I roughly learned the relevant information from this short girl named Ryoko. Luo Ye and Tong Zi understood the seriousness of the problem even without her mentioning it. To get back all the previous places.

You know, back then he was often embarrassed by Hei Xueji in public.

In fact, it would be okay if he was alone, not many people would take that buffoon seriously, and that guy wasn't even enough to be a joke after dinner.

But who would have thought that the character who used to be like a clown has now transformed into the deputy commander of the huge force [Army].

What kind of big opportunity should he bump into?Or is there a certain ability?

The two are not very clear about this at the moment, unless they say they are willing to spend money to get relevant information from Agor.But since it has evolved to this point, it doesn't seem to matter to think about it.

"Hurry up and lead the way."

After confirming that no one was maliciously following behind, Luo Ye felt that the gang of Internet addicted teenagers might still be a little too young, and raised her hand to signal Liang Zi to take them to the camp of Dark Nebula.

At first glance, it seems that the current situation Hei Xueji is facing is only on the bright side, no wonder she can still maintain her power so as not to collapse completely.

Should it be said that Kibaou is too young and immature to use political scheming?Or did he, as an Internet-addicted teenager, never have thought of this at all?

Anyway, if Luo Ye stood in his position, even if he didn't have to go out on his own, just relying on the means at his disposal in a high position, he would be able to toss small forces to the point where they couldn't survive or die.

You know, there are more ways to crush people than violence.

"Considering that Sword Art Online is not a dark world, it's not incomprehensible that Kibao would only do this. After all, the bloodiest phenomenon is just the smiling coffin..."

After muttering to himself in this way, Luo Ye could understand why Heixue Ji would not choose to disclose information to him and Tongzi.If she can't even deal with such a scheming and brainless character like Kiba-o, where will she put her face?

This girl is far stronger than girls of the same age.The self-esteem that was so strong that it was about to overflow would absolutely not allow her to do this.

"Really, what kind of family environment can teach such an awkward little girl."

Luo Ye, who figured out what was going on, was naturally embarrassed to question the girl more harshly. The reason why she did this did have her own reasons. Who can say that she was wrong?

If you really want to talk about it, it still has to be attributed to her unreliable parents.How did these two teach their children?Luo Ye really wanted to ask.

And when Ryoko led the two people who were not familiar with each other to a seemingly ordinary house in the east of the city, she looked around to confirm that there was no one around, and then carefully raised two fingers to knock on the door.

Accompanied by a few muffled hums, the wooden door was opened with a gap, and the people inside were looking at the outside world with their eyes, and after confirming that it was the partner who had just left the house after accepting the leader's order not long ago, they opened it halfway and said in a low voice .

"Hurry up and come in. The leader and several captains are in a meeting. Later, it is said that there is something to announce to everyone."

"That, that... good!"

Liangzi responded timidly, and quickly waved to Luoye and Tongzi who were behind to follow.

The two of them didn't have too many ink marks, and they didn't ask anything. They just looked around the decoration and environment of the house, and they had a rough idea of ​​how Heixue Ji was messing around.

From the outside, it looks like a three-story house.From the inside, the area of ​​the first floor is about two hundred square meters.If there are two floors for living people, then there are probably three NO.40 people.The decoration is very ordinary, brown wooden boards can be seen everywhere, and this cabin is made of combination.

"From this point of view, the guild of Dark Nebula is not very large, and the number of people is not too large."

Taking this as a judgment and estimate, Tongzi leaned close to Luoye and whispered her discovery.It is estimated that Dark Nebula should have members of five or six teams, which can be regarded as a medium-sized guild. As for the combat power, it is not yet known.

"Compared to the thousands of people in the army, it's not enough. The hundreds of people in the entire frontline strategy team can't even compare with that huge force, let alone the force formed by this girl."

Luo Ye shook her head and laughed, that relaxed look made Tong Zi, who noticed this scene, feel a little puzzled.

Hello!Didn't you guys worry about that black long straight girl just now?Why are you so relieved now?How did that girl have an affair with you before... No, don't they all live under the same roof?

Recalling that the relationship between the two of them may be far more intimate than she imagined, Tongzi only felt that the top of her head seemed to be inexplicably more colorful.

No, it seems that you can't say that.

At first thought, could she be the one who came from behind?


With a groan in confusion, Tongzi held her aching head, trying not to think too much about it.

Isn't the relationship between him and the two of them so bad?How could it be really involved?Besides, didn't Luo Ye explain that Hei Xueji was temporarily adopted to take care of her because of her amnesia?It's impossible to really have a leg, right?

