Regardless of the contestants or the summoning of heroic spirits, the four battles that Luo Ye is familiar with are actually almost the same. People such as Shi Chen, Kenneth, Kariya, Kiritsugu, and Kirei also participated, but Ainsworth was inexplicably added. The family thus tampered with everything, causing the world line to not know which line to distort and deflect.

"Why didn't they kill you? Could it be that they are still afraid that the Church of the Holy Church and the Magic Association will focus more on this extreme eastern island country?"

Luo Ye laughed a few times narrowly, and there was some mischief in his eyes.Ignoring his somewhat teasing lines, Korimine Kirei nodded firmly and said.

"Indeed, at least at that time... the origin of the world hadn't declined to such an extent. Even Ainsworth had to consider other forces. Therefore, this body was lucky enough to survive and survived. Come down. It's just that today is different from the past, and you must be aware of the reason for this. The sad wish that that family has been pursuing all along is nothing more than that one."

That's right—

At that time, the consciousness of the planet was not in such a precarious position, but now, it was uncertain that the end of the steel land would be ushered in one day, and Aindsworth had no choice but to carry out frequent actions.

"Then, what Father Mapo means is that what the Ainsworth family wants to do is..."

As if thinking of some possibility, Shiori felt a little unbelievable and covered his mouth in disbelief. He had already vaguely guessed the answer, and he glanced at Miyu who looked calm and temperamental with some hesitation.

"Too grand, too naive, too lofty aspirations, that is—

continuation of human history. "

"No matter what form it takes to save the human beings who are heading towards the end, this is Ainsworth's long-cherished wish, that is, the justice that Emiya Kiritsugu carried out back then."

Kotomine Kirei stood up and raised his arms high, his face as kind as the embrace of the Lord, and the information he revealed was enough to shock everyone at the scene except Miyu who didn't understand.

The words pierced Shiori's chest like a sharp sword, making her feel a little dull and unable to make any sound. She just felt dizzy and at a loss as to what to do next.

On the other hand, Luo Ye shook his head with a familiar face and chuckled lightly.

"Partners of justice? Really, I heard this word again. Well, it's okay to describe it like this under such circumstances. They are indeed on the side of saving the world, intending to exchange miracles for miracles and reverse the passage of time." The Great Source thus revives the planet, so that the human species can continue to live on this land.”

After his explanation, Luo Ye understood the thoughts and ideas of the Ainsworth family thoroughly, but he could not agree with the methods they implemented.

The so-called miracle...

Not referring to anyone else.

It is precisely the beauty tour.

At the cost of Meiyu, the natural holy grail, an incredible and tyrannical energy is generated, so as to perform the miracle of saving the world.

Just like a certain pink-haired girl in a certain world, at the cost of all the causes and effects imposed on herself, she completely wiped out all the witches in the world throughout the ages, and transformed herself into a supreme existence that is equivalent to the rules of heaven, no longer being mediocre. Instead, human beings act as gods above them.

It would be better to put it more bluntly.

One side is the world, the other side is loli, who do you choose?

Ainsworth chose the world, so he tirelessly searched for the whereabouts of Miyu, the holy grail, trying to find miracles.

As for Luo Ye, there is no doubt...

"No, it's impossible to entrust Miyu to them! The task of saving the world is far beyond her turn, right? Anyway, I will definitely not agree to it! Father, what do you think?"

Shiori immediately retorted without hesitation, after getting along for the past few months, he had already established a rather subtle affair with that young girl.Whenever she sees Meiyou, she can always think of her sister in another world, that girl is also so pitiful and pitiful, and she always sees a familiar figure who seems to have known each other.

It's not about sister control or anything...

It's just that I just can't bear to push a child to the top for such a reason, and be forced to take on a mission that doesn't belong to me.

"I'm pretty much what you think. If even adults can't save the world, then it will be destroyed. Naturally, there are reasons for it."

Luoye smiled and touched the girl's head. She has always believed that it is far from the turn of children and high school students to save the world. It is natural for adults to shoulder the responsibility instead of entrusting all troublesome things to They do it.

"Interesting... Do you know that you are blocking the path of the partners of justice, standing on the opposite side of evil, and will completely become sinners in this world?"

Kotomine Kirei didn't think it was a big deal, he questioned loudly as if threatening Shiori, his expression suddenly darkened, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a bemused and joyful arc.

However, in the face of the black-robed priest's teasing and teasing, Shiori did not hesitate to say anything.

"This kind of justice is not the real justice I imagined. If the world is saved at the expense of Meiyu, I don't agree, and I will never allow it!"

