Chapter 0078 Obviously I First

Although Luo Ye has already looked down on the word of filth, she thinks that it is nothing more than that, just treat it as normal as most things.But even if he regained his composure immediately, it would not be difficult for him to chat with these two extremely skilled female Siji.

Whether in reality or on the Internet, Luo Ye is a person who is good at chatting and talking nonsense.The mouth skills are superb, how can this kind of innocent little girl be his opponent?

Not to mention that Lily, who has to be baptized every night, has already moved closer to the perfect king under his education.Don't you see that even the eloquent Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was not his one-sided enemy, so he could only declare his defeat with a red face, and lay numb and limp on the bed to rest for several days.

After several exchanges, Luo Ye and Yamada Fairy had a very happy chat, from the initial cautiousness to the later acquaintance.It wouldn't be said that there was substantial progress, but the relationship was also brought closer invisibly, allowing him to understand the general situation of this amazingly talented girl.

To put it bluntly, the attribute of being blond and arrogant is nothing more than that. It can no longer be flooded.

Yamada Goblin looks carefree and enthusiastic on the surface, but she is a gentle, sensitive and delicate girl in her heart.And compared to Ying Lili, who loves to be rude and playful, she is much stronger in terms of achievement and femininity.Dressing, conversation, housework, cooking, music can be said to be proficient in everything.There seems to be nothing that people can criticize except that they can make mistakes in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division after graduating from elementary school.

"I always feel that I, an old man, can't hold my head up in front of you."

It's really shocking to say that Luo Ye was still struggling to go to school at their age, which undoubtedly pales in comparison.

"You're not much older than us, are you? Don't always pretend to be mature!"

Ying Lili rolled her eyes at him angrily, it was absolutely impossible for her to think that Luo Ye was indeed many years older than them.

"Well, it's getting late, Miss Ben has to find a place to stay, it's really troublesome."

The Yamada goblin glanced at the dimmed and chilly sky outside the house, complained angrily, took out her mobile phone, and seemed to be planning to book a hotel.

"Don't you live here in Tokyo?"

It was not difficult for Luo Ye to hear the subtext in her words, and asked calmly and tentatively.

"Yeah, every time I go back and forth, I'm so troublesome. I'll buy a house someday. Anyway, Miss Ben's work is about to be animated! I'm about to get the royalties!"

When mentioning this matter, Yamada Goblin suddenly stood up, put his hands on his hips, and said in a proud tone like a child showing off a unique toy in front of others, only a sentence like 'you come and praise me' was written on his face.

It sounds like a fantasy to be able to pay off the house in one lump sum at this age, but since the setting is like this, we can only follow and agree with it tacitly.

"I know you are great."

Luo Ye smiled cooperatively and clapped her hands. Although she seemed to be perfunctory, the girl who couldn't bear to be praised was very useful. She snorted triumphantly, and the soles of her feet seemed to be flying.

"What a fool."

As a bystander, Ying Lili undoubtedly saw it quite clearly, and she couldn't figure out how she fell into the trap of sweet words so easily.

But even if it were her, perhaps this situation could not be avoided.

Most girls love to hear compliments, especially at their young age, they can't resist it.

"Who are you talking about, idiot!"

Yamada Goblin's pointed and long ears, like those of elves in western fantasy stories, are not for nothing. She glared fiercely at the girl who spoke rudely.

"Of course the idiot is talking about you!"

Ying Lili blurted out subconsciously.She didn't realize anything at first, but when she saw Luo Ye's slightly subtle expression, she reacted instantly, gritted her teeth, and there was endless anger in her eyes.

"By the way, did your ears undergo plastic surgery? Or did you wear a silicone mold?"

Luo Ye changed the topic abruptly, stretched out her arms from the side, pinched the beautifully shaped ears, and gently stroked them with her fingertips.

The proportions are not very exaggerated, and it is within the acceptable range of people. With the girl's golden sand-like curly hair and fair skin, there is an exotic beauty.

It's just that Luo Ye is also used to being indifferent.After all, Lily is an authentic British person, and Ying Lili is also half of British blood, so it is not surprising to see more.


And as if being stimulated to a sensitive point, Yamada Goblin's originally fair and tender face suddenly turned red, and she screamed in shame and indignation.

"You, what are you doing!"

The real feelings and definite reaction make people believe that this is not a fake thing, Luo Ye pinched his chin and said to himself.

"Is it still true?"

"Of course it was born! Don't touch Hundan!"

Realizing that her ears were her weakness, Luo Ye pretended nothing happened and readily admitted her mistake, so as not to continue entanglement.

"Feel sorry."

"Hmph! I can barely forgive you."

Yamada Fairy pursed her lips and muttered.Her emotions change quickly, she was still losing her temper just now, but she can suddenly be happy, which is also one of her quite distinctive characteristics.