While the girl was thinking wildly in her heart, Ryoko had already led them to a room on the second floor, knocked on the door lightly, and reported nervously.

"Boss, boss, I brought Mr. Luo Ye and Miss Tongzi here according to your instructions."

"You all come in first."

An awe-inspiring and inviolable voice came from inside, Liangzi slowly opened the door, and saw six people sitting around a long table, each with extremely serious expressions revealing a dignified meaning, all of them turned their eyes Throwing in this direction, there is a vague curiosity.

And sitting on the middle seat is Hei Xueji, the girl is frowning slightly now, she was relieved for such a short moment after seeing the arrival of Luoye Tongzi, but then her delicate and pretty face tensed up again, her face was so pale. He nodded at them with a change of expression, and continued to maintain the aloofness of being a leader.

"It just so happens that the captains of our Dark Nebula are also here. You may have seen these two on the front line before, but I will introduce it again. First of all, this is the black-clothed swordsman..."

Chapter 0449 strong little girl

"The black-clothed swordsman? Leader, are you referring to the rumored strong man who has the ability to single-handedly swipe the boss and is always active in the maze area on the front line? Isn't he said to have been missing for nearly a month? Is this..."

The room that was originally in a quiet atmosphere suddenly became agitated after hearing the news. Several young men and women who were high-level in the dark nebula, who could also be understood as small bosses and small captains, were all shocked by this explosive news.

Each of them almost wanted to shoot at the case, and took advantage of the situation to cast their strange eyes that were indescribable on the young man who appeared in the room. They took it for granted that Luo Ye, who was dressed in black, was the rumored black-clothed swordsman. I have to run.

Originally, the leader of the Black King held a meeting today and said that someone wanted to introduce them. He was still a little bit uninterested. Now that the guild is facing such a big predicament, what's the use of even one or two people coming?Unexpectedly, the other party would be such an important person, so he had to change his initial perception because of this news.


Tongzi's expression suddenly became a little weird, and she really wanted to weakly raise her hand to prove that she was the real swordsman in black, but she hesitated for a while, and chose to give up.

She is not a person with a flamboyant personality, and has always adhered to the principle of keeping a low profile.If you are misunderstood, you will be misunderstood. It seems that there is no loss. Anyway, the other party is Luo Ye...

The reason why such a ridiculous misunderstanding occurs is that the members of the Dark Nebula have to be mentioned.

Hei Xueji had only been forming the guild for nearly a month. She has little qualifications and reputation, and it is difficult to win over a group of top players in a short period of time.After thinking about it for a while, they could only recruit players from the first-tier and quasi-tier-one player groups, and even absorbed a lot of elite players from the second-tier players. Only then did they form a small-scale force with No. 36 players.A large group of people are her confidantes brought over by herself.

As for the black-clothed swordsmen who had been active in the frontline labyrinth area before, at most they had only heard about the relevant information, but they had never actually met themselves...

"Ahem, the one in the back is the real swordsman in black. What do you guys think? The one in the front...Qi, is still a reliable front row tank."

When mentioning Tongzi, Hei Xueji was very gentle and soft-spoken, but once she mentioned Luo Ye, she seemed to be a completely different person, and her attitude changed suddenly.However, considering that it was in a public place, the girl still gave him some face, so she wouldn't directly expose other people's half-hearted attitude of changing wives after a few months.


This time, it was the turn of the group of people who had admitted the wrong person to feel astonished and embarrassed, and all of them were stunned.

Swordsman in black...

Such a domineering and cool character must be a man!Who would have known that she was a cute girl who was about the same age as the leader!

They thought that the black, long, straight girl following behind was the leader's sister. Aren't they both quite similar?

"In the past, your leader and I were members of a five-member team, but we parted ways due to various reasons. Oh, by the way, you may have heard of one of our members, the Knight of the Blood Alliance. Are you familiar with Asuna?"

Luo Ye mentioned it very easily, intentionally or unintentionally, but the information revealed between the lines alone was enough to shock a group of people, and they yelled out loud because of their young age and lack of city status.

"The flashing, flashing rapier user? The rumored ghost of the strategy?"

"It's no wonder the leader has such strength. What kind of monsters were in her team back then? The black-clothed swordsman is fine, but the strategy ghost is also in it."

To put it bluntly, the gang of Dark Nebula are just internet-addicted teenagers trapped in the virtual world.Originally, he felt longing and admiration for the powerful strength displayed by Kuroyukihime, but after hearing who her original teammates were, this idea deepened.

