The same magic light beam and the same shining glory, the invisible sword held by the silver-helmed swordsman burst out a dazzling light that Luo Ye was all too familiar with, making him think he saw someone in a trance, his sight Almost subconsciously stayed in that direction for a moment.

It was really difficult for Luo Ye to dodge the left and right blows, but he could retreat or take off to try to avoid the enemy's charged blows, but it's not impossible...

Just when he had this idea, a figure came straight from the flanks, took off the blindfold that bound his eyes, and released the seal that restricted himself.


The petrified demonic eye, which can also be ranked the highest level among the demonic eyes, is a miracle that cannot be reproduced by magic. It emits a bewitching and blurred ray straight to Luoye's body, and freezes half of it to become rigid and cold for a short time. stones.

Even if it can't take effect forever, as long as it can hinder his actions for a moment, it is enough to complete the absolute kill this time.

The overwhelming golden ripples and colorful magic light bullets locked on Luo Ye as the target, and together with other attacks, they fell on him with an unstoppable force.The combined blow of the five rank servants is enough to kill ghosts and gods, even gods and demons will be afraid of this continuous attack.

"You are destined to be unable to resist this blow with a mere human body! Welcome to your end!"

Chapter 0595 wake up, EA!

"That's... Uncle Kariya? No, he, how did he become like this?"

Hiding in the underground tunnel for refuge, Matou Sakura, who just watched this scene through the familiar monitor, couldn't help but cover her mouth in dismay, looking at the two vital existences on the battlefield with a bit of astonishment. Fighting and fighting each other, with mixed feelings in my heart, I can't tell what it feels like.

She can also roughly see one or two strange tricks from Kariya's obviously wrong state and attire, and it is not difficult to find that he has been reduced to a puppet controlled by the Ainsworth family.

But that's not all...

What Sakura wants to ask the most is actually.

Uncle Kariya, when did you become a womanizer?The revealing dress full of sex is exclusive to women, no matter how you look at it?And the kind with big boobs.

Unable to bear to look directly at Kariya who was fighting hard in purple women's clothing, Sakura's expression suddenly became extremely weird.

"Now is not the time to complain about this, okay? Others may be some hidden women's boss, it's all possible. The key is Luo Ye, what should he do now? Half of his body has been petrified, and he can't dodge if he can't move." Those attacks."

Although Shizhi also noticed this, he was still secretly worried about Luo Ye's situation.The opponent's magic eye ranks in the highest echelon, and has the strange ability to freeze things into stones. If you judge it by the level of the Holy Grail construction system, it has an A level, which cannot be underestimated.

"Dad he..."

Miyu groaned softly, and immediately fell into silence without saying a word, her small heart roughly knew the situation her father was facing, and she knew more clearly that everything was caused by herself in the final analysis.Even though Luo Ye and Shi Zhi tried their best to conceal the truth, it was not difficult for Miyu to see from the obviously different hair color and eye color that there was no blood relationship between her family.

Genetics are different, right?

As a top student, Meiyou naturally understands the basics of biology.

No matter how they imagined this situation, it was obvious that they could only pin all their hopes on Luo Ye at the moment, praying that he could solve the predicament and escape from the encirclement.Even if the possibility is so slim...

Various types of attacks hit Luo Ye from all angles at the same time, gathering together with the momentum of a torrent and a tsunami, as if to completely tear him into pieces and crush him into dust.

Such a blow is already comparable to the glory of the myth age that the ether still retains. This is the lore launched by Aindsworth's assembly of trump cards.Absolutely don't give the opponent any time to breathe and rest, let alone send one or two subordinates recklessly to die.

If you want to go, go together, it is impossible to give the opponent a chance to brush monsters and level up.Throughout the ages, I don't know how many villain bosses have made such mistakes. They have fully absorbed the lessons in this area after years of dormancy, and what they pursue is not to give any chance to stand up and become the master.

Even Luo Ye couldn't help but change his expression slightly under this blow, realizing that it was time to embezzle the hole cards, so he didn't need to think too much, he could only move out one of the unique skills at the bottom of the box.

The treasure obtained from his wife by relying on soft food, the strongest guardian in this world, the utopia that even the five dharma can't match, the legendary sword scabbard Avalon of King Arthur.

Luo Ye put his hand on his chest and directly inserted it, and took out the extremely shining scabbard from his body. The golden star-made metal was inlaid with eye-catching blue enamel as a decoration, and there was a long-lost fairy character in the middle. It is so holy and inviolable.

"Real name liberation——! An ideal land far away from the world!"

Accompanied by Luo Ye's loud shout, the gorgeous scabbard shone brightly and decomposed into hundreds of solid barriers forming multiple mountains, enveloping his body completely inside and guarding it tightly, not allowing any dust from the outside world to be contaminated.

