If you buy too much, it is basically someone holding it.It wasn't until Yin Ze carried the weight on his hands, lost his will and soul, and followed the girl step by step for more than 20 minutes, that he realized that something was wrong.

How did I become a shopping cart!

"Did you participate in this kind of activity when you were studying?" Haneda Mari's hair was tied into a student-like ponytail, and she swayed slightly with her footsteps.

"No, there was a sports meeting." Yin Ze thought for a while.

"Huh? Have you participated in any projects?" Mari Haneda was curious.

"...I fell into a conspiracy and was able to sign up for the 5000-meter long-distance race." Yin Ze expressed a sad expression, "All the sports students have finished running, and I am left with a few fellow competitors. In the circle, he waved his big hand and pardoned the world, saying that it should end and start the next one."

"How did you choose? Which place? Did you run to the finish line with tenacious will and successfully complete the race even though your body was hard to bear? Did you get applause from everyone?" Mari Haneda looked forward to.

"No, after the referee finished speaking, we brothers left to take a rest and drink water." Yin Ze scratched his head.

"Too unambitious!" Mari Haneda was disappointed.

"No, this is a stop loss." Yin Ze said deeply.

"Have you never had the experience of winning a ranking?" Mari Haneda asked again.

"Does No. 3 in grade football count?" Yin Ze thought for a while.

"That's fine. I didn't expect you to play football before." Mari Haneda was surprised, "Could it be that you used to be the type of sports and sunshine, and what position did you play?"

"Full-back. At that time, our tactic was to defend and counterattack." Yin Ze nodded.

"Then you are the core?" Mari Haneda knew little about football, but when he heard this, a person wearing a red short jacket, leggings and stockings, with domineering spikes, stepped in and stood majestically near the penalty area A dignified look.

"It's a pity that the strategy was only half successfully implemented. We only managed to defend and did not counterattack. After more than 40 minutes of stalemate, we still lost with a result of [-]-[-]." Yin Ze sighed.

"That's not bad. As an important role in defensive tactics, you have played very well, and you have put in unimaginable training and hard work on weekdays, right?" Mari Haneda comforted.

"No, I was actually just pulled by my tablemate to make up the number of people, and I stood near the door frame to accompany the goalkeeper for the entire field." Yin Ze said honestly.

"Aren't you guys defending the whole court?" Haneda Mari was taken aback.

"Yeah, the striker has been defending all the time. He finally broke through and was pushed back, and then broke through again. The see-saw was very intense. Unfortunately, the light was too dazzling that day, and the distance was too far away, so I couldn't see the details clearly." Yin Yin Ze shook his head.

"That, that's not bad, you ended up being the third in the grade, after a few rounds of bloody battles." Haneda Mari nodded.

"No, actually there are only three teams in total. The students in other classes are really lacking in interest. Let alone making up the number of people, they have to go to the wholesale market to buy team uniforms, so they simply abstained." Yin Ze explained.

Mari Haneda stretched out her hand to rest her forehead with a headache, "So your years of student life are all comic material...?"

"It's just that the general public has too many good expectations for youth." Yin Zeyi said righteously, "How can there be so many campus stories of passionate counterattacks, youthful sourness and sweetness in the world, and there are not so many good-looking protagonists with emotional difficulties. Everyone in the student stage is still in a state of ignorance and little knowledge. They only think that the cafeteria should not be too crowded today, and that the next session will be a computer class. It’s really good, and they are staying in school for an endorsement. When will the husband of the head teacher call and urge her to go back to eat... At that time, we were not smart, so each was not perfect, and each had regrets."

"It's not all right. The ending of your story is very good. I heard from that teacher that you are at the end of the semester. You faced up to the difficulties and got the admission letter in three months." Mari Haneda glanced at him One look and say, "When can you tell me more about the process?"

"Why are you so interested in my affairs?" Yin Ze wondered, "And you always talk about me. When you were studying, did you recall any events in your life?"

"If I have to say it, I used to be in the theater department and I worked on "Romeo and Juliet." Mari Haneda said.