Chapter 0578 Do you believe me when I say I know you when you buy vegetables?


As soon as Shiori finished reading this line quite handsomely, Luo Ye suddenly tapped his small head with fingers that were closed together, and was forced to interrupt this kind of talk that he was willing to be an enemy of the whole world for the sake of his sister. He mumbled and screamed in distress, he could only cover his red, swollen and painful smooth forehead and stare at his father sadly, pouted sullenly.

It's not easy for her to be interrupted just after playing cool for a while, is it easy for her?

"It's good to think in your mind, but I'm just saying... everything is far from falling to the point where you, a little girl, have to bear it, so just hide behind and take care of my sister. If there is any trouble, I'll figure it out myself."

Ruthlessly wrapped her big hands on the top of the girl's head as if ravaged, Luo Ye flicked her soft blue long hair into a messy chicken coop, and said loudly in a very normal tone, as an adult As a matter of course, we should assume more social responsibilities, which naturally includes protecting our daughters.

No matter whether he is a real daughter or a goddaughter, he thinks the same, and he will not deliberately ignore and exclude anything because of blood relationship, and he will treat Chou and Cha well without discrimination.

Hmm... definitely not because of Lolicon!Not because of her daughter's control!

"Even you, don't you see that? Humans will perish sooner or later, and what Ainsworth sees is the horizon ahead. Not branches and leaves but tree trunks, not trees but forests, not individuals but Clans. Is it entirely understandable to forego minor sacrifices in the course of accomplishing great deeds?"

Kotomine Kirei said in a deep voice as if heartbroken. As a missionary priest, he has naturally received relevant training in speaking skills. When talking about these big truths, he can talk about it endlessly. It looks like most of the day.

"Shuoyue Meiyou is just one person. Isn't it a better deal no matter how you think about it to exchange her for the hope of all mankind? Are you father and daughter trying to kill the hope of all mankind for your own selfish desires? Ignore it?"

Obviously, not long ago, he was still dealing with Luo Ye in order to eat the mapo tofu that he couldn't forget, but now he just put a big hat on him, and the moody changes made it impossible for ordinary people to understand.

"Like you, I have passed the age of the second year of middle school. The partner of justice or something, the idea is very beautiful, but the reality is cruel. It is not so easy to realize. Besides, people are always creatures who are afraid of trouble, I It’s no exception. Saving the world is too far away from me. Instead of thinking about it, it’s better to think about what to eat with my daughter tomorrow. People don’t pursue so many things when they get older. It's just an insignificant little happiness. Whoever dares to destroy it, I will never let it go easily."

There are no lines such as being shaken by his bewitching or yelling that she will never give up Meiyou just like that. Luoye just doesn't want anyone to destroy her peaceful life.

He also has a reason to return to the other side of the twin plane, and for the time being, he doesn't have that much thought to make too many entanglements with other people. It is best not to deal with them.

As long as others don't provoke her, Luo Ye doesn't have the heart to mess with her. She would rather just be a mediocre father if she participates in the grand ambition of saving the world.

Seeing that there was no way to persuade the other party, Kotomine Kirei smiled and announced that he had given up, and did not entangle himself in this issue.He doesn't attach that much importance to life and death, even if he knows that the planet will usher in its end, he will just accept it calmly.

"Okay, let's go home. If you drag it on, it will be really late tonight. You guys should wash up and go to sleep."

Like an ordinary father urging and exhorting his restless daughter, since Luo Ye had already obtained the information he urgently needed from Kotomine Kirei, he naturally chose to go home directly, without It is necessary to stay here too much.

Unable to withstand his persuasion, even though Shiori and Sakura still had a series of questions stuck in their throats and couldn't ask them, they could only mutter and choose to be forced to accept. The unreliable priest said goodbye and followed him on the way home.

The snow outside the house quietly stopped at some point, and the sky no longer poured crystal snowflakes down, but quietly revealed a bone-chilling chill.The light from the street lamp cast a faint white light on the snow, and the surrounding environment was not as dark and muddy as imagined, but a little brighter than usual.

Silently rushing on the way home, Shiori couldn't bear the strange feeling welling up from the bottom of his heart, so he continued to ask a question.

"That... Father, how did you meet that Father Mapo with the word Joy written on his face?"

She really hasn't seen Luo Ye go out of the house these days, hasn't he always lived in the mansion without leaving home?

"I said that I happened to meet you when I was shopping for vegetables, would you believe me?"

Luo Ye didn't answer this question directly, but just made a detour to deliberately whet her appetite, and the reply was a bit unserious no matter how you looked at it.

But it is true...

