"Are you okay? You obviously want to train this girl who doesn't know the dangers of society, right? But the problem is, she's not suitable for your style. It depends on the person who cheats, doesn't it? She's not that smart."

Chapter 0230 Little Mo who doesn't recognize his father

It's not difficult to detect Mengmeng's intentions, Luoye hastily stopped her behavior, dumbfounded.

Where is this educating Xiao Mo?It was clearly trying to harm people and lead her astray.

Mordred doesn't need to develop in this direction. She is destined to walk a stalwart and righteous path. She absolutely cannot absorb these ills and apply them to her future kingship. chain reaction.

But she herself didn't realize this at all, and she was still immersed in the joy of making new friends.I feel that Mengmeng's way of dealing with people is worth learning by myself, but I don't know that it varies from person to person.

And even if Luo Ye vaguely reveals this meaning, what makes Xiao Mo even more concerned-isn't it clear that he is mocking himself as a fool?

Qi!What a joke!People who are smarter than me in this world can be counted on one hand, okay?

Still adhering to that confident and arrogant attitude, Xiao Mo was about to retort sharply to mock the man, but after noticing the bright expression on his mother Morgan's face at this moment, he suddenly dared not speak up again.

Well, I can still say these words in my heart, so that the other party will not go back to blow the pillow beside the mother's back at night, and it will be me who will suffer.

This time Xiao Mo also learned to be smart, knowing that he was invincible, he chose to deal with it as a snake, and waited until the opponent was negligent before giving a fatal blow.

The idea may be very good, but it is a pity that it is of no use to Luo Ye.

He didn't really care what Xiao Mo was thinking at the moment, anyway, didn't he already call him Dad?Accepting this identity is only a matter of time.

I believe it won't be long before she barks even if she doesn't want to.

"Okay, you don't want to play around here, the three of us will go to see King Arthur first, and we won't be mad at that girl."

Glancing lightly at the shop owner who was confused and confused about the situation, Morgan didn't bother to talk nonsense, but a strange red light flashed in his green eyes.

Immediately, I saw the middle-aged man staring blankly at the front, as if he had forgotten everything that happened before. He couldn't even remember why these people appeared here, and he couldn't recall it completely in his memory. Start this ring.

It is obvious that Morgan used magic hints, the basic abilities that magicians in the Xingyue world often use when concealing mysteries and avoiding ordinary people.But any orthodox magician knows a thing or two about this.

Even the Church of the Holy Church, which is opposed to the Magic Association, had to use magic hints in many matters to disperse the crowd on a large scale and make them forget the unscientific things that happened.Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary people to realize how incredible this world is, and they are still immersed in that narrow world.

"Queen...you are with him, maybe just to anger your father, no, King Arthur, right?"

On the way back to the palace with a few people, Xiao Mo couldn't help asking a lot. When he finished speaking, he thought that Morgan didn't like to hear the word "father" coming out of her mouth, so he immediately changed his words wisely.

After hearing the words, Morgan, who was still in high spirits, suddenly changed his face. It seemed that his expression was completely frozen there because of the little thought that his daughter had said completely, and he was embarrassed.After a long time, she glared at Xiao Mo angrily, feeling dissatisfied with this daughter.

What are you talking nonsense about, you little brat!Is it purely intentional to hit your mother?

But... In fact, at the beginning, maybe Morgan really wanted to snatch King Arthur's man out of this revenge mentality.But then gradually I became a little bit sunken in it, enjoying the double pleasure of body and mind, and I couldn't extricate myself.

Xiao Mo, who understood the truth, immediately and wisely chose not to talk about it, and at the same time secretly complained about his mother's pathetic IQ.

Just choosing to have sex with this man just to get revenge on Arthur, this...

How should I say that you are a good old man?

In short, she didn't dare to interfere too much in the affairs between adults, even if she had some objections, she could only mutter a few times in her heart.

Whatever you like, anyway, even if I say it, I probably won't take it seriously.But that father, he won't recognize it.

There will always be only one father of my little Mo, and that is Artoria Pendoragon, and no one else is qualified to be my father at all!

