Roja just wanted to give him a chestnut.

can't read.

Why are you so serious.

Sukiyaki replied without blushing.

"This ancient text is obscure and difficult to understand. Since I succeeded to the throne, I don't have much time to review it."

"It's normal if you don't understand."

"I'm going to get the text, everyone wait a moment."

After Sukiyaki finished speaking, he walked to the depths of the screen in his room.


after awhile.

Sukiyaki came back with a slightly tattered book in his hand.

When I came to the main text of history, I started to turn it over.

Roja and Rayleigh couldn't help but leaned forward to look.

Sukiyaki didn't say anything to avoid it, and didn't let them see it.

"Hehe, you two, this book is indeed a book handed down by our ancestors to learn ancient characters."

"But it takes a special method to interpret and understand."

"And this method, we don't spread it to the outside world."

Sukiyaki raised his head, faced Roja and Rayleigh, and explained.

Raleigh just smiled, then took two steps back.

Roja rubbed his chin with his thumb and index finger.

"Not rumored."

"It's simple."

"You and I... just sworn brothers."


Sukiyaki was speechless, and gave Roja a short smile, and continued to face the above text.

But the one who was most speechless was Mita.

I treat you as a friend, but you want to be my uncle? ! !


An episode.

The crowd fell silent.

After the sukiyaki was ready, I also started to translate the fifth piece of historical text.


"I'm Joy Boy.

He is now the leader of the D family.

Our people live on the sacred island.

Guard "everything".

But with the betrayal of the tribe, "everything" was destroyed.

I lead the people to hunt down the traitors.

Finally, the Great Power War broke out.

In order to quell the war, I ate the sacred fruit - Nika, the sun god.

Because eating the sacred fruit will lose the embrace of the sea.

Once in a battle, I fell into the sea, but met the love of my life.

She is the mermaid princess and the incarnation of Poseidon, the god of the sea.

With the oath of casting Noah's Ark, he won the help of the mermaid clan.

I awaken the power of the sun god and beat the drum of liberation.

The final battle is coming.

But I still lost in the end.

The backlash of the National Coalition Forces.

The power of the heavenly king Uranus.

The power of Gaia, the god of the earth.

is the main reason for my failure.

My descendants!

If you read this passage, please complete the final mission on my behalf.

On the sacred island, there are records about "everything".

Go back to your hometown and take on the mission of our D clan.

Under this stele is my analysis of the sacred fruit - Nika, the sun god.

You can use it as a reference.

Help you beat the drums of liberation.

Remember, only divine power can defeat divine power.

Joey Boylew. "



Sukiyaki is translated.

Everyone at the scene fell silent.

Digesting this news.

Roja shook his head.

It's already numb.

Uranus, king of the sky, Poseidon, king of the sea, he knows.

But what the hell is Nika, the sun god who likes to dictate rubber fruits?

Now there is another Gaia, the god of the earth.

Roja's mind is confused now.

It became more and more chaotic.

Now I really want to shout "Gaia" and then turn into light and fly away.

Whoever likes to guess will guess!


I am Nima! ! !

Thoughts kept flashing through my mind.

Roja finally finished self-comfort.

It is impossible to become light.

Let's see how to become "Nica".

Stretching out his hand, he controlled the vine and raised the text of history in front of him.

Chapter 146 Stealing the Fruits of Victory

Roja controlled the vine to lift the fifth piece of history text.

That is the piece that Sukiyaki just translated.

Below, there is indeed a paragraph of text.

There is also a picture engraved on it.

The painting is the painting that Roger "heard" before.

It was the silhouette of a tall man, holding a sword in his hand, his arms and feet were bent as if there were no joints, and he had a bright smile on his face.

Presumably, this is either Nika, the sun god.

Either that or Joey Boy.

In other words, there is another possibility that Joyboy is the sun god Nika.


Sukiyaki also wants to ask someone to carry the historical text.

It would save effort for Roja to directly use the vines.

Step forward and immediately want to translate.

Good guy, I'm addicted to it.

But Roja stopped him.

My mind is in a mess now, so I'd better straighten things out first.

"Wait, General, let's get things straightened out."

Sukiyaki was taken aback.

"Oh, okay, that's fine."

Roja turned around and let others come up.

Get out the other people who were previously taken into the Dao Ling space.

See if you can brainstorm ideas.


"Right now, the information we have."

"First, I learned from Alsace that there was a great power war 900 years ago. There were people from the moon mixed in, and they also built one of the three ancient weapons, Pluto."

"Teacher Alsace, Alom stole the star core, what is the use of this thing, I don't know, what is the relationship between Alom and Im, and I don't know."

"Moreover, from Mr. Adam, we know that the ancestors of Adam and Eve exist in Radruf, guarding the Yada tree and the Eve tree."

"Second, we got from the Elephant Lord...."

"Wait! You said you can understand what the Lord is saying."

Both Sukiyaki and Mita were surprised.

Roja was very upset when he was suddenly interrupted.

"Roger and I know how to do it. We are very talented. I think Oden should do it too."

Now it was the father and son's turn to be confused.

I can?

My son will?


"Secondly, we know from the Elephant Master that the D clan also lived on Radruf, which is the sacred island that the Elephant Master said."

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