Luo Ye just swayed on the spot, and the trajectory of the magic gun fluctuated accordingly, adjusting the trajectory and trying to hit his heart with certainty, and this subtle interval of less than one-tenth of a second was enough for everything to happen. Change.


The scarlet blood with a hint of gold rose violently and dripped down from Luo Ye's shoulder, and poured drop by drop along the transformed armor on the ground.It did hit him, but it missed the heart.

"Nice gun, I'll take it."

Without blinking, he put Gaebolg into the storage space. Although Luo Ye was damaged on his left shoulder, he was still able to hold the sword with both hands, and faced Kenneth who was standing still in place without changing his expression.

The breath of the magic gun is gone...

It's like going to another dimension, and I can't feel it at all.

"What the hell did you do?"

Hoarsely let out a dry roar from his throat, and Kenneth, whose consciousness of Cu Chulainn gradually gained the upper hand, glared at Luo Ye angrily, bared his teeth and growled, feeling sincerely unhappy that his favorite gun was taken away by him.

"Since I was stabbed by you... As a price, it doesn't matter if the gun belongs to me? Although it is a mass-produced type, it will be useful in the end. It is not bad to make a spell."

Luo Ye smiled, but said calmly, planning to study the precious treasures of the heroic spirits in hand, so he couldn't be beaten in vain.


Cursing unceremoniously, Kenneth's body was once again covered with mercury, and he charged towards Luo Ye like a wild beast chariot, and followed the irrefutable order in his mind to start his actions.

It's not that he doesn't have better tactics...

For example, now that you have lost your favorite gun, it is the best idea to retreat first to have a long life in the future.It's just that he was completely hypnotized by another force in his mind, and he had to rush to Luo Ye without hesitation, and he had to test out the opponent's potential methods before he could give up.

The linear impact was full of power, and it rushed towards Luo Ye like a tank, and the strong winds brought by it swept everything into ruins.

"Just waiting for you!"

Luo Ye smiled instead of anger, the holy sword that had been stored in his hand for a long time burst into dazzling light at this moment, and a torrent of golden magic power several meters wide surged out from the tip of the sword, roaring towards Kenneth with an unstoppable force.

The glory that erupted at that moment made the night seem to be dyed into day, the earth trembled, the wind howled, and everything in front of him was rumbled into ruins, and the beam of light penetrated and flew to the sky, flying over Fuyuki City like a grand fireworks. bloom.

Kenneth's mercury-encased body couldn't withstand the light cannon shot from the front at all, and the metal shell armor collapsed like a blast, and his body was also wiped out under the attack like a raging wave.

"Huh... Is there really nothing that a light cannon can't solve?"

Luo Ye breathed a sigh of relief, waved his aching arm, and saw a puppet falling from midair after Kenneth's figure shattered and dissipated, and hurried forward to check it.One could vaguely see the doll covered with various spells, and there was even a card buried in the heart.

Picking it up quite curiously, it is not difficult to find that the material of the card is so hard that ordinary people can't break it. It is not difficult to tell from the appearance of the spearmen that they seem to have a lot to do with the Holy Grail War.

"That is to say...Kenneth and this card who fought with me just now, replaced by the replacement magic? It seems that the culprit is as Kotomine Kirei said, the winner of the last Holy Grail War, The Ainsworth House."

Chapter 0583 The follow-up of the trial

Putting away the extraordinary card and saving it, Luo Ye simply used magic to heal the wound caused by being stabbed. Weaving and Sakura were in another street not far away, and after a little thought, we decided to find them first.

Naturally, he was not idle on the way, took out his mobile phone and contacted Kotomine Kirei by phone, and briefly explained the situation to him, which caused the other party to complain angrily during the call with a feeling of powerlessness. The fact that an accidental gas leak could cause an explosion is somehow a far-fetched reason to dodge it.

As the priest assigned by the Holy Church to monitor this area of ​​Fuyuki City, it is indeed necessary for him to deal with a series of troublesome aftermath issues caused by the mystery of the other world.Even if I changed my career to make mapo tofu ramen, my job is still a priest after all, and I can't get rid of this responsibility after all.

"The person who fought with me is Kenneth. You should have an impression to some extent. The former head of the Archibald family was once the number one figure in the Clock Tower. But now it seems that he was given by Cu Chulainn's consciousness. Possession, coupled with Ainsworth's replacement magic, was made into a doll-like existence."

