the first place, and curiously touched her brother Koichiro's NERvGear.

Didn't this completely pit himself into it?

"It's normal logic for students to play games, okay? I know a girl with internet addiction who is about the same age as you. She is very good at playing games. It's better to be the first-class in eating chicken skills! But even if others are like this, it's the same Living well? How can there be so many so-called rules and regulations, which are nothing but imposed by people themselves."

Luo Ye is not saying that learning is useless, but she is quite disgusted with the demonization of games, and feels that her logic is inherently wrong.

"Eat, eat chicken? Uh..."

However, as a female, Asuna obviously didn't pay attention to this. Instead, she moved a bit dangerously and frightenedly. She always felt that this term sounded strange, and her cheeks were inexplicably rosy, which seemed to be associated with some children. inappropriate content.

"It's just a game called Chicken Eater, so don't think too much about it. Besides, aren't you filthy? I'm just describing it in a very normal way!"

Luo Ye didn't know why when he talked about eating chicken, these girls would always think of a certain undescribable picture. Could it be that the impression he gave to others was really so unbearable?

"Yes, yes, it's just a game. But... the main reason why I was imprisoned in this world is to play games! I, why should I play this game?"

Asuna was instilled with a set of ideas not to touch the game lightly since she was a child. In addition, it was because she did not obey her parents that she ended up in such a bad end. Said to himself, with a hint of crying, tears will flow down like broken strings at any time.

Since being imprisoned in this world, she has asked herself these words hundreds of times.

Why did you have to touch this new game console that didn't belong to you at that time?Why put it on your head and say the command to start the game?

It wasn't Asuna who bought this cursed fantasy killing machine and the vast Soul Prison game card, but her brother Koichiro who was much older than her.

But ironically, he never played the game he bought for the first time since he was born.Instead, he happened to be on a business trip overseas on the day the server was officially launched, and when he had dinner with Asuna the day before the departure, he uttered some joking complaints.

Although it is not like Koichiro who has never touched games, Asuna has only been exposed to some free games on mobile terminals until the third grade of junior high school.Although she knows about online games, but because the college entrance examination is imminent, she probably has no interest in online games or the motivation to play.

So why, one day a month ago, at noon on November [-], [-], Asuna would magically put that NervGear on her head and shout "Link Start!" What about link games?

The reason, even for herself, is still unclear.

But there is no doubt that on that day, everything changed...

Chapter 0412 The old driver took me

"Regret is useless anyway, why don't you pack up and move forward? You don't want to waste time like those who still stay in the town of the beginning and refuse to go out, do you?"

It can be seen that Asuna still seems to be immersed in regretting why she played this game so desperately in the first place. Luo Ye directly pointed out that there is no regret medicine in the world, so that she can completely put an end to this aspect.

Not that she did nothing wrong...

But since things have already happened and cannot be reversed back to their original appearance, we can only learn to accept and adapt instead of immersing ourselves in mourning and pain.

Many people who have not figured this out have already chosen to commit suicide, and have completely withdrawn from the stage regardless of reality or virtual reality.

And those who are still struggling with this point are mostly vacillating like Asuna, in a trance all day long, and they may collapse at any time and almost fall into the abyss in despair.

Isn't Luo Ye saving a lost girl who is about to go astray?

"Everyone understands the truth, but after a month, you can't even break through the first floor. No matter how you look at it, it will be a year of the monkey to break through a hundred floors, right? Is ten years enough?"

Asuna's mentality has actually been gradually adjusted these days, but every time she thinks about this aspect, she will always usher in greater despair.

The hope of returning to the real world is as dim as a candle in the wind. It is really hard for people to have the confidence to say that this group of people can succeed.

Moreover, nearly 2000 people died in just one month.A rough estimate, does it mean that everyone will die in less than six months?At that time, who else can insist on continuing to conquer the game?