This kind of mood that is as unpredictable as the weather in June is common to many women, and Luo Ye has long been familiar with it.But suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he came up with a good idea.

"It's not enough to just say an apology. How about this, my house just happens to have a vacant room, and you can stay here until you buy the house. I have three meals a day for free, snacks and tea, and A dedicated sound-proof studio. Although the location is a bit old, there are all kinds of infrastructure nearby, and the room decoration is also good. If you want to leave, you can leave anytime, and I won't stop you."

It's not just for the sake of apologizing, Luo Ye has more things to think about.The private studio he is currently working on has just started, and it needs young and talented creators to join.Yamada Fairy obviously meets these conditions, not to mention that she is still a pleasing and beautiful scenery.

Under the same roof for a long time, the success rate of soliciting is still extremely high.

The olive branch that Luo Ye threw out was quite tempting, and he didn't mention the matter of joining the studio at all. Hearing that, Fairy Yamada couldn't help being a little tempted, so he almost nodded in agreement.

These two people are Zhou Yu who is willing to fight Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, you love me.But Lili and Yinglili who were on the side were immediately dumbfounded by this unimaginable unfolding.

Especially Lily, who was clearly the one who came first, couldn't help but feel a little lost, and couldn't tell what it was like.

This feeling of being overtaken by others is not good.

Chapter 0079

"Hmph! Then Miss Ben reluctantly agrees."

Fairy Yamada finally agreed to Luo Ye's proposal and agreed to stay at his house for a while.It's just that the way is a bit awkward, not so straightforward.

"Me! I'm not going back today either!"

And in the pretense of being unable to let go of this idiot, Ying Lili also clamored to stay overnight to avoid accidents, for fear that someone's bestiality would be taken in by sex.

Luo Ye doesn't care about this, anyway, there are many guest rooms on the third floor that are enough to live in.It's just that I don't know when the relationship between these two dead tsunderes became so harmonious, and they still think about each other.

It sounds like a hit, but there are still some practical factors to consider.

Yamada Fairy is already living independently, so it's fine.But Ying Lili is still under the discipline of her parents, and a girl of her age who wants to spend the night outside is very likely to be opposed.

"You can call and ask, and wait until they agree."

Luo Ye specially reminded this point, and Ying Lili also realized that this matter was not solely up to her, so she had to obey obediently.

After talking on the phone, Spencer and Sayuri Sawamura also learned that their daughters have been drawing sketches at Luoye recently.

The two had a good impression of this young man who had met once, and even asked with a smile to transfer the call, wanting to chat with him for a while.

"Here you are! Don't talk nonsense! Otherwise, you will look good at that time!"

Although Ying Lili was not very willing, she still couldn't resist the will of her parents and could only follow her parents' wishes. After glancing at Luo Ye, she told her worriedly, for fear that he would talk nonsense.

After Luo Ye took the phone with a slightly weird expression, she hadn't decided whether to call her aunt, aunt, or something else, when a mature and easy-going woman's voice sounded immediately.

"Mr. Luo Ye? Although my Ying Lili is a bit arrogant, she is still very cute, right? Don't look at her who is always against others verbally, but she is extremely sensitive in her heart."

Listening to Sayuri Sawamura, who was young and beautiful and not like a married woman, babbled a lot over the phone like a few treasures, even including the advantages and disadvantages of Eriri and various hobbies.

A few drops of cold sweat gradually seeped on Luo Ye's forehead, and she felt more and more that this couple who liked otaku culture was unreliable, so she mourned for a second of silence for Ying Lili's growth experience.

This is clearly selling your daughter, right?And if you think about it carefully, the tsundere with blond hair and double ponytails shouldn't be deliberately cultivated out of personal preference, right?

Thinking carefully and frighteningly, Luo Ye hung up the phone hastily after he skillfully negotiated a few simple words.

Seeing that there was something wrong with his expression, Ying Lili glanced at him suspiciously, and couldn't help but feel puzzled secretly.

"It's getting late, let's go home quickly."

Luo Ye used this as an excuse to immediately cover up the abnormality.

On the way home, Ying Lili and Yamada Goblin inevitably quarreled, but the two still didn't deal with each other and were angry with each other.Although the atmosphere is not harmonious, it is not too bad. In a sense, their relationship may be pretty good.

It's just that Luo Ye didn't find it difficult to notice Lili's preoccupied look, sitting in the back row of the taxi with lowered eyebrows and eyes downcast, silent, making people feel a little worried for no reason.

The night is as cool as water, and the dark city spreads out endlessly, and the high-rise buildings built of reinforced concrete are like ferocious beasts that choose people and devour them.

After getting home and settling the two duplicity girls, Luo Ye came to the balcony alone, staring at the bright lights in the distance, her heart was as peaceful as still water.

A waning moon was gradually shrouded in dark clouds, and rustling chirps could be heard from the depths of the alley from time to time, adding a bit of desolation to the night.