"Quiet, ahem... let's not mention these past events. What is the purpose of you two coming here?"

Hei Xueji looked at the group of subordinates who were clearly told by her to show aloof and arrogant attitude with some embarrassment, her face flushed slightly, and she immediately lowered her voice to ask Luo Ye's reason for coming.

After being stared at by the leader, the young men recalled what she had ordered not long ago, and quickly closed their mouths tightly with a tense face, trying to create a very solemn atmosphere, but the expression between their eyebrows The joy was throbbing, but he couldn't hide it no matter what.

There is no doubt that with the addition of these two people, the plight that Dark Nebula is facing will undoubtedly be weakened a lot, and it can be regarded as alleviating the immediate urgent need.

"I haven't seen you for nearly a month? I miss you. No, I mean, Tongzi misses you very much, so she dragged her over to take a look. You seem to have encountered something recently... Xiao Xiao Difficulties?"

Luo Ye just wanted to say that he actually missed her a little bit, but realized that he couldn't be so straightforward in front of the girl, so he directly blamed Tong Zi with a snickering smile.

"Eh? Why, why did I become me? Didn't you also want to see her?"

Tongzi blushed and poked Luo Ye's waist with her elbow, and hummed weakly, not understanding why she was the one to take the blame.

"That's right, it's just a trivial trouble, so you don't need to worry too much about it. On the contrary... are you interested in participating in this No. 20 fifth-floor boss battle?"

After summarizing the information about being rounded up by the [Army], Kuroyukihime changed the topic and talked about other matters, with an understatement as if she didn't care.Luo Ye and Tong Zi, who had already learned the truth from Liang Zi who had betrayed the leader thoroughly, couldn't help laughing.

At this time, does this girl still like to hold on?What should I say about her...

"A long-lost team-up? Well, it's true that I haven't experienced the feeling of fighting a lord for a long time. But I heard that the boss on this floor is quite strong? Do you have any plans?"

Since even the three of them didn't reach this level during the beta test, Luo Ye naturally didn't know much about the relevant information, so he could only ask Hei Xueji, who had been on the front line all the time, if she knew it.

And the girl also understood the importance of cooperating with him, so she curbed the little awkwardness in her heart, and spoke slowly and seriously.

"Now every guild is staring at the lord of this floor. It was originally agreed that everyone will go on a crusade together at that time. But who would have thought that a sudden one would come out halfway..."

Chapter 0450 Tongzi Fairy

"The forces you are referring to that have intervened in the major guilds, don't you mean the army? However, it is said that they are not all shrimp soldiers and crab generals who are barely assembled? How high can the combat effectiveness be? It is also at the lower level of the Raiders When it’s time, you can barely rely on crowd tactics to fight through.”

Luo Ye shrugged her shoulders and said so casually. On the one hand, she deliberately said that the army was weak, and on the other hand, these words were not all lies.

The fighting power of each unit of the army has always been impressive. If it weren't for the absolute crushing in terms of numbers, I am afraid that few people would really pay attention to this MLM organization gathered by the five scum of the war.

Many people join the army just because they really can't get along, and they have to choose to compromise and join because they can't get enough food and clothing. How strong can they expect other people to be?Not to mention the comparison with Tongzi, even the original Moonlight Black Cat Group may be inferior, they are basically ordinary players in the lower reaches of the game.

"We used to think so too...but we had to change it until recently. Have you ever imagined the terrifying effect that hundreds of people's efforts will create when stacked on one person? Are the soldiers in the army very weak? Wrong, it’s not a problem for me to pick dozens or even hundreds. But the higher the position, the stronger it is, especially the legion commander and his two deputies.”

Hei Xueji sighed faintly and said, she really didn't expect that those people would have such a chemical reaction after fully using the power in their hands, and she couldn't help being afraid of the stacked fierce posture.

Although the game depends on the operation and technology, it is undeniable that strong enough equipment can completely make up for these shortcomings.

"You mean...the commanders of the legion collected all the resources of the bottom players and put them on themselves?"

Tongzi, who was still a little puzzled at first, suddenly realized, and immediately understood the whole story.It's no wonder that even the mighty Hei Xueji had to choose to let Black Nebula be a coward, because the other party is really not a good person, and the leaders are all ruthless and capable characters, and they can enjoy the things under their hands with peace of mind. resources provided by people.

"That's right, if we take it out alone, it can only match the efficiency of dozens of ordinary players, and it can't be more. But they have thousands of manpower, which is not in the same order of magnitude."