Noble Phantasm, Light Pillar, Magic Bullet, Giant Axe...

Everything is blocked out, and the seemingly thin barrier resists all attacks like an absolute defense.

Unable to withstand the pressure of the aftermath, the ground shook violently like a magnitude [-] earthquake. All the buildings within a radius of hundreds of miles collapsed and collapsed. The originally bustling urban area was rumbled into a pile of ruins and dust.Luo Ye and that layer of absolute barriers are like a flat boat in the vast ocean. The tossing and wandering may capsize at any time, but even though the building is about to fall, it still maintains its original state, sticking to the last line of defense, and avoiding this catastrophe .

"The sword scabbard in the legend of King Arthur, Avalon? You guy...I felt very strange before. The light cannon is exactly the same as the swordsman on our side. If I have to say it, it is more powerful. .You, could it be... Arthur Pendragon himself?"

An extremely bold guess suddenly appeared in Angelika's mind, and she was even a little unsure of the possibility, but the facts were in front of her and she had to accept it.

If it can be explained that he used Excalibur, the sword of vowed victory, how can he explain it now that he moved out of Avalon?

Legend has it that after returning the sword in the lake, King Arthur took a boat back to the town of goblins to recuperate alone.It is said that the king will never age, and it is not impossible to live to the reality.

Then the problem comes...

In the records, the blond-haired and blue-eyed King Arthur became an Oriental with black hair and black eyes.Could it be that there is an error in the history books?

Angelika's sudden and bold guess made Shiori, who was hiding in the underground tunnel and barely supporting the barrier from being destroyed, staggered and almost fell.

Although she had guessed the true identity of her adoptive father before, she hadn't really thought about it.

King Arthur, famous in Celtic legend...

No, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like your father, does it?The people of Ainsworth must have been fooled by the few moves he showed.

"Whatever you think, what's the battle between us? It's either you die or I live, so much nonsense. You act to save the world, and I also do it for my little one. It is obviously not realistic to think that you can convince the other party by talking about it. These days, whoever has the biggest fist has the final say."

Luo Ye laughed noncommittally, the holy sword in his hand had started accumulating energy again, ready to launch the next blow at any time, and if there was a disagreement, his face would be smeared with a cannonball.

"That's what you want, let's end with this last blow! It's time to play, wake up! E·A!"

Not to be outdone, Angelet shouted loudly, and took out a key-shaped 'sword' from the golden ripples rippling beside her.

Chapter 0596

Deviation Sword E·A.

Even if it is placed in the treasure house of the king, which stores the prototypes of all things in the world, it is second to none.

The weapon whose specific style cannot be identified has no name at all. The reason why it is called E·A is just because of Gilgamesh's convenient nickname. It has a year older than humans and even this planet. .

At that time, it was the gods who wielded it in order to open up the world, and realized the pure power.

That is, the beginning of this planet, the thing that splits the sky and the earth, cuts apart nothingness to create the sky, and penetrates the sky into nothingness.

Even if Angelica is not the real Gilgamesh, as long as she can swing this sword with all her strength, she can still have quite powerful power.

Divided by the holy grail system, the deviant sword E·A is an anti-world treasure.Compared with ordinary Noble Phantasms such as anti-people, anti-army, and anti-city, it is no longer able to be calculated in the dimension of fit and situation.

If I had to describe it, it was an absolute force that could destroy an entire small world.Regardless of whether the opponent is an individual or a group, they will be razed to the ground together with the world they are in.

Instead of releasing the water like the arrogant king, Angelica had blocked all her beliefs, concentrated almost all the magic power in her body on this blow, and roared loudly towards the sky and the ground.

"E·A, let's sing loudly!"

As if to respond to her, the cylindrical sword rotated like a rock cutter and enveloped the air. The swirling wind sucked in more air, creating small tornadoes that overlapped each other to create a larger air. The vortex and all gathered on the sword.

The air layer whose density was still increasing beyond the physical limit soon turned into a weapon to tear everything apart, and began to swallow the entire space.Sound and light gathered in the vortex, and silence and darkness surrounded the sword.Angelica tightly grasped the hilt of the sword that screamed like a living creature, with a ferocious look on her face, obviously affected by that strong consciousness and something was wrong, but she still swung it with all her strength. took that sword.

"Heaven and earth are deviated, the star of development!"

The vortex exploded, and the myriad phenomena gathered beside the Deviation Sword, compressed beyond the limit, were liberated together with the slash.The released pressure caused cracks in the surrounding space, and even the world was turned upside down in the form of being absorbed by the nothingness between the cracks.