"Isn't it that Akihiko Kayaba adjusted the difficulty a little in the early stage? It is probably because he was dissatisfied because it was too easy during the beta test. The situation will be much better after going up, and the difficulty difference between the adjacent two floors will not be great. Besides, after being unable to be resurrected, the progress of monster farming and leveling will indeed be delayed, and there is no way to only care about recklessness like before. There are still many influencing factors."

Luo Ye can't say that it's not because our protagonist team hasn't come out of the mountain yet, and they are still wandering around in the water release mode. Otherwise, let alone the first floor lord, the third floor has been opened up, okay?

If the main character doesn't show up for a long time, the floor will definitely not be cleared!

He found such a relatively appropriate and acceptable reason, and Asuna, who was confused and helpless after hearing it, cast her gaze suspiciously.

"Ahem, it's mainly because I'm bringing in newcomers recently, so I haven't been looking for the lord's room much. Who knows that it has changed its address! It caused us to wander around the old place for a long time. When we finally got to know the relevant information, the result What kind of first-floor strategy meeting is going to be held. If you don’t participate, it’s not good to let them hang out to fight monsters. If you participate, it will delay the progress of clearing the building. In short, if you don’t get through the first floor within a month I'm so sorry! I admit I was wrong."

Luo Ye coughed a few times, said so with a subtle expression, and started chattering.

In this regard, he really has to take the blame. If Luo Ye hadn't proposed to train an assistant to assist Tongzi and Hei Xueji in the battle, these two people who were full of interest might have challenged the BOSS to KO him long ago.

As a result, they had to take Yuna to various places to practice leveling, and a lot of progress was delayed because of taking care of this cute newcomer.

"Huh? Why are you apologizing? I don't mean to blame you."

Asuna looked at the young man talking on his own with a dazed expression, expressing that she couldn't understand what he meant, and quickly waved her hand to indicate that he didn't need to apologize for it.

What do you mean it was his fault that he didn't get through the first floor?She has never seen such a person who took the initiative to take the blame at her age.

"To be honest, during the beta test, two friends and I managed to get to a decent floor. In fact, as long as the three of us put in all our energy, we can get through the first floor in about ten days. But the state was affected at the beginning. In addition, there is no way to revive...the progress has been delayed a lot. It was hard to get a chance, and in the end, another strategy meeting was held."

If Luo Ye and the others could clear the first floor earlier, among other things, maybe after being encouraged by the news, so many people would not fall into despair.

Of course……

In the final analysis, this is actually related to the psychological quality of others, and the original sin cannot be attributed.

"Wait, wait! Didn't you say that during the beta test, you hit the sixth floor or the seventh floor at most? Did you and your friend hit such a high floor?"

Asuna suddenly widened her beautiful eyes, and it seemed that he was not as simple as an ordinary beta tester.

But the more astonishing remarks were immediately thrown over by the young man, who seemed to be quite dismissive of the rumor with a chuckle.

"Oh, didn't you get it after taking the strategy from the mouse? Fortunately, he even concealed this point and boasted that he did it by himself."

"Eh eh?"

Asuna's head was almost a little confused for the first time, and then she realized what he meant, and said tremblingly in disbelief.

"You, what do you mean? Someone used your strategy to reach the sixth or seventh floor? What about you..."

No matter how slow he is, he can still realize that he is far more terrifying than he imagined. Excluding the possibility of bragging, it means that the person in front of her is a real game master, and he is still hiding something that few people know about. kind!

"I can't remember clearly. I didn't count the floors, but there must be more than ten floors. Do you know the pain of playing games day and night with Internet addicts? Anyway, it hurts a little bit."

Every time Luo Ye thought back to the madness in May and June, he always felt that the sequelae would be highlighted under the psychological influence, and he didn't know how he survived in the first place.

Not only is Tongzi very keen on strategy strategies, but even Hei Xueji spends almost all day and night brushing monsters and leveling up...

These two people were crazy as if they had taken drugs, which made him, an old man, physically unable to bear it.