After the cataclysm, there were only two or three places selling ingredients in Fuyuki City. It was indeed a coincidence that he and Kotomine Kirei happened to meet at a tofu stand, and that's how they formed a social connection.It's not like others think, you have to fight a Holy Grail War to be friends.

"M, I can barely believe it. He seems to have a special liking for mapo tofu. The pungent spicy taste is really beyond the reach of ordinary people. Fortunately, he can still eat so happily, which is what I originally thought. The imagined priest is totally different."

Shizhi couldn't complain about the weird feeling that came from the bottom of her heart. After all, after getting to know Luo Ye, she had seen many things that destroyed her original thoughts. Now she naturally became familiar with it, and she was able to understand all abnormal things. Treat it with a normal heart.

Casually exhaling some fleeting white air, Shiori lightly stepped on a series of footprints on the snowy ground, showing a bright expression with a smile, just thinking about continuing to tell the beauty of this new life, after all, Then, as before, wandering around everywhere.But I saw Luo Ye stretching out his hand to stop the girl, frowning with a slightly cloudy and sad face, and speaking in a deep voice as if talking to himself.

"Stand back, Shiori, and protect Miyu and Sakura. Return to the mansion as soon as possible. Although it is not clear who is the god, but since you have followed...then come out quickly. I think everyone Could it be some rat who dare not show his face, hiding in the shadow corner tremblingly watching, right?"

It is worth noting that nights in the world of Xingyue series are very dangerous. Most people have been taught not to go out easily, especially in the middle of the night.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple.

People in the other world still worry about the mysterious exposure during the day and dare not act casually, but at night they will take advantage of the cover of the dark night to make public.Regardless of whether it is the magicians or the ghosts and monsters, it is a convention that the battle will start during this time period.If there are no accidents on the other side, they must be people with related ideas.

And the moment his voice fell——

All I could hear was the crisp and clear sound of something dragging across the ground, abruptly breaking the hustle and bustle of the night.

But under the dim streetlight not far away, a handsome blond man wearing a sexy blue tights, who would definitely be regarded as a pervert in normal times, slowly walked out of the shadows.

He had a distorted and bewildered expression on his face, half of his body seemed to be possessed by a ferocious beast, while the other half maintained its original elegance.Two completely different temperaments appearing in one person at the same time is as weird as it needs to be.

And most notably...

It was the crimson magic spear in his hand that was longer than a human being.

The spear tip is sharp, shaped like thorns, blood-red and strange, exuding a strong and oppressive atmosphere that is enough to make people feel unknown.

Chapter 0579 God's Descent and Director Ken

Half of his body was corroded by some strange silvery-white object. The veins on his face were bursting with blood vessels, and the surface of the skin that was too pale was congealed into pits like pimples.He continued to walk unhurriedly in the snowy night dragging the scarlet magic gun, whimpering and barking and roaring like a rabid dog from time to time, locking the four of them as targets like a wild beast from the deep forest.

"Magician? Is this the rumored divine descent technique?"

Shiori almost instinctively sensed something wrong with the other party.

Whether the other party's mental state or body consciousness, it seems that something has invaded and infected him, and he is no longer his original self.

Moreover, that breath...doesn't belong to modern times at all.On the contrary, it is similar to the art of possessing gods in folk sacrificial rites.There is also a similar custom in the shrines in Japan, that is, to borrow the power of the enshrined gods temporarily by virtue of the connection of faith, and the power changes drastically in a short period of time.

"Luo Ye, can you solve him?"

Following his previous instructions, he immediately hugged Miyu and dragged Sakura back away from him, Shiori still asked a little uneasy, guessing that the other party is not some mediocre person, it is best for him to be on the sidelines at any time Just in case of unforeseen circumstances, the father and daughter soldiers in battle can more or less rely on the tacit understanding accumulated over time to repel the opponent.


Ignoring Shizhi's suggestion, Luo Ye just squinted his eyes and observed the man in front of him with great interest. It was not difficult to discover the man's true identity through the familiar face that seemed to have met him in another world.

Kenneth Elmeloy Archibald, also known as Director Ken, is a color-level magician. His strength on paper is second to none in the past four wars, and he has inherited nine generations of accumulated magic attainments far ahead of others. Tokiomi Tohsaka, who has only been passed down for five generations, is even more talented than the Clock Tower. He is the youngest person in the history of spiritualism to become a lecturer. He has been called a rare genius since he was a child.

It's a pity that his current consciousness is more like being infected by something and losing his true self. He is no longer the elegant and proud genius before, but more like a wild dog full of wildness.