"Oh, can't you tell, he has a glorious past, is the one who plays Romeo the most popular person in the club?" Yin Ze groaned.

"No, I'm playing one of the villains who stop this epic love." Haneda Mari stuck out her tongue.

"It's okay, anyway, I have active experience." Yin Ze paused, suddenly became awkward, and asked embarrassedly, "Well, cough, it's a bit rude to say, it's when you officially starred, including rehearsals. , the one with the hero and heroine is a kissing scene, is it a real kiss?"

"Of course!" Mari Haneda said seriously.

What a great artistic sentiment.

I hate why I came to be a voice actor instead of going to a theater troupe!Man makes a fist.

"However, the actors in Romeo and Juliet are all women, which disappoints you." Mari Haneda paused for a while before adding with a smile, "I'm still a student anyway, how dare I do that, the whole school will have to discuss it the next day superior."

"Wouldn't that be better?"


"By the way, is there going to be a performance later?" Yin Ze looked at the lively crowd.In addition to Xiangyue sauce, it seems that there are other stage shows.For example, now he can see those leather students dressed up as amusement park dolls. Some of these guys are dressed as blue-eyed white dragons, and some are dressed as Godzilla. on stage.

Just as he was talking, a raffia cat with a half-smiley expression ran over in a naive manner, and circled around the two of them.As a girl, Mari Haneda naturally likes such cute things. Not long after, the two guys began to interact with each other in front of someone.

"Oh, wait a minute." Seeing this, Yin Ze walked up to separate the doll and the girl, and said vigilantly, "Please maintain a normal social distance."

"What are you doing, why are you pushing others away?" Mari Haneda poked her head out from behind, her eyes were ulterior motives, and her tone was very teasing.

"You are new to the world, and you have never encountered these routines." Yin Ze said seriously.

"Oh? What kind of routine? The routine of flirting with girls?" Mari Haneda raised her eyebrows a little funny.

"It's not that vulgar thing, but buying and selling by force!" Yin Ze said in a deep voice, full of regret for being cheated, "This kind of doll pounces on you and wants to lure you to take a photo with him, but the photo If you don't pay, you'll ask for a price, and if you don't pay, you'll be spoiled, just like a seller of cut cakes."

Thinking back when he was young and innocent, he bumped into street people dressed as Monkey King in the ancient street. Along the way, the Great Saint happily wanted to make passers-by laugh, but everyone was indifferent to him and didn't say a word.In line with the great dream of eliminating the barriers between people's hearts, the man took the initiative to talk to him, and the great saint was also very moved, so he pulled him, and not long after, they leaned tenderly on each other's shoulders and took pictures as a souvenir .

Unexpectedly, the monk with a rough face and a thunderous mouth would turn his face and deny anyone after the incident. He stretched out four fingers and asked for 40 yuan each.

Mari Haneda was speechless for a moment.

Raffia suddenly hugged the man tightly, clasped the man's waist with both hands like pliers, and would not let go.

"What's wrong, I was exposed, and I became angry from embarrassment. If you can't cheat, you have stolen it, right?!" Yin Ze was shocked, "Quickly call the discipline director to come over, and give him a classic package of expulsion and detention for probation!"

Raffia took off the doll's head, revealing a face that could barely be called a good evaluation in front of the man.

"Wu that dog thief! Return my game saves—!! Haneda Yuuma roared ferociously."

Chapter 120 Six is ​​the Victory of Technology

Raffia's head was resting on the steps, and his expression was still smiling so stupidly.

"If I'm not wrong, you should also be a member of the sixth class, right? Instead of being a chef and waiter, help your classmates and sister share the burden of the coffee shop in obscurity, and come here to make a name for yourself by cheating and abducting?" Yin Yin Ze moved with affection.

"I was drawn to be the only image ambassador of the third grade, and I was responsible for adding fuel to the school festival with my body. Do you have any questions about this?" Haneda Yuma was wrapped in a doll costume, his head was sweating, and his face was gloomy Eagle, "Why are you here, still entangled with my elder sister?"

"Brother, you don't know something." Yin Ze was ready to speak carefully.

"Be careful what you say, who is your brother?" Yuma Haneda waved his hand.