Who can believe that such a scene can be achieved with just one wave.

The nothingness protruding from the torn space slit further tore the space, causing countless cracks to erode the world.

The earth was torn apart like clay, and the sky and clouds were easily torn apart. It was like putting a landscape painting drawn on paper into a blender.

The mighty power that ravaged the world and shattered the world approached Luoye. It was a blow that could shatter all generations. The whole planet felt the impact of that wave and began to cry. It sounded like the howling that humans only have when they are about to die. .

"Good come!"

Luo Ye smiled instead of anger, held up the holy sword that was comparable to the glory of the day, and chanted the name of the curry stick, hacked out an unprecedented huge magic beam of light, and the golden particles gathered from all directions and even the ground were all turned into a torrent A drop in the ocean, boosting the momentum and launching a rebellion against the divine punishment blow that fell from the sky.

Since the opponent is a blow that cuts off the world, he will gather the power of the planet to fight.

At first glance, although Excalibur was classified as the echelon of the Anti-City Noble Phantasm, Luo Ye, who really understands the mystery of this sword, clearly knows what it will look like after it is completely liberated.

The sword at the apex of the holy sword category is a holy sword forged by planets rather than humans.Using people's beliefs as raw materials, crystallized inside the planet as the ultimate star-made weapon of "the strongest fantasy".

When creatures want to destroy the planet, the Holy Sword Envoy should stand up to help the righteous and shoulder the mission of saving the world.

And now, the world itself is teetering on the brink.Luo Ye can use this as an excuse to define this blow of the deviant sword as a blow that is harmful to the planet, so as to draw strength from the origin of the earth and reveal the true face of the star-made holy sword.

Even if only a few seals are broken, it is more than enough to fight against Angelika who is not in full Gilgamesh form.


strength and power.

Treasures and Treasures.

God-made weapons and star-made weapons.

The two extreme forces collided and exploded at a height of several hundred meters. Just the impact of the aftermath shook the space and razed half of Fuyuki City and even the deep mountains and old forests farther away. The ground shook like the end of the world. Or what Luo Ye and the other party deliberately did not want to hurt civilians.

And farther away, people all over Japan saw that blow like a nuclear explosion from a long distance away.Individuals of the older generation seemed to be aroused by the fear aroused by the Hiroshima atomic bomb, their faces were pale and bloodless, and even their teeth were constantly chattering.The energy index detected by the monitoring station alone has exceeded the sky, and even the measurement value cannot estimate what kind of energy pouring happened in that place.

Luo Ye and Angelika, who were in the middle of the battle, undoubtedly received a lot of damage, even if it was just the aftermath of the remnant, it would not be good for each other. There were bloodstains and wounds all over their bodies, and scarlet blood gushed out from their bodies. out, dripping to the ground like no money.

However, it is obvious that Luo Ye, who has the blood of Avalon and Red Dragon, has a stronger recovery ability, and the injuries on his body are recovering at a speed that can be seen in the flesh. The granulation grows in the damaged place, and it only takes about one or two hours. fully recovered.

But at this time...

The importance of teammates is reflected.

Angelica is not just herself, and the rest of the Ainsworth family around her are not free.They were also opened by her early in a replacement tunnel and hid several kilometers away. At this moment, Angelica waved her big hand and used the last bit of her reserved magic power to pull them back to the battlefield, hysterical roared loudly.

"Give it to me! Get rid of him! The opponent doesn't have much fighting ability anymore!"

She knew very well that Luo Ye had almost run out of ammunition and food by misappropriating such a huge amount of magic power. She had exhausted all her reserves, and could no longer continue to use up her cannon like before.Although the combat power of the dolls possessed by cards is limited, it is impossible to match him at his peak, but this is the perfect time to come out and clean up the mess.No matter how powerful Luo Ye is, it would definitely not be a good feeling to be hit by a deviant sword light cannon head-on.

After all, this is the strongest attack hand-picked by the authorities!

Chapter 0597

Luo Ye's current situation can be described as quite bad. Face-to-face with E·A, he was hit by a light-emitting cannon head-on, and Avalon couldn't build up a defense comparable to the previous one in a short period of time. The servants of the four positions are really a bit overwhelmed.Anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was getting tired and could no longer fight with ease like before.And this is very likely to be the key factor in his defeat in this battle.

"For Lord Julian! Go to hell!"

Beatrice, who held the Hercules card, roared furiously, and rushed to the forefront. The unmarked heavy ax and sword slammed down like a torrent and tsunami, and the momentum of Mount Tai, which rivaled all armies, came head-on. It was as if he wanted to smash him into a pulp.