Pressing her body against the railing, Luo Ye sighed with a complicated expression.

It has been almost two months since he came to this strange world, and he has completely gotten used to the new life.

About a few minutes later, there was a faint sound of footsteps behind him.



There is no need to go into too much detail, a tacit understanding of the dialogue is enough.

In the dimly lit room, Lily was only wearing a pajama-style semi-transparent white dress, and her young and beautiful body revealed a hazy beauty.

She seemed to have just taken a shower, her blond hair was still pouring down like a waterfall, and she exuded a faint fragrance.

The recent contract has been gradually weakening, and both parties can clearly notice it.I believe that it won't be long before she will be sent back to her original world.

"Master, are you really unwilling to go back with me? I was just joking when I said I would be your cook. It is absolutely fine to be the Minister of Internal Affairs with your talent."

Lily took a deep breath to calm down her chaotic emotions, and solemnly initiated the final invitation, trying to make him change his mind.

The evening wind whizzed by her side, Luo Ye was just silent, and didn't even turn her head back.

Still mistakenly thinking that the conditions were not enough to impress, Lily bit her lip lightly and had to make a compromise.

"What about the chief minister? This is the most senior civil servant. Master, you are not good at fighting, and it is not bad to stay in the rear to handle internal affairs. Whether you want power or money, I can give it to you."

She didn't know why she was so persistent, she just felt that she had to do it, otherwise it would be like losing something important in vain.

Luo Ye didn't feel this way when she was with her, but when she was left alone at home, this feeling became stronger than ever.It has reached the point where people are so anxious that they are almost restless, wishing to see each other right away.

There was no response to her words, Luo Ye was still silent, and couldn't bear to turn her head to face her.

As if thinking of something from his usual jokes, Lily's cheeks gradually turned into an intoxicating blush, her little hands pinched the hem of her clothes nervously, hesitating, not knowing whether to throw the hidden ultimate hole card.

"That, that..."

But before she had time to say the last condition, Luo Ye happened to turn around, showing an extremely bitter expression.

"Sorry. I want to be with you all the time if I can. But please forgive me that I can't abandon everything in this world. As you can see, I am just a layman who has compromised with reality. In the future, you will meet people who love and support you The knights who support and support you. You will become the aloof and respected King Arthur. I am just a small part of your life. After all, we are people in two completely different worlds. To meet you is already my life I am very lucky, so I dare not ask for more extravagance."

Luo Ye's mood was so complicated that it was difficult to maintain her former composure for a while.

People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has cloudy and sunny waxing and waning.Forever tired of being together and being intimate with each other is something that only exists in ideals.He knew this very well, but he didn't know why he could only feel helpless when he said the words out of his mouth.

But Lily's originally confident expression froze immediately, and she was completely stunned there, her delicate and pretty face revealing depression, puzzlement, deep disappointment and depression.

"Master is an idiot."

Throwing down these words in a sobbing voice, the girl who had already cried to the point of tears ran back to the room, and closed the door heavily with a slam.Only Luo Ye was left blowing the cold wind outside alone, letting the darkness before dawn shroud her body, as if she had fallen into a boundless abyss, lonely and helpless.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Chapter 0080 is not the distance

The morning light came from afar from the thin and white sky.

There was a chill in the air in the winter morning, and Ying Lili yawned sleepily and poked her head out of the warm blanket. Her bright blond hair, which was usually neatly combed, was now in a mess like a chicken coop.

After murmuring a few times, realizing that it was the weekend and she didn't need to get up so early, she couldn't resist the restraint of the bed after all, and fell asleep again with sleepy eyes.

I don't know how long it took, but the consciousness became a little blank, but the mobile phone placed next to the pillow suddenly started to vibrate, and Ying Lili was suddenly awakened.

Picking it up impatiently, her original dissatisfaction was instantly swept away, and there was an unconcealable joy on her face.

It's a text message from JUMP.Editor Shimada, who had been in contact with the duo before, sent a message saying that their new work has passed the preliminary review, and it is best to discuss it face to face.

Ying Lili was quite concerned about this matter, and she immediately sat up like a carp rolling over, put on a loose coat to wrap around her petite body that was just in development, and hurriedly walked to the fourth floor.

She thought that Luo Ye might not have gotten up at this moment, and she was still thinking wildly in her mind, wondering whether she should go to his room to call for someone.Unexpectedly, as soon as he went upstairs, his eyes found that familiar figure in the cold living room.

Luo Ye was sitting quietly on the sofa, motionless like an eternal stone statue.But if you look closely, it's not difficult to find that his eyes are covered with fine bloodshot eyes, no matter how you look at it, it seems that he is holding on with strength.

"You guy, you didn't sleep last night, did you?"

Ying Lili muttered in wonder, but got no response. The young man seemed to be trapped in his own world and was unaware of everything around him.

"The editor sent a message, saying that he told us to go to the company for an interview today."

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