Lie Hu hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind, he wants to join Roger!

"Brothers! Kill!!"

"Protect the ships and the ships of the Roger Pirates."

"You damn navy! If you destroy Brother Roger and his ship today, I won't be called Langlam Liehu!"

Seeing this, Yanlong had nothing to do.

It's not bad to seek refuge with the Roger Pirates, but whether you can survive today depends on their light!

It is impossible for the Navy to let them go.

Then I hope Roger, Roja and the others can win!

In this way, they still have a chance to escape and live.


Battles abound on Yamatia.

Naval soldiers, people organized by CP vs demon plants and scattered pirates.

There are swords and swords almost everywhere, and flames are flying everywhere.

At the front of the island, in the air near the pier, is the battlefield between Lingling and General Dokdo.

The place near the tallest building in the middle is the battlefield of the Red Earl and the Warring States.

Loaf and 83 fought on the right side of the island, Duolingo and Shanks, Bucky was also here.

After fighting, he and Kuihuang and his troops started to run wild on the island.

Their strength is too weak, and they need to rely on the plants of the demon world to deal with the enemy.

Bucky's ability to split has played a big role in several situations, making several navy and CP organizations who use swords stunned for a moment.

And the high altitude next to the building is undoubtedly the battlefield of the two bosses, Roja and Dimitri.

The outcome of the two of them is related to the final result of today's battle.

Inside the building, 32 led a group of younger brothers to "suppress" Mu Huang Luo Ya.

And under the building, in the fake ring, is the battlefield between John and Wald.

There are other battlefields organized by captains and cps.

Among them, the most famous one is the Hat Pirates.

The captain, Mr. Momora, is a superhuman hat fruit capable person.

There are only three people in their pirate group, the captain, the navigator, and a sailor who steers, cleans, and cooks.

But now I only see him and the sailor, also his apprentice, a boy named Yutou.

The navigator was gone.

That's because they are looking at the long-term. The three of them came here. Their purpose is the same as Roja's, that is the red history text!


in the building.

Roja expressed his disdain to the cp3 crowd surrounding him.

Dimitri couldn't even keep him, and his subordinates were even less qualified.

Staying here is just for the beautiful process of finding the treasure not to be disturbed.

Moreover, these people who are all cp3, their memory is the best thing Roja has in-depth understanding of cp organization.


"Ten Blades · Spider Fang!"

32. Eight spider legs appeared from behind, and Lanjiao was strengthened into 8-sword style, and the two swords in the hand were combined into [-]-sword style.

The two knives in the hands stabbed straight, the sharp feet behind the back opened, and pierced Roja in eight directions, looking like a spider head with a huge mouth open.

"Ten Swordsmanship?"


Roja stood up unhurriedly and said.

So...he's coming too.

Eight vines grew out from behind, wrapping around the long knife that appeared out of thin air.

It shot out instantly, killing other members of cp3 who attacked together.

Facing 32, the bone claws popped out from Roja's back in an instant, grabbed it, slammed it to the ground, the ground cracked instantly, and then threw it out.



After 32 got up again, the eyes under the mask opened uncontrollably.

I saw that the hall has been occupied by plants and vines.

And his team members have all been knocked down, all tied up by vines.

Roja sat on a wooden chair, like the king here.

What a joke, if even these people have to fight hard, what will Roja use to face Im?

Are you passionate?

"It's really a 'poor' life."

"I'm not used to sitting on the sofa."

"The wooden chair is still comfortable."

Roja leaned on the wooden chair and said with a casual look.

He lazily stretched out his hand and held it instantly, all the vines released lightning, and all the bound cp3 members howled.

The thunder and lightning dissipated, white air burst out, and everyone was stunned.

Immediately, a tree of evil thoughts in the shape of an evil spirit grew from the vines, rooted in its head and began to read memories.

Watching this scene, 32's anger overcame his fear.


With a roar, the lower body turned into a spider body, the top exploded, and the abdomen was split open, like 8 scarlet spider eyes.

Opening his mouth, he spit out a spider web with venom, opened it, and covered Roja.

With so many memories flooding into his mind, Roja was also very tired. He rested his elbow on the handle of the wooden chair, supported his head on the back of his hand, and faced the spider web under the cover. There is not even slag left.