After walking out of the mapo ramen shop opened by Kotomine Kirei, Luo Ye vaguely sensed that she was being followed by some kind of aura, probably because the four of her at night were too ostentatious and conspicuous This would cause trouble, but they never expected that the other party would be Director Ken who was suspected of being infected by Cu Chulainn's power.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and even you have turned into this ghostly appearance? I think that the original clock tower monarch Kenneth, who regarded himself as arrogant and arrogant, knew about this situation, and he would have found a place to commit suicide in shame, right?"

As if negotiating with an old friend, Luo Ye not only did not show any nervousness, but said this with a little bit of a joke, and the loud voice spread quietly in the snowy night.

Hearing this voice, Kenneth slowed down a bit, his throat surged as if he wanted to make a sound, but his handsome face turned upwards, even with a series of ferocious expressions, several faces appeared on one face at the same time. With completely different demeanors, in the end, only a brutal cry that seemed to come from the abyss could only be issued from the throat.

The voice seemed to come from the desolate deep forest, as if it came from the ancient age of gods, as if it contained the thunder and wrath of its master, and fully overlapped with the modern atmosphere.


After the fierce roar, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became awkward for a few seconds.

Perhaps Luo Ye didn't want the atmosphere he had created so hard to be broken and the serious battlefield to become so unscrupulous, so he simply continued talking to himself, speaking slowly with a magnetic voice.

"This man, you don't have two brushes. Have you changed to a single brush? Good guy! No matter how many brushes you have, today's battle may be inevitable!"

The passionate statement reluctantly covered up the weird embarrassment of barking, but Shiori still felt a little nonsensical, and Matou Sakura beside her also showed an almost bewildered expression, and really didn't want to expose the two funny comparisons act.

Wait, what does this have to do with brushes?What the other party is holding is obviously a materialized magic gun, okay?

The condensed scorching magic power has already distorted the air, and everything around it seems to be swept in to produce ripples and waves, exuding a disturbing and terrifying atmosphere.


Roaring ferociously and brutally, Kenneth's original blue eyes glowed an ominous red. If he could have retained a little bit of final will, now he was completely swallowed by the intent of killing. It was as if there was only one voice echoing, constantly hypnotizing and infecting his emotions.

There is no need to say any more nonsense, anyway, no other sounds can be made, so I simply obey this consciousness and finish the job.

Kill kill kill kill!

Half-bowed and tensed, his limbs kicked hard on the ground, and the body wrapped in the blue tights immediately ran forward like a vigorous wild dog.

Kenneth swung the spear nimbly, drawing a long arc in the cold night. The blade of the thorny spear shone like a demon star, shaking the energy accumulated for a long time, and it was a ruthless killing move.

The air was torn apart and screamed, ears were filled with the sound of spears bursting through the air caused by the extremely fast speed, Luo Ye did not dodge, little golden particles appeared in his hand, the whole body was made of gold and inlaid with magnificent gemstones engraved with elf inscriptions The Holy Sword of Broken Steel suddenly appeared in the next second, and the gorgeous holy light shone for less than half a second before being wrapped in an invisible wind, which distorted the light and formed a colorless and invisible barrier.

There was a buzzing sound of metal colliding and cracking, the ground cracked and cracked, and the snow on the roadside began to evaporate and melt due to the scorching magic power. The faces of Shizhi and others, who were more than ten meters away, were a little painful from the blow.

However, this is just the beginning.

Kenneth, who was completely swallowed by the consciousness of the beast, immediately changed his attack and swung his gun across, and the barbed thorns struck again like a meteor.Inheriting the fighting consciousness rooted in the source, even if he has never touched a gun before, he can use complicated gun skills unimpeded, at most, he has less flexibility and judgment on the battle situation than the original owner.

But how can the skills learned by the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows in the Age of Gods be beyond the reach of mortals in later generations?

The wisdom of the abyss obtained by surpassing humans, killing gods, and placing oneself on the outside of the world will make it impossible for a few heroes to be comparable to him in terms of skills alone even in the next few thousand years.

In a sense, Kenneth has inherited the mantle of that existence. In terms of skills alone, he doesn't know how much higher than Luo Ye, who learned the fighting style of opening and closing.

0580 - The Holy Widow

The Thorn Demon Spear with scarlet and red thunders lingering around his body hit Luo Ye directly like a raging wave.One blow set off a thousand waves, and the sharp spear blades rushed from countless angles and from all directions, and even gave people the illusion that there was no way to escape their lock for a moment.

Kenneth's physical body is now completely controlled by Cu Chulainn's battle consciousness and instinct, like a tireless and fearless rigid machine, nothing can stop his extremely vigorous figure like a hound.

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