"This damned Vortigern! Doesn't he know what the habits of these Saxons are? Completely white-eyed wolves."

There are already some people who can't bear the temper and secretly curse the humble king, thinking that his introduction of foreign races into Britain is tantamount to leading wolves into the house, playing with fire and setting themselves on fire.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.Where is the foreign race so easy to drive?

As the Celts, it is natural that they should jointly resist foreign enemies. Lords from all walks of life have always put aside their usual grievances and united at such times.

But Vortigern was lucky, self-confident to the point of superciliousness, thinking that he could firmly grasp this unstable factor in his hands, and even actively communicated.

They don't know that the other party is a greedy wolf who can't get enough to eat, and once he loses his use value, he will gobble him up in turn.

The former Vortigern was indeed a very capable and ambitious lord, somewhat admirable.But since he killed the former king and occupied the royal city, the almost infinite power made it difficult for him to let go, and he has completely deteriorated and forgotten his original intention.Not only is he self-proclaimed and licentious, he even kills the baby boys born that year just because of Merlin's prophecy, for fear that his status will be shaken by others.

"My lord, I think we can give full play to the farming system and send troops to garrison the farmland and cultivate it. Although it may be a waste of troops, as long as they are stationed, I believe the Saxons will be afraid and will not dare to make mistakes. Even if they and the rebels Just because the relationship between the thieves has been repaired, it does not mean that they will help and work hard because of this. This kind of scumbag will naturally retreat without a fight as long as it is taught a little lesson."

As the most respected existence other than the king, Gao Wen took the lead in speaking out and tried his best to come up with reasonable countermeasures.

Some opinions are indeed very reasonable, worthy of the reputation of the White Knight.

It's just that after Wang pondered for a moment, he boldly put forward an idea, and those who heard it were moved.

"I plan to lead the elite troops to drive straight in, heading southeast to Londinium, and completely defeat the aliens in one fell swoop. We cannot be soft-hearted and patient when dealing with them. Now that our army has recuperated for many years, we have enough strength to complete this move."

Londinium was the hub city established when Britain was conquered by Claudius of the Roman Empire about 500 years ago.After being almost destroyed by Vortigern, it is now temporarily occupied by the Saxons as a stronghold.

It might be better known by the name it was later rebuilt by.


"Wang, this kind of dangerous matter can be left to my subordinates and Gao Wenqing. The king doesn't need to do it himself."

Agguiwen's expression changed suddenly, and he even dissuaded him immediately, regardless of the lack of etiquette.

It is undoubtedly a good thing to be able to defeat the alien race no matter from which point of view.It's just that it is too dangerous for Wang Yishen to get involved in a dangerous situation.No one can guarantee whether the other party will have a backup.

"Could it be that you two have doubts about my strength?"

Wang's voice was very calm, and his delicate face revealed a heroic and powerful aura.

Gao Wen and others fell into silence.

The blood of the red dragon circulates in the king's body, which is stronger than anyone else. It is estimated that only Voutigeng, who is the incarnation of the white dragon, can fight her.

It's just that when the two armies are at war, the factor of personal strength will be infinitely reduced.Unless it is said that there is an unfathomable ability to change the situation of the battle by one's own power, and Wang obviously has not reached that level.

But this is not her fault, but the background of this era.

"Of course not, it's just..."

They recalled that the figure was always at the forefront of the charge at all times, and felt so awkward that they couldn't speak, so they could only hold it in their mouths, feeling uncomfortable in their hearts.

"I have made up my mind. Lead three cavalry battalions with 500 soldiers and [-] personal guards, and take three days of dry food to attack quickly. There is no delay."

There is no doubt about Wang Na's decisive tone, and her resolute posture makes it impossible to imagine who else can stop her.

Obviously she was planning to fight a blitzkrieg, taking advantage of the Saxon elite dispatched to catch him off guard.

If the opponent has an impenetrable defense like Wangcheng, this strategy will definitely not work.Although the marching speed of the cavalry is fast, there is nothing they can do to attack the city.

But Vortigern destroyed Londinium on his own, and what remained were basically bungalows and ruins.The Saxons would not be so kind as to rebuild the city, they basically just made do with it, and they were not very afraid that someone would attack them.

Now that Britain is torn apart, there is no lord who is willing to stir up this muddy water, and go to great lengths to crusade against foreign races to waste troops in vain.Basically, they chose to sit idly by, since what they harassed were ordinary people anyway.Not to mention that once there is a war, you have to think about the follow-up revenge of the Saxons and the pressure from the humble king.

It is precisely because of the negligence and lack of preparedness of the opponent, and the avoidance of harassing and making troubles on the side during the war, that the king made up his mind to destroy them on the eve of the storm.

"There are rumors that the Flower of the Knights of France is dissatisfied with hearing others compare the king with him, and plans to cross the strait to compete with the king, please be careful."