Repeating this in his heart, constantly reminding himself that he only called it that way temporarily due to the situation, Mordred immediately felt much better.But she suddenly remembered something more important, and asked.

"Um... the queen mother, according to what you mean, is she reconciled with her father and King Arthur?"

Gradually recovering from Morgan's shock, Xiao Mo didn't understand why she appeared here. Isn't she not afraid of King Arthur's crusade?Or in other words...the grievances between them have been eliminated, and they have recognized each other's identities?

Thinking of this, Xiao Mo's eyes lit up.I thought to myself that if this is the case, then I don't need to worry about my identity.It can even be announced, and it can be bathed in the sun in an upright manner.

"No, you're overthinking. The two of us have only been honest with each other a few times, but we still can't get along. Hehe! Also, how can a stupid and ignorant king be compared with me? Are you right, my husband? .”

The second prisoner said words that a normal person would feel ashamed of, but Morgan didn't notice this strangeness. Instead, he was a little immersed in love, like an ignorant girl with a spring heart.

The characters of magicians are mostly incomprehensible to ordinary people, either stubborn, extreme, or simple, and the reason is very simple.

The journey of the magic way itself needs to be studied behind closed doors.Sometimes magicians are obsessed with research, and it is very likely that they have spent several months, or even a year or two, in a trance.

For such a long time without communicating with the outside world, it is not difficult to understand even if his personality becomes strange.

be honest and open?This……

Suddenly recalling the scenes witnessed by lying on the window not long ago, Mengmeng's originally white and tender face suddenly turned crimson, her eyes wandered, and her thoughts drifted to nowhere.

It's not that she deliberately wanted to be dirty, but that's the truth!

The two sisters really treated each other frankly!The relationship has not improved because of this, and they still don't see each other right.

"Even if you talk about it, it's useless, obviously the closest sister..."

Xiao Mo's voice gradually decreased.

In the end, she was actually the one who most wanted Lily and Morgan to reconcile and resolve their grievances.

Chapter 0231

Xiao Mo's current thoughts are very simple. Since his mother Morgan has appeared here in a dignified manner, it might be possible to let the old and dead parents repair their relationship with each other.

She very much hopes that one day she can see these two people living together in harmony, a happy family scene.

But what she didn't know was that Luo Ye really tried this, but it was a pity that it had little effect.Even his way of making both parties treat each other honestly can't achieve results, let alone Xiao Mo's clumsy methods nowadays.

Morgan said that he wanted the family of three to show off in front of Lily deliberately, but when he came to her excitedly, the other party was sitting at the office desk busy correcting the government affairs accumulated in the past few days.

Her originally scattered blond hair was neatly combed and coiled up high, and she also put on the most common blue knight long dress. She had no time at all and even ignored the movement here.

With the excuse that they were busy, they were left to hang out for a long time, and after polishing off their enthusiasm, Lily turned her gaze over, patted her legs solemnly, and signaled Luo Ye to sit over here.

"It's a shame, let's forget it."

Everyone understands the meaning, if there is no one around, Luo Ye might really pass by.But now he is the only old man present, and the other girls are all looking at him eagerly, even if he would feel embarrassed, he politely declined such a heart-warming proposal.

"It's up to you, the opportunity is just this once, if you miss it, it will be gone."

Lily just wanted to annoy Morgan on purpose, but she just gave up if it didn't work.She calmly looked at Morgan, who was still angry, and secretly felt a little funny, waved her hand and spoke first.

"I thought about the matter of King Arthur's family that you mentioned earlier, but I can only ask you to create it. Documentation or drawing sketches are fine. Aren't you very good at it? Just leave it to you."

She shook the slender quill in her hand, tapped the table with the fingers of her left hand to make a rhythmic tapping sound, and deliberately changed the topic again.

This unspeakable aggrieved feeling undoubtedly made Morgan quite uncomfortable.She seemed to have never expected that the other party would be so cunning, which broke her all-time impression.