Although it was just a fight with Director Ken, it is not difficult for Luo Ye to analyze the whole picture. As the final victor of the last broken cup war, the Ainsworth family probably made the rest of the losers into puppets like existence.According to Mine Kirei, it was only because the Holy Church had not collapsed at that time, which family didn't want to cause more trouble, so they stopped and chose to let him live.

At first glance, such an analysis...

This is just a job description for gunmen.

That means that there are still six characters corresponding to Saber, Archer, and Caster who have not appeared on the stage.

If this time it was just a small-scale trial by the Ainsworth family, then the next step would probably be the obliteration of the Thunder.

Suddenly there is an unknown strong presence in his own territory, even the whole family will feel uncomfortable and cannot easily tolerate it, not to mention that he has also shown quite impressive strength.

"Understood, I reported the disappearance at that time. But now the Magic Association has been completely destroyed by the inexplicable space shock, and it is useless to say so much. You might as well think about how to conceal the existence of the Holy Grail. Once you are When the Zisworth family found her, it might not be as simple as a test. That family is close to being bewildered in order to pursue the continuation of human beings, and by then it will not be as simple as just using any means."

Kotomine Kirei didn't know whether he was kind enough to remind him like this, or he deliberately reminded him in this way in consideration of the fact that Luoye's information was not equal to the disadvantaged side.

As an ordinary ramen shop owner, he didn't need to participate in such troublesome things. Whether the world is destroyed or survived, he can't do anything for this man who is only pursuing pleasure.

just saying...

If Luo Ye died, wouldn't he be able to eat more delicious Mapo Tofu?

No matter what, at least he had to wait until that guy handed over all his skills to himself before allowing him to die in any way.

Fortunately, Luo Ye didn't expect the other party to be able to provide any effective help. It was not easy to get some information from there. After chatting for a few words, he hung up the phone in a hurry, already feeling that Shi Zhi The location of Sakura.

The two of them were not idle during his battle, and worked hard to perform hypnotic magic and build an enchantment to prevent the battle from affecting ordinary people.

When Luo Ye suddenly appeared in front of them, Shiori and Sakura were almost taken aback, but they still breathed a sigh of relief and stroked their chests, thanking him for his safe return.

"It's good that you're fine, it's very worrying..."

"I have instructed Kotomine Kirei to deal with the follow-up matters. As a member of the church, he naturally has a way to solve these troubles. Let's go home and rest first."

Luo Ye nodded to them, hooked Shiori and Sakura's shoulders and walked home, describing the battle just now like an understatement.

Even if they couldn't observe what happened with their own eyes, it was not difficult for the two of them to find out from the earth-shattering explosion that it was an amazing battle. They were skeptical about what he said. Kenneth was killed.They didn't feel relieved until they personally checked Luo Ye's body and found no obvious injuries.

"Let's go home quickly and prepare... This battle is not as expected. It will take a few years to start. To put it simply, both the personnel and the servants are ready. As long as the Ainsworth family calls Under the order, the chess pieces may be able to swarm up at any time."

Luo Ye used to think that it should wait until ten years after the Fourth World War just like the Fifth World War. Unexpectedly, the Aindsworth family implanted the card into the puppet early on, and they can change the influence at will. Rules change engagement date.

Right now, his whereabouts and existence are completely exposed...

The opponent's next wave of offensive is far from being as simple as that. Returning to the magic workshop that he built is the most correct way.

In his own territory, Luo Ye can display a higher level of fighting skills, and will undoubtedly be more comfortable against Kenneth, and it should not be difficult to deal with three or four at the same time with the magic enchantment.

But he still doesn't know what the other person's ultimate killer is, and the outcome is still unknown.

It is obvious that no one can easily ignore the long-cherished wish of passing on for thousands of years.Even the old worms have only lived for 500 years, not as good as the Ainsworth family.

Since the other party can continue to this day and jump out to try to save the world, there must be something extraordinary. If he really thinks that the Ainsworth family is just a replacement magic, he may be educated to nowhere.Just this heroic spirit possession, which is similar to the god descending technique, can be said to be a very powerful and powerful ability.

"You two just take good care of Miyu, and I will deal with the enemies."

Said so loudly in a natural tone, Luo Ye can't say that he let these two little girls step into a dangerous battle.

But Shiori didn't like being patted by him on the head, and he didn't like being treated like a child, so he lowered his head and muttered sullenly.

"I, I'm not young anymore, okay! Don't always treat me like a child!"

Chapter 0584 The Covenant

"Yes Yes."