Agguiwen persuaded her, but he had no choice but to follow her wishes. At the same time, he recalled the intelligence reminder from the mainland in the morning.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in a hundred battles.Wang attached great importance to intelligence, and he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to train or buy intelligence personnel, and Wang and Agguiwen were directly in charge. The rest of them knew nothing about them, even Gao Wen knew little about them.

The military situation meeting thus came to an end. Gao Wen, who was entrusted with the heavy responsibility of staying behind, could only watch the Wang in military uniform lead a small team to leave the barracks through the back door. He silently wished her a triumphant return, and then sighed deeply. .

Most of the soldiers probably didn't know that Wang chose to go out quietly, and they were still immersed in how hard the training was today or what to eat for lunch and dinner.

He returned to the military tent with complicated thoughts, and he hadn't calmed down and adjusted his worrying mood, only to see the guards walking in hurriedly, asking for instructions respectfully.

"Knight Gawain, someone outside the tent is asking to see you."

Chapter 0104 What are you afraid of?

"Even you are not sure, but you want to ask me specifically, what about the others in Agguiwen?"

A gleam of surprise flashed in Gao Wen's eyes, he restrained the heavy heart that had surged up after the king left, and immediately walked out of the military tent, wanting to see who it was.

Since the king issued the Order of Seeking Talents and declared that regardless of status, high or low, as long as they are talented and virtuous, they can get a chance to show their skills, and people often come here from thousands of miles away.

In addition to making a living, it is more about the ambition to make a name for yourself in this troubled world, or the strong sense of honor and disgrace to defend your family and country.

However, the busy Wang didn't have time to receive every defector.

Therefore, in order to save the cumbersomeness and avoid the phenomenon of making up numbers, the adjutant Ageguiwen specially compiled a corresponding screening system.

Several discerning veterans took up the duties, and through simple tests, the defectors were divided into soldiers, craftsmen, farmers, logistics and other types before being incorporated into the army.

Only the best among them and those who have achieved a certain level of fame can be personally received by the king.

Although this move greatly enriched the vitality, as far as Gao Wen knew, it was far from being as calm as people imagined, otherwise the king would not have deliberately concealed people's eyes and ears.

He clearly knew this, but Wang was still indifferent, and Gao Wen couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

Get rid of chaotic thoughts, walk through the barracks to the specially set up recruiting camp, and you can hear the deafening shouts of soldiers from the martial arts field from a distance.

This is training for the upcoming battle.

The war between the humble king and King Arthur will start soon.

But what really attracted Gawain was the wild weeds on the ground like a group of snakes dancing wildly, and the tall and dwarf figures in the center who covered their appearance with a cloak.

Even veterans who have experienced many battles can't help shrinking their pupils and sweating coldly when they see this scene beyond imagination.

Recalling the taboos that the Holy See usually ordered repeatedly, they almost blurted out the term that was regarded as an ominous symbol.

Gao Wen instantly realized how troublesome the other party was, but he still had a gentle smile on his face, as if greeting an old friend.

"Hi, I'm Gao Wen. It's hard work for you to come to our army from a long distance. I don't know how to call it?"

Power has nothing to do with good or evil, but how it is used.

Under the influence and teaching of the king, Gao Wen let go of many prejudices that he had once been a knight. Even though the opponent's ability was very similar to that of a witch who was chased and killed by the Holy See, he did not become hostile because of this.

"Where is Wang? I want to see her."

Unexpectedly, his all-seeing geniality was thwarted.The other party didn't seem to care, just asked in a low voice.

"Sorry, the king has important matters to deal with, so he can't meet outsiders for the time being."

Gao Wen said euphemistically without changing his face, without revealing the truth.

It is impossible for him, being loyal, to reveal the whereabouts of the king's trip to outsiders.

The other party simply didn't force it, and seeing that Gao Wen didn't want to talk about it, he just sighed deeply.

"It doesn't matter if she has time, but before that, I hope to have a place to stay."

"plz follow me."

Gao Wen was keenly aware that the other party didn't seem to come here to take refuge as he imagined, but he couldn't figure out what the purpose of coming was.They can only be placed in a separate military camp at the corner according to the procedure first, and apologize politely.

"I have wronged the two of you to stay here these few days, please forgive me. Our soldiers will deliver two meals a day as scheduled, and Wang will come to see you as soon as he is free."

Under Wang's teaching, they never treat capable people and strangers badly.Except that the movement is slightly restricted from entering the depths of the barracks, there are no restrictions on the rest, and you can even enter and exit through the side door guarded by soldiers at any time.

"It's troublesome."

The young man's unusually calm attitude made him secretly vigilant, but he really didn't feel any clear hostility, so he could only keep his doubts in his heart for the time being.

After exiting the military tent, Gao Wen solemnly ordered his subordinates to keep watch from a distance, and not to disturb them beyond their means.

Before the king came back, he could only do so.

When the figure in the silver-white armor disappeared from the field of vision, the petite figure who had been silent all this time took off his hat neatly, revealing short shoulder-length hair in the color of cherry blossoms, breathing heavily as if reborn.