Obviously not a fool, isn't he the king of fools?How to do things in a set way, I don't know how much better than her.

"I think... you spend less time studying magic in the castle and more participating in political contests, and you will be able to sharpen this level soon."

Luo Ye comforted him a little, and then took over the responsibility. It is expected that within the next month, he will create the family affairs of King Arthur's family as soon as possible.

They must be the main characters, including Guinevere and Xiao Mo.As for the supporting roles, maybe Mash and Gudazi can join in.Anyway, it's just a creation for entertainment, I believe they shouldn't mind, right?

As for the plot...

Luo Ye wanted to play pure love, and had to make corresponding magic changes.

For example, in the story of King Arthur's family affairs, Lily, Morgan, and Guinevere can be in an intricate triangle relationship, and Xiao Mo is still the daughter of Lily and Morgan.Although the family of four was noisy, they lived together under one roof in peace and harmony, and each performed their duties quite well.

Until one day, the stupid magical girl Morgan happened to pick up an evil man named Luo Ye, and the story began.The whole family began to fall step by step, and a large section of inappropriate content for children was omitted in the middle. In the end, everyone eliminated the grudges between each other and gained happiness...

Well, it's perfect!Shit!

Luo Ye was secretly taken aback by this terrifying thought that suddenly came to her.

Since when did he become so weird?

Could it be because I had too much fun with Lily and Morgan the past few days and tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, so that my mind was full of such things?

It's not impossible, after all, the feeling of being ecstatic is really good, and it makes people feel a little sinking.

I wanted to shake my head to throw this idea out, but for some reason, it became more and more deeply embedded in Luo Ye's mind, lingering for a while, aroused a strong desire to create, and made him Can't wait to start writing now.

"If you have an idea, go ahead and implement it. I'll leave this troublesome woman to you. Just don't cause trouble and trouble me."

Lily waved them away, but only stopped Mordred with a serious face.

"Xiao Mo, you left me with something to tell you. I heard that you often sneak out of the palace to go to the city recently. Is this really the case?"

"Ah? Father, where did you hear about it..."

Mordred was dumbfounded and responded tremblingly.

Didn't you, the newlyweds, have so much fun these days that you didn't pay any attention to court affairs?How come you know my every move so clearly?

"Slip away."

Seeing that Xiao Mo was going to be scolded, Luo Ye didn't intend to help her, a cheating child, but whispered into Morgan's ear, and didn't stop until the witch's fair cheeks turned slightly red.

Obviously, he roughly explained his creative ideas to Morgan.

And this young lady of the royal family who is free and pampered but has never been in contact with such things is full of novelty. She is surprised that the story can be created like this. Isn't this completely falsifying the facts?

In short, let's see what tricks he can draw first.Morgan still took a wait-and-see attitude towards this. If Luo Ye could really draw a transformation that made her feel novel and interesting, then maybe she would be willing to cooperate.

"I'm going to trouble you at that time, Mengmeng. At most, we'll just circulate it internally, so we shouldn't make it public. We still have to have a normal version for public display..."

Luo Ye wants to satisfy that bit of bad taste, and also wants to collect beliefs, so the story will undoubtedly have to be divided into two lines.

One side is the main line based on fighting, and the other side is the hidden line based on emotion.The former is open to the public, while the latter is for internal use.

"Don't worry! Just leave it to me! Isn't it just a drawing book! I will too!"

Swearing, she patted her upturned small chest and promised, a sweet smile bloomed on Mengmeng's face.

"I always feel that we are not doing business properly. We came to the British era and ended up drawing books or something... It would be a joke if we let others know. Forget it, anyway, we have already given up our face."

Luo Ye covered her face and sighed deeply, and turned to start the first creation in this era.

Chapter 0232 I draw erotica in Britain

"So, so so, you, you, you, you, you, you are drawing these things recently? Then why did you call me over here! Are you trying to embarrass me?"

In a certain room in the newly completed Camelot Palace, Guinevere covered her blushing cheeks with her flamboyant hands, completely unexpected that the two people in front of her would speak such vulgar words to her so boldly.