"No, I don't know. I don't play games very much on weekdays, and my family doesn't let me play very much."

Asuna shook her head to express that she was not very clear, but she cared more about the other party's game proficiency than these things.

If it is true what the man said, doesn't it mean that the game is not as difficult as imagined?

It's just that the real masters haven't shown their faces until now, so it gives people the illusion that this game is invincible?

The dawn that was nearly extinguished was once again shining again.

After struggling and hesitating for a moment, Asuna was probably infected by his words, let go of the last hesitation in her heart, and tentatively begged with one hand clenched into a fist.

"Can, can you take me with you?"

0413 - Maroon Long Hair

"Hey! I, I just walked away for a while, right? Why did you hook up with another girl again? Don't play like this!"

When Tongzi returned from leveling with Mengxin Yuna in the wild, she was surprised to find a slim and graceful figure beside Luo Ye, and she blurted out almost subconsciously, feeling full of regret in her heart.

For this guy, you really can't relax for a moment, and you have to keep an eye on him so that he doesn't cause trouble...

Compared to this old fritter who can win over girls whenever he gets a chance, is she really too tender?

"Ahem, let me introduce you. This is Asuna. We met by chance in the forest just now, and she proposed to join us in order to participate in the strategy. I guess there will be a team formation or something, and we will form a team early That's good. Besides, her operation is quite eye-catching, and after a little practice, there will probably be a qualitative leap."

As the backbone of the current team, Luo Ye asked other people's opinions symbolically out of formality, but his expression was a little subtle when he said this, so try not to look at Tongzi with puffed cheeks and an unhappy and depressed face .

Anyway, even if he had the cheek to introduce his new love to his old love, he would still feel uneasy conscience!

"what ever."

Hei Xueji just raised her eyelids and glanced at the girl with long chestnut hair, and quickly withdrew her gaze after a cold snort, not wanting to get entangled with this aspect.

"I, I have no objection."

Yuna, who is cheerful by nature, has already greeted her friendly, and there is no such thing as a so-called palace fight.

The other two expressed their opinions in an instant, but now Tongzi was the only one who wanted to cry and had nowhere to go.

Say no, everyone else agrees.Say you agree, doesn't this give yourself another competitor for no reason?

My internet addict girl just wants to have a simple and ordinary relationship. Is it so difficult!

"Well, I'd better play games honestly."

Tongzi wailed weakly, lowered her head as if dejected, and almost completely resigned to the sad reality, only squatting in the corner to draw circles.

Love in reality is too complicated and harsh, maybe one day she will join the luxurious package of the Cuckold Club that she loves to see, with a blue sky above her head.

Compared to such an embarrassing fate, playing games is much better.At least the characters here will never betray her!

It's not unreasonable for some people to be addicted to games.

"Hey! In the game of death, it's good to have more than one person, right? Why does it change in your opinion? Is my impression really so bad?"

Even Luo Ye was teased a little helplessly, as if somehow she was looked down upon by the girls...


Hearing this, Yuna nodded habitually, and after noticing the sharp gaze cast by the young man, she quickly smiled and waved her hands, scratching her face shyly.

"No, that's not what I mean... But anyway, everyone basically acquiesced to this."

Luo Ye's current situation can't be cleared even if she jumped into the Yellow River, she is an embarrassing horse.However, most of the reasons are also caused by himself, and no one can blame him.

"Ah? That... you are?"

Asuna, who was obedient and didn't dare to speak out, felt a little dizzy, but with her keen intuition, she sensed that this man was not as nice as he appeared on the surface, and that he deliberately approached her seemed to have impure intentions. Purpose.

In addition-

Why are his teammates all young and beautiful girls!

Although Asuna is a novice in online games, she also knows that most games are dominated by men.What's more, after everyone in SAO changed back to their original appearance, the ratio of male to female players became even more one-sided. There were only one or two female players out of a dozen or so players.

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