"Ha ha ha ha"

Roja didn't know what to say and could only laugh.

"Okay, then I'll go first, Haig, and I'll find you for a drink after my miss and I finish our errands."

After Hall finished speaking, he walked back to the town with his entourage.

Watching Hall go back, Haig also began to think about how to bring the wild boar carcass back. Is it sliced?Or carry it back whole?

Mr. Kurt also leaned on crutches, and returned to the lighthouse, saying that he would go to sleep first, and go to Haig for a drink after dinner time.

And what about Roja?

Still thinking about how to get Haig to agree to accept him as a disciple.

"Roger spent a lot of energy hunting back this huge wild boar before he got the qualification to be an apprentice. It's impossible for Uncle Haig to agree to it just by opening his mouth."

And Roger also noticed that Roja had been meditating, so he asked him.

"Roja, what are you thinking? Do you want help?"

Roja had been thinking about how he was suddenly asked by Roger, and he blurted out: "I was thinking about how to worship Uncle Haig as a teacher."

After hearing this, Roger looked clear, that's all?It's not easy!Then yelled directly at Haig.

"Uncle Haig, Roja also wants to worship you as his teacher!"

Roja didn't expect Roger to shout out so directly, and suddenly panicked.

And Haig, who was thinking about how to bring the wild boar back, became interested when he heard it, and turned to look at Roja.

"Oh! Why do you want to worship me as a teacher? Roja?"


Roja didn't expect what Haig would ask.

"Of course...Of course, Uncle Haig, you are very strong!"

Hearing what Roja said, Haig seemed very happy, and laughed loudly, "Hahahahaha...Really? Indeed! I am very strong! So, you have to have conditions if you want to worship me as a teacher, um..."

Haig thought about it, looked around, and smiled when he saw the dead boar.

"That's it! Roja, if you want to worship me as a teacher, you can bring the wild boar carcass that Roger hunted back to the hotel. If you can bring the wild boar carcass back before dawn, I will agree to your request."

Roja glanced at the wild boar carcass the size of a small truck, and swallowed.

"What the hell are you kidding?"

Looking up at Haig, his eyes are very sincere, as if asking, are you sure?

Haig also met his gaze and nodded resolutely.

Gu Mo looked at the corpse the size of a wild boar truck again, closed his eyes, exhaled heavily, and opened his eyes again, his eyes full of determination.

"Okay! Uncle, I will definitely take the wild boar with me!"

Seeing Roja's determined look, Haig was also very pleased. He just wanted to reach out and pat him on the shoulder to express his encouragement, but Roja suddenly changed the subject.

"Then... Uncle, can you... lend me 1000 Baileys first?"

Haig's hand stopped in mid-air, and he asked suspiciously.

"Why do you want 1000 Baileys?"

Roja replied, "With my current physique, I may not be able to pull the wild boar back until next year, let alone dawn. I think I should buy some tools or hire someone to help me pull the wild boar back. ( Of course I won’t tell you that it’s for drawing cards!)”

Haig laughed, and there seemed to be a bit of ridicule in the laughter, mocking Roja's youth, but even so, he took 1000 Baileys from his pocket to Roja.

However, if he knew that Roja exchanged the 1000 Baileys for three superpowers, Haig would still be able to laugh.

"Roya, you are still too young. What can you buy with 1000 Baileys to lift a wild boar weighing 1.5 tons? Hire people? You can't pull it even if you hire ten people, unless you can hire one A person who is stronger than me, but how can a strong person care about 1000 Baileys?"

Roja was thoughtful, and said to Haig, "Then I hire you to help me, will you agree?"

Haig looked at Roja strangely.

Take my money and hire me to do things for you?Boy, are you so powerful?

Haig ignored Roja's question, and walked straight back to the hotel, leaving only a back for Roja, and waved for Roger to follow.

Roger glanced at Roja.

Walking to Roja, "Roya, I will help..."

Roja: "?ω?"

Roger: "I'm helping you cheer, I'm at Uncle Haig, oh no, I'm waiting for you to come back in the master's shop, come on!!!"

Roja: "(?_?)"