Hei Xueji held her forehead with her jade hands in deep distress, and she really didn't want to see such a situation.

Even if Kibaou encouraged these internet-addicted teenagers a little bit, they would be excitedly mobilized, clamoring to condemn her as a former beta tester.The public opinion alone has brought a lot of pressure, not to mention the recent arrests that have caused a lot of trouble in the city.

If it continues for a few more days, the Dark Nebula will be completely finished.Don't talk about going out of the city to fight monsters, even staying in the base is like sitting on pins and needles, I'm afraid they will be discovered and caught someday...

"Hey, don't tell me that people in the army also want to compete for this beheading reward. Don't you have so many people on the front line to unite and resist?"

The corner of Luo Ye's mouth twitched unnaturally for a moment, and he complained a little funny.

In fact, comparing the forces of the two sides, there is indeed a huge gap in numbers, but there is not necessarily much difference in combat power.

"It's not that no one has made similar proposals, but they all came to nothing. It's not that you don't know the split phenomenon where players are fighting on their own. How could it be so easy to integrate and unify? In addition, since yesterday afternoon, the army has claimed that today To launch an attack on the maze area, we must take down this layer of BOSS first before other forces."

Hei Xueji was actually powerless to deal with this slightly embarrassing situation. After all, there were only about thirty people on her side, not even a fraction of the number of the army. She was completely overwhelmed in terms of momentum alone. Those who are too timid to go out are just junior high and high school students whose minds have not yet fully matured.

"Hey...do you want to attack the lords of this level? Although it can be understood as the pursuit of killing rewards, it is undeniable that the army is indeed contributing to the players, right? Isn't this level said to be very dangerous? Since they said they are going to attack , must have made relevant preparations, right? If it can be conquered, it must be the best."

Tongzi said with good expectations, she stood impartially, and she didn't speak for her because of her familiarity with Hei Xueji, and sincerely hoped that the army would be able to overcome this level of difficulty smoothly .

"It's over, Old Immortal Tongzi has done it again. I guess I will hear the bad news from the army today and tomorrow that the strategy is not going well..."

Originally, Luo Ye didn't think what was going to happen, but the moment Tongzi spoke, she already expected the ending, and looked at the girl jokingly while covering her half-smile face.

"Huh, I feel a lot more at ease when she said that."

And Hei Xueji, who was still in a mood of ups and downs and couldn't calm down, also breathed a sigh of relief. She relaxed her delicate and pretty face after a long time, and she was relieved a lot by supporting her flat chest. There will be a turnaround later.

"Eh? Why, this has something to do with me again! Also, I'm not an old fairy!"

Tongzi's face was unnaturally bright and bloody, and she retorted coquettishly, so she couldn't believe that there was a mysterious power from the east on her body.

This is obviously impossible, right?The army has so many people and is so strong, it is sure to be able to get through the fifth floor of No.20 smoothly, so that there will be no accidents!

"Yes, then we can call her Little Fairy Tongzi, shall we? Why don't we wait and see if something happens to the army? If something really happens..."

Luo Ye originally planned to make some unreasonable demands with great interest, and planned to attack Tongzi, who had become white and fat after raising her for so long.But when he looked up and down at the girl's barren and miserable figure, his eyes became extraordinarily clear for some reason, and the impure thoughts in his heart disappeared immediately, and he couldn't get excited at all.

Sure enough, let's keep this girl for another year or two to see.Isn't she only 15 years old?The development is currently a little bit worse, but after all, there is still something to do, right?

0451 - Heathcliff's Newsletter

Relying on her intuition, she sensed Luo Ye's evil and impure thoughts, and Hei Xueji was thinking of interrupting their unscrupulous behavior of flashing bombs in public as soon as possible. Anyway, she often intervenes between the two and is used to it. In order to do this, unexpectedly, a private chat message popped up from the virtual interface menu in front of him.

Subconsciously frowning, Hei Xueji felt a little annoyed at who disturbed her at such a critical moment.

Haven't you seen that she is saving a pure girl who has gone astray and is about to fall into the clutches of the devil?If you don't give Tongzi a hand, who knows how many times this inexperienced internet addict girl will fall!

Muttering this rather resentfully, Hei Xueji resentfully restrained her thoughts, and had no choice but to check the information.After knowing who was contacting her, the girl's expression turned extremely serious, she coughed softly a few times to attract the attention of everyone in the room, and said in a low voice with a pretty face.

"Just now, Heathcliff asked me for something..."

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