"I mean junior." Yin Ze paused, "The store in your class was closed because of too many customers and the ingredients were exhausted. Haneda also retired after finishing his career, and he is teaming up with me to enjoy This event."

"There is still such a thing, why is it like this." Yuma Haneda seemed a little disappointed, "I still want to go back to class and be treated by classmates who pretend to be maids, and have a work meal."

"What's so difficult about this? There aren't many other school festivals, but there are so many maid cafes. Which one should you go to? There are three in the corridor of your class." Yin Ze said.

"That was my ex-girlfriend's class, it's embarrassing to go to." Haneda Yuma shook his head and said.

"How about two more rooms?"

"They are the classes of ex-girlfriends and those who chased me unsuccessfully."



Yin Ze and Haneda Mari looked at each other, and found that this sister also looked surprised.

"If I remember correctly, you were dumped some time ago?" the man asked.

"There is such a thing." Yuma Haneda admitted.

"I still remember that you were so devoted that you even wanted to give her a souvenir of the breakup." The man recalled.


"You even talked about your views on marriage with me. You were pragmatic and down-to-earth in all your words, and you also advised me not to be fascinated by false romance."

"so what?"

"But you have two ex-girlfriends and a hard-working suitor?"

"Why do you feel strange? Is this puzzling?" Haneda Yuma was puzzled, "When we encounter a problem, we must solve it, not escape it. Life partner is such a big event, it is even more unavoidable It’s okay, but the problem of love is not a reference, and variables such as appearance, family background, and personal ability affect the result, so I can only use the most stupid exhaustive method and keep trying and erroring.”

"So you are actively dating, trying to find the right one in the vast sea of ​​people?" Yin Ze was stunned.

"If you don't look for it, there will be no result. Life is made up of various trials. I am walking along the trial of love." Yuma Haneda said slowly.

"Isn't this a scumbag?" Yin Ze slapped his thigh, his voice raised, and he wanted to use a loudspeaker to publicize it everywhere.

"This term usually refers to a kind of men among men who are not serious about the relationship between the opposite sex and play with each other's feelings. I put my heart into every relationship, and never do the shameless act of stepping on two boats. Faced with an ambiguous relationship, the clean A clean break, never procrastinating, fishing, and sternly rejecting the confession that he doesn't like girls. It doesn't meet the definition of a scumbag at all." Haneda Yuma said carefully, "I'm even very good!"

"It's unreliable to hear that every relationship is sincere. It's already full of scum. Young people still need to learn to love themselves and don't do too many wrong things." said.

"Have you ever been in a relationship?" Yuma Haneda asked backhandedly.

"Who do you look down on, young man?" Yin Zeang raised his head, "I have a wealth of secret love experience, all kinds of warm and comforting quotes are at my fingertips, the speed of cleaning the shopping cart is the fastest in the circle of friends, the betrayer of the AA system, the emperor of payment, every time a friend If you are trapped by love, they will come to me to talk, I always advise them, and I am revered as the body of the moon old man, the middle-aged form of Cupid oriental."

"I'm not asking about your title and resume, do you have actual combat experience?" Yuma Haneda insisted.

"Yes...of course." The man frowned.

"How was the experience?"

"so so."

"This is a lie." Haneda Yuma asserted, his eyes were piercing, and his ears were erected, "It's like my parents asking me about my academic performance. If the score is really high enough, I will say it is very good, but If I fail and feel ashamed to say it, I will answer mediocre to prevaricate."

"Hey, you kid." Yin Ze turned his head angrily, and used the head teacher's must-kill to complain to his family, "This kind of brother? You don't care?"

"I have never been in a relationship, and I have no right to speak." Haneda Mari said while holding the snacks.

"Why did you say 'also'? You don't believe me?" Yin Ze was taken aback.

"Believe it, I believe everything you say." Mari Haneda hurriedly lowered her head and tore the packing bag.

"Some people, who are older than me and have a few barrels more food, just want to show off their old age and show off in front of truly outstanding young people with self-reliance, but they don't know that this is a kind of stupidity." Yuma Haneda shook his head and sighed. "You don't have much real talent and learning, but you are very proficient in talking on paper. It is really worrying that society and the times are currently in charge of you."