Luo Ye absent-mindedly responded a few times, stretched out his hand and fiddled with the girl's long blue hair and ravaged it into a mess like a chicken coop.No matter how reluctant Shiori was, he could only puff up his cheeks and complain in a low voice sullenly, which caused Matou Sakura, who saw her senpai's rare embarrassment, couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing happily.The tense and oppressive atmosphere was also temporarily diluted and delayed because of his safe return.

When the three hurried back to the mansion, the small figure was sitting on the wooden steps outside the house quietly waiting for their return, and the originally dull eyes seemed to bloom with the color of hope. However, his facial expression still froze in a daze as if he couldn't express the emotions in his heart. After hesitating for a long time, he still shouted timidly at the end.

"Father, sister..."

She didn't know what they were doing when they went out, and why they placed themselves in the mansion, but since the elders did this, Miyu would naturally obey them obediently.

"It's so cold outside, Miyu, hurry back and go back. What if you're freezing? Well, you can go to sleep first, there's no need to wait for us for so long!"

Shiori felt a little powerless and sighed while holding his forehead. He had a headache because he hadn't been able to order Miyu, who was ignorant and innocent, to follow the words. He quickly took off his coat and put it on the girl who was only wearing a thin kimono.

"Let's go into the house first. Don't worry, I put a barrier against cold and heat on Miyu's kimono, so it won't be so easy to be frozen."

Haosheng comforted Shizhi, who was concerned but distracted and failed to notice the details. Luoye was not as frizzy as her, but just pushed open the door and signaled the rest of the room to go in quickly, and checked first after turning on the heater. Let's look at the enchantment that is arranged.

Failed to sense the intrusion of others...

Hasn't the Ainsworth family moved so quickly?

But ninety-eight out of ten are also eyeing his residence.

During the battle, Luo Ye could vaguely feel the aura of several familiars nearby, as if they were peeping and observing the battle situation in order to better analyze his abilities.

The Ainsworth family's trick is pretty good. They just sent Kenneth, who is notoriously harmless and will not hurt the source, to inspect the situation. It would be best if Luo Ye can be dealt with smoothly. Even if it can't be solved, nothing will be lost. .For the family that has mastered the seven major career cards, the rich and powerful can completely afford losses.

On the other hand, Luo Ye's opponents are not clear about the opponent's hole cards, and the situation is really a bit passive.

For this reason, he also had to figure out what to do next to prepare, and he couldn't just wait for the enemy to attack without a clue.

"I don't know when the next wave of offensive will wait. The enemy may suddenly attack in one day. If the situation is not right, Shiori, you as a sister, take good care of your sister. There is me in the garage after using magic to modify it. The car is a fully automatic weapon for water, land and air, and it can easily travel at [-] yards per hour. Even if the opponent is not so easy to catch up with, it has all the clothes and food in stock. In addition, if it is impossible, there is a secret tunnel leading to Fuyuki Outside the city. At that time, I believe you will be able to judge the situation by yourself."

During the spare time when Matou Sakura appeased Meiyu to cook porridge for her, Luoye waved his hand to signal Shizhi to follow him into the deserted corridor, and whispered something to the girl in a whisper.

"This... isn't this just running away? How could you be able to defeat so many opponents without you alone! I can help a little too! Just let me, let me stay and fight against the enemy with you, isn't it good? Is it?"

There is no way to complain about when he secretly modified the car and dug a tunnel, Shiori's expression was a bit astonished at the beginning, he was stunned for a long time, and then he clenched his hands into fists unwillingly, showing courage Rarely dare to contradict and disobey the orders given by his adoptive father.

It was true that she had listened to Luo Ye's words very honestly before, but the current situation did not allow her to follow her instructions blindly like before, and she had to make some changes.


Just after she finished speaking these words loudly, Luo Ye suddenly tapped her head with her fingers.

"Fool, even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about Meiyou, right? If the enemy is strong, I'm afraid I won't have the energy to spare the time to protect you guys. Don't worry, I have my own means to escape, you guys If you are on the scene, it will drag me down, understand?"

Giving such a forceful order in a tone that could not be refused, Luo Ye frowned and ordered solemnly.Shizhi secretly clenched his fists, struggled for a long time and still got the words stuck in his throat, so he could only choose to give up acquiescingly, and said in a low voice, "I know it" and then stopped talking too much.

It's not that she doesn't understand that what Luo Ye said is the truth.

The words are rough and the rationale is not rough, as long as there is nothing wrong with it...

If he gets awkward and doesn't follow his orders and stays, not only will he not be given much help, but Luo Ye will have to be distracted to protect himself and others, which will directly affect his combat ability.

Even a negligible negligence in the master's fight may become a fatal factor, not to mention the presence of three oil bottles on the scene.