Pointing at Haig, Roja looked at Roger friendly, "Thank you, Ning, hurry up, don't wait a while and you can't keep up with Uncle Haig! (Don't bother me to draw cards!)"

"It's okay! It's not that I don't know Lu, Roja, let me tell you, the wild boar king's hair is very hard, you have to be careful not to get stabbed, and... Uhhhh!" Roger couldn't see it at all. It appeared that Roja wanted him to leave quickly, and very enthusiastically asked Roja to be careful.

Roja couldn't take it anymore, covered Roger's mouth, and pushed him back, "Thank you, I understand, you go back first, let me calm down and think of a solution."

Roger straightened his straw hat and said to Roja.

"Okay! Come on then, Roja! I'll go first." After speaking, he chased after Haig.

Roja looked at the back of Roger leaving, and when his figure disappeared completely, he immediately called out the system in his mind.

"System! System! Come out quickly, I have money and I want to draw a card!!"

Looking at him, like a child who suddenly got pocket money, he immediately excitedly bought something he had wanted for a long time.The tone of throwing a lot of money, as if what was in his hand was not 1000 Baileys, but 1000 million Baileys.

The mechanical sound of the system sounded: "Yes, the host. In the process of transforming Bailey... Okay, is the host sure to buy the novice treasure chest key?"

"Stop talking nonsense, buy it, buy it directly, buy it and open the treasure chest directly!!"

Roja said impatiently.

System: "Good host, the key is being purchased, the purchase is successful!"

System: "The novice treasure box was successfully opened. Congratulations to the host for getting a free draw for each of the three card pools."

System: "Switching to the card drawing function, drawing cards..."

Chapter 6 The Emperor's Possession

System: "Drawing a card..."

The card pool of the system draws cards looks very simple, it looks like three cards. When the system starts to draw cards, the three cards will quickly rotate and start drawing cards.

Roja looked at the three rotating cards in front of him, and his heart was in his throat, and he kept silently chanting: "Possessed by the European Emperor! Possessed by the European Emperor! Possessed by the European Emperor..."

Finally, the card stopped spinning, and Roja looked at the card, only to see that the original patterned card surface of the card was covered by white light, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

Roja just wanted to ask the system why?The white light dissipated slowly from the card surface from bottom to top.In an instant, three dazzling golden lights burst out from the card, blinding Roja's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

Looking at the three glittering cards in front of him, Roja couldn't help but hear a voice in his mind.

"Wow! The Golden Legend!!!"

"This is? Is this a shipment?!"

Look at this blinding golden light, this wonderful local tyrant gold, it's outrageous that it can be an ordinary thing.

"System! System! What should I do next?"

Looking at the card in front of him, Roja asked excitedly.

System: "(⊙o⊙)!"



"Speak up, system! Don't hide inside and keep quiet, I know you're at home! It can't be that I, Ouhuang, possessed me and shipped the goods. Are you trying to renege on your debt now?!"

The system spoke in a mechanical voice. Although the voice was equally indifferent and calm, it always felt that there was more or less disbelief in the things in front of me.

"Withdrawing money from a million-card pool is normal luck, withdrawing money from a [-]-card pool is considered extraordinary luck, and withdrawing money from a [-]-card pool...does not rule out the possibility of the host exchanging his life. But the three card pools can explode together. Probability... If the card drawing function is not controlled by the system, I would suspect that you are cheating, the host. Honestly, host, how much shit did you step on to get such shit luck?"

Hearing so many words suddenly popped up by the system, a few question marks popped up next to Roja's head.

"What about your cold personality as a system? What about your indifferent voice?"

"Also, why do you care so much? Tell me what to do next."

System: "Next, the host just clicks on the card with his hand."

"that's it?"

Roja did as the system said, and tapped the card on the [-]-card pool with his right index finger, and the card turned over in an instant, and a knife was drawn on the card.

System: "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ssr weapon card, Demon Sword · Heavy Spirit. (produced by the system, must be a boutique)"

"Demon Saber Chongling? I don't know. It is produced by the system, so it must be a high-quality product? System, this knife is not drawn from other worlds, is it original?"

System: "Yes, the host, there are a small number of system-produced weapons and abilities in the card pool."