They worked together to make a draft called doujinshi, and the protagonist was still based on them, isn't that bullshit?

There is even said to be a version for internal use.To put it bluntly, it is a little yellow book, which specifically records some content that is not suitable for children and is inconvenient to disclose to the public.

"Hun Dan, you are just joking..."

Looking at Luo Ye's impassioned remarks to attract people into the group, I knew that he might have done this type of thing a lot before, and thinking of the frustration of being robbed of marriage not long ago, Guinevere couldn't help cursing secretly With a sound, there was a hint of sullenness on the delicate dimple.

Even though she had a good temper, it was a bit resentful to be humiliated like this.If it was before, he might choose to commit suicide directly to regain his reputation because he was afraid of losing face and being humiliated.

Don't underestimate the traditional literary etiquette followed by women in this era.

Fortunately, after the incident, Lily and Luo Ye came to the door one by one to apologize, and promised to hold another wedding in the future.This made Guinevere reluctantly choose to forgive the two, and she probably knew Luo Ye's psychology of not wanting to see her sweetheart marry someone else.

"How come? You are very talented, learn how to draw with me!"

Naturally, what Luo Ye said was not pure nonsense.Guinevere, as the daughter of King Liao Dekuan, the local princess, has learned various aspects since she was a child.Although it is impossible to reach the terrifying level of being proficient in everything in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it is not difficult to achieve a little superficial understanding.As long as there are good teachers to give advice, I believe that the level will be greatly improved in a short period of time.

In addition to the considerations tied in, Luo Ye has another layer of thinking.

Involving Guinevere, who was somewhat sidelined, would at least add to her sense of family community.It doesn't mean that he stays in the deep boudoir with a sad face all day and is unhappy.

Otherwise, if someone seizes the opportunity to sneak in, the consequences will be a bit unpleasant to see.If this person is someone who can reassure both Luo Ye and Lili, then that's not impossible.Let's take Luo Ye for example, he just happens to be qualified for this position with difficulty, isn't he?

He simply recommended himself, and Lily thought about it for a while and felt that this seemed to be a good idea.Although I am a little sorry for Guinevere, after all, I am making my own decisions for others.But in order to consolidate politics and her future happiness, it is the best choice under the current situation.

Guinevere, who was less scheming than the two, never imagined that Luo Ye's seemingly random invitation would hide such intrigues. She thought that the man just came to invite her on a whim.

Thinking that after coming to King Arthur's side, I was really bored, and I didn't make many friends. In addition, I can learn more about Lily through contacting Luo Ye. Even if it is to draw pornographic drawings, Gurney Wei'er gritted her teeth and agreed, and joined Luo Ye's newly established studio smoothly.

Hmm...there are six members in total now, excluding Lily, who basically doesn't participate and only gives a name, Luo Ye, who is the lead writer and script, assistant Mengmeng, color Morgan, background liner Guinevere, and in their spare time Xiao Mo, who occasionally comes to observe.

Although the division of duties is very clear, most of the work actually falls on Luo Ye's head, which means that he alone has to do almost everyone's work.

Fortunately, his physical fitness has made a qualitative leap compared to before, his energy and spirit are unified, and his state is not known how many times better.It can really be said that he draws like a god, with amazing efficiency, and the things he draws are more exquisite than before.

"The main story is actually not difficult, as long as it is written according to the historical plot. The key is that we have to spend a lot of thought on this extra chapter. That's right, Morgan, what about you, don't eat there. I pose, pose!"

Luo Ye, who created the first manga studio in history and wanted to create the first doujinshi, became a dictator this time, and demanded the girls under him to do this with a firm attitude. That—in fact, it was just a posing for him to collect materials.

"I, I remember that we had never used this position before! I think you are making things difficult for me, Morgan!"

Supporting the wall with both hands, the body is tense, one leg is used for support, and the other leg is raised high, posing in an extremely shameful posture. Morgan, who has not been exercising, is a little exhausted, and fine beads of sweat gradually appear on his forehead , The back is already dripping with sweat.

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