"Loyal words are harmful to the ear and good for deeds, young man, don't be ignorant of good and bad." The man said in a deep voice.

"It's only because I listened to you, okay?" Haneda Yuma said very disgusted, "It's a great youth, don't muster up the courage to confess to the person you like loudly, don't hug and kiss under the fireworks display, don't string small papers in class No, don’t hold hands under the shade of the trees. Instead, I’m 27 or [-] like you. My career is mixed, and I can’t make ends meet every month. In the end, I can only regret and miss the past at the class reunion, and find someone to make do with on the blind date arranged by my parents?"


"Forget it, let's not talk about this, how are you going to pay me for the game save?" Haneda Yuma asked sharply, "I have a little trust in you, I didn't expect to make an old file that covered 99% of the progress with the new file Such a disgraceful thing!"

"How are you doing?" Yin Ze's complexion changed suddenly, and he laughed mockingly.

"Because you and my sister are colleagues, please have a lunch, and this matter will be over." Haneda Yuma rubbed his hungry stomach. He walked from the front door to the back door wearing such a heavy doll costume. Don't touch any water, don't eat rice, and your hungry chest sticks to your back.

"I, just, no." The man shook his hair provocatively.

"Why do you behave like this? Are you justified for doing something wrong?" Yuma Haneda was dissatisfied.

"Yo, are you in a hurry? Come and grab the wallet if you have the ability." The man laughed loudly, patted his trousers bag, and looked very aggressive.

In the next moment, a certain aura of a hungry wolf envelops someone, yes, it is the aura of a hungry wolf, the key is hunger.Yuma Haneda is a typical action guy, rushing up with a doll suit weighing a few kilograms, throwing the man to the ground, and riding on his face to output.

"Last time I was hungover and in a bad state. This time I still want to show my prestige? Do you think I watched so many martial arts movies and TV dramas in the 90s for nothing? Your meridians must be broken, and there will be no return!" Yin Zeju Smiling defensively with his hands, he said that he did what he said, and immediately turned over, pinned Garfield to the ground, and raised his hand to strike at the furry buttocks.

Two big men, both at the peak of their physical functions, hugged each other and tore each other on the steps. Master Yin went all out for the rest of the battle, and even called up the UFC game video and placed it next to his field of vision. Take a picture of a tiger and draw a cat.Yin Ze locked Haneda Yuma!

The golden snake is entwined!

Nelson locks!

Thunderbolt chasing soul lock!

Mandarin Duck Qiankun Twist Lock!

When had Master Haneda seen such a powerful, imaginative, advanced and invincible ground technique, he immediately fell into a disadvantage, and he tried his best to break free, but Master Yin held on tightly and refused to let go, and proudly gave a villainous look from time to time. Jie Jie's arrogant laughter attracted strange looks from passers-by.

"That's it, Haneda Yuma, I just want to see your expression, that expression of defeat and humiliation on your face!" Master Yin's face was full of arrogance.

When Master Haneda came to this desperate situation, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind.

The key to winning or losing lies elsewhere.

So the male high school student stretched out his hand with difficulty.

"Hmph, tickling, this is only used when children fight. This is not a serious attack. Are you massaging me... Hey, wait a minute, don't touch it! Don't touch it! That's not a pants bag, that's Cross!"

The tide of battle was reversed in an instant.

Five minutes later, the three sat on the steps in silence.

"Actually, you know, I'm not that kind of person. Of course, after hearing you describe your situation in detail, I'm sure I'm willing to help you. If I, Takizawa Satoru, have a bite, my brother will have a bite." The man smiled warmly, like a spring day melting winter snow, and patted Haneda Yuma's shoulder kindly.

"You finally figured it out."

"Of course, we've fought side by side. The matter of my hangover being taken care of is barely attributable to you, and I've always felt sorry for your save file. How about we go eat fried rice with eggs?"

"Do not."

"Okay, let's be extravagant, scramble an extra egg on the egg fried rice."

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