Roja scratched his chin, and secretly thought: "Isn't it unreliable? (????)"

"Forget it, how about trying the demon sword produced by the system later. Let's continue first."

Roja continued to click on the cards on the [-] Belika pool, and the cards were also turned over, this time drawing a devil fruit with a spiral pattern and shaped like an apple.

System: "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ssr item card, devil fruit-superhuman fruit-seed fruit (not affected by the curse of the sea)"

"Devil fruit! This time the product turned out to be a devil fruit, the fruit of seeds? It seems that I have never heard of it in anime."

Roja was surprised that a devil fruit exploded directly, but he didn't seem to know what kind of ability this fruit called seed fruit is, a seed?So store it in the warehouse first, and continue to open the last card.

It is a million card pool and a gold card. For this last card, Roja is looking forward to it.

Turning over the last gold card, I saw a painting on it.

The painting is a man wearing a red armor, with strange patterns on his eyes and forehead. His hands are clasped together, surrounded by light green fluorescent light. The explosive momentum on his body blows his long black hair into the air. The most important thing is , the man stood on the head of a huge wooden Buddha statue. Behind the Buddha statue, there were countless hands piled together, like a mighty Buddha light.

Although it is just a painting on the card, you can still feel the majestic aura of the man. Just looking at the whole painting, you can feel the strong sense of oppression brought by the man and the thousand-handed Buddha statue.

Roja looked at the face of the card and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Isn't this the hot guy? The hot guy said that Kyuubi is too strong, and at the same time pressed it with one hand with a wooden escape, saying that he wanted to seal it; the man who ended the Warring States Period and was called the 'God of Ninja'— —A Senshoubashirama??”

Roja was a senior otaku in his previous life, so it would be strange if he didn't know Senju Hashirama.

System: "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ssr card, the Senshou Hashirama cell, and successfully learning all the wood escape ninjutsu. (From Naruto Shippuden World)"

The intercolumn cell card is an ability card, and it is not stored in the warehouse, but with a whoosh, it turns into a ray of light and directly merges into Roja's body.

Roja suddenly felt that there was a huge power in his body, his hands were eager to try, and all the names and ways of making seals about the wood escape ninjutsu appeared in his mind.

Putting your palms together, you shouted: "Wood Dun-Wood Dingbi!"

As the voice fell, a row of wooden pillars appeared directly from the ground in front of Roja, bent to form a buttress to protect Roja.

It took less than a second from Roja's palms together to the appearance of the wooden pillar. Roja, who had just mastered the wooden escape, learned the very good ability of Hashirama, instant ninjutsu.

Isn't ninjutsu just opening your mouth?Still want to seal? ?

However, ninjutsu really needs to make seals. If you don’t make seals, it’s not ninjutsu. It’s just that the speed of seals is 0.0001 seconds per seal.

Looking at the suddenly protruding wooden pillar in front of him, Roja's eyes lit up, "It's so handsome!" Then he noticed the ninjutsu in his mind called "Top Transformation Buddha", the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his hands clasped together again, The aura exploded and stirred, and he shouted with all his strength: "Mu Dun-top Buddha!"

As Roja's words came out, the aura on his body became stronger, his hair was blown up, and finally the aura dissipated, and then... nothing more.

Nothing happened, only a gust of sea breeze blew through Roja's hair, and Roja just squatted like this, clasped his hands together, and looked at the wooden pillars that still existed in front of him and the ground that hadn't changed in any way.

"What's going on here? System! System!" Roja immediately called out the system and asked.


System: "Host, are you a bit overconfident? You have just mastered the elementary wooden escape, and you want to use the top wooden escape ninjutsu to 'top up the Buddha'. Why don't you go to heaven?"

"What's a primary wood dungeon!" Roja was puzzled. Could it be that I can use its full strength after drawing a card?I want to go back and beat Roger up!

System: "The abilities of all the cards drawn by the host were only at the initial stage when they were first obtained. The host needs to exercise and improve himself. (If you can get all the power at once, how can you squeeze the host's money...)"

"What? What was your last mutter?"

System: "No, it's nothing, the host can now open the character panel to know his own strength."

Roja: "Character panel? Why wasn't there before."

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