Although it is definitely best to capture the other party alive, but after witnessing the scene that looked like a nuclear explosion, Fuyuki City suffered the baptism of the nuclear bomb again and ushered in a day of peace.Beatrice didn't dare to have any contempt anymore, it would be best to kill the other party directly, lest there be any mistakes in the process that would ruin Lord Julian's good deeds.

Barely able to maintain her sanity under the influence of madness, she vaguely remembered that the wish she held was nothing more than to dedicate everything to that man.

The other four servants, the magicians who were made into puppets by the Ainsworth family and lost their identity, also rushed forward to follow the order mechanically and mechanically launched a siege to Luoye, and he was bound to be killed. Obliterate, thereby taking away the Holy Grail to fulfill the long-cherished wish.

In front are the male King Arthur, the snake demon Medusa, the witch Medea, and the Hercules Hercules. They are all well-known figures in their respective legends, and their names have been passed down to this day.

Facing the siege that hosted their power, even though Luo Ye's condition was really not optimistic, he still laughed out loud, a gleam of coldness flickered in his eyes.

"Good job! I'll be waiting for you!"

Even though Luo Ye seems to be physically disabled, in fact, he still has the last resort. The hole card has not been opened, similar to the materialization of the soul learned from Ai Li's wife, that is, to wrap the whole body with tyrannical spiritual power, forming an indestructible spiritual barrier .This is a move that he can use even when his body is damaged. It is a bit similar to using tyrannical mental power to tamper with game data in SAO at that time, but it is used at a stronger level to embezzle and affect reality.

This battle was an inevitable confrontation between him and the Ainsworth family for a long time. Luo Ye took advantage of the time when he could fight these people, and launched a lore to get a job card.

The reason is actually not understandable.

But don't forget the mystery that still resides in the land of Fuyuki City, the Holy Grail War.

Even though it was almost abandoned, this ritual and system still exists.As long as Luo Ye gathers six cards, he can summon the Holy Grail, and then through the relationship between himself and his wife to communicate with the source, he can call a miracle to return to the original world, and together with Miyu Shiori, escape from this world that is about to be destroyed.

Anyway, he doesn't have any grand desire to save the world, just the survival of the whole family is enough for Luo Ye.

Dots of white light shone and emerged from Luo Ye's body. It was the tyrannical spiritual power he had condensed for decades. It was extracted and wrapped on the surface of the body by means of materialization, providing unparalleled offensive and defensive capabilities like a battle armor coat.

He intentionally fought with the Deviation Sword to attract the opponent to take the bait, and the effect was obvious. Ainsworth's people jumped into the pit almost without thinking, and rushed up to try Complete the lore when he seems to be at his weakest.And this just happened to follow Luo Ye's thoughts, and he was able to predict them all.

Luo Ye spread out his palms and took advantage of the frontal attack in a seemingly powerless and slow posture. In the next second, the cheering expressions on the faces of Beatrice and the others froze.It was almost unbelievable to see that Luo Ye, who was obviously physically crippled, burst out with quite tyrannical strength, forcefully detached the card as a power furnace from the bodies of several people, and almost unbelievably issued it from his throat. Intermittent doubts.

"This, how is this possible. Your magical power is obviously running low. Where did this power come from?"

Can't fully understand...

Doubts filled the minds of almost everyone present, including Miyu Shiori who was hiding underground, and others did not understand why Luo Ye, who seemed weak, could still erupt with such impressive strength at the last moment.

"Of course you can't understand, and I don't need to explain too much to you. Speaking of it, I have to say thank you to you guys. If you didn't send the job card to your door, I guess I wouldn't be able to bypass the rules and use the Holy Grail. Now... all the summoning materials are gathered together. Stay in this world honestly and usher in perdition, this miracle is destined not to belong to you."

Luoye smiled. Although the tone seemed gentle and plain, it was no less than a devil's whisper to Angelica. She suddenly widened her eyes and watched him take all four employment cards away. Realizing something, he growled almost angrily.

"Bastard! What on earth are you trying to do! Abandon the whole world for a little girl? Even the biggest villain in human history is not enough to describe the crime you have committed! Don't you have a little bit of it in your heart?" Responsibility? Come on, drop everything and save our world!"

For the Ainsworth family, whose long-cherished wish is to become partners in justice and to save all mankind and the world, this is completely unacceptable.The other party made it clear that this was going to take the Holy Grail and transfer to other worlds. The crime was so heinous that it could not be described in words.

Angelica did her best to try to influence the other party with words, and secretly used the healing potion to try to heal the wound as soon as possible.

Aware of her intentions, Luo Ye didn't talk nonsense, put all the cards in his bag with a big hand, and hung up his attitude that it had nothing to do with him with a cold snort.

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