"Huha, Mengmeng is almost burnt to pieces."

The relaxed and cheerful tone immediately eased the originally depressing atmosphere.

They are Luoye and Mengmeng who came here through the mountains and rivers.After traveling for several days, the two finally arrived at the camp set up by King Arthur.

Although she didn't know the specific situation, it was not difficult for Luo Ye to guess that Lily was not in the barracks now.Otherwise, just relying on Mengmeng's Xiaolu's skill before, it would be enough to attract her attention. I believe that there is no lord who is not interested in this ability.

"Did the ground shake when we came here just now?"

Luo Ye's eyes were shining brightly, she pinched her chin and thought.

"Yes, and it's not too young, let alone trampled by thousands of horses."

Mengmeng leaned down slightly and touched the ground with her hands, then nodded confidently, telling the truth about the information she had communicated with the plants.

Far away from the steel and concrete of modern society, in this muddy environment, her ability can undoubtedly be used to its fullest, especially when used for investigation.

"That is to say, did she lead the cavalry to go out? The Saxons have recently sent troops to plunder, and it is very likely to deal with them."

Luo Ye felt a little uncomfortable when she thought that Lily had just walked away not long ago, but she was inexplicably relieved.

Obviously, the reunion is about to usher in, but he seems to be afraid of something.

It's true that he followed the agreement to see her, but the interval was a bit long.

Less than a month has passed by Luo Ye's side, but for Lily, it has been quite a long time, eight or nine years.

No matter how immature you were once, this childlike innocence will fade under the baptism of years.

It is very likely that she is no longer the naive and ignorant girl in the young man's original impression.

Just what they saw and heard along the way, as well as people's praise of Arthur's achievements, are enough to make people believe that she has truly grown into a qualified king.

It's hard to imagine how she went from the difficult situation where she had no soldiers at the beginning to being able to compete with the humble king who has dominated Britain for more than ten years.

It is said that time can wash away everything, and Luo Ye doesn't know if she still remembers the peaceful and peaceful daily life that happened in another world.

The countless thoughts can only be turned into a sigh in the end.

"So, what exactly am I afraid of?"

Chapter 0105

Londinium, shrouded in the darkness of night, was immersed in festivities as before, and the dilapidated city was filled with a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

Not only was the simple barracks full of laughter, but even the soldiers guarding the city gate were drunk with jugs.They talked about their knowledge, and finally attributed it enviously to the fact that the leader Kuleda recently spent a lot of money to buy a few beautiful dancers from the Roman Empire. Almost every night, he would pull a group of soldiers to have fun with them. Drinks and other means to win people's hearts.

Since cooperating with the humble king Vortigern, the Saxons have obtained almost everything they dreamed of, whether it is money, land or women, everything is at their fingertips.

Even though the local Celts were full of resentment towards their banditry, they did not dare to act rashly due to the form, so they had to swallow their anger and choose to do nothing.

This kind of life of doing whatever they want lasted for too long, even the elite soldiers could not resist the baptism of sugar-coated shells, their weapons were rusted and their skills were loose, and they were no longer as brave and good at fighting as before.

The spacious hall in the center of the city is brightly lit, and the sound of cups clashing, laughing and clamoring can be heard endlessly.

Kuleda, who is in command here, is drunkenly putting his arms around the curvaceous dancer in scantily clad clothes, listening to his subordinates flattering and bragging about their military exploits, as if they were in a fairyland.

All the soldiers were flushed from drinking, and their eyes were so drunk that they were immersed in the beauty of singing and dancing and couldn't extricate themselves.

An Yi made people relax their vigilance, no one expected that there would be an army launching a surprise attack in the middle of the night.

The night is getting darker, and the cold wind is howling in the wild wasteland.When the upper eyelids of the guards were fighting with the lower eyelids, there was a sound of horseshoes sounding like thunder in the distance.

At first I didn't realize what happened, but then I suddenly woke up from the hazy state of half asleep and half awake, and when I came back to my senses, the other party was already close at hand.

The dilapidated city walls like ruins can't make effective defense at all, and can only watch helplessly as the army breaks through the defense line and files in.

Vortigern, who destroyed the hub city, and the Saxons, who didn't think about rebuilding, will now swallow this bitter fruit themselves.

"Enemy, enemy attack!"

Harsh screams broke the silence of the second half of the night.

The sky-high flames ignited in the city, and the scalding fire snakes spread and eroded arrogantly.Black smoke hovered in the low sky, wailing and screaming sounded one after another, and the city was in chaos.

Even as a knight who served by her side during the king's uprising, Bedivere never thought that this surprise attack would go so smoothly.

The enemy has no defense at all, and can't even make effective resistance.The soldiers rushed into Londinium with such force, slaughtering the Saxons who had long been hated like chicken blood, their eyes were completely red and filled with blood.

Loudly urging them to remain calm and not to pursue, Bedivere cast his melancholy eyes elsewhere at the same time.

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