"When I'm not around, protect yourself and your sister, and Sakura too...they are all entrusted to you."

Over the past few months, Luoye has been subtly developing the flame power hidden in Shizhi's body. As long as she can easily burst out a burst of energy to protect her body under difficult circumstances, even if she encounters troubles, she will always have a fight of power.He still believes in the daughter he has raised so far. He has traveled so many places with him, and he is among the best among his peers in terms of adaptability and skills, so he won't be knocked down so easily.

Besides, he still left a trace of energy in the girl's body...

If the situation is really irreversible, it should be able to support for several hours, and he can fully support it.

In a sense, it was the best choice to let the other party stay away from the main battlefield and leave Fuyuki City with Miyu, who was born as the holy grail.

Otherwise, once the Ainsworth family, who are struggling to find the miracle, finds out, I am afraid that they will go all out to find Meiyu immediately, or use all kinds of cards.

At most, he just pissed off the other party a little bit now, and he hasn't got to the point where it's a life-and-death situation.

Shiori forcefully squeezed out a smile, stretched out his little finger to hook Luo Ye, and sincerely promised his hope.

"Well, I will! I will never hand over Miyu to anyone else! You too... First, you must be able to live well. We still have an agreement to return to our respective original worlds, so don't forget."

Chapter 0585 valuable information

Luo Ye finished setting up the barrier and preparations for the second hand, rested and adjusted for nearly a night, and when the morning light came again the next day, he got up early and went to the courtyard to exercise his muscles and bones to ensure that his body functions returned to the peak After the state, it stopped for a while.

In the distant sky, a round of rising sun slowly rises from the eastern horizon, and the white mist has not yet dissipated and lingers over Fuyuki City, bringing a bit of morning sun.

"Last night, there was movement from the familiar."

Early in the morning, Luo Ye accepted the summons from the familiar who was in charge of monitoring the enchantment of the Aindsworth house in the big pit, and carefully reviewed the clearly captured footage captured by a high-definition camera.

Compared with the traditional rigid magician, his thinking is undoubtedly much more active.Just like the notorious magician killer Emiya Shish, it flexibly combines modern scientific props with traditional magic to produce more powerful effects.As for the gains obtained, it is naturally obvious. Even though the Ainsworth family managed to eliminate several familiars, they still inevitably ignored the cameras hidden in the dark, and inadvertently took pictures of themselves and others. Existence is fully exposed.

In the video, everything is calm at first, and everything is as before, and there is an unexplorable monotonous, boring white mist in the big pothole. The magic sword, which has been branded and left traces in history, ruthlessly tore the pigeon familiar completely, and a cold snort of disdain could be faintly heard from a distance.

"This is... the King's Treasure? The enemy's Archer is Gilgamesh? Wait, even his unruly and strong will can be contained and controlled by the card? Are you kidding me? This Could it be that the Ainsworth family has received the favor of the world?"

Even though the black mud, which is the evil of human beings, can't contaminate Jin Glitter's self-awareness, he was able to survive the torrent of resentment, but he was made into a job card by a displacement magic that transcended common sense. Ye felt embarrassed.

I think he still had a headache for a while when he was duel with the opponent. This oldest fat tiger deserves to be the strongest heroic spirit. Repeated several times, the world-severing blow of the Deviation Sword repelled the light cannon.


"The other party is not a good person. We don't need to pay any attention to morals with this Kim Picka. One blaster will finish the job! There is nothing in this world that cannot be solved by one blaster. If there is, then two shots!"

Under the situation where he was unreasonably absorbing magic power through the Holy Grail of communication, several light cannons burst out continuously and violently, even Gilgamesh could only scream miscellaneous repairs and declare defeat, which was really not enough. A steady stream of rogue tactics with light cannons.It's not that the Deviation Sword is not powerful, but——

Why don't you try to use it continuously and uninterruptedly!

It's fine to beat and bully others in the family as much as possible, and this also misappropriates the authority of the Little Holy Grail to absorb Fuyuki's spiritual power, squandering magic power like it doesn't need money, and I don't know how many rules have been broken.


Although at first glance, Luo Ye cooperated with his wife and daughter to repel the King of Heroes, but Gilgamesh, who was on the Throne of Heroes, felt the anger from the bottom of his heart after knowing what happened in the lower world, and almost every He in this parallel world was also infected with this anger, and he had to completely obliterate the existence that dared to humiliate the king before he could barely stop.

He reckoned that if he appeared in front of any Gilgamesh, he would undoubtedly become the target of the opponent's attack immediately.

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