Seeing this, 32 raised his head and spit out spider silk from his mouth, which stuck to the ceiling and swung up. He flipped in the air, and his arms and legs were all cut out.

"Land's Foot Ten Blade Bite!"

Roja still kept the digested memories as they were, remembering the useful ones, and not needing to occupy the brain capacity for the useless ones.

Shi Daolan slashed and flew towards him, and Susano in the third form appeared instantly, holding a shield to block it, even though he could block it without a shield.

Then he raised his hand and shot an arrow.

Without Amaterasu, Roja didn't want to destroy the building before he got the treasure.

Susano flew towards the arrow, 32's figure flashed, and eight holes appeared on the ground, 32's figure flew to the ceiling, stood upside down, and stood on top of the eight feet.

The arrow flew over and accurately hit "Long Luoya" who was unconscious in the corridor...the cracks spread out on the wall next to it. It is estimated that if the arrow is pulled out, the wall will collapse.

Roja shook his head and stood up.

"They're all small soldiers, and they don't have any useful memories."

"Hope, you will be useful."

"small bug."

Smiling and beckoning to 32, Roja had a faint smile on his face, but in 32's eyes, it was full of ridicule.


Elsewhere the fight was intense.

Long Luoya wandered around the building like his own home.

With the help of the "gold detector" of the system, he successfully found the dark room where Lockes' treasure was hidden.

However, Long Luoya didn't expect someone to strike earlier than him.

Chapter 445 Whoever loses is the grandson

The sky next to the building.

The figures of Dimitri and Roger kept flickering and colliding, each impact was like a meteorite colliding, a huge air wave swept out, the clouds were gradually dispersed, and the sun was completely exposed.

The speed of the two of them, if they were replaced by people with two lower levels of strength, they might be kicked beyond recognition even if they couldn't see their shadows clearly.


Roger has seen people fighting with knives, swords, guns and axes, but this is the first time Roger has seen someone fighting with crutches like Dimitri.

And the strength is stronger than the enemies he encountered before, and only Rocks can compare with him.

But when dealing with Lockes, it was because Roger's fruit body was restrained, so he was a little embarrassed.

But Dimitrit, one of the five old stars in front of him, has no restraint or restraint.

"Fingergun Doerbird!"

Dimitri held the cane with one hand, spun it, and shot a finger gun with it, and the head of the cane hit Roger from top to bottom.

"One Sword Style · God's Avoidance!!"

Roger took a step with his right foot, bent slightly, held a knife in one hand, and slashed up from bottom to top, meeting the head of Dimitri's crutch.

The blade and the head of the crutch are not aligned, but the center point is a duel between the overlord-colored red lightning balls colliding.

The two were at a stalemate, and instantly switched to their hands in tacit understanding.

Dimitri pressed down hard with his canes in both hands.

Roger picked up the knife handle with both hands.

The red lightning ball in the middle kept compressing and compressing, and red lightning filled the surroundings of the two of them.

Still at a stalemate.

The two hit each other, and now whoever loses is the grandson, an instant explosion broke out, and the two let out roars that could clearly be seen in the throat.


The energy ball in the middle is getting smaller and smaller, which means, you guys can play, I can't hold it anymore.

In an instant, the red lightning ball disappeared, and the blade and the crutch met head-on.

At the collision point, countless giant red lightning burst out instantly, and the two extremely powerful domineering auras merged together, followed by the red lightning and erupted, sweeping the sky over the entire island.

The buildings on the side shook three times, and all the glass was shattered. Under such an impact, they didn't collapse, which is considered a formidable architect.

And even if it erupted in the sky, the battlefield below was greatly affected.

Near the center of them, the trees were uprooted by the blow, and the trees on the periphery were also bent.

But unless Roja dies, or takes the initiative to cancel, or a steady stream of trees and demonic plants will continue to appear until his physical strength is exhausted.

And such a domineering look swept down, not only trees and plants were injured.

People who were close to the building, except for a few powerful ones, were so shocked that they foamed at the mouth and passed out.

Kui Huang took Duolingo and Shanks, Bucky and his men just arrived not far from the building.

This time, Kuihuang's younger brother was directly taken away by two-thirds.

Duolingo, Shanks, and Bucky couldn't stop the impact.

Bucky's upper body fell directly from the sky, and he passed out directly.

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